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Re: Carl Czaplicki's other job

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2011/1/20 5:58
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2011/2/5 7:32
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Czaplicki is a crooked bum.

Good Job Governor Christie!!

Mayor Healy should follow the Gov's lead and dump this
multiple job holding theif.

Czaplicki skipped the Historic commission approvals to make renovations on his house when he was chief of staff. Then he sold it for a huge profit. A regular resident couldn't do that.

Czaplicki met with corrupt developer Dwek but still runs the office that approves development in Jersey City.

Czaplicki used his influence at Passaic Valley as a patronage mill to hire his whole family.

Czaplicki is the poster child for everything that is wrong in New Jersey and is an embarassment to Jersey City.

Czaplicki doesn't visit his father on his birthday. Gerry McCann has to do that for him.

Czaplicki should work in the sewer not for the commission.

Bye by Offical # 3 also known as Carl Czaplicki!

Posted on: 2011/1/26 4:23

Re: Carl Czaplicki's other job
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Not too shy to talk

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2008/11/26 19:15
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2012/9/22 3:12
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Gov. Christie moves to fire all but one member of Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission

By Ted Sherman/The Star-Ledger

TRENTON ? Gov. Chris Christie, angered over a litany of abuses under the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commissioners, abruptly moved to fire all but one of them today.

Just a week after demanding an explanation for their using the agency as a ?piggy bank? for friends and family, the governor took steps to terminate the appointments of six of the seven commissioners.

?The members of the PVSC Board of Commissioners have had more than enough time to begin reforming the commission, but have chosen instead to perpetuate a pattern of abuse,? said Christie. ?They have repeatedly engaged in unethical hiring practices, secured unwarranted perks and blatantly ignored conflicts of interest. Using the PVSC as a personal spoils system will no longer be tolerated and this reckless disregard for ethical behavior will come to an end.?

The governor?s action came in the form of letters to the commissioners notifying them that he will immediately commence removal proceedings for cause. In addition, the governor also took the steps necessary to suspend the six commissioners without pay pending the resolution of the removal proceedings.

At the same time, he signed an executive order vesting all necessary authority to run the PVSC in its executive director Wayne Forrest.

If any refuse to resign, they can request a formal hearing. It would be held on Monday in Trenton.

Under fire, most of the commissioners had responded to the governor?s demands to provide by today a full accounting of their hirings and personnel moves. At least one, however, ignored the governor. That commissioner, William F. Flynn of Wayne, had instead sent a letter calling for an apology from Christie for the tone of his letter.

The commissioners being dismissed include its chairman, Anthony J. Luna, who also serves as the municipal manager of Lodi; the PVSC vice chairman, Carl S. Czaplicki Jr., the director of the Jersey City Department of Housing, Economic Development & Commerce; Flynn, a retired Paterson firefighter; Frank J. Calandriello, the mayor of Garfield; Angelina M. Paserchia, a former mayor of Belleville; and Thomas J. Powell, a Harrison redevelopment commissioner.

Bye Bye Czaplicki !!!

Posted on: 2011/1/26 0:23

Re: Carl Czaplicki's other job

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2011/1/20 5:58
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2011/2/5 7:32
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Just wait until Governor Christie counts all the other relatives Czaplicki hired at Passaic Valley Sewerage including in-laws. There is more to it than the brother and the wife.

Posted on: 2011/1/25 5:02

Re: Carl Czaplicki's other job
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2010/2/21 18:59
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2014/3/19 0:53
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How about carls wife also has a full time job in north Bergen town hall.How is that possible?

Posted on: 2011/1/24 22:26

Re: Carl Czaplicki's other job

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2009/7/29 13:07
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2013/2/24 5:53
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Carl Czaplicki's lame defense strategy is

Governor Christie shouldn't fire me from Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission because I hired my wife and brother before nepotism was banned.

Jan 23, 2011 Star Ledger Editorial Calls on Gov to make PSVC commissioners a remnant of the past ... ommissioners_is_only.html

Posted on: 2011/1/24 4:36

Re: Carl Czaplicki's other job

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2011/1/20 5:58
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2011/2/5 7:32
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Czaplicki was reappointed to the Department of Housing & Economic Development even after being named Official #3 for meeting with corrupt developer Solomon Dwek. Only in Jersey City. ... l_3_carl_czaplicki_r.html

Posted on: 2011/1/22 17:27

Re: Carl Czaplicki's other job
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Just can't stay away

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2010/2/21 18:59
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2014/3/19 0:53
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Seems official number three has gone into hiding.Not in the office,not answering the phone,can't wait to see this bum crash and burn.Tick tick.........

Posted on: 2011/1/22 2:08

Re: Carl Czaplicki's other job
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2008/10/19 1:18
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Vigilante wrote:
As a lifelong Democrat I have to say that the number of Republican cronies pale in comparison to the multitudes of Democratic cronies.

The Republicans practice a different type of cronyism. You need to be a white male to be in the favored section of their club.

Either way - the Czaplicki situation is insane. It's past time to squeeze these types off the public payroll. What exactly has Carl done in his career to demonstrate such superior skills that there isn't a job that he can't hold?

Posted on: 2011/1/20 16:20

Re: Carl Czaplicki's other job
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2006/5/31 15:16
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2015/4/8 1:12
From Lafayette
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How does a guy who doesn't care about other people, doesn't honor laws, doesn't follow regulations, historical restrictions, re-development plans, or basic urban development guidelines, hires family members for overpaid public jobs, and whos only qualifications are greed, megalomania and nihilism keep so many public jobs for so long?

Posted on: 2011/1/20 16:18

Re: Carl Czaplicki's other job
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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Elsid wrote:
Title of this thread should be Carl Czaplicki's other Jobs

Carl Czaplicki is employed by the Hudson County Technical School too but he isn't teaching any class. He gets a pension and a salary there.

Czaplicki runs Housing and Economic Development like another patronage mill for all his Republican cronies friends and hacks. He makes $140,000 to be a jersey city director.

As a lifelong Democrat I have to say that the number of Republican cronies pale in comparison to the multitudes of Democratic cronies. I am hoping that Christie will have the good sense to sweep them all out.

Posted on: 2011/1/20 15:18

Re: Carl Czaplicki's other job

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2011/1/20 5:58
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2011/2/5 7:32
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Title of this thread should be Carl Czaplicki's other Jobs

Carl Czaplicki is employed by the Hudson County Technical School too but he isn't teaching any class. He gets a pension and a salary there.

Czaplicki runs Housing and Economic Development like another patronage mill for all his Republican cronies friends and hacks. He makes $140,000 to be a jersey city director.

Posted on: 2011/1/20 6:06

Re: Carl Czaplicki's other job
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
Posts: 3002

T-Bird wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
I also believe that Christie's main objective is to try and get NJ off the Federal tit.

While probably true, the irony of that statement is that there is no other state in the country that gets less milk from that tit than NJ (61 cents from Washington for every dollar paid in.) And the state that takes the most at ~ $5.20 for every dollar they pay in? Alaska! Those same rugged individualists who want Washington off their backs and to be left alone to live free!

Well they can see Russia. In any case NJ's tit is the biggest of any state's tit. I believe we have the highest percentage of state employees. I believe the count of current non-retired employees is 63,000.

Posted on: 2011/1/20 0:49

Re: Carl Czaplicki's other job
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2008/10/19 1:18
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2020/9/25 20:40
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Vigilante wrote:
I also believe that Christie's main objective is to try and get NJ off the Federal tit.

While probably true, the irony of that statement is that there is no other state in the country that gets less milk from that tit than NJ (61 cents from Washington for every dollar paid in.) And the state that takes the most at ~ $5.20 for every dollar they pay in? Alaska! Those same rugged individualists who want Washington off their backs and to be left alone to live free!

Posted on: 2011/1/19 21:50

Re: Carl Czaplicki's other job
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
Posts: 3002

Charon wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
This is precisely why I threw the lever for a Republican for the first time ever.

Czaplicki IS a Republican. Watch Christie find a job for him after he bails from the PVSC.

I know. I think it's more about trimming the fat, kicking out the bums and tightening the belt. (No jokes about Christie's weight, that's way too easy). I also believe that Christie's main objective is to try and get NJ off the Federal tit. There is almost no doubt he purposely screwed up that education grant application. I truly believe he wants to force teachers, cops etc to face the pension and pay issues now rather than "kick them down the road". He is dishing out a healthy dose of tough love right now and I can't honestly say I disagree with him on those specific issues.

Posted on: 2011/1/19 21:20

Re: Carl Czaplicki's other job
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2007/1/2 21:05
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2012/9/22 3:11
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Vigilante wrote:
This is precisely why I threw the lever for a Republican for the first time ever.

Czaplicki IS a Republican. Watch Christie find a job for him after he bails from the PVSC.

Posted on: 2011/1/19 18:32

Re: Carl Czaplicki's other job
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
Posts: 3002
This is precisely why I threw the lever for a Republican for the first time ever. Ultimately, Christie will probably never be able to change everything that is so corrupt in this state but he is definitely taking a step in the right direction.

Posted on: 2011/1/19 17:32

Re: Carl Czaplicki's other job
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2010/2/21 18:59
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2014/3/19 0:53
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He is the ultimate political Hack.He could not handle the job
Of Chief of Staff so they promoted him to the head of an entire
Dept.Only in Jersey City can you fail upwards.
He abused his position to over rule the Historic Comm.
He was official number three in the massive corruption probe involving Dwek.He has managed to survive the last four administrations although completely devoid of any talent other
than telling each Mayor what they want to hear.This guy has got to go.

Posted on: 2011/1/19 17:32

Carl Czaplicki; Director - Department of Housing, Economic Development & Commerce
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2006/5/31 15:16
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2015/4/8 1:12
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Commissioner Carl Czaplicki, who also serves as director of the Jersey City Department of Housing, Economic Development and Commerce, sponsored his wife?s hiring. He selected Vanessa Czaplicki as a 21st round pick in 2003 as a $47,664-a-year account clerk. She now makes $70,676. His brother, John, makes nearly $90,000.

Posted on: 2011/1/19 17:03

Edited by Webmaster on 2011/2/8 8:33:35

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