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Re: Jersey City cops file lawsuit against city, police chief
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Not too shy to talk

Carmine's is a pretty good deli. And, it is very difficult (nearly impossible) to find parking around there.

So, cars definitely DO double park.

The restaurant, in conjunction with the City, should try to come up with a solution. Just issuing parking tickets is a bad solution. Also, ignoring the issue is a bad solution.

I say put a parking attendant out there, in a brightly marked safety vest, and allow cars to park nearer the intersection, in front of driveways, (and yes, double park) etc., during lunch and busy times.

Posted on: 2014/5/9 5:04

Re: CRASHED 3 weeks of data lost
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Not too shy to talk


WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:
Fortunately, I transcribed all of the threads from the past few weeks into my journal. PM me if you want me to fax you a copy.

Well, if you have them, why not just re-post them?


Posted on: 2014/5/2 0:44

Re: Political Patronage Alive and Well under Fulop Administration
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Not too shy to talk


What I find most disheartening is the dismissive nature of responses to Fletch.

The reason for the dismissive tone to anything Feltch writes is that he has never written anything supportive. It is always bitching (you need look no further than the title of this thread). Mayor Fulop has been in office less than two weeks and it is bitch bitch bitch.

When and if he ever writes anything positive or does anything positive for the city (other than garnering more votes than that loser Malik), then we might take something other than a deserved dismissive tone.

Posted on: 2013/7/9 16:33

Re: Online petition calls for Jersey City Mayor Fulop to make art maven Brauser art ‘ambassador’
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Not too shy to talk


jonjet wrote:
I've been a Jersey City resident for 23 years and only marginally paid attention to the art scene despite having artist friends.

There wasn't that excitement and energy happening like there is now. Uta has given us that. Her presence in the art world in JC is huge.

Wow, pretty outrageous statement. Those artists at 111 First Street (before it was torn down) were pretty unexciting, and so were all the studio tours that have been operating for years. I guess one person deserves the credit for the Jersey City arts scene and all the Jersey City-based art organizations have done nothing for years.

Without one person the Jersey City art scene would shrivel up and die.

Yeah right.

Posted on: 2013/7/9 13:43

Re: Steve Fulop candidate for Jersey City Mayor announces anti-crime plan
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Not too shy to talk

Yawn. Could the next troll step up?

Posted on: 2013/2/15 15:10

Re: Steve Fulop candidate for Jersey City Mayor announces anti-crime plan
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Not too shy to talk


DanL wrote:

Dan has the same website and has committed more to the web/paper than anyone else.

OK, that's good committing things to paper. Please answer this: what have you actually accomplished? I am serious. I would like to hear about your actual accomplishments, not just "I think we should do this..." What have you actually done?

Posted on: 2013/2/15 14:53

Re: Jersey City council denies Filipino Chief Judge post
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Not too shy to talk


DanL wrote:

why doesn't the new council majority bring back merging the semi-autonomous agencies into the city?

Let's harken back to last year's State of the City Address. Quote: "Our plan calls for making this a priority this year."

Healy promised to make this a "priority" but, looks like dropped the ball on this (as well as lots of other things.)

Healy also talked about folding police, fire, and parking into one agency. He talked a lot about homeland security and OEM. But, we see how he handled the Sandy store.

But, he did manage to do one thing: continue to hand out tax abatements. Pretty clear what his priorities were.

Posted on: 2013/2/15 14:41

Re: Steve Fulop candidate for Jersey City Mayor announces anti-crime plan
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Not too shy to talk


crazyforjc wrote:
Dan, any comment on what you think is needed? Will healy come out with a plan?

That's a good joke.

Dan thinks Healy is doing a fine job and should continue what he has been doing.

As for a plan... well they have had 8 years to come up with one. But, actually, since they look even more like ridiculous baffoons I think they will scramble and try to come up with one.

Yeah, Dan, not surprising that you don't think we should try to add more boots on the street or hold the PD accountable.

Note to Dan: the "old" Dan would not have felt that way. What the heck happened?

Posted on: 2013/2/15 14:25

Re: Dan is still Dan
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Not too shy to talk


OneOBall wrote:
Just want to make sure I understand the problem here. So after over a decade of on the ground community activism, Dan decided to put his name on the ballot in a prominent position. ...

The problem is that after decade of so-called activism he has virtually nothing to show for it (but hot air).

He has gotten almost nothing done. You may like Dan personally, but his record is spotless (in a bad way).

Posted on: 2013/2/8 20:39

Re: Jersey City measure restricting campaign cash from developers is vetoed by mayor
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Not too shy to talk


DanL wrote:
Jersey City already has a Redevelopment Pay to Play Reform Ordinance in place that appears to be working.

The recent efforts from both sides have been to include the Board of Education (both) and expansion (different).

The councilman's version would, perhaps, address this type of wheeling -

Pay to play reform is working? What a laugh.

Tell that to Leona Beldini and all of Healy's other pals who are currently sitting in jail. It is pretty clear that you have crossed a line and have crossed over to the dark side and are willing to engage in the slimy tactics of the Healy campaign.

There is a big difference between someone contributing to a campaign who has no business with the city and taking fat FedEx envelopes stuffed with cash from an obviously crooked developer (all caught on videotape no less)

But you obviously could care less since you have jumped into bed with the slimeballs and are now engaging in slime tactics.

Any respect you may have previously had = lost.

Posted on: 2013/1/25 18:05

Re: Dan is still Dan
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Not too shy to talk


You are posting, but not replying to anything.


We know that you are running for council under the Healy ticket. But, you have not answered any questions on why Healy has not addressed many of the issues that have been raised in his 9 years in office.

Also, since the mayor wields most of the power, how/why would things change with a new term?

It would be good to get your take on how things will change and how you will make these happen.

Posted on: 2013/1/17 20:25

Re: Jerry Walker house-hunting in Jersey City, sparking speculation of mayoral run
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Not too shy to talk


user1111 wrote:
Jerry Walker, a former basketball star for Seton Hall University and St. Anthony High School is house-hunting...

Where does he live now?


DanL: and you are one of those trolls with numerous handles. why not try posting under one name ....

You mean like "DanL" and "OneJC" ?

Posted on: 2013/1/16 18:18

Re: Dan is still Dan
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Not too shy to talk


OneJC wrote:

Comments on the State of the City Address

Finally, the administration is working on long overdue and much needed initiatives.

....adopting a stricter ethical standards code with independent enforcement mechanisms; banning campaign contributions in city offices and on city property; Daniel Levin

Dan, what do you think about this issue of Healy not giving back the nearly $ 70,000 that came in via the Solomon Dwek bribe money?

Posted on: 2013/1/15 20:13

Re: Dan is still Dan
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Not too shy to talk


DickCheney wrote:

Steve wouldn't cross O'Dea because he needs him, see Chico on his ticket now.

Needs a new thread. This thread is about how Dan is either the "old" Dan or the "new" Dan. Webmaster has been closing threads that veer off topic.

Posted on: 2013/1/10 14:36

Re: Connors called Fulop “un-American” but now they are on the same ticket.
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Not too shy to talk


DickCheney wrote:

How about Chico, other than being Phil Kenny's assistant and David Donnelly's assistant and O'Dea's gofer, and double dipping what has he done?

Off topic. Dick, you should just start another thread since this is what you want to discuss.

Posted on: 2013/1/10 14:33

Re: Dan is still Dan
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Not too shy to talk


Althea wrote:

Your only chance of getting real reform passed is if Fulop wins the election so it is odd that you are bringing in votes for Healy who will undermine you at every turn and offer up less legally sound ordinances that are weak both in spirit and legality.

I know the propaganda was to make one ordinance sound more legally grounded, but we all know that the Healy version of the ordinance was not as sound. This will come out and you won't look so good government when it does.

And, it looks like there was some misrepresentation about which of the civic groups even supported the watered down Healy/Dan version. Apparently, not even Dan's own group supported it.

Uh Oh

Posted on: 2013/1/5 17:52

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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Not too shy to talk

Jerramiah, I am your father.

Resized Image[/quote]

Posted on: 2012/10/18 0:44

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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Not too shy to talk


DanL wrote:
... as I posted here a couple of weeks ago, I am pursuing the opportunity to run with Mayor Healy. I believe that I am being "Open and Honest."

Thank goodness Healy didn't resign. That would have been a bummer.

Luckily, the mayor didn't bow to the pressure even when Levin Wants Healy To Resign

Phew, it looks like this is all going to work out well.

Happy endings !!!! Another feel-good story in Jersey City.

Posted on: 2012/10/2 20:56

Re: Why can't JC manage traffic/street repairs so buses can run?!
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Not too shy to talk

That explains Newark Ave (sort of), but does not explain the sorry state of the roads in the rest of Jersey City.

Street repair and traffic remain issues that are un-managed in Jersey City. Tax dollars are being diverted elsewhere. And I guess we will have to wait and see if the work is completed on October 15th.

Posted on: 2012/10/2 20:22

Re: Why can't JC manage traffic/street repairs so buses can run?!
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Not too shy to talk


MDM wrote:
Its not Jersey City. There is a major utility upgrade of sorts going on. Looks like new gas mains, but I am not sure.

Um, surely you're joking. Fix the roads? You really think the city cares about the roads? Oh, wait a minute... it is election time. That explains it.

And, besides which, you have to realize that some of the roads are actually county roads. And the "roads guy" may have been too busy doing other stuff.

. . . . .

Hudson County Department of Roads and Public Property, Harold "Bud" Demellier ran Healy?s 2009 re-election campaign.

Demellier, a political kingmaker whose connections helped
land him a $127,800-a-year job as director of the Hudson County Department of Roads and Public Property, said he met several times with Dwek ? a man he knew at the time as David Esenbach.

In the surveillance video excerpt, FBI informant Solomon Dwek can be seen talking with Harold 'Bud' Demellier about politics, money and making deals. Dwek can be seen in this video talking with Demellier about $20,000 that he gave him. Demellier is a key Democratic strategist who ran Jersey City Mayor Healy's 2009 re-election campaign. Dwek also speaks with Tom Fricchione, a former Jersey City councilman who was tied to Dwek in other videos but never charged. Fricchione died in Dec. 2009.

[Hmmm.... I guess is it not at all suspicious that two of the players in this little drama have died? See: Jack Shaw]

The disclosures mark the first time that Demellier has been linked to the case, and the most vivid sign yet of just how close the FBI was moving toward the mayor of the state?s second-largest city.

One of Hudson County?s most powerful operatives, a close and feared associate of Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy, was secretly on the payroll of infamous FBI informant Solomon Dwek, according to a confidential government surveillance video.

Federal prosecutors never made it a secret that they were interested in Healy. Never accused of any wrongdoing in connection with the case, the colorful Jersey City mayor nevertheless played a starring role in other stark surveillance videos captured by Dwek. At a March 2009 sit-down at the Medical Center Luncheonette, Healy met with political consultant Jack Shaw, Jersey City Housing Authority commissioner Ed Cheatam, Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini and Dwek.

. . . . .

Nice group of upstanding citizens. But, seriously, please fix the roads.

Posted on: 2012/10/2 17:49

Re: Man Shot Dead on MLK Drive
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Not too shy to talk

Authorities ID Man fatally shot on MLK BLVD.

No motive has been established for the shooting and there did not appear to be a dispute prior to the shooting, Gregory said, adding investigators don't believe Harrigan knew his killer.

Posted on: 2012/10/1 19:58

Man Shot Dead on MLK Drive
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Not too shy to talk

Man Shot Dead on MLK Drive

By Anthony J. Machcinski/The Jersey Journal

A man was shot dead on Martin Luther King Drive in Jersey City tonight, a law enforcement source confirmed.

The man was shot multiple times and he was declared dead at the scene, said the source, who did not want to be identified because he is not authorized to speak about the incident.

Acting Hudson County Prosecutor Guy Gregory refused to comment tonight, citing the early stage of the investigation.

The man was shot at about 5:30 tonight, just north of Stevens Avenue. There is at least one Jersey City closed-circuit camera on that stretch of MLK Drive, but authorities would not comment on whether the shooting was caught on camera.

A Jersey City woman who was visiting her brother said she had "never seen any s--- like this." The woman, who did not give her name, said she was told that the victim was shot in the park, at the corner of MLK and Stevens, and collapsed a few feet outside the park.

One man at the scene shouted at police "You need to step up your presence in the area!"

Posted on: 2012/10/1 17:26

Re: Carolina's Laundromat
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Not too shy to talk

That place was kinda shady anyhow. I remember many times there were people in there selling new clothes that appeared to be "appropriated" from Newport Mall, in plain view of the management.

Posted on: 2012/9/20 2:34

Re: Taqueria Viva Mexico Kitchen Cafe - 133 Morris Street
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Not too shy to talk

Is this place related to Taqueria on Grove?

Posted on: 2012/9/20 2:29

Re: Sterling Waterman for BOE VP - vote is Tuesday
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Not too shy to talk

No doubt that Mr. Waterman has some solid accomplishments. But, he has also sown dissention. And, let's face it -- he actively fought the process to install the new superintendent. But, in any event, the new VP will not be decided on a message board. It will be voted on by the board itself. And, they will choose who they think will be the best fit.

Posted on: 2012/9/10 1:11

Re: Sterling Waterman for BOE VP - vote is Tuesday
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Not too shy to talk

Geez, really? Sterling has been just about the most polarizing member of the board. He has tried to play both sides of the fence (and obviously failed). It would be weird if the board voted for him, since he has gone out of his way to point out how badly they have done things (in his view).

It would also be weird if the board voted for him, since he clearly has his sights set on other elective office and probably wouldn't be sticking around anyhow.

No, Waterman would be a weak option for VP of the board. I hope they go with someone else.

Posted on: 2012/9/9 21:09

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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Not too shy to talk

Wait a minute, I am confused. Didn't "One Jersey City" Demand Healy's Resignation?

One Jersey City Demands Healy Resignation

Oh, that must of been then, and this is now.

Got it.

Posted on: 2012/9/9 4:40

Re: Healy re-election campaign, part deux
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Not too shy to talk

Posted on: 2012/8/27 3:46

Re: Fulop Violating Pay-To-Play?
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Not too shy to talk


LOL. Maybe you have not been paying attention, but it is not Fulop you should be worrying about in regards to violating Pay to Play. The current Mayor literally wrote the book on this topic (and his cronies have been fighting all changes to Pay to Play rules).

Healy associates featured on AMERICAN GREED

Posted on: 2012/8/24 19:03

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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Not too shy to talk

Ah, no.? Dan will not win.? People see how hypocritcal he is.? You cannot lie down with the sleeze and be immune to the sleeze.

And, it is possible (despite what some of the politcal "experts" on this board say) that the Healy Machine will be defeated.? It is time for this.

Posted on: 2012/8/17 18:22

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