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Re: New Bike Lane !!
Home away from home
In addition to the above, in the morning I have been sitting on the bus for 10-20 minutes while trash (I believe it's commercial) is picked up. The trash guy was running back and forth like crazy to do it fast but businesses can rack up a lot of trash. I don't know if night pick ups are possible over there, maybe they have to look into that. Also,since there's no no place for people to double park while they pick up and drop people off illegally they often pull into the bus stops to do it, so the bus then blocks traffic, and that creates a back up and on we go......... I realize there is a parking issue in the city, and I don't have any answers, but I agree, any green advantage from the bike lanes on Montgomery in particular, is negated by all the idling traffic.
Posted on: 2019/9/9 13:20
Re: New Bike Lane !!
Home away from home
2007/8/1 19:34 Last Login : 2022/4/27 19:59 From journal square
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Disagree. Im a biker, but this city is already so limited for street parking. not everyone wants to pay $20 to park to run in and grab something, and some people who live in the area should have the right to street park as well. There are ways to have bike lanes and also allow cars to park. Either make two ways into one ways. Or make wider streets. And it kills me that new developments like all of Liberty Harbor didnt have the foresight to make streets wide enough to allow parked cars, driving lanes and bike lanes co-exist. They had a blank slate to start with!
Posted on: 2019/9/6 19:58
Re: New Bike Lane !!
Home away from home
Here's an easy way to solve that - get rid of the all the street parking on that block. Why does the city need to provide parking when there are parking lots all up and down that street?
Posted on: 2019/9/6 15:47
Re: New Bike Lane !!
Home away from home
Passing Montgomery st during rush hr it was grid locked. With only one lane heading east now cars were backed up behind cars trying to enter Edison fast park. There is no longer a second lane to allow traffic to pass any obstruction. Looking west Montgomery was also grid locked for as far as I could see. Can anyone explain why 3 bike lanes in each direction for a total of 6 is needed? Any green benefit is surely off set by hundreds of idling cars polluting the air.
Posted on: 2019/9/6 14:30
Re: New Bike Lane !!
Home away from home
When I see parents take their babies/children from the back seat of the car and they are exiting onto the bike lane, I see future problems. Several months ago, my husband pulled me from a potential accident when a biker made an illegal turn and nearly knocked me over. Most likely I would have hit the sidewalk, I was lucky that day. The same thing could happened with parents and children. It was safer when the parents exit on the sidewalk with their children instead of a bike lane.
Posted on: 2019/9/6 0:55
Re: New Bike Lane !!
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
Registered Users
Posted on: 2019/9/5 23:47
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: New Bike Lane !!
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
Registered Users
Posted on: 2019/9/5 23:45
Get on your bikes and ride !
New Bike Lane !!
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
Registered Users
Jersey City installs new bike lanes on Bergen Ave. between Sip and Montgomery. ... -along-bergen-avenue.html
Posted on: 2019/9/5 23:44
Get on your bikes and ride !