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Re: Thank you JCPD officer
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2005/7/13 15:03
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No ticket: - nepotisim - slap on the hand - get a break.
D: all of the above !

Posted on: 2013/10/7 10:57
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: Thank you JCPD officer
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2011/7/25 6:04
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driverjase wrote:

blanquiita wrote:
Was the driver ticketed?

The officer made sure I was ok before turning back to the driver and reaming her out a little more and then letting her go.

I spoke with the officer afterwards, thanking him. And just mentioning how bad the intersection is. And he brought up several others that are just as bad. He even told me that on his commute to work in his civilian car he has people run stop signs all the time in front of him, but when he's in his patrol car, nothing.

I asked him if they could set up cars sitting at some of these intersections, and he told me he'd love to, but its Jersey City and there are so many more pressing things that they are doing.

Anyway, I thanked him for helping and left happy that the driver at least got yelled at by a cop. Maybe she'll think twice next time.

I am glad that you are ok but I don't understand why she wasn't ticketed. She blew through a stop sign and a JC police yelled at her but didn't give her a ticket? Why not? Incidents like this will continue to happen if the JCPD doesn't hand out fines.

Posted on: 2013/10/5 22:47

Re: Thank you JCPD officer
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2006/11/13 18:42
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jcman420 wrote:
A resounding YES to stop sign cameras. Especially in and around VVP where many drivers see stop signs as mere suggestions. These would be extremely effective since stop signs are pretty black and white-- you should always fully stop for them, and if you don't you deserve a ticket.

Red light cameras, OTOH, are much more dangerous than stop sign cameras and can actually encourage cars to speed through green and yellow lights at an intersection. They could work in JC, but only if they're well-thought out and placed in strategically intelligent locations.

If we get enough people writing to the Public Safety Director about the problem and possible solution, the better the chances of the problem being fixed.

The neighborhood that voices the loudest will be heard and get the resources or given the location to test new technology such as STOP sign cameras!

Posted on: 2013/10/5 22:45
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Thank you JCPD officer
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2010/9/24 1:49
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A resounding YES to stop sign cameras. Especially in and around VVP where many drivers see stop signs as mere suggestions. These would be extremely effective since stop signs are pretty black and white-- you should always fully stop for them, and if you don't you deserve a ticket.

Red light cameras, OTOH, are much more dangerous than stop sign cameras and can actually encourage cars to speed through green and yellow lights at an intersection. They could work in JC, but only if they're well-thought out and placed in strategically intelligent locations.

Posted on: 2013/10/5 22:24

Re: Thank you JCPD officer
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2006/11/13 18:42
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From 280 Grove Street
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Maybe a note to the District Commander or even the Public Safety Director about the job well done by the officer and add the fact that the intersection is an ongoing issue - Maybe even attach a link to those STOP sign cameras!

If we don't inform the 'brass' then they can only assume everything is ok - I'm sure they would like to know more about those STOP sign cameras (catches offenders and generates some revenue from those offenders). Public Safety and 'quality of life crimes' was going to be a priority by this administration

Posted on: 2013/10/5 22:06
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Thank you JCPD officer
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2010/8/17 1:45
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2020/8/26 13:40
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I'm a fan of stop sign cameras. DC have got it right I think: ... edestrians-221531301.html


bodhipooh wrote:
Hmmm. Similar situation this morning as I was on my daily morning run. As I was getting into LSP, another clueless driver blew through the STOP sign just as I am running on the crosswalk near the corner of Phillips St and Audrey Zapp Rd./Johnston Ave. This is a narrow two-lane road, and the woman did not see me until I was inches from her car staring at her through the driver's side window. I have had SO MANY close calls in the park. All these a-holes rushing through the park roads are a menace to pedestrians and runners. I really, really wish for enforcement of the speed limit and posted signs.

What recourse do I have beyond yelling expletives at these clueless drivers? Surely, punching their doors or windows can't be our only relief. Sooner or later, someone will get injured or seriously hurt.

Posted on: 2013/10/4 22:02

Re: Thank you JCPD officer
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2008/11/17 4:05
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blanquiita wrote:
Was the driver ticketed?

The officer made sure I was ok before turning back to the driver and reaming her out a little more and then letting her go.

I spoke with the officer afterwards, thanking him. And just mentioning how bad the intersection is. And he brought up several others that are just as bad. He even told me that on his commute to work in his civilian car he has people run stop signs all the time in front of him, but when he's in his patrol car, nothing.

I asked him if they could set up cars sitting at some of these intersections, and he told me he'd love to, but its Jersey City and there are so many more pressing things that they are doing.

Anyway, I thanked him for helping and left happy that the driver at least got yelled at by a cop. Maybe she'll think twice next time.

Posted on: 2013/10/4 18:13

Re: Thank you JCPD officer
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2008/8/12 18:31
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2020/4/26 22:05
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Hmmm. Similar situation this morning as I was on my daily morning run. As I was getting into LSP, another clueless driver blew through the STOP sign just as I am running on the crosswalk near the corner of Phillips St and Audrey Zapp Rd./Johnston Ave. This is a narrow two-lane road, and the woman did not see me until I was inches from her car staring at her through the driver's side window. I have had SO MANY close calls in the park. All these a-holes rushing through the park roads are a menace to pedestrians and runners. I really, really wish for enforcement of the speed limit and posted signs.

What recourse do I have beyond yelling expletives at these clueless drivers? Surely, punching their doors or windows can't be our only relief. Sooner or later, someone will get injured or seriously hurt.

Posted on: 2013/10/4 17:11

Re: Thank you JCPD officer
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2011/7/25 6:04
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driverjase wrote:
Just kicked the heck out of a car that blew through the stop sign at 8th and Jersey almost taking me out. A cop was standing at the intersection and actually ran after the car to get it to stop and yell at the driver. Let's hope this kind of JCPD action continues.

Was the driver ticketed?

Posted on: 2013/10/4 16:03

Re: Thank you JCPD officer
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2009/5/12 2:57
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Is your foot ok?

Posted on: 2013/10/4 15:08

Re: Thank you JCPD officer
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2009/12/22 20:28
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2017/11/7 17:48
From 8th st
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driverjase wrote:
Just kicked the heck out of a car that blew through the stop sign at 8th and Jersey almost taking me out. A cop was standing at the intersection and actually ran after the car to get it to stop and yell at the driver. Let's hope this kind of JCPD action continues.

So often we get to watch helplessly as these idiots drive away, it must have been nice to see a bit of instant karma.

Posted on: 2013/10/4 14:44

Thank you JCPD officer
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2008/11/17 4:05
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2017/6/7 17:42
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Just kicked the heck out of a car that blew through the stop sign at 8th and Jersey almost taking me out. A cop was standing at the intersection and actually ran after the car to get it to stop and yell at the driver. Let's hope this kind of JCPD action continues.

Posted on: 2013/10/4 14:00

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