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Re: Grove Square Bistro problem
Home away from home
Often takes a couple days for restaurant transactions to post to my account.
The record was three weeks.
Posted on: 2015/5/29 21:53
Grove Square Bistro problem
Home away from home
A different kind of problem. I ate there 2 days in a row a few weeks ago and my credit card charges were never posted. This is generally indicative of an issue with human error (not posting) or with the credit card processor. I left 2 messages for the owner, my limit, and no return call. If someone wants to do the guy a favor, you might tell him he may have a serious problem. He could be out thousands of dollars, though one would think he would realize it if that were the case. I know of another restaurant that this happened to but it was a few months before they realized they hadn't gotten any credit card money. They lost most of their money as a result. I'm out of town for a few days; otherwise I would stop in there.
Posted on: 2015/5/29 9:46