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Downtown Street Cleaning Pilot
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hello downtown residents!

I am curious to know your experiences with the active once a week street cleaning pilot that started in January.

Is the available weekly parking experience markedly different?
Has the street cleanliness noticeably changed?

Below is a link to the actual survey that the city opened, just in case you haven't seen it and provided them your thoughts: ... anitation/street_sweeping

Posted on: 2023/7/7 16:37

Re: Question about Dixon Mills
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

When a friend of mine was looking to buy around 9 years ago we visited the building and it seemed pretty hip and interesting. The only complaints we heard circa 2011 had to do with thin walls (bleed from other apartments) and lots of mice.

This could also be dated information though for 2020.

Posted on: 2020/10/28 1:28

JCity Tree Applications 2020
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hi everyone,

Our condo association is considering planting a tree or two with the 2020 season of city planting.

Does anyone have any stories, advice, or experience with this process that they could share?

Yes, we would be putting them under wires and would have to stick with the > 30 footers which probably limits us to either the American Hornbeam, Japanese Tree Lilac Tatarian Maple.


Posted on: 2020/5/10 16:14

Re: JC teachers who made 99K or more in 2019
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Even if a district has the best teachers in the state and are miraculously paying them their worth, that will still only be part of the equation of a successful district.
If the students they are teaching choose not learn or care about education there is little to be done about it.

If we are choosing to lay blame on a poorly run system or district, keep in mind that is the voting public who voted those BoE members in.

I feel that the misappropriation of funds by the people voted in as a bigger problem.

People being taxed out of their homes is devastating, but doesn't that fall on the city of Jersey City for refusing to reevaluate over the last few decades? How does that become an educators responsibility/fault? If the city was keeping up with more steady assessments home owners would have been better acclimated to the major gains that have swept up much of the city in recent years.

Posted on: 2019/12/7 4:13

Re: 139 summit avenue bridge finally open..
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Yes, this is great news, was definitely weirdly excited when I realized there was traffic coming towards me from the opposite side.
Although, I'm disappointed that they didn't restore that service road that peeled off onto Baldwin that let one skip the lines at the light.

Maybe its a part of the extended 8 year closure plan!?

Posted on: 2019/2/12 15:02

Re: Reason #110 Why not take your car to Jersey City Ford
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

If you do find yourself there I'd recommend not doing something that will require you to leave your car over night. I learned 3 days after my car was due to be finished that it was broken into the first night I left it there.
Granted they did replace my window for free, (along with a souvenir rusty deadbolt - great for breaking windows!) and give me a very...trustworthy(?) verbal $200 off my next visit.

Oh, and when I called back about the police report I was asked which one, as the past 3 weekends they had experienced break ins into their lot.

Posted on: 2019/1/31 1:08

Re: Newark ave new lane marking near cemetary entrance
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Perhaps they are readying space for a new safe bike lane!... ......

Posted on: 2017/12/8 2:56

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


sophiabull wrote:
JSQ here. My building was inspected yesterday.

Seconded. I'm eastern side of JSQ and got mine yesterday too.

Posted on: 2017/9/22 22:22

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I've heard arguments for both sides of the coin (letting in the inspectors vs. not letting them in) but neither being very convincing.
Does anyone have any strong opinions one way or the other, or experienced this in the past, here or elsewhere?

Posted on: 2017/5/17 22:15

Re: The Citizen - Formerly The Dopeness
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Anyone have any updates on The Citizen? It's been.....awhile.

Posted on: 2017/5/12 22:36

Re: what's the status of White Eagle Hall?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Speaking with a friend involved with the project there, my understanding was that they are planning a slew of private events to start off with in order to hone their game so to speak (work out all the kinks of running a place like that) prior to going public.

Posted on: 2016/12/10 3:54

Re: Rental Prices out of control - DTJC
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I'm curious about this myself. Especially with the new J-Square high-rises going up, it will interesting to see how they compare to the ones downtown in terms of price and vacancy.

At least one group of new high rises seem to be doing well though. I delivered something to Cast Iron the other day and upon asking, the concierge told me since they opened in March they are already close to 80% capacity.

I imagine the 2 new ones going up now are expecting equal demand. Prices start in the upper 2k range and go beyond 5k pending the room. I overheard in the lobby they have a $50 per pet fee per month which surprised me...sort of.

Posted on: 2016/8/30 13:51

Re: Low water pressure??
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It's much better today than it was yesterday. Feels pretty much normal now.

Posted on: 2015/2/25 3:17

Re: Education/PARCC Testing
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Bottom line, these tests are going to achieve exactly what they were intended for...making NJ public school teachers look bad.

Posted on: 2015/1/9 21:40

Re: "sixth borough" - no thanks
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Seagull wrote:
Don't fret. Soon enough you'll be residing in Pizza City, NJ

Ha! Now that's something to get behind.
Downtown PC.

Posted on: 2014/8/17 22:22

Re: Drivers and Crosswalks
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I've had cars pass mine while I've stopped at a crosswalk for crossing pedestrians (one example - that down hill cross walk under the turnpike at 7th street and Newark). Very scary, thankfully the person crossing was being alert.

Here's a link to the NJ Pedestrian Law.

Summary - Be mindful that it's drivers choice to stop if the pedestrian is only waiting and watching on a corner to cross.

Cars it seems are only mandated by law to stop when a person is in the act of crossing the street in a cross walk.

Posted on: 2014/8/9 20:41

Re: In New Jersey, a Battle Over a Fluoridation Bill - fluoride will be added to Jersey City water
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I grew up in a town that included fluoride in the water and have obvious fluorosis stains. My teeth are in good shape outside the stains, but at this point I have so much fluoride in my teeth my dentist recommended that I avoid mouthwash that delivers extra fluoride.

I'd be curious to hear what some of the other local dentists in our area have have to say about this. Does anyone have an appointment coming up or recently talked to their dentist about this?

Posted on: 2013/7/15 16:23

Re: State gives Jersey City police $27,900 for pedestrian and traffic safety initiative
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Will cars parked too close to the corners and cross walks finally be held accountable for inhibiting visibility?

Posted on: 2013/4/7 21:28

Re: Razza - in old Bar Majestic space
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


BadCircles wrote:
It's essentially the same layout as Bar Majestic...

does ones drink still slide down the table if they aren't anchored by a coaster or hand?

Posted on: 2012/10/11 21:31

Re: Newark Avenue StreetScape
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

are the results in from the 200 feet of grove street research?

will there be a bike lane on a road that genuinely needs it?

Posted on: 2012/9/14 3:04

Re: The Brightside Tavern - 141 Bright Street
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

was there last night again for dinner. I saw that they had hooked up this crazy auto-piano playing machine for the baby grand in the dining room area. According to the staff, they apparently got approved for live performances now despite the robot piano player and will be hosting cabaret nights of a sort on Saturdays around 10pm. They also plan karaoke

Posted on: 2012/7/8 0:17

Re: Field Station Dinosaur - Secaucus
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

a colleague and I went one day after work on a special educators day on opening week. At that point, parking was still free and lot's of the potential activities and stations were still in development.

It's a fantastic place for younger children, (6-10 years old and we observed that it can be a little scary for some of the wee ones) but not interesting (not yet) for an older student who is not going with free will.

The robots themselves are impressively huge and well placed. The robotics are simple yet effective and the whole park affords a nice walk which one could finish lazily in about 35-45 minutes if you stop and read all the good information about each creature. Although according to the park they plan on expanding more and more.

Some of the stations: coloring, digging for pre-buried fossils in a sand pit, an educational outdoor theater with different games and performances (puppet show) as well as a person in a dinosaur suit. There is a green screen for taking action pictures with the dino's. When we went there was also a green house under construction along with a large pavilion on the top of the hill which could be anything now.

It's definitely worth checking out if you're into dinosaurs, but from some of the latest developments, Secaucus (not the field station) is now charging $10 for parking.

( ... harging_environmenta.html)

That on top of the $15-20 per person fee to get into the park can make for an expensive family outing. But if you ever wanted a picture of both a tyrannosaurus rex and empire state building in the same shot, this is the place to go.

Posted on: 2012/7/6 14:28

Re: New Stop Signs at 16th & Coles
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It must have been a trial of some sort. I drive/bike down that road at least twice a week and I recall seeing a cop stationed in the parking lot on the west side of the road more often than not watching the new stop signs.

I wondered myself if it was a safety implement or just a cash sign (would they really do that?).

The roads are wide enough that I've never felt in danger on the bike, but maybe it was to help with the lack of a sidewalk for the pedestrians? Although there usually aren't that many....

Posted on: 2012/4/25 22:39

Re: City Tree Planting Applications
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

That sounds pretty promising, and definitely a great addition. Hopefully word can be spread and more trees can grace our streets. Were there any stipulations if the tree doesn't acclimate?

Posted on: 2012/4/3 2:32

City Tree Planting Applications
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Has anyone applied for a tree installation on their property?

My brother just bought a row house in Philly and found out that the city will install (break up the concrete) and plant a tree in front of your house on the curb line for free if your property qualifies (no hydrant, power lines etc.)

I found an application from last year on the Jersey City public site, that offers something similar, yet costs $200. ... lanting%20Application.pdf

Anyone know if this is offered every year? Wondering if anyone has done/tried this for their homes.

Posted on: 2012/4/2 1:33

Re: Fix Washington Street already........
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

and what is that giant drill rig doing on Newark Avenue??

I just keep picturing the preschool across the street looking like Moe's Tavern after they struck oil in Springfield.....

Posted on: 2012/3/14 1:59

Re: Jersey City Condo Sales Spurt Going into Spring
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

are they still having rodent and thin wall problems?

Posted on: 2012/3/13 22:05

Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


MelissaSurach wrote:
You guys I made a new video inspired by this thing.

Definitely great

Posted on: 2012/3/8 21:28

Re: From "OX" to "BOX"
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I agree, definitely always a joy at the Box. The staff is very kind and warm and very courteous. The happy hour is lovely with $4 martinis and $2 beers. It's also a lot closer to me than MORE and the sushi is nearly as good. I've seen it somewhat full, but not often.

Posted on: 2012/2/28 3:26

Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

coming back home from the kraverie around 4pm i saw a move in truck outside of the aforementioned building. the front door was wide open. looked like a nice ascending stair case ....?

I wonder if that place had been on the market long

Posted on: 2012/2/13 3:10

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