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Re: JCLIST Stands up for Free Speech. Why is it alone?
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2008/5/9 2:53
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2023/12/12 0:04
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Btw, my account on Nextdoor was disabled because "I no longer live in the neighborhood." Not sure how or why the would have tracked this down. It's true, I moved for family reasons a year ago but I continue to have an office in Jersey City and to be active in my parish and in various community organizations.

Is it paranoid to think someone ratted me out and this is a pretext? My wife, for example, posts about non controversial things and she has not had her account shut down.

Posted on: 2022/1/17 19:20

Re: JCLIST Stands up for Free Speech. Why is it alone?
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2008/5/9 2:53
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Dear RCScott:

Looks like you may be right and Nextdoor is not owned by FB. Or it is? There are posting saying both. This post says that FB has a competing platform, Neighborhoods.

Now that I think about it, I'm not sure what is worse. That Nextdoor was owned by FB which appears to be wrong or that Nextdoor an independent startup is just as Orwellian as the Chineses corrupted and monopolistic FB.

Please keep the corrections coming. This is how truth comes out!



Posted on: 2022/1/12 21:10

Re: JCLIST Stands up for Free Speech. Why is it alone?
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2017/3/11 0:37
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2024/6/6 20:27
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What 'basis' to 'believe'? That article simply says it's part of their ad network. Just like this site is loaded with Google ads and analytics/tracking. Nowhere does it mention FB controlling it.

Posted on: 2022/1/12 20:17

Re: JCLIST Stands up for Free Speech. Why is it alone?
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2008/5/9 2:53
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2023/12/12 0:04
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Dear Mr. RScott:

Thanks for your correction, if you are correct. There is, however, a lot of basis to believe that Nextdoor is owned or otherwise controled by FB.

See, for example, ... ntly%20reached%20out%20to,Facebook%20Audience%20Network%20(FAN).



Posted on: 2022/1/12 16:42

Re: JCLIST Stands up for Free Speech. Why is it alone?
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2008/5/9 2:53
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2023/12/12 0:04
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LOL, would gladly post in Latin but not only would the censor miss it but so would my friends and neighbors.

This entire idea of shutting down the discussion because its "dangerous" is crazy and foreign. True, western democracies had censored speech traditionally, basically based on concerns about obscenity and blasphemy. The First Amendment was written to prevent the Federal Government from censoring political speech. This became controlling over the states after the enactment of the 14th Amendment.

SCOTUS has repeatedly held that even speech which on its face is dangerous- advocating the killing of groups or the over throw of the government is still protected.

The Common Law does have provisions for addressing false speech in Libel and slander actions. It also has provisions for addressing speech that causes immediate harm, e.g. yelling fire in a crowded theater- that is a basis for inciting a riot etc and creates liability.

The posters who seem unable to communicate without making juvenile personal attacks seem to have amnesia about how this country was until a few years ago. Ironically, there are almost no restrictions on obscenity and none on blasphemy.

Yet now our scientists, doctors, teachers, judges, lawyers are being terrorized into a party line.

Posted on: 2022/1/12 16:26

Re: JCLIST Stands up for Free Speech. Why is it alone?
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2010/1/22 18:54
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The Trump virus certainly has been a disaster for the world. It's a shame that when he goes to jail it will infect all those inmates

Posted on: 2022/1/11 12:20

Re: JCLIST Stands up for Free Speech. Why is it alone?
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2006/5/4 4:58
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I think I have your answer. You should start posting in Latin. I doubt a Latin post will get flagged, unless the moderator was a really good student in a Jesuit High School or College.


Mao wrote:
Wanted to generate some appreciative feedback for JCLIST, but no luck.

I don't post on FB and have no Twitter Account. I do, however, use Nextdoor. Apparently, they are now owned by FB.

Nextdoor's censor is truly Orwellian. A post there which questions or attacks the vaccines for covid is not allowed to be put up. Moreover, I am then blocked prospectively unless I swear to follow the censor.

If one speaks indirectly or in code, it will be posted. However, it is inevitably taken down within an hour or two.

Even an abstract post to discuss freedom of speech and censorship was taken!

An experience, perhaps, of things to come.

Posted on: 2022/1/11 2:27

Re: JCLIST Stands up for Free Speech. Why is it alone?
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2017/3/11 0:37
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2024/6/6 20:27
From Jersey City
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There is a difference between free speech and spreading dangerous misinformation!!!! Oh, and Facebook does not own Nextdoor (ar you trying to spread MORE misinformation?)

Posted on: 2022/1/10 21:40

Re: JCLIST Stands up for Free Speech. Why is it alone?
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2008/5/9 2:53
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2023/12/12 0:04
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Wanted to generate some appreciative feedback for JCLIST, but no luck.

I don't post on FB and have no Twitter Account. I do, however, use Nextdoor. Apparently, they are now owned by FB.

Nextdoor's censor is truly Orwellian. A post there which questions or attacks the vaccines for covid is not allowed to be put up. Moreover, I am then blocked prospectively unless I swear to follow the censor.

If one speaks indirectly or in code, it will be posted. However, it is inevitably taken down within an hour or two.

Even an abstract post to discuss freedom of speech and censorship was taken!

An experience, perhaps, of things to come.

Posted on: 2022/1/10 19:26

JCLIST Stands up for Free Speech. Why is it alone?
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2008/5/9 2:53
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2023/12/12 0:04
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Posts: 509
Congrats to JCLIST for allowing free speech- in particular about the Wuhan flu and various responses to it.

Why are almost all of the other established platforms engaging in view point discrimination?

Why are the professional societies, corporate interests, universities, unions, churches all tripping over themselves to virtue signal that they are on the side of the anti reason and anti speech.

And why are most normal people not freaked out by this???????

Posted on: 2022/1/5 20:16

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