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Re: Should Sean Conners be asked to resign from BOE position?
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2010/2/21 18:59
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2014/3/19 0:53
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He has run for at least five things in the last five years.
First he ran for senate against the HCDO. He lost
Than he ran for freeholder against the HCDO.He lost
He than ran for ward D council and only quit after he made a
Deal to get a school board seat for himself and a job at the JCIA
For his relative Jerry McCann,from the HCDO.

He is now a sitting board of Ed member who will now not finish his term because he will be elected to the assembly without
opposition.If elected and he takes office in January 2012
He will be running for office in the 2013 election in jersey city the day he is sworn in.

Everything that is wrong with the system.

Posted on: 2011/4/15 2:18

Re: Should Sean Conners be asked to resign from BOE position?

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2011/4/14 14:03
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2011/4/14 14:06
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All I hear on this board is that Sean Conners, Mayor Healy, Gerald McCann, and the rest of the criminal political gang in charge use Astor Bar as their headquarters. What is the deal with this place? How much do our government officials drink? I'm all for having a little fun but common!

Posted on: 2011/4/14 14:10

Should Sean Conners be asked to resign from BOE position?

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2011/4/8 0:05
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2011/6/2 14:56
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My question is this: Since Sean Conners made a mockery of his job as a police officer and our democratic process by publicly endorsing convicted multiple felon Gerald McCann for the school board, and since there are so many good candidates in this year's election,and since he clearly was only using the school board for his next political step shouldn't he be made to resign?

It is never to late to start fixing something broken.

Click here for the letter where Jersey City Police Officer Sean Conners "PROUDLY" recommends convicted multiple felon for a school board position.

Posted on: 2011/4/12 14:13

Re: Hudson County Democrats tap Jersey City police detective Sean Connors for N.J. Assembly seat
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2006/2/15 18:03
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2018/7/26 14:02
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Sean Connors is Gerry McCann's nephew.

?At a time when the Administration should focus on how to keep money in the pockets of its hard working residents, it moves to put an old time politician to the payroll,? said Fulop. ?Let?s call this exactly what it is, this is pay back for McCann delivering his nephew Sean Connors into the Healy organization and in exchange for the Connors endorsement during the election. Every politico in the city knows this quid pro quo to be the truth when Connors endorsed Healy in the election and received his new position in the police department?

Posted on: 2011/4/9 16:46

Re: Hudson County Democrats tap Jersey City police detective Sean Connors for N.J. Assembly seat
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2010/3/10 5:00
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2011/7/13 13:24
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Please tell me that this is a bad joke. This little uneducated idiot does nothing for the school board and is now running for the Assembly?

When will this absurdity stop? This guy runs for every election there is and can't do anything.

The HCDO is corrupt and must be stopped!!! Vote against this bum when the time comes.

Posted on: 2011/4/8 2:21

Re: Hudson County Democrats tap Jersey City police detective Sean Connors for N.J. Assembly seat
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2011/2/6 0:52
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This is Hudson County's version of the Peter Principle. The only difference being that Sean Conners was never competent in any position he has ever held.

The idea that someone who admires Jerry McCann is going to be an Assemblyman is frightening. The fact that Hudson's political leaders would choose him is more frightening.

Posted on: 2011/4/8 2:08

Re: Hudson County Democrats tap Jersey City police detective Sean Connors for N.J. Assembly seat

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2011/4/8 0:05
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2011/6/2 14:56
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Sean Connors? This is the same police officer who recommended multiple felon Gerald McCann for the school board?

Just think about how wrong that sounds: Police officer recommends convicted multiple felon for school board.

Sean Conners did that "proudly" (his word) in this letter:
Click here for Sean Connors letter in Hudson Reporter

Please people lets have some self respect and stop letting these absurd people run our government. Let us not send someone to Trenton who can simultaneously make a mockery out of his own job and our democratic process as Sean Connors did during that School Board election.

Posted on: 2011/4/8 0:22

Re: Hudson County Democrats tap Jersey City police detective Sean Connors for N.J. Assembly seat
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2008/10/19 1:18
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Doesn't the state law prohibit a person from holding more than one elected position? Something like 20 people were grandfathered when it was passed and there are only a handful left - Stack and Sacco being two.

Posted on: 2011/4/7 14:51

Re: Hudson County Democrats tap Jersey City police detective Sean Connors for N.J. Assembly seat
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2005/6/8 3:24
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As the article points out, the number of hispanic representatives in Hudson County will remain the same. That is, assuming the expected winners win.

The only difference is that, instead of having two hispanic assemblymembers coming from one district, there will be one from the 32nd and one from the 33rd.

I never liked the fact that downtown was split into the three districts. In particular the part that was in the 33rd was more or less an afterthought.

One thing the redistricting does is require Brian Stack to take Jersey City seriously. Given his role in politics that is not a bad thing.

Also, is there anything requiring Connors to resign from school board?

Posted on: 2011/4/7 13:44

Re: Hudson County Democrats tap Jersey City police detective Sean Connors for N.J. Assembly seat
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2010/2/21 18:59
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2014/3/19 0:53
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So all the talk on both sides of the aisle about increasing Hispanic representation ends up being B.S.
Another party hack gets pulled from the Astor bar by Healy.
How many times has this bum run,freeholder,senate,council and finally he gets elected to school board only to leave before his term is over.

What a repugnant little slug.

Posted on: 2011/4/7 13:14

Hudson County Democrats tap Jersey City police detective Sean Connors for N.J. Assembly seat
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Hudson County Democrats tap Jersey City police detective for N.J. Assembly seat

Wednesday, April 06, 2011
By Statehouse Bureau Staff
Tony Kurdzuk/The Star-Ledger

TRENTON ? Hudson County Democrats have tapped Jersey City police detective Sean Connors to run for Assembly in the 33rd Legislative district, according to three Hudson County Democratic sources.

But some in the Hispanic community believe Democrats should field a Latino candidate instead.

Connors, a member of the Jersey City school board who ran unsuccessfully for state Senate four years ago and has often been talked about as a candidate for elected office, could not immediately be reached for comment.

The sources did not want to speak publicly in advance of a formal announcement Thursday.

Christian Estevez, vice president of the Latino Action Network, said he?s heard Connors is being lined up for the job.

?We?ve been trying to send the message that we believe that seats should be a Latino seat,? he said.

Conners would run in a district with state Sen. Brian Stack (D-Hudson) and Assemblyman Ruben Ramos (D-Hudson).

Their other running mate, Assemblywoman Caridad Rodriguez (D-Hudson), is no longer in their district under the new map adopted Sunday.

Estevez said his group would weigh a legal challenge based on the Voting Rights Act, since it would essentially be replacing a Hispanic incumbent.

?We?d definitely have the lawyers look into that. We?ll definitely be weighing that option,? he said.

But if the slates falling are still together and win in November, the number of Hispanic lawmakers from Hudson County will remain the same, since in neighboring District 32 Democrats have tapped West New York Board of Education Vice President Angelica Maria Jimenez to run for Assembly.

Posted on: 2011/4/7 9:49

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