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Re: More craziness! NJ Teens Just Learned What Happens When You Start A Business In America
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2013/10/15 19:58
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2015/12/30 14:17
From Paulus Hook
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Binky wrote:
There is no source listed for this story. It's third hand and doesn't even include the name of the town so that it could be fact-checked through the police.
In other words, it's been made up from whole cloth to get people worked up into a lather.
I hope you realized that when you posted it.

You should just see "Zerohedge" and ignore. It's all conspiracy theories.

Posted on: 2015/2/3 15:51

Re: More craziness! NJ Teens Just Learned What Happens When You Start A Business In America
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2011/12/12 0:13
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I think this whole thing is just as ridiculous as could be. An ordinance passed for one thing is then reinterpretted (by one) to cover something else. I would love to know who made that phone call since the article doesn't state that the police switchboard lit up with calls from terrorified residents. Kudos to the police for recognizing the harmlessness of this situation & handling it in a very appropriate manner.

And there ain't one kid in my neighborhood that would raise a hand to help anyone. The only ones I see walking around offering to shovel are adults.

Posted on: 2015/2/3 12:47

Re: More craziness! NJ Teens Just Learned What Happens When You Start A Business In America
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2012/8/6 22:56
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2019/11/14 1:56
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Stories like this are an example of why I don't trust Zerohedge.

Ordinances like that do exist. However, that wasn't why the cops told the kids to stop. It's because they were out during unsafe conditions, and when there was a state of emergency.

Police Chief Michael Jannone said the two young businessmen were not arrested or issued a ticket, and that the police's concern was about them being outside during dangerous conditions, not that they were unlicensed.

"We don't make the laws but we have to uphold them," he said Tuesday after reading some of the online comments about the incident. "This was a state of emergency. Nobody was supposed to be out on the road."

The teens took the incident in stride and said that police told them that they only needed permission to go door to door, but were still allowed to shovel walkways if residents called them.

"The cops were nice about it. They weren't jerks. They were trying to make sure everything is OK," Molinari said Tuesday.
(Emphasis added) ... h-run-afoul-law/22454761/

This has nothing to do with allegedly awful government bureaucracies, and everything to do with projecting one's political ideas on trivial incidents.

Posted on: 2015/2/3 12:42

Re: More craziness! NJ Teens Just Learned What Happens When You Start A Business In America
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2010/8/17 1:45
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The City should hire those "Stop the Drop" teens to shovel crosswalks and sidewalks.

Posted on: 2015/2/3 12:34

Re: More craziness! NJ Teens Just Learned What Happens When You Start A Business In America
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2012/1/11 18:21
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2019/12/26 15:30
From GV Bayside Park
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Binky wrote:
There is no source listed for this story. It's third hand and doesn't even include the name of the town so that it could be fact-checked through the police.
In other words, it's been made up from whole cloth to get people worked up into a lather.
I hope you realized that when you posted it.

Did you just make this up?

This is a real story, which I read about last month..
Is it really illegal for teens to go around, offering to shovel driveways?

This happens every snow season in Greenville, teenagers go and down the streets offering to shovel snow. I see nothing wrong with this, and neither do any of my neighbors.

Posted on: 2015/2/3 12:21

Re: More craziness! NJ Teens Just Learned What Happens When You Start A Business In America
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2005/9/6 15:48
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2016/6/20 2:33
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There is no source listed for this story. It's third hand and doesn't even include the name of the town so that it could be fact-checked through the police.
In other words, it's been made up from whole cloth to get people worked up into a lather.
I hope you realized that when you posted it.

Posted on: 2015/2/3 2:08

More craziness! NJ Teens Just Learned What Happens When You Start A Business In America
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2004/11/14 2:38
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Case in point, last week, two teenagers in New Jersey were going around their neighborhood advertising their snow-shoveling service right before the big storm hit.

Seems pretty enterprising. But in the New America where security trumps all else, a local resident called the police to report about the teens? ?suspicious activity?.

It?s the starkest example of how ?if you see something say something? is one of the most enslaving, destructive mantras in history.

Police actually came out to investigate since, apparently running a snow-shoveling business is something that only criminal terrorists would do.

Even when the police saw that it was just two harmless kids trying to earn some money, they didn?t let them go on about their business.

Instead they forced them to stop. Because in the Land of the Free, it seems you need a permit in order to offer to shovel snow for people.

And so these two entrepreneurial teenagers were sent home by the police for their lack of permitting after being suspected of suspicious activity by a local resident.


Posted on: 2015/2/3 1:17

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