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Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
Home away from home
This cold weather may also explain why the sound carries further. ... 12010126_1_sound-air-cold Quote:
Posted on: 2016/2/14 22:00
Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
We followed the sound this afternoon and found that it's coming from a housing complex on Manila Avenue; a resident there said that it (believe it or not) comes from their laundry facilities ? a lot of the people who live there are aware of it, as it's really loud and persistent. It's crazy that it travels for several blocks in both directions...but that seems to be the culprit! Here's another recording made in front of the housing complex if anyone's curious: ... 3UVlvc2M/view?usp=sharing
Posted on: 2016/2/14 20:22
Re: Persistent Humming Sound in Harsimus Cove Neighborhood?
Thank you for confirming the sound - electrical or utility grid sounds highly plausible! Will let you know if we are able to locate its epicenter.
Posted on: 2016/2/14 17:41
Re: Persistent Humming Sound in Harsimus Cove Neighborhood?
Home away from home
Exact same noise noticeable around Enos Jones -particularly early mornings. My guess is it's cold-weather related. Electrical or utility grid perhaps.
Posted on: 2016/2/14 16:57
Persistent Humming Sound in Harsimus Cove Neighborhood?
Has anyone noticed the persistent humming "tone" that can be heard all day and night in the Harsimus Cove neighborhood? We live on Fourth Street between Erie and Manila/Grove, and have noticed the sound for over month now (even as I type this post). It can be heard inside and outside on the sidewalk. I made a recording, which can be heard here: ... ZThfVU0/view?pref=2&pli=1 Does anyone know where the sound is coming from? We're going to try to investigate, but wanted to consult the JC List first!
Posted on: 2016/2/14 15:09
Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
We do have seasonal heating/cooling, that is, the heating starts maybe Oct, and the cooling starts somewhere in June...You can't adjust it much anyway so we only use in the coldest days in the winder, and the hottest days in the summer. Window units are not allowed...
Posted on: 2014/5/10 4:46
Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
Home away from home
I've never heard of that. So do you guys have heat only? Do people have window units? The summer can get extremely hot and humid, in which case opening the window does not cut it.
Posted on: 2014/5/9 4:07
Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
This must have been some other noise. The path ventilation facility noise last 4-5 hours when is starts (usually runs between 1am and 5am, last year it used to start around 12am.). This week so far it has been quiet. I know every time they run the fans because we in Metropolis Towers don's have air-conditioning (just seasonal heating/cooling) so we have to keep our windows open to get fresh air, and when this monstrous thing runs, it wakes us up right away.
Posted on: 2014/5/9 3:40
Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
Registered Users
One of the many advantages of living in close proximity of underground public transportation.
Posted on: 2014/5/8 12:31
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
Just can't stay away
2008/4/14 22:24 Last Login : 2017/10/9 2:11 From Downtown JC
Registered Users
They started jack hammering again at 7pm. I walked by there and talked to the police officer that was overlooking on the corner. He was a very nice guy and apologetic, apparently I'm not the first person that has complained, basically I just asked how long they will be drilling tonight. He said they should be wrapped up by 11pm, and he apologized for last night with them going to 4am when I mentioned it was impossible to get any sleep.
This is no emergency operation or anything with the train/tunnel, they are just installing electrical on the sidewalk. In his opinion there is no reason that they can't do this during the day and he fought against it, but apparently someone at DPW insisted this be done at night. They got a lot of complaints last night which is why they are ending "early" tonight. He said to keep complaining to City Hall so this type of thing doesn't continue. It would be nice if Jersey City followed their own noise ordinances, but I guess it's too much for them to think of their own residents first.
Posted on: 2014/5/8 0:20
Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
Home away from home
It makes sense that drilling, jack hammering, excavation, and the use of heavy construction equipment above a subway tunnel and station should occur during evening hours.
Posted on: 2014/5/7 14:08
Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
Not too shy to talk
2004/12/31 18:55 Last Login : 2017/4/17 20:47 From not downtown
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There is no way that work at Pershing Plaza last night was an emergency that couldn't be done in the day.
The CAT machine and other equipment was delivered over a day in advance. Also, I've seen them do that same thing (jackhammering up and then patching the giant hole) twice during the last six months in daylight hours. I would like to know how they were given a permit/variance for the all night work. Looks like they'll be back again tonight...
Posted on: 2014/5/7 12:52
Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
Just can't stay away
2008/4/14 22:24 Last Login : 2017/10/9 2:11 From Downtown JC
Registered Users
I've been hearing a low hum noise kick on and off at night for about a week now, I assume it's this. Basically sounds like a big ass air conditioner turning on and off and running for about 15 mins or so.
But right now we are being treated to these guys drilling into the sidewalk at Pershing Plaza all night, it's impossible to sleep. I assume this is some kind of emergency maintenance for it to be going on this late. But having a big ass CAT there and dump truck seems pretty planned to me.
Posted on: 2014/5/7 5:37
Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
Thanks for the suggestion. I spoke to her a couple of months ago but at this point i was still hoping that the things can be resolved through Hudson Regional Health Commission. I'm planning to approach her and see if she can help.
Posted on: 2014/5/7 2:38
Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
Home away from home
2005/3/2 4:49 Last Login : 2018/6/12 15:20 From Downtown Ex Pat happy in McGinley Sq.
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Innocent question - have you guys been engaging Councilwoman Osborne on this matter? She is extremely helpful and is already getting through to the PATH admin. about the closed WTC service to gain other options for JC.
Posted on: 2014/5/4 21:10
Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
An update was just published regarding the noise coming from the PATH ventilation facility at Columbus Dr. and Warren Street:
http://pathnjventilationnoise.blogspo ... years-spring-of-2008.html
Posted on: 2014/5/4 19:35
Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
Home away from home
That's the one! I had no idea someone was bravely fighting that fight. While I don't find the noise that awful, it's infuriating that the PA dismisses legitimate concerns so arrogantly.
Posted on: 2013/11/25 14:43
Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
2006/4/16 0:55 Last Login : 2014/3/28 2:44 From Hamilton Park
Registered Users
could this be it?
Posted on: 2013/11/24 4:17
Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
Home away from home
This seems to be in-line with the theory that its part of the Sandy clean-up. I don't think any trains run after 11pm between Exchange Place and Newport, and perhaps they have been working on this during the week.
Posted on: 2013/11/22 16:22
Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
Home away from home
I've noticed it too, but I'm on a high floor and maybe it's not as obtrusive for me. It seems to be coming from the PATH equipment at Columbus and Warren (a mysterious red structure). I'd call and complain, but:
- I have no idea who to call. - I'm sure I'd be ignored.
Posted on: 2013/11/22 14:26
Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
Not too shy to talk
I lived around there and the humming/buzzing kept me awake constantly. I had to get a white noise machine to try and cut the high pitch frequency. It's 24 hours a day. We left JC last month for the city and that was a huge part of it (and the Path).
I thought it was the generators post sandy at Evertrust Plaza but even after they were gone it was there. Good luck!
Posted on: 2013/11/22 12:59
Re: What is that NOISE!!!!!
Home away from home
My bet it's related to this... World Trade Center & Exchange Place Stations | Weekend Service Suspensions Superstorm Sandy resulted in the unprecedented flooding of PATH tunnels and infrastructure. Our four tunnels, located under the Hudson River, were filled with millions of gallons of salt water. Though water was pumped out to clear the tubes and restore service, the residual salt left behind has created obstacles that threaten the safety and reliability of the entire system. To remedy this issue, World Trade Center and Exchange Place stations will be closed for three full weekends, so tunnels between these stations can be ?power washed? for salt removal. Restoration work to repair and replace compromised power and communication cable, rails, and trackside equipment will also be performed and will continue in 2014. This work will improve service and reduce train delays. November 2013 Closures Friday nights, around-the-clock, through Monday mornings November 8 ? November 10 November 15 ? November 17 November 22 ? November 24 Last Train Departures Friday Evenings NWK-WTC Last NWK-bound train departs WTC at 11:55 p.m. Last WTC-bound train departs NWK at 11:20 p.m. HOB-WTC Last HOB-bound train departs WTC at 10:56 p.m. Last WTC-bound train departs HOB at 11:11 p.m. World Trade Center and Exchange Place stations will be reopened each Monday at approximately 4:45 a.m. The first departure out of WTC will be the 5:10 a.m. train to NWK. Passengers traveling to lower Manhattan on these weekends should use the JSQ-33rd (via HOB) line and connect to NYC Transit subways or buses in Manhattan. (A separate fare payment is required.) Passengers travelling to Grove Street from NWK or Harrison should transfer at JSQ for JSQ-33rd (via HOB) line. The World Trade Center West Concourse, providing underground connection to Brookfield Place, will remain open and accessible during these weekend outages. Your safety and the long-term viability of the PATH system remains our highest priority. We appreciate your understanding while this work is under way.
Posted on: 2013/11/22 3:03
What is that NOISE!!!!!
I've searched JCList forums to no avail to gain some insight into this constant humming noise that seems to come from the Newport area (we're in the Harsimus Cove section). It last all night long and it has come to the point that we have to either sleep with earplugs or leave the TV on. This is nonstop higher pitched hum that can be heard for blocks I'm sure. Anyone else losing sleep here?
Posted on: 2013/11/21 23:08