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Signing up for Little League?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hello everyone,
I'm interested in signing my son up for Little League (T-Ball?) this year and a quick google search shows me a lot of options. I assumed it was something run through the Board of Rec, but I see Roberto Clemente, Jackie Robinson, Washington Park, and College Little League listed in the search results. It's possible that these are all run through the board of rec and just represent different areas of Jersey City, but since it's Sunday night I figured I'd ask here before making some calls tomorrow. Any help/advice/guidance is appreciated. Thanks

Posted on: 2018/2/12 3:13

Re: Found grey and white very friendly cat in Heights
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

There was a grey/white cat that went missing downtown on 2/28. Saw it posted about on Fussy Friends' social media. Here's the link so you can take a look. ... /1275260092510174/?type=3

Posted on: 2017/3/5 3:39

Garage Cleaning and Organization Company Recommendations?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Has anyone had a good experience with a company that cleans and organizes your garage? I'm looking for a company to come in and clean the area while also organizing the space for it's best usage. Thanks

Posted on: 2017/2/10 18:56

Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Why wouldn't the purse stealing criminal do that regardless of a city/state/company/organization's transgender bathroom laws? There's no sign labeled "don't steal purses" which makes it ok to them, but the sign saying "women" on the door keeps them out?

"Hey, Johnny! Let's go steal some easy picking purses from the bathroom stalls!"

"I would, man but the sign on the door clearly states we aren't allowed inside"


Yvonne wrote:
Instead of home invasion as reported in this story, there will be bathroom invasion. Men will enter and take women's pocketbooks/bags that are hook on the stall doors and leave. Easy pickings. ... g.html#incart_river_index

Posted on: 2016/5/19 20:44

Re: The Village has Gone Crazy - R5 zoning but not in my backyard
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

This doesn't address the lack of informational dissemination overall from the VNA unless you are volunteering to attend all future VNA meetings as the note taker and information provider. That seems to be a legitimate concern for Village residents who either can't attend meetings or have attended in the past to see their non majority view (of those in attendance) quickly dismissed. The VNA does a lot of things which take time (trash mob, organizing.meetings, canvassing telephone poles about meetings, etc) so it doesn't seem like an outrageous request for some.notes on the meetings which are promoted and held.


CandiceOsborne wrote:
Last post on this topic until we have finished our letter and mailing (which I will happily post here too)

It is primarily in the Village and portions in Hamilton Park that are not in the historic district.

To be clear I have nothing but gratitude for those (which include individuals, both NAs & committee people) who have tried to help find the right answers. That process revealed that we have some controversy. Given the breadth and controversial nature of zoning changes only the city has the resources to make sure it is fully discussed. As I said before it is my responsibility and accountability to make sure the dissemination happens, not the neighborhood association's. They are a volunteer organization. That is why I slowed this down even though our planning department has been working very diligently on this for two years. Ultimately, I think the process is working fine. Ideas were worked on and discussed and have evolved. The process revealed there wasn't full consensus so we broaden the conversation. As far as I am concerned the fact that all of this is happening prior to things going to planning board is very healthy.

Posted on: 2016/5/19 20:30

Re: Jersey City councilwoman in tears
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Bowling alley/brewery? Where is this going to be? Nice!!!


Yvonne wrote:
another 99 year lease for one dollar a year for a bowling alley and brewery.

Posted on: 2016/3/16 19:10

Reliable Siding Company?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Does anyone have experience with siding companies in the area? I have a loose piece of siding and another that has snapped off which will need replacing. I've tried to search the forum for a previous thread, but didn't find anything. Thanks!

Posted on: 2016/3/9 18:13

Re: Dealing with noisy rental tenants in a condo
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

In all the years of reading you might be my favorite of all, Scarecrow.

You're super "conservative", right?

If these "young men" are yuppie frat boys by the name of Francis and Chad, remember that their LAX coach made them answer questions loudly, and they just can't help it.


JCMan8 wrote:
You're super "progressive," right?

If these "young men" are people of color, remember that society made them act this way, and they just can't help it.

Posted on: 2016/1/10 6:03

Re: Knife Sharpening?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The business owner's name is Scott Jennings.

I have no idea what his schedule is or if he'll be near or around JC before the markets begin again, but worth contacting.

jc_dweller wrote:
Unfortunately it's off-season, but Excalibur knife sharpening was at the VVP Farmer's Market last season and the HP Farmer's Market the year before. I know year round he has appearances at supermarkets in Bergen County, so check his website. I know it's not downtown (unless you can wait till spring) but it might be the closest there is.

Posted on: 2016/1/9 2:12

Re: fighting to keep existing height and density zoning in The Village
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thanks for the information.

sillyscorp wrote:
cocopele -- yes this is actually the zoning requirements per JC code - they are asking for a variance for this

sorry my link didn't work and it was messing with the format but if you google ? 345-36. - Interpretation of boundaries and scroll down to section E 8 you can find it

this project is asking for the following variances based on "economic hardship"
1) 6 units vs the allowed 2 in R1
2) no set backs at rear (should be 20-35ft depending on the front yard)
3) 2+ additional floors (5+ stories vs 3) - not to mention additional height for the roof deck etc that will make it double height of allowed
4) to the lot line on one side and only a 1 ft set back on the other side - vs the required 2 ft on one side/ 5 ft total on both sides
5) building coverage (97.67 vs 60%)
6) lot coverage (100% vs allowed 85%)
7) small parking spots (to be honest I don't really care about this one though I think that this does make it a little tricky as those tiny little spots end up being useless once one person gets an SUV - but that is an issue for the owners to deal with)

Posted on: 2015/10/16 15:56

Re: fighting to keep existing height and density zoning in The Village
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The zoning complaint I can understand, but don't agree with. CC is 3 doors away from the current proposal on 1st st. So the idea of a 4 story building 3 doors away from another 4 story building isn't a big deal to me, but I at least understand the complaint.

"crescent court is not actually in the same zoning area as the rest of the village - it was a special redevelopment zone that is not R1 like the rest of the area. Crescent court is 4 stories but since that is how it is zoned - this building is considered "in-fill" between existing R1 building (1-2 family homes that are up to 3 stories/30ft tall) and therefore should have to build to that code (they are trying to get an exception for no real reason except they want a bigger building to get more money)"

Is this something that is also a zoning issue? Meaning do they need to request to use more of the lot (97% vs 60% normally) to build on or is it that typical developments only use 60%? Trying to gauge what is a complaint about actual zoning (as in R1 vs. CCs redevelopment zone above) and people's personal preferences on lot coverage.

"This building is looking to have almost 100% lot coverage (97.67% - basically to the line except on one side where they have to set back 1 ft due to windows on an adjacent lot) instead of the normal which is around 60% "

Posted on: 2015/10/16 15:04

Re: fighting to keep existing height and density zoning in The Village
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

How many stories is Crescent Court. I thought it was 4, but it might not be. What is the lot coverage issue?

"Reportedly it has decided to shrink from 5 stories to 4 stories, but that's still more than allowed by current zoning, not to mention the lot coverage. There are a number of us planning to show up at the Zoning meeting on Thursday to voice our opposition to their plan"

Posted on: 2015/10/14 4:20

Re: McGreevey is asked to leave a community meeting
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thanks! I assumed he was there for the entire meeting. I didn't realize that was when he walked in.

Yvonne wrote:
McGreevey just walked in when Dr. Mosley was speaking. Joan Terrell saw him and then asked the community about allowing McGreevey to speak. No one said yes. I believe McGreevey wanted to change the message about the meeting. If McGreevey was sincere there would have been a meeting much earlier. Actually, some people said they were not against a re-entry program but not on King Drive and not next to an elementary school. This does not replace Martin's Place at the Hub on King Drive, this is another place.

Posted on: 2015/8/7 1:37

Re: McGreevey is asked to leave a community meeting
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Did something happen in the 17 minutes prior to him being asked to leave that made the people want him to leave? Yes, I could go watch it, but figured someone already knew. I don't mean the politics behind the whole thing. I mean it seems odd that it took the community meeting member 17 minutes to ask him to leave if he was just an observing party. I figured I must be missing an outburst/interruption/something.


kencares wrote:
This video could use a lot of editing.

If you want to see the awkward moment where McG is kicked out, click here to see 17 mins in:

Posted on: 2015/8/7 0:26

Re: After Christie's privatization, NJ lottery missing targets
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Monroe wrote:
While the Obama economy has been great for people's 401K's, it's not so good for the people who spend their food money gambling on Lottery tickets. At least it's not crooked, like it was when it first began.

Is there a good economy for people who spend their food money gambling on lottery tickets?

Posted on: 2015/4/4 17:45

Re: Merseles St Redevelopment Plan
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Surveyors are at the 416 1st St property today. No idea how long that means until construction begins, but it's a step closer to the property between 2nd and 3rd getting started


cocopele wrote:
I have no experience using or working with a redevelopment plan, but I do have some insight on the plans for the area you're asking about.

sillycorp is correct in the assumption that they want to build another Crescent Court style condo building. I don't think the delay has anything to do with the other buildings along 2nd street holding out though. It has to do with financing.

The Crescent Court property was owned by the same people. They sold it to Hovnanian and then Matzel & Mumford built the project. This time around they want to build it themselves. The issue is they have no experience with such projects and therefore have been unable to secure funding to get the project off the ground. They also own the garage/building at 416 1st street where Krank used to be and the woodworker has his space (the white space of B4 and 9 along 1st st).

The plan as far as I understand it is to build a condo at the 416 location in the same kind of idea that is 418 and 420 1st street. Then as that building sells, use the money and experience to start the larger project.

So long story short, it is going to be a while.


sillyscorp wrote:
it seems like there is a new building going in right across from the school (about midway on 3rd btw mersalis and colgate - I would say block 58 or 59 on that map) - they have some of the foundation and plumbing in.

I have been under the assumption that they want to build another crescent court like condo building (like on 1st/ 2nd and mersalis) but that those few remaining houses are holding out and stalling?

I would love more info on whats going on in this area but the meetings are usually when I am still working

Posted on: 2014/12/19 14:56

Re: Are Top Chefs Really Fleeing New York for Jersey City?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Edward's opened in 2004 so they just crossed into year 11. Light Horse is a bit older opening in 2002

fat-ass-bike wrote:
I'm a regular at the Light Horse and Edward's Steakhouse, but I'm pretty sure they didn't start up before 2004.

Posted on: 2014/11/26 16:23

Re: Are Top Chefs Really Fleeing New York for Jersey City?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Yes, HP Ale House! I couldn't remember the name. I was thinking they just kept the same name under the new management after Maggie went to open Skinner's. Thanks for the clarification

tommyc_37 wrote:
Hamilton Inn has only been there since 2010 or so ... it used to be the Hamilton Park Ale House, a place with much more character and history in my opinion. Was a shame to see that go.

Taqueria has been here since I think 2005-ish, so not quite 10 yet.

Posted on: 2014/11/26 4:31

Re: Are Top Chefs Really Fleeing New York for Jersey City?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

This actually sounds like a fun game. I agree that there probably won't be a lot (at least not downtown . Maybe more in other parts of the city?) I'll go with downtown places.

Edward's Steakhouse
Madame Claude
The Taqueria (I think?)
Grand Banks
Light Horse
La Conguita
Hamilton Inn


fat-ass-bike wrote:
seriously !

how many restaurants can anyone list that has been here longer then 10 years? ... its has to be a restaurant and McDonald's, Pizza Parlor or KFC doesn't count.

Posted on: 2014/11/26 3:40

Re: Jersey City prepares for decision on Ferguson indictment
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Good job by you complimenting Obama, even though you seemed disappointed to do so

Monroe wrote:
Good job by Obama trying to calm everyone, even though he looked disappointed at the outcome.

Posted on: 2014/11/25 4:52

Re: Merseles St Redevelopment Plan
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I have no experience using or working with a redevelopment plan, but I do have some insight on the plans for the area you're asking about.

sillycorp is correct in the assumption that they want to build another Crescent Court style condo building. I don't think the delay has anything to do with the other buildings along 2nd street holding out though. It has to do with financing.

The Crescent Court property was owned by the same people. They sold it to Hovnanian and then Matzel & Mumford built the project. This time around they want to build it themselves. The issue is they have no experience with such projects and therefore have been unable to secure funding to get the project off the ground. They also own the garage/building at 416 1st street where Krank used to be and the woodworker has his space (the white space of B4 and 9 along 1st st).

The plan as far as I understand it is to build a condo at the 416 location in the same kind of idea that is 418 and 420 1st street. Then as that building sells, use the money and experience to start the larger project.

So long story short, it is going to be a while.


sillyscorp wrote:
it seems like there is a new building going in right across from the school (about midway on 3rd btw mersalis and colgate - I would say block 58 or 59 on that map) - they have some of the foundation and plumbing in.

I have been under the assumption that they want to build another crescent court like condo building (like on 1st/ 2nd and mersalis) but that those few remaining houses are holding out and stalling?

I would love more info on whats going on in this area but the meetings are usually when I am still working

Posted on: 2014/11/21 17:30

Re: chemical smell in Hamilton Park
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I'm not sure what it is, but I know what you are talking about. It's been around for a while, but I usually only smelled it when driving out the 78/turnpike overpass (newark bay extension). It would usually be the strongest coming down the bridge going east to west toward the airport/turnpike/78 split. I've smelled it a few times downtown with today being one of them. My best description for it is the bad smell of roadside rest stop bathroom soap.

Posted on: 2014/10/17 17:29

Where to get a Shoe Shine?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Can anyone suggest a good spot to get my dress shoes shined? The place in the Newport Mall closed a long time ago and I haven't found a place to go to since.

Posted on: 2014/9/16 13:29

Re: Did you lose a parakeet? Found DTJC
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

There is (was?) a guy that lived in Metropolis Towers that had parakeets. No idea if he still lives there or if this is one of his, but could be a good place to start. IIRC, he lived on the south side of the eastern building and had a balcony.

DJKadance wrote:
Hey all -

Was walking my dog yesterday and noticed a bird playing with a group of wild birds that didn't quite fit with his friends. Was able to get a closer look today and looks to be a parakeet. He is playing with his new friends in the construction site between A Condominiums and that warehouse Mill Creek is renovating on Washington St.

Unfortunately I'm slightly confused (read as I cannot figure out for the life of me) on how to paste/attach photos on here. So please, if you lost this guy or know the person who did, feel free to message me and I can provide the pics I was able to take this morning.

He seems thrilled playing with his new friends but I'm sure he would love to be back in a home just as much, especially with winter lingering somewhere around the corner.


Posted on: 2014/8/28 17:52

Re: What is your favorite street in Jersey City?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


brewster wrote:

cocopele wrote:
Sorry that I don't have a picture, but First St. between Brunswick and Coles and also Monmouth between Columbus and Second St. are very pretty tree lined row homed streets. They are especially beautiful from late April through mid May (or whenever the weather decides it is spring) as the Bradford Pears are in bloom. Now the flower petals have fallen and the trees are green. Still pretty, but not as great as those 3-4 weeks. Also, hurricane Sandy and a few bad winters caused the city to trim/prune a lot of those trees since they surrounded wires so they aren't as large as they once were. Actually the same type of pruning in happening along Columbus today between Monmouth and Jersey.

I agree with the poster(s) that mentioned Jersey Ave with the iron gates and stoops. At time reminds me of certain streets in New Orleans

Those pears you admire are pretty for a few weeks, but they're terrible street trees, and JC parks and Forestry knows it. The workers explained to me as they cut down what was left of mine that they grow too spindly with too many branches without careful, constant pruning, and are way too prone to split with damage to home and cars. The pretty cherries are too low and wide, they brush the heads of pedestrians and don't grow high enough to be out of reach of tall trucks which will tear the branches off of any tree lower than 11'. It happened to my late pear and my maple a number of times. I don't know why they won't plant oaks, probably because people would complain about the acorns and squirrels. I've read that oaks support more biodiversity than any other tree.

Understood. I was just answering what my eyes like seeing.

Posted on: 2014/5/6 18:01

Re: What is your favorite street in Jersey City?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Sorry that I don't have a picture, but First St. between Brunswick and Coles and also Monmouth between Columbus and Second St. are very pretty tree lined row homed streets. They are especially beautiful from late April through mid May (or whenever the weather decides it is spring) as the Bradford Pears are in bloom. Now the flower petals have fallen and the trees are green. Still pretty, but not as great as those 3-4 weeks. Also, hurricane Sandy and a few bad winters caused the city to trim/prune a lot of those trees since they surrounded wires so they aren't as large as they once were. Actually the same type of pruning in happening along Columbus today between Monmouth and Jersey.

I agree with the poster(s) that mentioned Jersey Ave with the iron gates and stoops. At time reminds me of certain streets in New Orleans

Posted on: 2014/5/6 17:33

Re: Question on Safety of Brunswick Btwn 2/3rd
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I've always liked calling it DUTO (pronounce do-toe). Down Under Turnpike Overpass

Posted on: 2014/3/13 2:03

Re: Pecoraro's Brick Oven bakery, Newark Ave
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

They do close early, but really don't have a time they necessarily open either based on experience. Have a few friends from Delaware that love their stuff so will stop by on their way out of town. Timing wasn't going to allow for it on one of their visits and we were walking by Pecararo on the way back to my place from NYC at about 3:30am. We noticed the screen door cracked. The front room was dark, but the radio was on and their was as light in the back. I called and the guy answered, came up front and they got to buy some of what was being made for the day.


iciromekim wrote:
I went a few Sundays ago to get bread for bruschetta but they close at 2 pm! Was surprised but not really at the same time. I went to Choc o Pain instead for bread, it was good but still want to try Pecararo. I will try the se salt on it.

Posted on: 2013/8/27 0:10

Re: Fight on corner in front of Madam Claude's last night
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Tyler wrote:
This type of shit goes on daily, so who really gives a shit?

I'm guessing khansenslp does. Seems like Grove Path too.

Posted on: 2013/7/8 0:27

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I think you are seeing a limited sample, but you aren't wrong in saying there are a good number of overweight officers on our force. Seems like on the first day of training they hand out cheeseburgers and steroids. It's like the blue and red pills in the matrix. You choose right then and there. Quickly expanding gut or an appointment sometimes soon to get a sleeve tattoo


ActionDan wrote:
This is totally off-topic, but has anyone else noticed that almost every cop in the JCPD is like 40 lbs. overweight?

Am I just seeing a limited sample?

I mean, Chief Comey is like 350 lbs., how are they supposed to chase bad guys?

Posted on: 2013/5/23 14:31

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