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Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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2004/6/17 2:16
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vindication15 wrote:
Yvonne - those gay people you rented to - did you ask them if they were sexually active? Cause if you did not and they are, you are providing them with a huge opportunity to "live in sin" as you may call it. Much more directly than any baker. I think you should think about it and ask for forgiveness.

In other news, a Jehova witness who makes it through medical school and training sues jersey city medical center because they are forcing him to give a blood transfusion to a patient. Local resident Yvonne argues that the Jehova witness has rights too!

1. My former gay tenants sex life is with between themselves and God. I am not responsible for what they do or don't do. 2. Jehova Witness has the right to determine his/her health treatment. 3. I have the right to practice my religion without calling Jesus a liar.

Posted on: 2016/12/7 20:23

Edited by Yvonne on 2016/12/7 20:49:10

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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2012/1/19 4:04
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Yvonne - those gay people you rented to - did you ask them if they were sexually active? Cause if you did not and they are, you are providing them with a huge opportunity to "live in sin" as you may call it. Much more directly than any baker. I think you should think about it and ask for forgiveness.

In other news, a Jehova witness who makes it through medical school and training sues jersey city medical center because they are forcing him to give a blood transfusion to a patient. Local resident Yvonne argues that the Jehova witness has rights too!

Posted on: 2016/12/7 20:16

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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Yvonne wrote:
Sorry, rescue, you are rationalizing and has I said before a quote from my late mother: Rationalization is the root of all evil. This judge discriminate against heterosexual couples. She caused an inconvenience to them. They had to re-arrange their lives because she took a stand against them because they are not gay.

Judges are not REQUIRED to perform marriage ceremonies. They are ALLOWED/PERMITTED/AUTHORIZED to do so. She is not discriminating against heterosexual couples; she is choosing not to perform ANY marriage ceremonies.

Since you are so obsessed with the case of the bakery that refused to make a cake for the gay couple, I will give you the correct/correspondent analogy that would equal what the judge in question chose to do: a baker, who is very religious and disagreed with gay marriage, chooses to not bake ANY cakes for any person so he will not have to compromise his religious principles.

I would disagree with his choice, but would respect the more principled stand of choosing not to bake any cakes rather than pick and choose for whom we would be willing to bake a cake.

Posted on: 2016/12/7 19:35

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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2008/8/12 18:31
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Same sex activists are the same as ISIS, they both go after Christians.

- Yvonne Balcer
07 December 2016

Posted on: 2016/12/7 19:31

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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Sorry, rescue, you are rationalizing and has I said before a quote from my late mother: Rationalization is the root of all evil. This judge discriminate against heterosexual couples. She caused an inconvenience to them. They had to re-arrange their lives because she took a stand against them because they are not gay.

Posted on: 2016/12/7 19:28

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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Yvonne wrote:
Here is the hyprocisy jcscout, same sex activists go after people of faith because they do not drink the kool-aid. There are plenty of examples of extreme on the other end and nothing happens. I am posting an article from 2012 where a judge who is lesbian stated she would not marry hetersexual couples. Nothing happens, she is not disbarred yet there are plenty of examples of bakers, florists, etc who are fined and some lose their business. Same sex activists have something in common with ISIS, they both go after Christians. ... couples-article-1.1027709

Wow. Sometimes I do wonder if perhaps you are indeed losing it.

The article's headline is misleading (which is QUITE CLEAR from the content of the article, which explains that the judge in question simply refuses to perform any marriages) but you just couldn't help yourself.

Also, that last line you wrote... wow!

Posted on: 2016/12/7 19:27

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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Yvonne wrote:
Here is the hyprocisy jcscout, same sex activists go after people of faith because they do not drink the kool-aid. There are plenty of examples of extreme on the other end and nothing happens. I am posting an article from 2012 where a judge who is lesbian stated she would not marry hetersexual couples. Nothing happens, she is not disbarred yet there are plenty of examples of bakers, florists, etc who are fined and some lose their business. Same sex activists have something in common with ISIS, they both go after Christians. ... couples-article-1.1027709

if you bothered to read the article you would know how incredibly misleading your statement is. The Judge in question was simply applying what she believed to be the proper application of the Equal Protection Clause of our United States Constitution, and effectively would not perform ANY MARRIAGES until she could do so for all people. She did not say "I will only marry homosexual couples."

Lo and behold, soon after this happened, the SCOTUS would agree with this Judge and her thoughts on the Equal Protection Clause.

Posted on: 2016/12/7 19:18

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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2004/6/17 2:16
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Here is the hyprocisy jcscout, same sex activists go after people of faith because they do not drink the kool-aid. There are plenty of examples of extreme on the other end and nothing happens. I am posting an article from 2012 where a judge who is lesbian stated she would not marry hetersexual couples. Nothing happens, she is not disbarred yet there are plenty of examples of bakers, florists, etc who are fined and some lose their business. Same sex activists have something in common with ISIS, they both go after Christians. ... couples-article-1.1027709

Posted on: 2016/12/7 18:49

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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Nearly incoherent babble.

Stop quoting the bible because you, like most who quote the bible, selectively choose the parts you like/participate.

Religion is a personal preference. If you preferred to be Jewish or Muslim tomorrow you could it and nothing should stop you. You could then freely participate in the tenets of those religions - that is the first amendment.

You realize that you benefit from endlessly from the support from the LGBT community. I know for fact that the companies and banks that manage your teachers' pension employee and support the LGBT community - inclusive of providing benefits to 'partners' regardless of marriage (true for both straight and gay people). It's worth noting that it isnt mandatory to provide those benefits; they chosen to do the right thing. You are living off money that, under your interpretation of your religion, is created under the umbrella of sin. I'd gamble you dont have a problem with that... because how else would you afford the internet connection that allows you to consistently embarrass yourself?

BTW - I am all for businesses denying services to the LGBT community. I think it's incredible stupid, but I would prefer to know where I shouldn't shop - put up a sign and let me know I am not welcome. Let the cards fall...


Yvonne wrote:

third_street_hats wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
As I stated before, I cannot go to a Kosher or Muslim restaurant and asked for ham on rye. This is the same thing, forcing someone to violate a core belief of their faith.

Except it is not the same at all.

You are arguing that you should be able to force the Kosher or Muslim business owner to carry an item that goes against tenets of their own faith.

That is not the same as saying that a bakery, which already sells cakes, can choose not to sell their cake to a potential customer because of their faith, sexual orientation, ethnicity.


Yvonne wrote:
Americans visit Arabs countries and sometimes there is an emergency, I have never read someone who was deny health service because the person does not wear a headscarf.

You realize that you are arguing against your own point here, right?

No I am not. I have said in previous posts, I do not have the right and I have notice how people here did not bring up the subject that gay friendly bakeries would not bake a cake with Levitcus 18:22.

I believe in the First Amendment which states there should be no state religion and government should not interfere. Government has been interfering when it dictates their law based on 5 members of the Supreme Court is greater than the First Amendment on religion.

I am not a baker, if I was I think I would have a sign in my bakery that states this: Any profits from same sex cakes would go to the law firms that fight for religious freedom for individuals who are being sued over same sex marriage.

Really the goal is to put people of faith out of business by same sex activists. Now I wonder how much business I would get?

Posted on: 2016/12/7 18:29

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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third_street_hats wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
As I stated before, I cannot go to a Kosher or Muslim restaurant and asked for ham on rye. This is the same thing, forcing someone to violate a core belief of their faith.

Except it is not the same at all.

You are arguing that you should be able to force the Kosher or Muslim business owner to carry an item that goes against tenets of their own faith.

That is not the same as saying that a bakery, which already sells cakes, can choose not to sell their cake to a potential customer because of their faith, sexual orientation, ethnicity.


Yvonne wrote:
Americans visit Arabs countries and sometimes there is an emergency, I have never read someone who was deny health service because the person does not wear a headscarf.

You realize that you are arguing against your own point here, right?

No I am not. I have said in previous posts, I do not have the right and I have notice how people here did not bring up the subject that gay friendly bakeries would not bake a cake with Levitcus 18:22.

I believe in the First Amendment which states there should be no state religion and government should not interfere. Government has been interfering when it dictates their law based on 5 members of the Supreme Court is greater than the First Amendment on religion.

I am not a baker, if I was I think I would have a sign in my bakery that states this: Any profits from same sex cakes would go to the law firms that fight for religious freedom for individuals who are being sued over same sex marriage.

Really the goal is to put people of faith out of business by same sex activists. Now I wonder how much business I would get?

Posted on: 2016/12/6 23:19

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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Yvonne wrote:
As I stated before, I cannot go to a Kosher or Muslim restaurant and asked for ham on rye. This is the same thing, forcing someone to violate a core belief of their faith.

Except it is not the same at all.

You are arguing that you should be able to force the Kosher or Muslim business owner to carry an item that goes against tenets of their own faith.

That is not the same as saying that a bakery, which already sells cakes, can choose not to sell their cake to a potential customer because of their faith, sexual orientation, ethnicity.


Yvonne wrote:
Americans visit Arabs countries and sometimes there is an emergency, I have never read someone who was deny health service because the person does not wear a headscarf.

You realize that you are arguing against your own point here, right?

Posted on: 2016/12/6 20:13

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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Frank_M wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
I absolutely think people should have the right to turn away customers based on their religion.

Okay, now we?re getting to it. If religion was sufficient grounds to deny service on a selective basis in the USA, a paramedic might be able to deny care to a woman because she isn?t wearing a hijab. Are you sure that?s what you want for America?

Find me a quote in the Bible both Old and New Testaments where people are denied services because they were or were not wearing headscarfs. Find a quote from the other religions that also require this. Americans visit Arabs countries and sometimes there is an emergency, I have never read someone who was deny health service because the person does not wear a headscarf. Besides, our government give exemptions all the time, the Amish were not required to join the Affordable Care Act while the rest of the country was. ... nald-kraybill-health-care

Posted on: 2016/12/6 18:47

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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Yvonne wrote:
I absolutely think people should have the right to turn away customers based on their religion.

Okay, now we?re getting to it. If religion was sufficient grounds to deny service on a selective basis in the USA, a paramedic might be able to deny care to a woman because she isn?t wearing a hijab. Are you sure that?s what you want for America?

Posted on: 2016/12/6 16:18

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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Frank_M wrote:
I understand your opinion Yvonne, mostly anyway. What I'd still like to know is how how your standards might apply to others.

You're saying that a business owner should be able to deny service to customers whe are are "in cooperation with sin." If so, aren't there consumers of other goods and services who are implicating the providers of those things in allegedly sinful activities, with the vendor's awareness?

Should a Catholic doctor or pharmacist be able to deny birth control or reproductive choices to patients? Should a public defender be able to deny representation to a defendant with a prior record of stealing and is again accused of the same offense? Can a jeweler deny the sale of a gem because the customer is into woo? Should a florist also be able to turn away a long-married person who wants to buy roses with a card thanking their lover for the night of their life, since it's obviously not for his or her spouse?

Yvonne, other than gay people who want to get married, who else should be denied service specifically because it would allegedly force the propietor to "cooperate with sin"?

First, some medical doctors do follow church teaching on the birth control pill. It is interesting that women past child bearing age are told by doctors not to take hormone replacement drugs because it is linked to breast cancer but similar hormones are in birth control pills are OK. I guess it is fine for women of child bearing age to have breast cancer but not older woman.

I absolutely think people should have the right to turn away customers based on their religion. Chick Fil A turns away customers every Sunday, they closed all of their stores that day.

One reason I did not vote for Hillary was her statement she made in April 2015, I was watching the news. She said people must stop believing what is in the Bible. She is wrong. That is my constitutional right to believe and live my faith. It is the reason the Pilgrims came here. They did not want government telling them what to believe.

For the record I rented to gay people. They were good tenants and I gave them excellent recommendations when they relocated. There is a difference between renting, selling a birthday cake, or general services and cooperating with sin. Marriage is one of the seven sacraments in the Catholic Church and I will not endanger my soul to be politically correct. As I stated before, I cannot go to a Kosher or Muslim restaurant and asked for ham on rye. This is the same thing, forcing someone to violate a core belief of their faith. Shame on America for forcing people to do this. I never thought this country would attack someone based on faith and pretend that person is bias.

By the way a gay friendly bakery would not bake a cake that has the words Levicus:18:22 which is from the Old Testament concerning sodomy. So let's stop the pretense, they would say no.

Posted on: 2016/12/6 3:39

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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I understand your opinion Yvonne, mostly anyway. What I'd still like to know is how how your standards might apply to others.

You're saying that a business owner should be able to deny service to customers whe are are "in cooperation with sin." If so, aren't there consumers of other goods and services who are implicating the providers of those things in allegedly sinful activities, with the vendor's awareness?

Should a Catholic doctor or pharmacist be able to deny birth control or reproductive choices to patients? Should a public defender be able to deny representation to a defendant with a prior record of stealing and is again accused of the same offense? Can a jeweler deny the sale of a gem because the customer is into woo? Should a florist also be able to turn away a long-married person who wants to buy roses with a card thanking their lover for the night of their life, since it's obviously not for his or her spouse?

Yvonne, other than gay people who want to get married, who else should be denied service specifically because it would allegedly force the propietor to "cooperate with sin"?

Posted on: 2016/12/6 2:54

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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Yvonne wrote:
Here is the deal, the church did not change its teaching to upset gays. Its teaching has already existed before the USA existed. People here are using this to attack people of faith, especially Catholics. I don't see people attacking Muslims for their belief of dropping gays off the roof of buildings or using the gallows. This is what I call liberal double standards. Remember the lie that gay marriage will not effect anyone. Personally, I will not call Jesus, the son of God, a liar on marriage, but that is your free will. I draw the line in the sand on insulting someone I worship.

Were you really a high school teacher?

Posted on: 2016/12/6 2:21

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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Here is the deal, the church did not change its teaching to upset gays. Its teaching has already existed before the USA existed. People here are using this to attack people of faith, especially Catholics. I don't see people attacking Muslims for their belief of dropping gays off the roof of buildings or using the gallows. This is what I call liberal double standards. Remember the lie that gay marriage will not effect anyone. Personally, I will not call Jesus, the son of God, a liar on marriage, but that is your free will. I draw the line in the sand on insulting someone I worship.

Posted on: 2016/12/5 22:37

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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Yvonne wrote:
There is a difference between not selling a birthday cake to a gay person and not participating in selling a wedding cake. The first would be a sin for being mean to a gay person, the second would be cooperating with sin.

What others varieties of ?cooperation with sin? do you feel are reasonable grounds to deny service? We?ve already covered making flower bouquets and wedding cakes for same-gender marriages. What else?

Posted on: 2016/12/5 18:28

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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Not sure what the point of this post is, other than to take a myopic view on crime... I looked through the article below and while it doesnt say, I am sure this guy is an illegal immigrant..... OR maybe he's just a bad person, because you know, bad people exist.

Son accused of killing, dismembering parents during Thanksgiving visit

BATON ROUGE, La. ? A 28-year-old man was arrested in Louisiana on charges of killing and dismembering his parents at their Tennessee home.
Joel Michael Guy Jr. was arrested Tuesday on a fugitive warrant in Baton Rouge, the Knox County Sheriff's Office said. He's accused of killing his parents, Joel Michael Guy Sr., 61, and Lisa Guy, 55. ... g-thanksgiving-visit.html


neverleft wrote:
West New York 28-year-old admits getting 14-year-old pregnant: authorities

By Michaelangelo Conte | The Jersey Journal
on November 29, 2016 at 8:54 AM, updated November 29, 2016 at 1:45 PM

JERSEY CITY -- A 28-year-old West New York man has been charged with having sex with a 14-year-old girl and getting her pregnant.

Edvin Jorge was arrested on Nov. Friday and charged with sexual assault and endangering the welfare of a child, the criminal complaint says.

Authorities say the girl told investigators she had sex with Jorge and became pregnant. The 28-year-old also gave a statement in which he admitted having sex with the girl about 10 times, the complaint says.

Jorge's bail was set yesterday in Superior Court at $125,000 and he was ordered to have no contact with the girl.

He told the court he is from Guatamala and he is in the United States illegally when he made his first court appearance on the charges yesterday in Central Judicial Processing court in Jersey City via video link from Hudson County jail in Kearny. ... r.html#incart_river_index

Posted on: 2016/12/1 17:12

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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West New York 28-year-old admits getting 14-year-old pregnant: authorities

By Michaelangelo Conte | The Jersey Journal
on November 29, 2016 at 8:54 AM, updated November 29, 2016 at 1:45 PM

JERSEY CITY -- A 28-year-old West New York man has been charged with having sex with a 14-year-old girl and getting her pregnant.

Edvin Jorge was arrested on Nov. Friday and charged with sexual assault and endangering the welfare of a child, the criminal complaint says.

Authorities say the girl told investigators she had sex with Jorge and became pregnant. The 28-year-old also gave a statement in which he admitted having sex with the girl about 10 times, the complaint says.

Jorge's bail was set yesterday in Superior Court at $125,000 and he was ordered to have no contact with the girl.

He told the court he is from Guatamala and he is in the United States illegally when he made his first court appearance on the charges yesterday in Central Judicial Processing court in Jersey City via video link from Hudson County jail in Kearny. ... r.html#incart_river_index

Posted on: 2016/11/30 12:07

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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Frank M_ I have been to restaurants where there is a sign posted, no service unless jacket and tie are worn. Jewish bakeries in NYC have signs about not serving customers who show too much body skin. Walmark turned down a request to bake a cake for a Nazi loving father who named his child Hitler. I cannot get a ham on rye in a Jewish or Muslim restaurant. Should those restaurants accomodate my wishes? The answer is no. There is a difference between not selling a birthday cake to a gay person and not participating in selling a wedding cake. The first would be a sin for being mean to a gay person, the second would be cooperating with sin. If you care about the state of your soul you do not call Jesus a liar on marriage.

Posted on: 2016/11/29 21:15

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Yvonne wrote:

...let me repeat, bakers, florists, etc. should not be forced to do something against their beliefs.

What other criteria have retailers used in refusing service to customers? I'm sure you can think of many, but they probably fall into two distinct categories. In one, you might feel that refusing service to women, non-whites, or non-Christians is unjust and amoral. In the other, you probably feel that customers who can't pay or who are improperly dressed, beligerant, or intoxicated should rightfully be shown the door.

Now, into which category do you want to put queer people who want show their love for each other with delicious cakes and pretty flowers, exactly like straight people do? In with the filthy Italians and Irish? Or with the drunks?

Or is there another category?

If so, who else is in it?

Posted on: 2016/11/29 20:37

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The First Amendment was established because the head of England was also the head of the Church. The England monarch basically told people what to believe. The reason for the Pilgrim migration to this country. So, yes I do know what it means. No state religion, a good idea and government should not interfere with basic tenets of faith. It is the second part that people here have a problem with. Telling me what I should believe. You should also note that religion becomes before freedom of speech. Even the Consitiution states our rights comes from our Creator.

Posted on: 2016/11/29 17:00

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bodhipooh wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
The last time I check the First Amendment say there should be no state religion and government should not interfere (with religion.) So I suggest everyone back off because government has no right to tell me what to believe. That also includes the people on JCList.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

I don't think you understand what the First Amendment means, and how it relates to other established legal principles.

The First Amendment guarantees that the US Congress will not establish a law that prohibits your right to practice your religion freely. But, established jurisprudence also dictates that your rights end where the rights of others begin. Do you understand that principle and how rights enshrined in our Constitution can be limited or suppressed?? Imagine, if you will, a religion that calls for its adherents to murder a virgin woman every other month to atone for sins. Do you think those people should be allowed to murder women just because their religion calls for it? Of course not. They are free to believe what they want, and to exercise their religion. But, their freedom and rights can not trample the rights and freedoms of other people. That's why it is accepted by most rational people that open discrimination against protected classes, even when under the guise of religion, is not aceptable and therefore made illegal. Can you understand that?

Nicely expressed.

Posted on: 2016/11/29 16:44

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Yvonne wrote:
The last time I check the First Amendment say there should be no state religion and government should not interfere (with religion.) So I suggest everyone back off because government has no right to tell me what to believe. That also includes the people on JCList.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

I don't think you understand what the First Amendment means, and how it relates to other established legal principles.

The First Amendment guarantees that the US Congress will not establish a law that prohibits your right to practice your religion freely. But, established jurisprudence also dictates that your rights end where the rights of others begin. Do you understand that principle and how rights enshrined in our Constitution can be limited or suppressed?? Imagine, if you will, a religion that calls for its adherents to murder a virgin woman every other month to atone for sins. Do you think those people should be allowed to murder women just because their religion calls for it? Of course not. They are free to believe what they want, and to exercise their religion. But, their freedom and rights can not trample the rights and freedoms of other people. That's why it is accepted by most rational people that open discrimination against protected classes, even when under the guise of religion, is not aceptable and therefore made illegal. Can you understand that?

Posted on: 2016/11/29 16:12

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The last time I check the First Amendment say there should be no state religion and government should not interfere (with religion.) So I suggest everyone back off because government has no right to tell me what to believe. That also includes the people on JCList.

Posted on: 2016/11/29 15:23

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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2006/9/14 18:57
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"You picked a book of fiction over a moral compass, that still makes you a bigot."

or you picked Trump - same thing!


Thank You!

Posted on: 2016/11/29 4:01

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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Yvonne wrote:

psyop wrote:

Yvonne wrote:

Pebble wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
Only on JCList would someone say it is racist that American jobs should go to American citizens. That is the focus of my letter, I have seen many citizens, some personal friends get downsize and later their former companies hire H1B people. I have seen immigrants line up in Union City waiting to be hired by construction crews while Africian Americans asked to be hire by the same company. JC gives generous tax abatements with the idea local people are hired. The American citizen is being screwed. Yet they are the one who make sacrifices to this country especially during war times. I don't apologize for my statement.

If your American friends were better at their jobs, they wouldn't have lost them.

You're a bigot that's made anti-homosexual comments. Now, you're targeting immigrants. It sounds to me like whatever friends you have that lost jobs deservedly lost them. Tell your friends to improve their knowledge and then re-apply. Maybe they'll have a shot.

As someone that hires people (and am presently interviewing daily), if someone comes in and complains that they lost their job because the other person was an immigrant, they damn sure won't be paid by me.

You are putting Americans last, which makes you anti-America. Referring to my comments on gays, let me repeat, bakers, florists, etc. should not be forced to do something against their beliefs. Actually, I have rented to gays, but I will not call Jesus a liar when he said a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife and the two will be one flesh. The definition of marriage. I will not call Jesus a liar on the definition of marriage. But you have the free will to do that. You are a liberal who hate people who do not follow what you believe. You are not tolerate of other people's faith. Here is a woman who is following her faith, she will serve gays but will not violate her religion. You have no idea how strong faith is probably because you lack it yourself.

"Actually, I have rented to gays,"
Lol, do you think that makes you some kind of saint, nice job bigot?
Keep talking, you are comedy gold.

I am glad I made you laugh, however, I will not call Jesus a liar on marriage. My faith comes first. People without faith are clueless. No one should dictate what I should believe. That is the problem with liberals. They say they are tolerant but they are not tolerant when people of faith put God first. They are hyprocrites.

It's called sarcasm.
You picked a book of fiction over a moral compass, that still makes you a bigot.

Posted on: 2016/11/29 3:47

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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2006/9/14 18:57
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2020/1/27 22:17
From Hamilton Park
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Last time I checked, there was a separation of Church and State in this country. Religion is not above the law, say of anti- discrimination.

When you put the law of your "god" and religion above the constitution, then that is Un-American


Yvonne wrote:

psyop wrote:

Yvonne wrote:

Pebble wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
Only on JCList would someone say it is racist that American jobs should go to American citizens. That is the focus of my letter, I have seen many citizens, some personal friends get downsize and later their former companies hire H1B people. I have seen immigrants line up in Union City waiting to be hired by construction crews while Africian Americans asked to be hire by the same company. JC gives generous tax abatements with the idea local people are hired. The American citizen is being screwed. Yet they are the one who make sacrifices to this country especially during war times. I don't apologize for my statement.

If your American friends were better at their jobs, they wouldn't have lost them.

You're a bigot that's made anti-homosexual comments. Now, you're targeting immigrants. It sounds to me like whatever friends you have that lost jobs deservedly lost them. Tell your friends to improve their knowledge and then re-apply. Maybe they'll have a shot.

As someone that hires people (and am presently interviewing daily), if someone comes in and complains that they lost their job because the other person was an immigrant, they damn sure won't be paid by me.

You are putting Americans last, which makes you anti-America. Referring to my comments on gays, let me repeat, bakers, florists, etc. should not be forced to do something against their beliefs. Actually, I have rented to gays, but I will not call Jesus a liar when he said a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife and the two will be one flesh. The definition of marriage. I will not call Jesus a liar on the definition of marriage. But you have the free will to do that. You are a liberal who hate people who do not follow what you believe. You are not tolerate of other people's faith. Here is a woman who is following her faith, she will serve gays but will not violate her religion. You have no idea how strong faith is probably because you lack it yourself.

"Actually, I have rented to gays,"
Lol, do you think that makes you some kind of saint, nice job bigot?
Keep talking, you are comedy gold.

I am glad I made you laugh, however, I will not call Jesus a liar on marriage. My faith comes first. People without faith are clueless. No one should dictate what I should believe. That is the problem with liberals. They say they are tolerant but they are not tolerant when people of faith put God first. They are hyprocrites.

Posted on: 2016/11/29 3:31

Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
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2004/6/17 2:16
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2024/3/21 23:34
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psyop wrote:

Yvonne wrote:

Pebble wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
Only on JCList would someone say it is racist that American jobs should go to American citizens. That is the focus of my letter, I have seen many citizens, some personal friends get downsize and later their former companies hire H1B people. I have seen immigrants line up in Union City waiting to be hired by construction crews while Africian Americans asked to be hire by the same company. JC gives generous tax abatements with the idea local people are hired. The American citizen is being screwed. Yet they are the one who make sacrifices to this country especially during war times. I don't apologize for my statement.

If your American friends were better at their jobs, they wouldn't have lost them.

You're a bigot that's made anti-homosexual comments. Now, you're targeting immigrants. It sounds to me like whatever friends you have that lost jobs deservedly lost them. Tell your friends to improve their knowledge and then re-apply. Maybe they'll have a shot.

As someone that hires people (and am presently interviewing daily), if someone comes in and complains that they lost their job because the other person was an immigrant, they damn sure won't be paid by me.

You are putting Americans last, which makes you anti-America. Referring to my comments on gays, let me repeat, bakers, florists, etc. should not be forced to do something against their beliefs. Actually, I have rented to gays, but I will not call Jesus a liar when he said a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife and the two will be one flesh. The definition of marriage. I will not call Jesus a liar on the definition of marriage. But you have the free will to do that. You are a liberal who hate people who do not follow what you believe. You are not tolerate of other people's faith. Here is a woman who is following her faith, she will serve gays but will not violate her religion. You have no idea how strong faith is probably because you lack it yourself.

"Actually, I have rented to gays,"
Lol, do you think that makes you some kind of saint, nice job bigot?
Keep talking, you are comedy gold.

I am glad I made you laugh, however, I will not call Jesus a liar on marriage. My faith comes first. People without faith are clueless. No one should dictate what I should believe. That is the problem with liberals. They say they are tolerant but they are not tolerant when people of faith put God first. They are hyprocrites.

Posted on: 2016/11/29 3:13

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