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Re: Street sweeping program to end in Jersey City Heights on Jan. 28
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2005/7/13 15:03
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From Western Slope
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Isn't this thread specificaly pertaining to the commerce district which is up in the Heights ?

Posted on: 2013/1/27 3:07
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: Street sweeping program to end in Jersey City Heights on Jan. 28
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2008/1/29 2:54
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2019/7/1 19:35
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Why does the subject say street sweeping? This article is about ending SIDEWALK sweeping?
But individuals should be cleaning the sidewalks and curbs outside their businesses and homes any way. But the city doesn't enforce it's own municipal codes

Jersey City, New Jersey, Code of Ordinances >> Chapter 296 - STREETS AND SIDEWALKS >> ARTICLE II - Sidewalk Cleaning >>
? 296-8. - Dirty and littered condition prohibited.
No owner, occupant or person acting as an agent, janitor or superintendent in charge of any house, apartment, office building, store, stand, factory, garage or other type of building or vacant lot or lots shall maintain and allow the sidewalk or any part of the front or sides of such premises, facing upon any street, to be in a dirty and littered condition at any time.*
*? Editor's Note: See also Ch. 324, Used Car Dealers, ? 324-11

? 296-9. - Definitions.

As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

DIRTY AND LITTERED CONDITION - The sidewalk or any part of the front of any premises facing upon any public street shall be construed to be in a "dirty and littered condition" where there exists thereon, littered, dispersed or scattered about, any accumulation of dirt, dust, ashes, straw, shavings, sweepings, garbage, refuse, tree or shrubbery leaves, bark, branches or twigs, animal or vegetable matter, fruit peels, skins or parts thereof, wood, metal, old rags, waste, bottles or broken glass, newspapers, magazines or books or pages or parts thereof, other printed material, torn pieces of paper, cardboard and the like, wrappings, bags, containers, string, cigar or cigarette butts or parts thereof, matches or any other discarded matter, all of which shall be regarded as refuse, and any combination or accumulation thereof.
SIDEWALK - The entire ground or space from the established or actual building line to the curb of the public street in front of any building or vacant lot or on the sides thereof, if same is a corner property, facing on two or more public streets, and shall include any right-of-way, public or private, used by the public.

? 296-10. - Duty of owners, occupants and workers; depositing materials in streets or gutters.
Any owner, occupant or any person acting as agent, janitor or superintendent in charge of any property shall regularly sweep, brush and otherwise clean the sidewalk and any part of the front or sides thereof facing upon a public street; provided, however, that the owner, occupant or person in charge of any store, factory, office, building, garage, stand or other commercial property shall sweep, brush or otherwise clean the sidewalk and any part of the front or sides thereof facing upon a public street daily, except Sundays, preferably at the closing hours.
No owner, occupant or person in charge of such property, or any person undertaking for hire or otherwise to sweep, brush and otherwise clean said refuse, shall sweep any refuse, sweepings or residue thereof into or upon the gutter or any part of a public street and deposit or leave same therein or thereupon.
No person or firm who, for hire or otherwise, performs any work in front of any premises shall leave same in a dirty and littered condition, but shall remove said refuse pursuant to the provisions of this Article.

? 296-11. - Areas of property to be kept clean.
No owner, occupant or person in charge of any property shall fail or refuse to sweep, brush and otherwise clean and remove refuse from any and all vestibules, entrances, passageways, stoops, cellar steps, courtyards, frontal or otherwise, or porches of any building, store, office or factory; entrances on the sidewalk in front of any show or store window or exterior show or display cases; driveway or delivery, receiving, shipping or loading platform; or theater, hall or auditorium entrance or fire exit of any nature. No such person shall maintain or allow to exist in connection therewith a dirty and littered condition, as defined in this Article, and under no circumstances shall the owner, occupant or person in charge of any property or any person who undertakes, for hire or otherwise, the sweeping and cleaning of the interior of any building or store sweep any refuse therefrom into the sidewalk.

? 296-12. - Cleaning by city; costs.
In the event that the person owning the property cannot be located within the limits of the city, or any such owner fails or refuses to comply with this Article, the Department of Public Works, at the direction of the Director, upon two days' notice, may undertake to sweep, brush and clean said sidewalk and charge the actual labor expense thereof to the owner by including same in the owner's next annual tax bill.

? 296-13. - Notices to property owner.
All notices to owners herein provided for may be signed by a person designated by the Director of the Department of Public Works in the name of the Director of the Department, and such notices may be posted upon the property or mailed to the owner's address as it appears on the tax records of the city, and for all purposes of this Article, the owner shall be considered as the person under the primary obligation to comply herewith.


user1111 wrote:
JERSEY CITY - Officials with Jersey City's Central Avenue Special Improvement District Management Corporation's have announced that the organization's longstanding sidewalk sweeping program will officially come to an end on January 28 due to a lack of funding.

Funding for the popular program, which helped keep one of the city's major commerce corridors clean, came from the state Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ) Program. Over the past two years much of the UEZ Program has been phased out by Gov. Christopher Christie. This year, Jersey City stands to lose approximately $2 million in funding due state cuts in the UEZ program.

As the program has been phased out, the city has had to cut back on funding to its business districts, which are known as special improvement districts.

Under the city's 2012 budget all of the special improvement districts received $50,000 in funding.

The Central Avenue Special Improvement District's street sweeping program supplemented the city's own street cleaning operations.

In a letter to mayor Jerramiah T. Healy sent last November, Michael Yun, president of the Central Avenue Special Improvement District wrote, "Ending [the] sanitation program after 20 years of service to the community is an agonizing, but necessary, decision because the merchants and commercial property owners on Central Avenue no longer have the resources to continue."

The organization has also announced that it might not have the necessary funding and staff to organize the annual Everything Jersey City Festival this year.

Officials from the Central Avenue Special Improvement District said they have tried to meet with Mayor Healy to discuss the situation, but said Healy has denied their request for a meeting.

Yun has announced plans to run in the upcoming city election for the Ward D City Council seat and will be running against an unannounced candidate on Healy's re-election slate.

A request for a comment from the mayor's spokeswoman was not returned. - E. Assata Wright

Read more: Hudson Reporter - Street sweeping program to end in Jersey City Heights on Jan 28

Posted on: 2013/1/26 17:30

Re: Street sweeping program to end in Jersey City Heights on Jan. 28

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2010/7/25 15:29
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2013/1/26 15:26
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I agree it is the responsibility of all of us to keep our properties clean. The city is not doing its part either. Enforcement of the litter law is lax. Catch basins are not cleared. City refuse cans are overflowing or disappeared. The street sweeping trucks are annoying and almost useless. The garbage pick up is sloppy and often unsupervised. Residents don't know how to put out trash or don't care. Residents get the kind of government we deserve and since many of us don't vote, this is what we get. Its time to stand up make a change in leadership.

Posted on: 2013/1/26 15:27

Re: Street sweeping program to end in Jersey City Heights on Jan. 28

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2005/5/4 21:36
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2013/1/29 17:53
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the responsibility should also come onto the business owners who should keep their storefront sidewalks clean. the heights is a giant litter box between plain old trash and dog feces its really discusting. i have no problem calling people out on Sherman Place for their lack of responsibility and gladly hand them a bag for dog waste.

Posted on: 2013/1/24 20:35

Re: Street sweeping program to end in Jersey City Heights on Jan. 28
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2011/11/30 12:46
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The sweeper doesn't do anything but push trash around, anyway. Will they stop street sweeping tickets now? If so, big win.

Posted on: 2013/1/24 1:49

Re: Street sweeping program to end in Jersey City Heights on Jan. 28
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2012/12/4 15:40
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2016/8/1 15:38
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This would be comical if it wasn't so sad.
In my 25 years of living in the Heights I have never seen this place so filthy. It is absolutely unacceptable. Taking away of the garbage cans was the most idiotic move this administration has ever administered.
Street sweeping program ending? WHAT???? Did we all miss this program? The only person who sweeps my streets is me and I'm now asking my neighbors to do the same.
Mayor Hiccup has such a discourse with the quality of life issues in this city. He couldn't be any more clueless.
I can't get the the ballot box fast enough to vote this idiot out.

Posted on: 2013/1/24 1:47

Re: Street sweeping program to end in Jersey City Heights on Jan. 28
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2009/1/19 19:23
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The streets in the heights were getting clean?

Posted on: 2013/1/23 19:54

Re: Street sweeping program to end in Jersey City Heights on Jan. 28
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2008/8/27 16:46
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user1111 wrote:

MDM wrote:
Has the state or other entities been raiding the UEZ coffers? If not, where has that 3.5% collected in sales tax been going?

Good Question, guess JC heights needs a name like JC Trash.

LOL. I've lived in the Heights for 4 years, and wouldn't have believed it IF YOU PAID ME that anyone cleaned the streets, ever. It truly looks like the third world around here, except for Ogden Avenue (which also single-handedly support the over-priced Farmers Market) and oddly enough the on restaurant on the NW corner of Franklin Avenue and New York Avenue.

Posted on: 2013/1/23 18:47

Re: Street sweeping program to end in Jersey City Heights on Jan. 28
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2012/1/11 18:21
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2019/12/26 15:30
From GV Bayside Park
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MDM wrote:
Has the state or other entities been raiding the UEZ coffers? If not, where has that 3.5% collected in sales tax been going?

Good Question, guess JC heights needs a name like JC Trash.

Posted on: 2013/1/18 2:30

Re: Street sweeping program to end in Jersey City Heights on Jan. 28
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2010/7/9 11:16
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Has the state or other entities been raiding the UEZ coffers? If not, where has that 3.5% collected in sales tax been going?

Posted on: 2013/1/17 20:04

Street sweeping program to end in Jersey City Heights on Jan. 28
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2012/1/11 18:21
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2019/12/26 15:30
From GV Bayside Park
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JERSEY CITY - Officials with Jersey City's Central Avenue Special Improvement District Management Corporation's have announced that the organization's longstanding sidewalk sweeping program will officially come to an end on January 28 due to a lack of funding.

Funding for the popular program, which helped keep one of the city's major commerce corridors clean, came from the state Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ) Program. Over the past two years much of the UEZ Program has been phased out by Gov. Christopher Christie. This year, Jersey City stands to lose approximately $2 million in funding due state cuts in the UEZ program.

As the program has been phased out, the city has had to cut back on funding to its business districts, which are known as special improvement districts.

Under the city's 2012 budget all of the special improvement districts received $50,000 in funding.

The Central Avenue Special Improvement District's street sweeping program supplemented the city's own street cleaning operations.

In a letter to mayor Jerramiah T. Healy sent last November, Michael Yun, president of the Central Avenue Special Improvement District wrote, "Ending [the] sanitation program after 20 years of service to the community is an agonizing, but necessary, decision because the merchants and commercial property owners on Central Avenue no longer have the resources to continue."

The organization has also announced that it might not have the necessary funding and staff to organize the annual Everything Jersey City Festival this year.

Officials from the Central Avenue Special Improvement District said they have tried to meet with Mayor Healy to discuss the situation, but said Healy has denied their request for a meeting.

Yun has announced plans to run in the upcoming city election for the Ward D City Council seat and will be running against an unannounced candidate on Healy's re-election slate.

A request for a comment from the mayor's spokeswoman was not returned. - E. Assata Wright

Read more: Hudson Reporter - Street sweeping program to end in Jersey City Heights on Jan 28

Posted on: 2013/1/17 19:51

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