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Re: Developers Planning to Relocate St. Lucy's - Create Market Rate Housing
Home away from home
New $15M homeless shelter a 'great blessing' for Downtown Jersey CityA new $15 million homeless shelter may rise in Downtown Jersey City, part of a deal between city government, the Archdiocese of Newark and real estate developers Claremont Companies that would pave the way for a 430-unit residential building constructed on the site of the 32-year-old St. Lucy's shelter. ... meless_shelter_a_gre.html
Posted on: 2018/12/9 1:15
Re: Developers Planning to Relocate St. Lucy's - Create Market Rate Housing
Home away from home
Where is your stats that Councilman Boggiano is wrong, nicky?
Posted on: 2018/12/8 16:26
Re: Developers Planning to Relocate St. Lucy's - Create Market Rate Housing
Home away from home
That would be a "no". Just more rabble rousing from the usual suspects.
Posted on: 2018/12/7 19:22
Re: Developers Planning to Relocate St. Lucy's - Create Market Rate Housing
Home away from home
My suggestion, put your name on the council agenda at the next city council meeting and ask Councilman Boggiano, personally. I know what was said at the Ward C debate. Secondly, Councilman Boggiano is a retired municipal police officer and officers do speak to police officers in other districts including the Port Authority. The councilman represents the Journal Square district so there is no reason to doubt him.
Posted on: 2018/12/7 19:07
Re: Developers Planning to Relocate St. Lucy's - Create Market Rate Housing
Home away from home
Current JC Zoning for 40 market rate units to be increased 10x+ for 430-unit building, which would rise about 20 stories on Grove Street is INSANITY !
Posted on: 2018/12/7 15:10
Re: Developers Planning to Relocate St. Lucy's - Create Market Rate Housing
Home away from home
So you mean Junkies milling around stroller Mom's is not a good thing?
Posted on: 2018/12/7 14:37
Re: Developers Planning to Relocate St. Lucy's - Create Market Rate Housing
Home away from home
Can Saint Anthony's and some of the Prep property be far behind?
I fear that the Church is going into the real estate business big time ala Two Guys/Vornado years ago. and Sears today. In the suburbs these real estate deals can be easily absorbed, but in the urban areas like JC it'll only add to increased density, congestion and other issues.
Posted on: 2018/12/7 13:51
Re: Developers Planning to Relocate St. Lucy's - Create Market Rate Housing
Home away from home
Do you have any published evidence at all to back up that statement, other than the words of your fellow crank Boggiano?
Posted on: 2018/12/7 1:44
Re: Developers Planning to Relocate St. Lucy's - Create Market Rate Housing
Home away from home
The mayor of Newark closed several buildings near the transit hub that housed the homeless, most likely they would find their way here. Councilman Boggiano said during the debates that Port Authority bring their homeless from NYC to Journal Square. Having a place for the homeless is not the issue, but it will a place for Newark and NYC to push their obligation to JC. Fulop should have a honest conversation both mayors of those cities.
Posted on: 2018/12/7 1:42
Re: Developers Planning to Relocate St. Lucy's - Create Market Rate Housing
Home away from home
Posted on: 2018/12/6 22:31
Re: Developers Planning to Relocate St. Lucy's - Create Market Rate Housing
Home away from home
2015/5/28 0:34 Last Login : 2024/8/5 12:48 From Jersey City
Registered Users
Sounds like a horrible plan. There's several thousand new housing units planned or under construction in the area. If the diocese had any intention of saving the church, it wouldn't be too hard to transfer the development rights from the historic structure to an adjacent lot.
Posted on: 2018/7/15 17:18
Developers Planning to Relocate St. Lucy's - Create Market Rate Housing
Home away from home
(Excerpt from Rev. Santora Column -
"Hannah Peterson, spokeswoman for Jersey City, confirmed what the Archdiocese of Newark has told me: The city will orchestrate the designation of a developer to buy the property and put market-rate housing inside the church's shell while also relocating the shelter and providing an undetermined number of transitional housing units. "The overall plan for this area is to keep the St. Lucy's shelter in the vicinity of its current location and rehab the church for a residential project that would subsidize a state-of-the-art shelter, as well as new affordable/transitional housing in that area," Peterson said." Full Story
Posted on: 2018/7/15 13:29