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Re: Let's Create a "Pedestrian Safety" survey
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2007/3/4 23:35
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2011/10/2 20:19
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This seems like a fun car bingo survey: "how many pedestrians did you mow down?", etc.

Posted on: 2009/5/15 2:28

Re: Let's Create a "Pedestrian Safety" survey
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2006/11/13 18:42
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From 280 Grove Street
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Great idea - type up a complete list and distribute during neighborhood meetings or letter drop. Then dump the results on Comeys and Healys desk, with a "what are you going to do to improve the situation"?

Posted on: 2009/5/14 22:57
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Let's Create a "Pedestrian Safety" survey

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2008/2/26 19:46
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2009/6/3 20:10
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All jokes aside: Frau that's a fantastic survey!

Posted on: 2009/5/14 17:52

Re: Let's Create a "Pedestrian Safety" survey
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2007/4/16 13:46
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2023/11/15 11:50
From Village/HP
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I do this kind of stuff for my day job, so figured I'd chime in - totally take it with a grain of salt. I'm happy to help with this as well - launching the survey, analysis, etc. Feel free to PM me.

1. In the last year, how many times have you had an incident as a pedestrian on the streets of Jersey City (e.g., car not seeing you, car not stopping)?

Never, Every few mos, Monthly, Weekly, Daily

2. In the last year, how many times have you witnessed an incident between a moving vehicle and a pedestrian?

Never, Every few mos, Monthly, Weekly, Daily

3. What are the top three streets where you experience or witness the most incidents?

4. What is the typical circumstances of these incidents:

(we could have a list of 5-8 and then one open field)

5. If you could name three improvements to the streets of Jersey City regarding pedestrian safety, what would they be:

(alternatively we could make this closed-ended and provide a list of options to pick three)

Posted on: 2009/5/14 17:37

Re: Let's Create a "Pedestrian Safety" survey
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2008/6/20 3:19
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downtowngal wrote:
What's Step 5...steal underpants???

Damn. Supposed to be sekrit.

Posted on: 2009/5/14 16:46

Re: Let's Create a "Pedestrian Safety" survey
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2008/4/9 19:26
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2014/1/15 16:41
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Ok Downtown gal,

Between the South Park reference and the Never Ending Story pic, you are officially my new favorite person on here.

Posted on: 2009/5/14 16:03

Re: Let's Create a "Pedestrian Safety" survey

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2008/2/26 19:46
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2009/6/3 20:10
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What's Step 5...steal underpants???

Posted on: 2009/5/14 16:00

Re: Let's Create a "Pedestrian Safety" survey
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2008/6/20 3:19
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2015/6/28 12:09
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0. No incidents
1. Incident in crosswalk w/o light or stopsign (e.g., car failed to stop, or nearly failed, second car passed stopped car, etc.)
2. Incident in crosswalk w. stop sign (e.g. as above, but car rolled through sign)
3. Incident in crosswalk w. light (e.g., as above)
4. Any incident above where driver was on cell phone (use both numbers)
5. ????
6. Profit!

Posted on: 2009/5/14 15:56

Re: Let's Create a "Pedestrian Safety" survey
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2008/4/9 19:26
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2014/1/15 16:41
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I have had a lot of 6s and 8s during my time in JC.

Posted on: 2009/5/14 14:34

Re: Let's Create a "Pedestrian Safety" survey

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2008/2/26 19:46
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2009/6/3 20:10
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Too many about:

0 = I didn't die this week...woo-hoo!
1 = I almost died/was injured from some a-hole driver this week
2 = I'm writing this from my hospital bed
3 = My mom's voting for me because I was mowed down by a car while trying to cross a street in downtown Jersey City and am now dead

Posted on: 2009/5/14 14:19

Let's Create a "Pedestrian Safety" survey
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2007/9/29 12:14
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2010/2/17 14:13
Posts: 233
After what obviously must be a full moon week...why? Because I had three near misses with women on their cell phones rolling Stop Signs and almost hitting me, two cases of being in the middle of the crosswalk and vehicles not seeing me, one incident where I was clipped on my heels by someone turning, all on Jersey Avenue.


I want to create a survey. Let's figure this one out. Once we get the scale agreed upon I'll post it for two weeks and see what our numbers are at the end of it and I'll send it to someone who cares. Like my mother.

It would go something like this:

0=Perfect Pedestrian Experience. Foot on crosswalk, driver stopped, pedestrian crosses to other side unhindered, unhit and in one piece.
1=Walking across crosswalk and vehicle SEES said pedestrian and willingly stops
2=Walking across crosswalk and vehicle SEES said pedestrian and is forced to stop
3=Walking across crosswalk and vehicle SEES said pedestrian and slows down enough for pedestrian to realize if they don't start speeding up they'll get clipped
4=Walking across crosswalk and first vehicle stops, but second vehicle keeps going and almost hits you, but you make it to safety!
5=Walking across crosswalk and vehicle a) rolls the stop sign, if there is one and pretends not to see you, b) keeps at it's speed and pretends not to see you - you have to stop mid-walk to permit vehicle to pass
6=Walking across crosswalk and vehicle maintains speed, doesn't see you ?
8=Walking across crosswalk and pedestrian is almost hit by vehicle, there is an exchange with driver
9=Walking across crosswalk and you are hit by vehicle
10=Walking across crosswalk and now you are being introduced to your $15,000.00 emergency bill with an IV sticking out of you

You catch my drift. Suggestions for the scale?

Posted on: 2009/5/14 14:12

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