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Re: Dan is still Dan
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2012/10/12 12:58
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If a murder happens but nobody was around to see it... did the victim die?

Corruption is only able to be prosecuted (and therefore a crime by your definition) if it is, using your term, "baited." I guess if Dwek wasn't wearing a wire then it wouldnt have been "baited," but then again, by your definition the passing of the bribes and concealment of the amounts wouldnt be considered a crime either...

Posted on: 2013/4/19 15:20

Re: Dan is still Dan
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Mouse wrote:
I think a much fairer interpretation is that this was rampant during the Healy administration but that they got 'caught' that one time, and that it happened numerous times. I mean, c'mon, let's use a little common sense please.

The law is about what can be proven, and it certainly doesn?t revolve around common sense. Do I believe there?s more to Jersey City corruption than what fell out of one sting operation? Yes. Does that matter? Not enough to charge somebody with a crime that will send them to prison.

Posted on: 2013/4/18 18:26

Re: Dan is still Dan
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Frank_M wrote:

... I could be wrong, but I don?t really believe (nor do I want to believe) that a gentleman like Steven thinks baiting an elderly woman to commit a felony?and then trying her on the basis of only that one crime?represented justice in the first place.

Whoa, that is a pretty generous interpretation of the events. I watched the tapes too and I got the impression that this was not a one-time crime. Beldini herself admitted that "everybody does it" on tape. Also, in the sworn testimony it was clear that Healy knew what was going on. He was just smart enough not to get caught (on tape) actually receiving a fat cash envelope (that's what he had Beldini, Cheatem and Jack Shaw for. Unfortunately, as you recall, it was too much for Jack and he committed suicide).

I think a much fairer interpretation is that this was rampant during the Healy administration but that they got 'caught' that one time, and that it happened numerous times. I mean, c'mon, let's use a little common sense please.

Posted on: 2013/4/18 18:01
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Re: Dan is still Dan
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2008/4/2 11:56
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MightyOz wrote:

Frank_M wrote:
Would you be interested in the opportunity to stop trying so hard to be offended by the stupid interloper remark?

Isn't the point not about who's offended, but by what it reveals about Healy's attitude to most of the city?

Fair enough, but I try not to read too much into the stupid shit a candidate says during a campaign. It?s nasty business. I wasn?t impressed with Steven?s accusation that Jerramiah allowed Ms. Beldini to ?take the fall? over Bid Rig III, either. I could be wrong, but I don?t really believe (nor do I want to believe) that a gentleman like Steven thinks baiting an elderly woman to commit a felony?and then trying her on the basis of only that one crime?represented justice in the first place.

Posted on: 2013/4/18 17:23

Re: Dan is still Dan
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Frank_M wrote:
Would you be interested in the opportunity to stop trying so hard to be offended by the stupid interloper remark?

Isn't the point not about who's offended, but by what it reveals about Healy's attitude to most of the city?

He claims to be able to do the best job for everyone - but when he's among his loyal followers it's straight US vs THEM.

And he acts the same way as Mayor. His actual agenda is to care about the developers, the county pols, the HCDO faithful. For everybody else he'll show up to your event and sing a song, but forget it when it comes to funding or legislation or keeping a sound eye on the budget.

I can't get how anybody would try to defend or explain this one away. It's not just Healy's dis of newcomers - it's the way this translates into how his administration functions.

Posted on: 2013/4/18 15:41
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Re: Dan is still Dan
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An interview with Dan Levin.

Posted on: 2013/4/18 15:19

Re: Dan is still Dan
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T-Bird wrote:
Seemed like a perfect opportunity for...

Would you be interested in the opportunity to stop trying so hard to be offended by the stupid interloper remark? Steven appears to be the best candidate for the job, but whining fosters apathy just as well.

Posted on: 2013/4/17 15:26

Re: Dan is still Dan
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PlainSlice wrote:

Although after Dan's pretzel-twisting to defend Healy's political attacks against "newcomers," maybe I should stick to my canoe lane, and just let Dan be Dan. He's a more effective spokesman against his candidacy than a plain old slice could aspire to.

Yes, yes! My favorite moment at last night's Van Vorst Park Association candidate forum was when Dan tried to explain away the newcomer/interloper comment by saying the following (and I'm paraphrasing):

"If you look at the dictionary, interloper doesn't have anything to do with being a newcomer. By 'newcomer', the mayor was referring to Steve alone. 'Interloper' means having ideas that are different from those than the people who came before you." When asked if he, too were an interloper, Dan responded: "well, I have a lot of ideas that are different from those of the past so in that sense, yes - I'm an interloper!"

Merriam-Webster Definition of INTERLOPER

: one that interlopes: as
a : an illegal or unlicensed trader
b : one that intrudes in a place or sphere of activity

Nothing about ideas, but I think most people think of the "b" definition when they hear interloper. "Intruder" clearly means an unwelcome person and it seems to me that you have to be new to intrude. So, no Dan - the mayor was calling not just Steve, but his supporters intruders (he did speak in the plural). As in, "hey - new people, mind your own business and pay your taxes. Keep your nose out of anything that I believe doesn't pertain to you."

Seemed like a perfect opportunity for Dan to say "You know what? The mayor is wrong on that one" rather than doubling down on a double-down from that most eloquent spokesman, Jeff Dublin.

Posted on: 2013/4/17 15:04

Re: Dan is still Dan
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jcmiles wrote:
Folks, keep this in mind when reading posts by plainslice.

Ah, the classic argumentum ad hominem. Attack the messenger not the message.

PlainSlice is a jerk. I know it, you know it, my family's known it for years. But even jerks have political opinions.

Why are we here? Because Dan felt the need to let us all know that "Dan is still Dan," in his attempt to explain his incredible switch from Healy critic and opponent to Healy running mate.

What Dan - the guy who's seeking office, not some random jerk on jclist - said, is that this 180-degree U-turn was a simple matter of political expedience and would not affect his ability to function effectively as an advocate for and representative of Ward E.

The post-endorsement facts say otherwise.
1. Dan has not been able to explain to most voters' satisfaction his rationale for embracing Healy.
2. Dan has been marginalized and dissed by his running mate Healy.
3. Dan has repeatedly avoided challenging Mayor Healy ON ANYTHING since he sold out.

Maybe people can get by the political expediency argument - although with a leap like Dan made, you have to wonder what he would do when faced with his NEXT chance at some political opportunity.

But Dan's defense of the Healy administration seems to be nothing but political and personal hypocrisy. Silence on increased Paulus Hook development. Defense of Healy's weak pay-to-play over Fulop's strong pay-to-play.

Although after Dan's pretzel-twisting to defend Healy's political attacks against "newcomers," maybe I should stick to my canoe lane, and just let Dan be Dan. He's a more effective spokesman against his candidacy than a plain old slice could aspire to.

Posted on: 2013/4/17 13:17

Re: Dan is still Dan
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jcmiles wrote:
Folks, keep this in mind when reading posts by plainslice. There are at least six usernames he/she posts under:


Posted with the same IP address:

-past posting by webmaster


Posted on: 2013/4/16 21:09

Re: Dan is still Dan
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Civic JC deserves it's laurels. I do think it is fair to say, however, that once Dan ran for mayor the group lost significant momentum. It was still pushing pay to play, however. At one point the only audible voice, I remember they, and Dan in particular, were elated when Steve indicated his interest in moving it forward.

What "got it across the finish line?" Realistically, operation Bid Rig did. The council, which was shocked, shocked that anyone could think there was even the appearance of impropriety, realized that they had to do something.

There are plenty of initiatives that people start, or move forward, that stall. I heard a lot about street safety from Candice and others after my neighbor was killed on Grand Street, and very little follow up since. I don't blame Candice or anyone in particular for this.

I appreciate those residents of Ward E as well as those not of Ward E who want the candidates to answer their own personal questions. I particularly appreciate those who feel the need to log in under 6 different handles so as to get their "questions" across. In the meantime, those of us who have lived down here, both old timers and interlopers, can figure out our priorities and see what the candidates will do to address them.

For those keeping score at home, 2 candidates RSVP'd "yes" for my wife's 40th birthday brunch but only one actually showed up. Tsk Tsk Tsk......

Posted on: 2013/4/16 15:42

Re: Dan is still Dan
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I'm still trying to figure out how I am assassinating his character by asking him to address the issues that are important to the community that he will be representing.

Yes, I do know how long the Pay to Play legislation took to pass. I was doing a lot of the work behind the scenes. It wasn't just Dan and Civic JC. Citizen's Campaign came to Civic JC and Councilman Fulop from the very beginning. I know the lawyers involved pretty well. I know exactly how much work was done and by whom.

Civic JC is a lot of talk and very little do, sorry I like the people involved, but see nothing. It was Fulop and his volunteers that got the Pay to Play legislation across the finish line. I'd like to see CivicJC become a much more powerful organization, but it failed to take off.

If you call it character assassination to question why Dan supported a weaker version of the P2P legislation so that Team Healy could circumvent the pay to play laws, then show the public I am wrong. Do it - stop avoiding the question and actually answer it if Dan is still Dan and you want people to support him.

Bike lanes versus flooding/sewer issues.... hhhmmm that is an incredibly hard choice there. Perhaps Dan is already at work on canoe lanes.

How about OneJC - Let's talk about that. It is a political organization but there seems to be absolutely no transparency. Who exactly is One JC? No one knows. Would you like to enlighten us? And what exactly has One JC done for the community?

I doubt Dan has done more than me. We are probably about equal in our respective communities, but ignoring the sewers and flooding issues of downtown is major. Dan is the one with a political agenda. Attacking me when I am not running for anything is not going to change the above facts.

Trying to protect the historical buildings of Jersey City and creating bike lanes is well and good; it's all a part of the bigger picture, but many people are looking at losing their homes and their historical structures. This needs to be addressed and going to JCMUA meetings where there isn't an audience and going to the people that are hurting the most to see how you can advocate for them would have been much more meaningful.

Yes, I have 3 kids. I know what is like to struggle to help your community while raising a baby and toddlers, while holding two jobs and struggling to maintain a household. I've been there and done that. Dan and I are far from the only ones that have seen that struggle. Nice try though.

I'm pretty sure you are avoiding the questions and my factual points by trying to cut me down. I'm not sure that is a very smart strategy.

Dan is running for council representative of Ward E. There are issues that he has not addressed nor said how he is going to address. These are legitimate questions for any voter.

Enough said.


jcmiles wrote:

Althea wrote:
I'm a community activist just like you are saying Dan is

Yes you are. But Dan has gotten a lot more accomplished than you. But because you have a political agenda to follow, you ignore all of that and just keep bashing him for the fact that he is on Healy's ticket.

What about P2P reform, which Dan and CivicJC accomplished? Do you know how many years that took?
What about the bicycle lanes which Dan and Bike JC just recently accomplished?
What about his work with the Harsimus Cove Association?
How about One Jersey City?
The JC Landmarks Conservancy?
And he did all of this volunteer community activism while struggling to raise two kids and run a framing shop in Hoboken for which he was sole-proprietor.

All forgotten in your mad dash to assassinate his character.

Posted on: 2013/4/16 15:18
soshin: Mention guns and bd pops up through a hole in the ground like a heavily armed meercat

Re: Dan is still Dan
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2006/5/31 15:16
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Althea wrote:
I'm a community activist just like you are saying Dan is

Yes you are. But Dan has gotten a lot more accomplished than you. But because you have a political agenda to follow, you ignore all of that and just keep bashing him for the fact that he is on Healy's ticket.

What about P2P reform, which Dan and CivicJC accomplished? Do you know how many years that took?
What about the bicycle lanes which Dan and Bike JC just recently accomplished?
What about his work with the Harsimus Cove Association?
How about One Jersey City?
The JC Landmarks Conservancy?
And he did all of this volunteer community activism while struggling to raise two kids and run a framing shop in Hoboken for which he was sole-proprietor.

All forgotten in your mad dash to assassinate his character.

Posted on: 2013/4/16 14:31

Re: Dan is still Dan
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2006/5/31 15:16
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Folks, keep this in mind when reading posts by plainslice. There are at least six usernames he/she posts under:


Posted with the same IP address:

-past posting by webmaster

From what I have read, most of his/her postings are only there to bash Dan Levin and boost the Fulop ticket. Why? Political gamesmanship.

Posted on: 2013/4/16 14:16

Re: Dan is still Dan
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Coffee Chats ? Week of April 15

Every week, Dan will be at various coffee shops and cafes downtown in the mornings. Feel free to stop by, have a chat, and voice any concerns you have about downtown Jersey City. The schedule will change week to week. Email for more information.

Wednesday ? April 17

9 A.M. to 10 A.M.
Legal Grounds
170 Grand St.

Friday ? April 19

9 A.M. to 10 A.M.
Steam Cafe
276 Newark Ave.

Posted on: 2013/4/16 11:26

Re: Dan is still Dan
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jcmiles wrote:
And plainslice, are you or are you not a paid member of Fulop's campaign team?

Laughing Out Loud!!! Thanks for the compliment, but I am not now nor have I ever been paid by Steve Fulop. Or Jeery Healy. Or Dan Levin, Candice Osborne, good old Fletch, or any other Jersey City pol.

We disagree about Dan's character and abilities. The number #1 reason Dan is not running with Team Fulop? Dan never asked. He could swallow his scruples to go to Healy, but not his pride to talk to Steve. How do we know this? Dan and Steve have both said so. That does not bode well for Dan's future ability to play well with others.

Nobody questions that about Fulop, and my post said that Fulop would work with anybody elected to the position. The question is whether Dan can grow beyond the corner he's painted himself into.

You also "see Dan working on excellent initiatives" as he has in the past. Great. But we have a different understanding of what we would like to see in an elected leader. Dan's got a completion problem. He's been involved in a lot of excellent initiatives - but he's been the driving force and the hard work behind few of them, and he's had the power to finish almost none of them.

You provide an excellent example of the way Dan being Dan would be fine on its own, but that Ward E would be getting less from Councilman Dan than from Councilwoman Osborne.


jcmiles wrote:
I remember that Dan turned into a valuable information resource with multiple postings daily...

And I remember that Candice Osborne - working with others - organized something that did not even exist into an 800+ volunteer army that not only managed website updates, but also:
fed hundreds of families,
handed out and delivered flashlights, warm clothing, blankets, diapers, giftcards and God knows what else,
published a daily newspaper,
operated a warming center,
helped people apply for FEMA and other aid,
advocated for low-income tenants,
helped people do mold remediation,
and performed outreach all over the city.
All this while her own home was flood-damaged, and she had the same pressures as did many of the people she was helping. And while Dan's running mate, "Where's Jerry" Healy was nowhere to be found.

Let Dan be Dan. But let Candice be Councilwoman.

I've had enough of this, too. I wish we could vote tomorrow.

Posted on: 2013/4/16 2:22

Re: Dan is still Dan
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I think this speaks volumes. He posted on OneJC? Really?

I don't need to character bash; Fulop never let me go; I'm a community activist just like you are saying Dan is, except I actually have helped his community work on actual flooding/sewer solutions. Why exactly wouldn't Dan want to be involved in that if he works so well with others and wants to represent Ward E? Why am I the one leading this from the community end?

I notice that you fail to address the issue that he backed a very weak version of Pay to Play reform legislation so that his team could circumvent the law. Jump on me all that you want, but instead why not use your real name and actually answer the question?

Posting updates on One JC rather than actually being out there helping people is not really what you want in a leader.

Facts speak for themselves. Call that character assassination if you like, but you aren't doing Dan's image any favors by claiming he posted to his website when the rest of us were out there getting people's power back on; delivering food; and helping them clean out their homes.

Sorry I'm not just one to sit around and listen to how great Dan is when he claims to be fighting for reform and he ignores one of the most major issues facing downtown. That's not leadership.


jcmiles wrote:

Althea wrote:
Yeah this is about the biggest crock of you know what...

Very eloquent as always Althea.


I'm still waiting for Dan to actually work on the sewers and flooding issues besides walking up to a group of residents ...

Since when does Dan or anyone work for you? He's a private citizen who gives his free time to work on a lot of issues to help this city. On the other hand, I remember that Dan turned into a valuable information resource with multiple postings daily for weeks after Sandy for victims of the flooding like me, and others throughout the city.
In fact, I think moobycows honest mistake in thinking Dan had some role in the city government SPEAKS VOLUMES about how involved Dan has been for decades.


Althea wrote:
I have no idea who you are, but you have obviously been drinking.

Maybe you could use a drink? You seem so negative. Maybe, (and I'm just guessing here) that is why Fulop let you go? Or do you still work, volunteer, character-bash for him?

Posted on: 2013/4/16 2:17
soshin: Mention guns and bd pops up through a hole in the ground like a heavily armed meercat

Re: Dan is still Dan
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2009/12/22 20:28
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No offense taken, it was a pretty bad mistake given the thread. I have talked to Dan around town a couple of time (he's a t La Conguita fairly often ;). I like the guy a lot, but he strikes me as someone who cares a whole hell of a lot but doesn't necessarily have the greatest ideas.

To be honest I think that whoever wins the race DT we'll be in pretty good shape.

Posted on: 2013/4/15 21:00

Re: Dan is still Dan
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moobycow wrote:
My bad, I don't know why I thought he was working on counsel (sic) instead of just working as an activist.

Honest mistake. I meant no personal offense to you when I talked about not visiting here any more. Its mainly the agenda-driven posts by Fulop operative plainslice (and all of his other fake usernames) and Fulop BFF Althea (joking!) that grow really tiresome day after day.

I'm probably voting for Fulop too. But this Dan bashing is so contrived and orchestrated its making Fulop look petty.

Posted on: 2013/4/15 20:36

Re: Dan is still Dan
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Althea wrote:
Yeah this is about the biggest crock of you know what...

Very eloquent as always Althea.


I'm still waiting for Dan to actually work on the sewers and flooding issues besides walking up to a group of residents ...

Since when does Dan or anyone work for you? He's a private citizen who gives his free time to work on a lot of issues to help this city. On the other hand, I remember that Dan turned into a valuable information resource with multiple postings daily for weeks after Sandy for victims of the flooding like me, and others throughout the city.
In fact, I think moobycows honest mistake in thinking Dan had some role in the city government SPEAKS VOLUMES about how involved Dan has been for decades.


Althea wrote:
I have no idea who you are, but you have obviously been drinking.

Maybe you could use a drink? You seem so negative. Maybe, (and I'm just guessing here) that is why Fulop let you go? Or do you still work, volunteer, character-bash for him?

Posted on: 2013/4/15 20:26

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Yeah this is about the biggest crock of you know what... I'm still waiting for Dan to actually work on the sewers and flooding issues besides walking up to a group of residents days after Sandyy when they had over 7 feet of water in their homes and saying, let's all go over to City Hall as this is a good time to discuss this issue.

Where is he? Isn't this an incredibly important issue to be involved in? Dan is the one with the ego who is unwilling to work with others.

Yes people? Really? Around Fulop? Another laugh while Dan yes' Healy left and right to support weak legislation that will make sure Healy's team can win by circumventing pay to play reform laws.

I have no idea who you are, but you have obviously been drinking.


jcmiles wrote:

PlainSlice wrote:

Or Fulop wins big and brings in most of his Council team,
but Dan miraculously wins.
Fulop would work with him, sure,
but do you see him leading a lot of initiatives
with a Fulop administration in City Hall?

As he has in the past, I see Dan working on excellent initiatives with the other Council members and Mayor Fulop.
On the other hand, if Fulop can't get past his ego to work with a veteran community activist like Dan Levin, then Fulop needs to put JC first and not himself. I think they will both work together and the products of their collaboration will be strong, well-thought-out legislation.

You won't get good policies from Fulop at Mayor and a bunch of "yes-men" on the Council.

And plainslice, are you or are you not a paid member of Fulop's campaign team? Not that a fact like that should stop you from posting but at least put the fact in your signature.

Posted on: 2013/4/15 18:08
soshin: Mention guns and bd pops up through a hole in the ground like a heavily armed meercat

Re: Dan is still Dan
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PlainSlice wrote:

Or Fulop wins big and brings in most of his Council team,
but Dan miraculously wins.
Fulop would work with him, sure,
but do you see him leading a lot of initiatives
with a Fulop administration in City Hall?

As he has in the past, I see Dan working on excellent initiatives with the other Council members and Mayor Fulop.
On the other hand, if Fulop can't get past his ego to work with a veteran community activist like Dan Levin, then Fulop needs to put JC first and not himself. I think they will both work together and the products of their collaboration will be strong, well-thought-out legislation.

You won't get good policies from Fulop at Mayor and a bunch of "yes-men" on the Council.

And plainslice, are you or are you not a paid member of Fulop's campaign team? Not that a fact like that should stop you from posting but at least put the fact in your signature.

Posted on: 2013/4/15 15:37

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poticians should be call chimney sweepers, because at the end of the day of work they are all dirty.

Posted on: 2013/4/10 20:20

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AlexC wrote:
Politics is a dirty business - everyone knows that.... I believe, Dan will never go the the "dark side" - I've known him for ten years. What's the alternative?

Politics is only as dirty as the people who practice it and the rules they play by.

Nobody here is likely to sway too many opinions on this one. And while Dan may not have gone to the "dark side" he's playing in the shadows, for sure.

What's the alternative? Candice Osborne. She hasn't done a U-turn on the subject of effective leadership for Jersey City. You can't have any doubt that she has the personal fortitude to stand up to the guy at the head of her ticket.

By contrast, Dan's gone silent since his "Sunday in the Park with Jerry" moment. Arguing in favor of Dan, about the best you can say of his flip flop for Healy is claiming he'll flip back if elected. But you must seriously question whether he has what it takes to stand up to power when it waves a deal in front of him.

Look at some other alternatives. Healy wins - how effective do you think Dan would be? Healy already ignores him and Dan hasn't pushed back an inch against anything Healy's done, even becoming an apologist for Healy's campaign against pay-to-play reform.

Or Fulop wins big and brings in most of his Council team, but Dan miraculously wins. Fulop would work with him, sure, but do you see him leading a lot of initiatives with a Fulop administration in City Hall?

Or how about Fulop wins but has a split Council? Dan has shown he can't resist deals from the old pols, who would be falling all over him to swing his vote.

Dark side, shmark side - it's Dan's fifty shades of gray you should be concerned about.

Posted on: 2013/4/10 4:14

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Politics is a dirty business - everyone knows that. Someone described it's as "the art of what's possible". Sure, I understand the mistrust - sometimes you have to do what is necessary to achieve your goals. But as you stated, and which I believe, Dan will never go the the "dark side" - I've known him for ten years. What's the alternative?


Althea wrote:
The one issue here though is that Dan had a very good chance to do the right thing by promoting even stronger pay to play reform and instead said he would back Healy's as the best possible legislation; that he was still Dan standing for the best possible reform. A month later we got the reason why Healy vetoed the Council backed pay to play reform legislation that Dan surprisingly did not support. We saw clearly that Team Healy was looking to circumvent the pay to play reform laws by using a PAC that the Fulop sponsored ordinance would have prevented.

Dan said nothing. This is something that people have to seriously consider. People get desperate to win and what do they compromise in the process.

I will maintain that I don't think Dan has gone to the dark side and I don't believe for a moment that he has changed into someone less than good. However, it shows a desperation that will allow him to to justify losing his principles in order to win and in order to allow the dishonest people a win. Sitting on the Council there will be more opportunities where the end will justify the means. That is not a win for the City and its residents.

How do you justify allowing your team to veto reform and attempt to circumvent the pay to play laws and stay silent to those you are asking to vote for you?

For me this is a sticking point and a big one. For those who personally know Dan, I get it. I just don't see how you justify this.


81905 wrote:
Let your dim light shine LimpiarElSucio!

Dan was one of the few who actually led efforts to get the city council to adopt the Contractor and Redevelopment Pay-to-Play Reform ordinance. Get your facts in order before you espouse such misguided nonsense......

You can't deny or turn a blind eye to history and facts. Honestly, to think because Dan is now aligned with Healy to help Dan get a seat on the council ( a risk but his best shot in my opinion) he has to completely re-illustrate and vocalize each of his positions at every council meeting is not only ridiculous but won't happen due to time constraints.

Attend one of his Coffee Chats if you have concerns and misgivings.

Friday ? March 29

9 A.M. to 10 A.M.
La Conguita
351 Grove St.

Posted on: 2013/4/10 2:34

Re: Dan is still Dan
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
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Posted on: 2013/4/10 0:36

Re: Dan is still Dan
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2012/8/22 18:20
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Coffee Chats ? Week of April 8

Every week, Dan will be at various coffee shops and cafes downtown in the mornings. Feel free to stop by, have a chat, and voice any concerns you have about downtown Jersey City. The schedule will change week to week. Email for more information.

Wednesday ? April 10

9 A.M. to 10 A.M.
Beechwood Cafe
290 Grove St.

Friday ? April 12

9 A.M. to 10 A.M.
231 8th St.

Posted on: 2013/4/9 23:59

Re: Dan is still Dan
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JTaylor wrote:
Thanks Tom,
That's pretty clever. But not clever enough to change the fact that Levin is the only candidate running downtown who has the qualifications to represent Ward E for the next 4 years after Councilman Fulop steps down.


Hey April,your not very good at this are you? A good campaign manager would never repeat a goof on their candidate just to get a dig in.

Posted on: 2013/3/30 19:16

Re: Dan is still Dan
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The one issue here though is that Dan had a very good chance to do the right thing by promoting even stronger pay to play reform and instead said he would back Healy's as the best possible legislation; that he was still Dan standing for the best possible reform. A month later we got the reason why Healy vetoed the Council backed pay to play reform legislation that Dan surprisingly did not support. We saw clearly that Team Healy was looking to circumvent the pay to play reform laws by using a PAC that the Fulop sponsored ordinance would have prevented.

Dan said nothing. This is something that people have to seriously consider. People get desperate to win and what do they compromise in the process.

I will maintain that I don't think Dan has gone to the dark side and I don't believe for a moment that he has changed into someone less than good. However, it shows a desperation that will allow him to to justify losing his principles in order to win and in order to allow the dishonest people a win. Sitting on the Council there will be more opportunities where the end will justify the means. That is not a win for the City and its residents.

How do you justify allowing your team to veto reform and attempt to circumvent the pay to play laws and stay silent to those you are asking to vote for you?

For me this is a sticking point and a big one. For those who personally know Dan, I get it. I just don't see how you justify this.


81905 wrote:
Let your dim light shine LimpiarElSucio!

Dan was one of the few who actually led efforts to get the city council to adopt the Contractor and Redevelopment Pay-to-Play Reform ordinance. Get your facts in order before you espouse such misguided nonsense......

You can't deny or turn a blind eye to history and facts. Honestly, to think because Dan is now aligned with Healy to help Dan get a seat on the council ( a risk but his best shot in my opinion) he has to completely re-illustrate and vocalize each of his positions at every council meeting is not only ridiculous but won't happen due to time constraints.

Attend one of his Coffee Chats if you have concerns and misgivings.

Friday ? March 29

9 A.M. to 10 A.M.
La Conguita
351 Grove St.

Posted on: 2013/3/30 11:32
soshin: Mention guns and bd pops up through a hole in the ground like a heavily armed meercat

Re: Dan is still Dan
Quite a regular
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2012/8/22 18:20
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2013/5/14 1:51
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Posts: 43
Thanks Tom,
That's pretty clever. But not clever enough to change the fact that Levin is the only candidate running downtown who has the qualifications to represent Ward E for the next 4 years after Councilman Fulop steps down.

fat-ass-bike wrote:
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Posted on: 2013/3/30 11:29

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