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Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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2007/10/11 3:28
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ianmac47 wrote:
Here are a few alternative sources regarding the cancer risk from the backscatter scanners:

LA TImes
Cleveland NBC Affiliate
Talking Points Memo

Like most things these days there is always a risk. Looks like the protests were a big flop.

Posted on: 2010/11/25 15:08

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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2006/4/10 13:29
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Here are a few alternative sources regarding the cancer risk from the backscatter scanners:

LA TImes
Cleveland NBC Affiliate
Talking Points Memo

Posted on: 2010/11/25 7:09

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Posted on: 2010/11/24 20:23

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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"The woman who checked me reached her hands inside my underwear and felt her way around," said ABC News producer Carolyn Durand. "It was basically worse than going to the gynecologist." "It was embarassing. It was demeaning. It was inappropriate," she said.

Posted on: 2010/11/24 15:59

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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2010/11/10 15:44
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New TSA bumber stickers.

Posted on: 2010/11/24 11:37

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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2010/1/17 6:54
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chachacha wrote: Can you provide facts from a credible source? I am not saying I don't have my own conspiracy theories, but...

I thought FOX and Congress were credible sources. Ok try these:
Good Luck!

Posted on: 2010/11/23 21:26
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Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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2007/10/10 17:33
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Regardless of conspiracies that may or may not have gotten us into this situation, we can not sit back and let the TSA fondle our privates for refusing to go through a potentially dangerous and privacy invading machine that does nothing to enhance our overall safety.

Please call New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg's office, and ask to speak with an aide about these new "enhanced pat-downs".

Frank is the Chair of the Homeland Security Appropriations Committee and can actually do something about this.

His number in Washington is 202-224-3224.

Posted on: 2010/11/23 21:21

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2010/11/4 14:22
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Can you provide facts from a credible source? I am not saying I don't have my own conspiracy theories, but...

Posted on: 2010/11/23 20:37

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2010/1/17 6:54
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Still waiting for anyone to disprove that 911 was done by our current employees and the underwear/shoebomber were assisted by OUR current state dept., as if THAT'S A CONSPIRACY. I guess the fact that we are heavily involved in these staged events means nothing here or anywhere else. De-classifed documents verify these facts. Everyone here is entitled to their opinions about who the enemy is, BUT NOT TO THEIR FACTS. (see my earlier posts for the links that demonstrate this)

Posted on: 2010/11/23 18:20
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Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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Not denying those things happened and I don't think I pointed to a conspiracy. Fact is, short of people flying naked and strapped to their seats comatose, you'll never be 100% safe. I ask you - what is reasonably safe? And who are all these people who are willing to die? How come I don't hear about cars blowing up as they slam into a restaurant in the city once a week or exploding terrorists on the subway?

You could blow up the Staten Island Ferry with a rowboat, an outboard motor and a (literal) boatload of the right explosives. A hell of a lot more people would die than in any airplane. And you don't have to go through a security check to get in your little boat. You could probably do the same using the trash chute in any large residential high rise in the city - but no one is frisking people as they go into their trash room.

As long as fear mongerers such as yourself are asking the rest of us to disprove your negative, there really is no conversation here. Just largely unfounded hysteria based on an incredibly small sample size.

Posted on: 2010/11/23 17:06

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Shouldn't you guys be searching the grassy knoll? We'll see how you feel when your plane is blown out of the sky. My guess is not so great. Yes, we all get the economic impact that Al Qaeda has had post-911. Yes, it makes Bin-Laden happy. So what? Truth is they flew 2 planes into the WTC and 1 into the Pentagon. Yes, it actually happened. Your grand illusion of a vast conspiracy is great for those wacky authors who dupe people again and again but the truth is a lot simpler. They are willing to die and you are not even willing to get a simple security screening. You are soft and they are zealots. Buck up a little and get over yourselves.

Posted on: 2010/11/23 16:51

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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T-Bird wrote:

Who makes these scanners anyway? How much have they contributed politically and to whom?

Rapiscan Systems makes many of the machines.

The decision to begin installing the machines was made when Michael Chertoff was Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security.

Michael Chertoff is now a partner in a security consulting firm hired by Rapiscan Systems.

This is not the conspiracy of some nutty whack job, this is reported in USA Today and other mainstream media sources.

Posted on: 2010/11/23 16:43

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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2006/4/10 13:29
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Vigilante wrote:
BTW? 9-11 did happen, the shoe-bomber and the underwear bomber also happened.

So the normative question you have is, would the backscatter scanners have stopped the underwear bomber?

"As the Government Accountability Office (GAO) noted in a March 2010 report on the Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) program, ?While TSA officials stated that the laboratory and operational testing of the AIT included placing explosive material in different locations on the body, it remains unclear whether the AIT would have been able to detect the weapon Mr. Abdulmutallab used in his attempted attack based on the preliminary TSA information we have received.? "

New Jersey Congressman (CD-12) Rush Holt

Are backscatter machines safe?

"In March, the Congressional Biomedical Caucus (of which I am a co-chair) hosted a presentation on this technology by TSA, as well as a briefing by Dr. David Brenner of Columbia University on the potential health effects of ?back scatter? x-ray devices. As Dr. Brenner noted in his presentation and in subsequent media interviews, the devices currently in use and proposed for wider deployment this year currently deliver to the scalp ?20 times the average dose that is typically quoted by TSA and throughout the industry.?

Dr. Brenner has pointed out that the majority of the radiation from X-ray backscatter machines strikes the top of the head, which is where 85 percent of the 800,000 cases of basal cell carcinoma diagnosed in the United States each year develop. According to Dr. Brenner, excessive x-ray exposure can act as a cancer rate multiplier, which is why our government should investigate thoroughly the potential health risks associated with this technology."

New Jersey Congressman (CD-12) Rush Holt

Posted on: 2010/11/23 16:35

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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coronalime wrote:
They will always succeed in their mission as long as people like you respond with terror, freaking out, changing your lifestyle and enacting ridiculous countermeasures for imaginary scenarios.

Bingo. And I'd give you 100:1 odds that the next large-scale terrorism attack in the U.S. won't involve airplanes. But, all the airport theater is good fodder for CNN, FOX, MSNBC, et al and We The Sheeple. We'll spend the next six months "debating" full body imaging vs. enhanced petting while the next regulatory agency gets neutered and another hundred billion dollars gets hauled out the back door.

Who makes these scanners anyway? How much have they contributed politically and to whom?

Posted on: 2010/11/23 16:31

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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All these links are full of bullsh/t stories. Labia touching, indeed. Right.

The process can be made more efficient, however, by simply profiling young Arab men and women, but that would hurt feelings.

If the TSA relents and AQ does get PETN on a plane, which is the whole reason behind this security push, I hope you and your families are not on the plane.

Posted on: 2010/11/23 16:14

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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2010/1/17 6:54
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The reality on how to fix this is my byline on the left and below.

Posted on: 2010/11/23 16:05
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Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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Since you seem very adamant that we, as Americans, are being puppet-ed along (yes I agree with that point), what is your proposed remedy?

Posted on: 2010/11/23 16:00

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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But, but, but, we are safer.

Posted on: 2010/11/23 15:49

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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ianmac47 wrote: Oh, and now they want your virginity too. Oops.

That's it! I'm not flying until this bullshit stops. They will be spitting out teeth if they touch my lady or daughter like that, for DAMN SURE!

Posted on: 2010/11/23 3:32
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Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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2006/4/10 13:29
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Oh, and now they want your virginity too. Oops.

Posted on: 2010/11/23 3:22

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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penclfactory wrote:
Your rights aren't being taken away. You buy a ticket, they have the right to search you. Plus, you don't get searched unless you refuse the scanner. It's a lot more convenient than losing your luggage, your seat and your life from a plane blowing up.

you don't want it? Congratulations for being one of the 19% of people that objects to a full body scanner. Enjoy NJ transit and Amtrak. I hear it's lovely this time of year. objects

Slow down their tiger. That 81% approval rate number has dropped to 64%.

Oh, and then there is this: "Among Americans who fly at least once a year, 58 percent support the new x-ray scanners, versus 70 percent of Americans who fly less often than that. Support for the new pat-down procedures is at 44 percent among fliers, meanwhile, versus 52 percent among those who do not fly regularly."

Posted on: 2010/11/23 3:16

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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2010/1/17 6:54
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Vigilante wrote: The only people freaking out are the ones who can't handle a little pat-down. BTW? 9-11 did happen, the shoe-bomber and the underwear bomber also happened. The new reality sucks but it's hardly the end of the world.

I got some news for you, Vigilante, all this is being staged and planned. It's working out for well those in power to keep us in fear. You seem to have fallen for it. Not me.

Posted on: 2010/11/23 2:30
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Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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2007/10/11 3:28
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coronalime wrote:
The principles remain the same.

Vig, you are obviously a totalitarian at heart. I cannot expect you to see reason in this matter, but I can expect you to understand that this will not stop terrorists from attacking us.

The terrorists will use another method, find another weakness, and strike in a new and improved way.

They will always succeed in their mission as long as people like you respond with terror, freaking out, changing your lifestyle and enacting ridiculous countermeasures for imaginary scenarios.

Bin Laden is in a cave somewhere watching TSA agents on CNN grabbing old white guy crotches and little girls' teddy bears, and do you know what he's thinking? Mission Accomplished.

The only people freaking out are the ones who can't handle a little pat-down. BTW? 9-11 did happen, the shoe-bomber and the underwear bomber also happened. The new reality sucks but it's hardly the end of the world.

Posted on: 2010/11/23 1:19

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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damn I must of not been included in survey.
But yeah I'm one of the 19% also that takes a pat down over a body scan. There's too many politics and money involved with the scanners and they aren't effective anyways. So I'll go with the pat down when forced to choose.

Posted on: 2010/11/22 22:52

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Your rights aren't being taken away. You buy a ticket, they have the right to search you. Plus, you don't get searched unless you refuse the scanner. It's a lot more convenient than losing your luggage, your seat and your life from a plane blowing up.

you don't want it? Congratulations for being one of the 19% of people that objects to a full body scanner. Enjoy NJ transit and Amtrak. I hear it's lovely this time of year. objects

Posted on: 2010/11/22 22:39

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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The principles remain the same.

Vig, you are obviously a totalitarian at heart. I cannot expect you to see reason in this matter, but I can expect you to understand that this will not stop terrorists from attacking us.

The terrorists will use another method, find another weakness, and strike in a new and improved way.

They will always succeed in their mission as long as people like you respond with terror, freaking out, changing your lifestyle and enacting ridiculous countermeasures for imaginary scenarios.

Bin Laden is in a cave somewhere watching TSA agents on CNN grabbing old white guy crotches and little girls' teddy bears, and do you know what he's thinking? Mission Accomplished.

Posted on: 2010/11/22 22:34

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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Posted on: 2010/11/22 19:53

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Resized Image

Posted on: 2010/11/22 19:43

Re: TSA Image Jokes of Cavity Searching Our Children
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Let's not forget that someone is earning $1,000,000,000+ dollars for selling the federal government the full body scanner machines, plus hundreds of millions of dollars a year to service them. But that couldn't possibly have anything to do with why they are being installed in airports.

Posted on: 2010/11/22 19:28

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A Complete Disgrace! Quote:
ianmac47 wrote: The consumerist has a round of the more recent TSA incidents. Live free or fly!

Posted on: 2010/11/22 18:34
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