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Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Tayari's charges lowered

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Essex County Prosecutor's Office has downgraded the criminal theft charge filed against Jersey City Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari to a disorderly persons offense.

Tayari was arrested in Jersey City on July 2 after a Port Authority police officer pulled his car over because it had been reported stolen by Avis Rent-A-Car at Newark Airport, Essex County spokesman Paul Loriquet said at the time.

Tayari, 57, had not paid his bill for the rental car, which he'd had since April 6, according to his attorney, Philip Matsikoudis.

He is being prosecuted under the name Kabili Tayari, but his name is also in the prosecutor's office's system as Randy Brown, his given name, Loriquet said Tuesday. The spokesman said he did not know which name Tayari used to rent the car, how much he owed, or how long he had the car.

Tayari's next court date is Oct. 7 in the Essex County Special Remand Court, Loriquet said. Tayari has agreed to pay his tab for the rental car as a condition of having the charges downgraded, Loriquet said.

The original criminal charge was a third-degree crime, carrying a possible sentence of up to five years in prison upon conviction, with a presumption of non-incarceration for first-time offenders.

The charge has been downgraded to a disorderly persons offense, or what is sometimes referred to as a misdemeanor, carrying a maximum sentence of 180 days in county jail.

Tayari has been a Jersey City employee for 12 years and earns $105,000 a year as deputy mayor. He was not suspended from his city position after his arrest. Jersey City spokesman Stan Eason said at the time the issue was a "civil matter" and Tayari had no intention of keeping the 2008 Chevy Malibu.

Posted on: 2008/8/28 13:48

Re: Not anything to correct about Flood-Dehere story
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Could someone point out our up-standing, righteous and ethical african american or other, leaders within JC cityhall ?

Posted on: 2008/8/4 2:37
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Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
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skepticalhook wrote:
I'd submit that JC is largely the way it is because Tayari is precisely the type of African-americanleader that is being bred here... that only looks out for himself (and not even so good at that!).

Posted on: 2008/8/4 0:33

Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
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2008/6/24 14:51
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I'd submit that JC is largely the way it is because Tayari is precisely the type of African-american leader that is being bred here-criminal leader that only looks out for himself (and not even so good at that!).

Posted on: 2008/8/3 22:11

Tayari is in trouble with NAACP; report not filed on time
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Tayari is in trouble with NAACP; report not filed on time

Saturday, August 02, 2008

The president of the Jersey City chapter of the NAACP has been suspended since April for failing to file the chapter's 2007 financial reports, the national organization's state president says.

It's a claim that's denied by Kabili Tayari, who also serves as a Jersey City deputy mayor.

Tayari acknowledges the April 23 letter from NAACP Interim President Dennis Hayes, which states he and branch treasurer Theresa Winston have been suspended, but says he brushed it off as a "form letter."

But James Harris, the NAACP's state president, told The Jersey Journal that while it is a form letter, Tayari's name is on it and he is in fact suspended.

According to Harris, the suspension will be lifted when the report is received at the national office. If that occurs and a $100 late fee is paid, both officers will be reinstated.

Harris also said he visited Jersey City on July 22 armed with the suspension letter, a copy of which does appear to be a form letter, expecting to attend a Jersey City branch meeting to get some answers.

Although the fourth Tuesday of the month is the regular meeting date, there was no meeting, Harris found. Tayari says there has not been a regular membership meeting since May.

Tayari, who has led the Jersey City chapter for nearly 10 years, said branches across the country often wait until the organization's national convention to present their financial reports. Branches submitting late reports are required to pay a $100 late fee.

No one from the Jersey City chapter attended this year's convention in Cincinnati, held July 12 to 17. But, Tayari said, the financial reports were overnighted to officials at the convention.

Harris said that under the organization's bylaws the chapter's first vice president is to assume the duties of the president until the suspension is lifted. However, First Vice President Pam Gardner has resigned.

Neither Gardner nor Winston responded to a number of phone calls seeking comment.

There has also been no response from the NAACP's national office, which The Jersey Journal called to verify receipt of the overdue financial report, to obtain information on last year's financial report and to confirm Tayari's and Winston's status.

Harris, meanwhile, has said he's received complaints from people who say they have paid for memberships but have not received membership cards.

Asked about that, Tayari said, "We are investigating that."

In an unrelated matter, Tayari was arrested early last month by Port Authority police on a theft charge after a rental car he was driving was reported stolen by the rental company at Newark Liberty International Airport. Tayari's attorney, Philip Matsikoudis, did not return phone calls to his office yesterday to comment on the status of those charges, but has said in the past that Tayari simply had forgotten to pay his bill.

Posted on: 2008/8/3 12:30

Not anything to correct about Flood-Dehere story
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Not anything to correct about Flood-Dehere story

The Jersey Journal
The Political Insider
Saturday, July 26, 2008

The e-mail was from someone I never heard of in Jersey City. He claimed his name is John Morton and he has a Yahoo address. "Mr. Morton" said he will be reading the column today, which I appreciate, but for a correction.

He wrote:

"I am a source very close to Mrs. (Councilwoman Willie) Flood and I can tell you for a FACT that she did NOT approach Terry Dehere about filling her seat. As a matter of fact, she did ask him to have her fund-raiser (at the Blue Ribbon restaurant owned by Dehere). That's the only thing she approached him for. TRUST ME! First off (Mayor Jerramiah) Healy said nothing of the sort ever happened and nothing has changed. It's all poison and propaganda.

"Somebody's trying to start a fight! We're smarter than that. These are OLD tricks being used by new (unflattering description of young black males) and we aren't falling for it! lol - Mrs. Flood said she never approached Terry. She IS running in '09 for COUNCILWOMAN-At- Large on Healy's ticket. Nobody knows Viola Richardson enough for her to be at large, plus nobody likes her, and she'll never win the white vote or the Latino vote. I've been in politics long enough to know that she should stick to Ward F. If Terry runs for Ward F he would win. I wonder who told you these falsehoods (Agustin)? Please make your corrections. I'll be reading."

OK, I made the correction, my name is spelled with only one "u" and not two.

Intrigued, I went back to my sources and - and sorry, John, but the councilwoman did approach Dehere to ask if he was interested in running for her at large council seat to head off any desire by Ward F Councilwoman Richardson for the post. This suggests Flood may not run again.

Councilwoman Flood, as you probably know John, has been in Alabama these days. Unfortunately for Flood, who is also the county register, Dehere does not seem eager to make the leap to council.

As for the mayor suggesting that it did not happen - what did you expect him to say? He starts every speech with "despite what you read in The Jersey Journal."

Still, thanks for e-mailing, John. By the way, you should register to vote. I'm told there is no such person with your name registered in Jersey City. The funny thing is that the wording and information in the e-mail sounds almost exactly what some people tell me Phil Flood Jr. has been saying since the last column. You know, the television "Hall of Shame" son of the councilwoman who was last seen on the boob tube running through a parking lot with his mom. Just a coincidence?



- Former Jersey City Councilman Jaime Vazquez will run for the Downtown council seat.

- For the forum denizens: Yes, that was former Jersey City Mayor Gerald McCann's letter.

Posted on: 2008/7/26 9:34

Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
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2007/10/1 1:03
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So I guess they're trying to let this story quietly die in City Hall. What do the deputy mayors do anyway?

Posted on: 2008/7/21 1:26

Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
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2008/6/24 14:51
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Let's toss another couple into the "Corrupt" category in the Jersey City administration. How many folks in city governement haven't been indicted (or are known criminals)?

JERSEY CITY - A former Jersey City judge and court administrator have been indicted on charges that they fixed tickets.

Former Municipal Court chief judge Wanda Molina is accused of dismissing eight parking tickets for her female companion. And a grand jury says there's evidence that former administrator Virginia Pagan fixed 215 tickets for herself and her daughter.

Both stepped down last year and would face at least five years in prison if they're convicted of official misconduct and tampering with and falsifying public records.

The judge's lawyer says she should be censured, not indicted. Pagan's lawyer says she does not intend plead guilty.

Three other Jersey City judges were charged but not indicted in the scandal.

Posted on: 2008/7/15 17:09

Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
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2004/9/15 19:03
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(Here is the whole JJ article)

Is Jersey City molding any young black leaders?

Political Insider
Jersey Journal
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Occasionally, the Jersey City public can expect a Punch and Judy Show to erupt in City Hall. Every administration has had people who provided several guffaws, pratfalls or brain freeze moments that leave city residents open-mouthed.

Mayor Jerramiah Healy's battle to overturn his conviction on resisting arrest and obstructing justice outside a Jersey Shore tavern has some entertainment value.

Last year, former Healy Deputy Mayor Ador L. Equipado, 63, copped a plea in Superior Court to third-degree official misconduct. Against city policy, Equipado was charging about $130 to marry couples at City Hall - while also trying to sell the newlyweds phone service plans.

The latest headlines involves another of Healy's deputy mayors, Kabili Tayari. At first, some politico watchers suggested this is a clever ploy by the mayor to highlight members of former Mayor Bret Schundler's administration to discredit a possible rival in the upcoming mayoral race. Tayari held a post as an assistant economic something or other under Schundler.

Tayari is a nice enough and friendly guy, traits that did not matter to Port Authority cops who pulled him over last week in his rental 2008 Chevy Malibu. The vehicle had been reported stolen by an Avis rental outlet.

Apparent house - as in the mayor also uses him - attorney Philip Matsikoudis said Tayari probably just overlooked the rental bill and it would eventually be paid. Being pulled over was apparently a reminder that the bill was overdue.

This incident is not expected to hurt Tayari in City Hall. His post was more ceremonial than a position of power.

Tayari's real problem is that he is president of the local chapter of the NAACP. Under the present circumstances, Tayari could see a challenge to his role in the NAACP and as a perceived black leader.

While this issue would find a better venue in Earl Morgan's column, I view it from a strictly political point of view.

The Tayari incident does point out the need for fresh and younger hands on the steering wheel, rented or not, who may one day carry political weight. Only those with new ideas should apply.

In some political organizations, the old guard tends to stay too long. They are stuck in old ways of doing things and it is difficult for younger people to develop leadership and political skills. This holds true in most communities, including among the city's black constituents. Where are Jersey City's Barack Obamas?

An example of a lack of leadership was obvious in this year's Martin Luther King Jr. Parade, which annually attracts between 3,000 and 4,000 spectators. There was no parade.

A concern by city officials was the potential of violence and gang activities. To combat any possible trouble at the 2007 parade, police lined the route and when the parade was over, motorcycle cops roared up and down Martin Luther King Drive to discourage any gatherings.

There is a need for new, young thinking. While the established black leadership does not want anything to do with gang leaders and others, perhaps some conversation might have helped. Yeah, I know, it's wishful thinking. Did anyone try?

The thinking of some ignored black leaders is that young people, who have no connection to King and his message, could be incorporated into the annual event, both in the planning and the march itself. It would have taken someone with a strong personality and communication skills to make the attempt.

There are potential new faces out there, both men and women. Just to throw some Jersey City names out there for debate:

Omar Jones, a local physical therapist, has stayed out of the limelight, but he has been identified by some as a person who has potential and should get more political.

Better known are former basketball players Terry Dehere and Jerry Walker. The two talk about giving back, and they do - but they could do much more. Dehere has had some, shall we say, image problems. Still, he did run and win a spot on the Board of Education - a potential first step. Walker is very community-oriented, although there is some criticism about him being close to establishment types.

Hope this doesn't mean only the perfect need apply.

Posted on: 2008/7/10 7:00

Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
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2008/6/24 14:51
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It's a sad state of affairs when no one seems even remotely interested in the topic at hand, which is a chance to maybe get rid of a criminal in an overpaid "ceremonial position" on the JC payroll. Remember the mayor himself has been convicted while in office in connection with his "drunk and disorderly conduct", and let's not kid ourselves-if he wasn't guilty of much more that night, the whole thing would have been dismissed. It's not to say I don't like the amiable drunk mayor. He at least appears to be less corrupt than his predecessors. I found the following on line, which details the Mayor's poor choice of advisors, and also acknowledges that nothing will happen to anyone in JC gov't as a result:

Occasionally, the Jersey City public can expect a Punch and Judy Show to erupt in City Hall. Every administration has had people who provided several guffaws, pratfalls or brain freeze moments that leave city residents open-mouthed.

Mayor Jerramiah Healy's battle to overturn his conviction on resisting arrest and obstructing justice outside a Jersey Shore tavern has some entertainment value.

Last year, former Healy Deputy Mayor Ador L. Equipado, 63, copped a plea in Superior Court to third-degree official misconduct. Against city policy, Equipado was charging about $130 to marry couples at City Hall - while also trying to sell the newlyweds phone service plans.

The latest headlines involves another of Healy's deputy mayors, Kabili Tayari. At first, some politico watchers suggested this is a clever ploy by the mayor to highlight members of former Mayor Bret Schundler's administration to discredit a possible rival in the upcoming mayoral race. Tayari held a post as an assistant economic something or other under Schundler.

Tayari is a nice enough and friendly guy, traits that did not matter to Port Authority cops who pulled him over last week in his rental 2008 Chevy Malibu. The vehicle had been reported stolen by an Avis rental outlet.

Apparent house - as in the mayor also uses him - attorney Philip Matsikoudis said Tayari probably just overlooked the rental bill and it would eventually be paid. Being pulled over was apparently a reminder that the bill was overdue.

This incident is not expected to hurt Tayari in City Hall. His post was more ceremonial than a position of power.

Posted on: 2008/7/9 16:12

Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
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They are empowered to conduct weddings and stand in for mayors at various events,

....for $104k

When you get reminded that the corruption is so deeply nested and rooted into the institutions themselves, it makes you realize Fulop et al (and any kind of reform in general) just doesn't stand a chance - this guy's job is so clearly payment in return for afro-american votes when needed - then there's other payments in place for union votes when needed, they'll bus in the elderly when needed, etc etc

I kind of hate this place.

Posted on: 2008/7/6 3:43
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
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2008/6/24 14:51
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So how many do-nothing, corrupt "deputy mayors" does healy employ at $100k+ per year? I recall he had another that was extorting cell phone business and demanding tips for doing weddings-i believe he was fired. This one won't go as quietly, I'm sure, since he's pres of the JC NAACP-how long till he takes a page from Sharpton's book and plays the race card? Is he a minister (ala farakhan) too or does he just like bowties? Also, why the alias-"kabili tayari" isn't even his name. Anyone got a rapsheet on this guy?

Posted on: 2008/7/5 23:08

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Just what does Tayari do?

Jersey Journal
Saturday, July 05, 2008

Deputy mayors don't have set job descriptions. They carry out whatever duties the mayor delegates to them, said City Clerk Robert Byrne.

They are empowered to conduct weddings and stand in for mayors at various events, Byrne added. If the mayor leaves town or becomes incapacitated, deputy mayors cannot become the acting mayor.

That designation, Byrne explained, is reserved for city officials whose mayoral appointments are confirmed by the City Council, like department directors, the clerk and the assessor.

Named by Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy as a deputy mayor last year, Kabili Tayari has focused on issues of equality and diversity as it relates to public and private hiring in the city.

He played a key role in establishing the city's new "project labor agreement" that strives to put Jersey City residents to work on local construction projects.

Posted on: 2008/7/5 15:40

Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
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Tayari wants to be part of the City's employ a felon program !

Posted on: 2008/7/5 10:59
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Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
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And he does exactly what?

Steam control. (I just re-read Bonfire of the Vanities...)

Posted on: 2008/7/4 0:40
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
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As of October 2007, his city salary was $104,871, officials said.

'Deputy Mayor'. And he does exactly what?

Another glorious chapter in JC government.

Posted on: 2008/7/4 0:21

Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
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Posted on: 2008/7/3 23:57

Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
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Jersey City Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari charged with theft
by Michaelangelo Conte
Thursday July 03, 2008, 12:47 PM

Journal file photo
Kabili TayariJersey City Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari was arrested by Port Authority police yesterday, who pulled him over in a rental car that had been reported stolen, reports said.
Tayari was charged with theft under his given name, Randy Brown, officials said today.

He was arrested in Jersey City and charged with theft by failure to make proper disposition of property received, based on allegations by a car rental business at Newark Liberty International Airport, said Jennifer Frieberg, a spokeswoman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

Tayari was arrested at 9:30 a.m., fingerprinted and booked by Port Authority police and later released, said Frieberg, adding that the charges against him are being handled by the Essex County Prosecutor's Office.

The vehicle Tayari was in when he was arrested was returned to the airport rental service, Frieberg said.

The charge apparently stems from his failure to return a rental vehicle, officials said. It's not clear how long he had the car or what the circumstances were but the Essex County Prosecutor's Office is expected to provide additional information on the charges later today.

Tayari, who is in his late 50's, has been a Jersey City employee for the past 12 years and has been president of the Jersey City branch of the NAACP at least as long.

He got his start in city government in the administration of Mayor Bret Schundler and has also served as president of the Board of Education and interim Municipal Court director.

During the administration of Jersey City Mayor Glenn D. Cunningham, he was an assistant business administrator and an adviser to the mayor.

As of October 2007, his city salary was $104,871, officials said.

Posted on: 2008/7/3 20:17

Edited by Webmaster on 2009/6/12 3:10:17

Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
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2007/10/1 1:03
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I can't believe this hasn't shown up here yet. The real kicker is that this rental car was routinely ticketed every week for being parked on the wrong side of the street during alternate side parking days. I guess I shouldn't be that surprised.

WCBS AM 880 continues to report it but it doesn't look like any print publication has mentioned it. Unfortunately, whatever they've put on their website shows up in google searches but somehow doesn't stay on the website - you can't actually get it when you search on the website. But I don't think they purposely removed it as I just heard it reported again on the radio. But I don't have any link or source I can quote. Just listen to WCBS AM 880.

Posted on: 2008/7/3 14:55

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