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Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
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2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
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And don't forget five out of nine council members that we don't have a choice in voting for cast votes concerning our codes, ordinances, and budget for the constituents of the entire city.
Posted on: 2016/6/29 23:30
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Home away from home
In a show of your naivete, let me point out that downtown is not a bunch of "hipsters" (whatever that means to each individual person appears up for the taking). Yes, there are millennials in the neighborhood, but plenty of us are over 35, family households, have been here for a substantial amount of time, and believe that the quality of life vote is up utmost importance - if you/he reduces that to merely public service, litter, and potholes (which are legit, but c'mon) you've got a lot to figure out. And PS he is clearly NOT against litter based on the signs he is posting around town - that is absolutely litter.
Posted on: 2016/6/29 21:03
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Home away from home
You've been doing a good job with your posts. Don't listen to the vocal minority (some of which are shill accounts to create the illusion of popular consensus) who are fixated against cars. It's already hell to drive around the city as it is. Hopefully your father can address the fact that many streets can be closed at once for construction and other reasons, creating what seems like miles of standstill traffic. And the fact that your father doesn't intend on merely using this job as a stepping stone to higher office is a huge plus. It means he will be beholden to the people, instead of the rich donors who will demand favors in exchange for financing a run for higher office.
Posted on: 2016/6/29 19:20
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Home away from home
You certainly didn't do your father any favors by dismissing the concerns of downtown voters and referring to them as hipsters. Yes, because the people moving and living downtown are all broke college kids and not working professionals? Very nice. So far you've done nothing to reverse the perception that your father is out of touch and only cares about what people like Yvonne think, who make up a very small voting bloc of the city, despite what they themselves believe. Maybe that's fine if he has no intention of running for mayor and serving his ward till the end of his days. He can continue insulting the mayor, Downtown residents and anybody under the age of 40 and cruise to reelection if that keeps working for him. If not, as of this point, he can enjoy the 30% of the vote he's shaping up to receive in any city wide election. If he has his sights set on higher office I really recommend he reads up on modern urban planning and figures out what other cities are doing to keep themselves economically competitive. He's probably be surprised to find out it's not preserving street parking at all costs and making the city miserable for anyone who doesn't own car (which is about half our population at this point).
Posted on: 2016/6/29 18:00
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
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2012/9/18 3:58 Last Login : 2021/9/23 15:07 From Between Thought and Expression
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"Newcomer" is considered by many to be a pejorative term. Your opponents hope that you'll use it often. "if there's anything the Brexit, Donald Trump, and Bernie Sanders all have in common, it's that there's a large number of people who are tired of elites rigging the system and dismissing the concerns of common people. If it helps, my father voted for Bernie Sanders." - congratulations - you just wiped out the majority of your votes. Bernie may put up a fight at the convention (I doubt it will amount to much) - most Democrats want to move on. And leveraging Trump's brand of nationalism -- is just plain stupid. Nice that you guys are working for free to help your dad. You get what you pay for.
Posted on: 2016/6/29 17:40
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
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2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
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Everyday I thank gd for your dad, and Mr. Yun. Those two are the only council people I actually respect. Greenville got a Fulop flunky and puppet who is useless.
Posted on: 2016/6/29 17:33
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Just can't stay away
If you've ever read the Jersey Journal, it's clear my father isn't afraid to speak his mind. One of the perks of not having gubernatorial ambitions is that he's liberated to say what he believes.
Maybe that'll cost him the hipster vote, but 30+ years of history suggests it's pretty popular with people who care about issues such as litter, potholes, functioning public services, and government accountability.
Posted on: 2016/6/29 17:28
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Home away from home
You better believe that if your father has his eyes on the prize and you're claiming to speak here on his behalf, this forum is monitored by print media and he will be called to back these statements up. Personally, I agree with what another commenter stated about him seeking to turn Downtown into Bayonne. I'm convinced your father just doesn't get the fact that Jersey City is moving closer and closer into the 24/7 sphere of NYC and is widely becoming an extension of it. Bemoan that all you want, it's unstoppable at this point. More than anything, Downtown and the Journal Square area are going to resemble Brooklyn and we need a mayor with 21st century urban policies to reflect that, not someone overly concerned with preserving street parking, automobile rights and kowtowing to the regressive views of the Yvonne Balcers of the city. Better huddle and think of an effective response to these criticisms if you want to win any voters in Downtown.
Posted on: 2016/6/29 17:07
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Just can't stay away
On me answering on this forum for my father, he's very accessible. Give him a call anytime at 988-1164. Elected officials can't be everywhere all the time. Mayor Fulop has a spokesperson with a $110,000 a year salary, for instance. In my father's instance, my mother, sister, brother, and cousins all volunteer our time and help out where we can.
On "natives" versus "outsiders" debate, he only cares about what he believes to be best for Jersey City. Sometimes newcomers have great ideas, and sometimes those ideas are well intended but naive or impractical. National and international politics rarely apply at the local level, but if there's anything the Brexit, Donald Trump, and Bernie Sanders all have in common, it's that there's a large number of people who are tired of elites rigging the system and dismissing the concerns of common people. If it helps, my father voted for Bernie Sanders.
Posted on: 2016/6/29 16:31
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
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2005/11/12 17:04 Last Login : 2024/5/7 14:26 From Downtown JC, VVP Area
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I thought is was a fair question to begin with but things going off-topic on this forum seem to be par for the course. Was a permit required to post the signs? If not, I'd say it's fair game for a little "midnight madness" and anybody who doesn't like them is just as entitled to tear them down as Boggiano (or his son) are entitled to put them up. Just my $0.02...
Posted on: 2016/6/29 15:46
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Home away from home
Precisely. Instead of solving the problems with the cameras,"get rid of them!". Speaking from experience, after I got a couple of tickets at 18th & Jersey for not coming to a complete stop for right on red, guess what? I came to complete stops! And just because the cam flashed doesn't mean you were getting a ticket. There needed to be enough time for people to acclimate to the system, and adjust their behavior to actually obeying the traffic signals. Now we are approaching a crisis situation regarding traffic enforcement. It seems like there's only 2 types of drivers out there, those who disregard stops and signals, and those who are terrified of them and stop at every block regardless of there being o stop sign. There's an OP-ED in today's Times about the relationship between crime and the odds of getting caught. Shockingly, if people think the odds of getting caught are low, they break the law!!
Posted on: 2016/6/29 15:33
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Home away from home
The thing is, for many of Boggiano's most ardent supporters, simply insulting the mayor and the "outsider" residents who are not native to Jersey City is enough to win their hearts. Any opponent would have a field day uncovering all the times he publicly insulted those who are not native to Jersey City to the point where his support downtown would be very low. I don't think the numbers allow a majority citywide without a strong base downtown. Boggiano has been against just about every initiative that has enhanced living for most downtown residents. Of course the Yvonnes of the city will love him, as will the republicans and those who are prejudice against non-natives, but what about the rest of the voters? You are right though, he is great at complaining but horrible at offering alternative solutions. His Jersey City would turn downtown into Bayonne.
Posted on: 2016/6/29 15:28
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Home away from home
Not that I object to the course this conversation took, but the original question point was a question if anything can be done about these God-awful signs? I guess not?
Posted on: 2016/6/29 15:27
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Home away from home
That Mr. Boggiano's son is speaking for him on this page says it all. He isn't interested in speaking for himself and/or isn't able to. I'd prefer radio silence than a third party answer, regardless of familial relationship!
Posted on: 2016/6/29 15:26
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Home away from home
Those last nine words epitomize so much that is wrong with the conservative movement and, let's face it, Rich is a conservative. Time and again we see this course taken - in education, infrastructre, guns. Progress isn't often binary, it's usually a process. It's always easy to find fault with even the best ideas - the answer isn't to throw them away because of even minor defects, it is to double your efforts to figure out how to make them work better. That's what a leader does. All I hear from Rich is an endless torrent of bitching and criticism while offering very little in terms of workable policy designed to solve problems.
Posted on: 2016/6/29 15:15
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Just can't stay away
The issue with red light cameras was that the system didn't work, unless the goal was to suck in money rather than public safety. The system flashed people who had done nothing wrong, increased the number of rear-end accidents, and amounted to a money-making racket. A good idea poorly implemented is a bad idea.
On parking lots near city hall, Jersey City is notorious for selling off city property at below-market rates. It's possible to be pro-redevelopment while still opposing the simple waste that functions as a shadow tax increase on everyone else in the city.
Posted on: 2016/6/29 13:15
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Home away from home
I too find it odd that we are being addressed by his son, rather than the man himself. Reading his sons list of things "you don't get with Boggiano" I was instantly struck by this line: "4. No higher ambition. I have no idea what office, if any, he'll run for in 2017. He only cares about Jersey City and has zero aspirations for any higher office.".. which flies in the face of this thread- You know the title of this thread is "Boggiano 2017 signs" - and it is concerned with campaign signs which have been appearing for a year or so now?
Boggiano represents me and I was very disappointed when he came out so strongly against the red light cameras in my city. As a pedestrian beleaguered by the bad driving of overprivileged JC drivers I was saddened to see my elected representative work so hard to remove the red light cameras, which I had seen as the only visible indicator that the city cared at all about pedestrian safety. Their removal sent a clear message that the driving members of the public were the only ones who mattered, and Boggiano made a point he was strongly in favor of their removal, at no point did he acknowledge that they had made the streets safer for pedestrians, he was concerned only with the cares of the motorists. In subsequent statements I have seen Boggiano make disparaging remarks about cyclists and this only serves to reinforce in my mind the view that he is only interested in the auto driving members of his constituency. I will not vote for any JC candidate that does not express a clear intention to always put pedestrians and cyclists safety above automobile convenience. If its possible that I am wrong about Boggiano's views on pedestrians and bikes in the city I am sure I would not be alone in hoping to hear the man himself clearly express his stand on pedestrian safety issues in his own words.
Posted on: 2016/6/29 12:13
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Home away from home
I live if his neighborhood now. I vouch for what his son said about Rich being an advocate his constituents. You lob him an issue and he will take a swing to fix it:
"2. Accessibility. People call him all the time with actual problems, and he gets them fixed."
Posted on: 2016/6/29 2:43
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
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2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
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Let's not make out that the current J.C. mayor can walk on water. He first has to walk on potholes without tripping. Bill is a good candidate as well.
Posted on: 2016/6/28 22:17
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Home away from home
I also recall seeing a video of him being livid that the awesome eyesore parking lot next to City Hall was torn up for the Charles & Co. building. Right, because Downtown has a shortage of run down parking lots and we're in desperate need of surface-level parking. This might be the kind of thing people in his district want, but he's woefully out of touch with the real needs and development issues of areas like Downtown.
Posted on: 2016/6/28 15:56
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Home away from home
Richie also has a history of referring to people who are Jersey City residents but not native as "outsiders" and a general anti-outsider tone, which will undoubtedly be highlighted in any city-wide election. That prejudice may fly in his neighborhood but how can he possibly win a city-wide election without support of non-natives? He wants to turn the pedestrian plaza back into a car road, how will downtown residents like that? He should enjoy his twilight years with family.
Posted on: 2016/6/28 15:46
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Just can't stay away
Bike lanes - He's always been supportive of bikes. He does have concerns around the safety and practicality issues arising from shoddy implementation. Example: I've seen plenty of Citi Bikes riding the wrong way down one way streets, creating a safety hazard that is completely unenforced. Likewise for bikes on sidewalks.
Restaurants and Retail - He's been working to get a Trader Joes or Whole Foods included in one of the large developments being planned for Journal Square, which has been devoid of quality retail for decades. If Journal Square ends up like Newport, with monolithic buildings and low quality street scape, then the overall rehab of the area will have failed to live up to its potential. Public Transit - One of the first things he started working on after getting elected was a bus route to run through the back side of JSQ through Ward B. That's not sexy, but it would make a huge difference to a chunk of the city (outside his ward) that has zero nearby access and is almost always neglected compared to other parts of the city.
Posted on: 2016/6/28 15:29
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Home away from home
More restaurants is something of importance to you ? PATH ain't done shit for Steve. Lightweight - back to your proctology practice. 'nuff said......
Posted on: 2016/6/28 15:27
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Home away from home
On what are his policies on things newer residents demand such as bike lanes, more restaurants and businesses and increased access to public transit?
Posted on: 2016/6/28 15:19
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Just can't stay away
His vision is to improve quality of life and get the basics right - paved streets, filled potholes, synced traffic lights, traffic enforcement, cleaned up litter, having mailboxes actually available throughout the city, etc.
Posted on: 2016/6/28 15:13
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Home away from home
So his true intention should be to use his political office in Jersey City as stepping stone to higher ground? - that seems to be the forte of some of our last mayors not from Jersey City who took office. Richie is old school and don't think he would surround himself with lightweight kiss asses.
Posted on: 2016/6/28 15:11
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Home away from home
Why can't he write in himself and make these points, why does his son need to do it? Not everybody needs to be a software engineer, but basic computer and technology skills are very necessary for any administrative job in 2016. A lot of the pros you list are the same points people are using to justify voting for Donald Trump. Nobody is disparaging his past service, but future vision and actual policies are what actually matter, none of which he's been able to clearly articulate.
Posted on: 2016/6/28 14:59
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Just can't stay away
This is one of Rich Boggiano's sons responding on behalf of my father from his account. I'll be up front and lay out what you get, and don't get, with him as a politician.
What you get: 1. Integrity. He'll tell you what he actually believes, and he has never used any of his influence to benefit himself. He'll never get arrested in an FBI sting operation because he's happy to drive a beat up old car, live in the same house he's lived in for decades, and isn't selling his soul to get elected to the next higher office. 2. Accessibility. People call him all the time with actual problems, and he gets them fixed. He's been doing this my entire life, long before he was elected, and I don't expect he'll ever stop. His cell phone number is 988-1164. Give him a call next time you have a problem and he'll help you. He helps people from every ward after their council members don't respond to them. Decades of helping individual people is reason he was elected after being outspent by Mayor Fulop 10 to 1. 3. Focus on quality of life. He cares about trash, potholes, traffic enforcement, etc. 4. No higher ambition. I have no idea what office, if any, he'll run for in 2017. He only cares about Jersey City and has zero aspirations for any higher office. Steve Fulop is really sharp, but he's been running for governor for the past 3 years, which has some obvious downsides. 5. Hard work. Technically, being on the city council is a part time job. He is the only councilperson in the city who shows up to City Hall everyday. When he's not there, he's working anyway. 6. Service. He's lived a life of service. He enlisted in the Marines at 17 to serve his country. He loved serving as a police officer for ~37 years and only retired because he hit the mandatory retirement age. He's been a community activist my entire life via the Hilltop Neighborhood Association. He's now serving on the city council. He's not going to stop helping people regardless of his political future. What you don't get: 1. A technologist. He's not tech savvy. Anyone with a 70 year old parent can relate. 2. Political correctness. Sorry, but he's going to tell you what he's thinking. That may offend you, but he's authentic. Ironically, I fully expect an elitist response to this post from one or more people who consider politically correctness credentials impeccable. 3. A lap dog. This may blow your mind, but after knowing my father for years, Steve Fulop wanted him to run on his ticket he ran for mayor. He chose to run as an independent candidate instead despite a far more challenging path to victory because he didn't want to be beholden to a political boss. He's served as the city council's conscience for the past three years because of that decision. On the signs, I have no idea who put them up. It wasn't him. He's got a fan somewhere that's been putting signs like that up for years.
Posted on: 2016/6/28 14:45
Re: Boggiano 2017 Signs
Home away from home
Fulop would be a hell of a mayor, if he was interested in the job. He's head and shoulders, hands down more capable than the all the Lavarros, Mukherjis (a lower wattage Indian Fulop on ambition steroids), Wattermans, Boggianos, et al rolled together. But how would a second Fulop term be any different than the first? He'd probably be even more desperately running for governor, which would just generate even more frenzied activity for the sake of press releases rather than substantive improvement/change and the meat and potatoes stuff (like traffic enforcement, road maintenance, policing, etc.) would move further and further out of focus. If he runs, O'Dea is probably the best of the bunch.
Posted on: 2016/6/28 13:26