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Re: Wheeling: Fulop v. Healy
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2007/5/30 0:05
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2018/11/7 2:57
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i have tried reading point 4 a few times.... what exactly happened?

4) WHEELING is someone who is prohibited from donating in this race then gives money to a different campaign account the same day who then sends the contribution to the account that would be restricted. Your reference here as actually ZERO to do with this premise of wheeling in Hudson County.

Posted on: 2013/1/25 4:05

Re: Wheeling: Fulop v. Healy
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2009/10/7 15:46
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2024/7/1 0:32
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Speaking of campaign contributions?.

?like Warner Wolf used to say?? Let's Go to the Videotape(s)?
Watch videos: Federal witness Dwek meets Jersey City mayor and political operatives
Published: Friday, January 29, 2010, 11:50 PM
By The Jersey Journal
. ... ideo_federal_witness.html
When I watch those videos I always ask what did Healy think he was meeting with Dwek for? Do you mean to tell me he didn?t know Dwek was dishing out campaign money? Did all of the ?actors? just happen to show up at the diner while Healy was consuming large quantities of salt? (hmm I wonder if Healy is related to Beldar Conehead, didn?t he land in JC?) Do all of the other developer?s of multimillion dollar JC projects meet Healy in small greasy spoon (and I say the term with love) diner?s to discuss projects instead of City Hall? Ah City Hall where there would be a record of the meeting so no one could throw corruption allegations against any city officials. Hmmm maybe Healy is just a really cheap date.
Did the developers of Trump Plaza discuss their multi-multimillion dollar project in the Medical Center Luncheonette? Somehow I just can?t see Ivanka talking business over a Nets or Mets Cheese Burger Deluxe Platter. (Donald Jr maybe so)
Hard to believe that the jail birds were Healy?s inner circle, his re-election team, his administration, his city council, public officials WE entrusted our city too, his closest bud?s in public and private life. He actually surrounded himself with people like that. It speaks volumes about his character. Remember??A man is known by the company he keeps?.
Maybe we should add?
?and ?the companies that keep him? (in their back pockets).
Healy 2009 ?donors? from the NJ ELEC reports are listed 10 per page and there are 160 pages. He had every developer and vendor in JC donating to his 2009 campaign to the tune of 3 million dollars. No wonder he is doing everything in his power to over turn what the people of JC?s elected city council voted for and passed on strict pay-to-play rules. Sad, embarrassing ?.no better yet disgusting that Boss Hague power grabs like this still happen in HC/JC.
Speaking of Ivanka?I can?t believe a classy chick like that ever set foot in Jersey City, oh wait she was selling something. (just like her father ...always some kind of an angle)

. ... mp_makes_a_splash_on.html
I would have loved to spring a few thousand on one of her rocks, but I am tightening my belt saving up for the whopping JC property tax increase that?s coming after the May 2013 election. Amazing how the reval got pushed off a year by the ex-JC Business Administrator?s reval firm that was selected because they ?knew Jersey City real estate so well? and could get the reval done faster and cheaper than any other firm.
(besides if I brought one of her rocks it probably would have gotten ripped off from my house anyway and not reported on in the Jersey Journal like one of the 600+ other crimes that happen in JC every month. Shhhhh! )

Posted on: 2013/1/24 23:44

Re: Wheeling: Fulop v. Healy
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2008/10/19 1:18
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2020/9/25 20:40
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The joke in all of this is that when asked "why did you take money from certain entities that are clearly in violation of pay to play laws?" the Healy team responded with a contrived attempt to paint Fulop as just as bad. The facts are that Healy is taking money from United Water and Hartz Mountain Industries (developer) - clearly in violation.

The Healy distortion and smear team has to work overtime to try to bring people down to their level. It's too bad they don't have any accomplishments to run on.

Posted on: 2013/1/24 20:44

Re: Wheeling: Fulop v. Healy
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2007/1/26 19:42
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2015/6/10 11:55
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I don't think Steve Fulop should worry. I for one do not want to see Healy as mayor again. Why, for the simple fact that he has had his time and I see no change in my area.
We need young blood, we need fresh new volunteers, and we need people that are once again enthusiastic.

If people are so worried about what Fulop is doing why don't people get involved and volunteer and go to all their city council meetings and speak up. Invest the time in making your area a better place instead of listening to "hearsay". Jersey city needs a complete overhaul and it's up to us the citizens to do our part.

Healy can retire now. Go to florida and enjoy the sun. Time for Steve to take over. thanks.

Posted on: 2013/1/24 19:50

Re: Wheeling: Fulop v. Healy
Just can't stay away
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2005/1/27 18:52
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2017/3/27 19:46
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It is election time and while you only have one post here on JCLIST I am happy to reply.

I think in 2008 Obama said it best at the convention and it applied today "that when you have no record to run on; you paint your opponent as someone to run from.." The mayor has sent out negative press release, time and again that really is just baseless untrue and distorting facts with his strategy to have the voters say that everyone is as morally bankrupt as he is so that we should just keep things the same. Apathy is a friend of the mayor and that is the goal here

A couple of facts as these are stubborn things:

1) My donors don't do business with the city. Our team has a group of resident volunteers that goes through every single donor. These are volunteers that are your neighbors and you all know them and they have zero political ties. Furthermore, we have proactively returned more money than any candidate in the STATE - and we do it proactively. We are not perfect at catching everything but prob do a better job than most

2) I have sponsored and passed the strictest laws in the state on this to change campaign contributions - supported by the local good government groups to which Healy vetoed

3) We have a commitment that we have stated at every meeting with regards to bidding business unlike the current practice

4) WHEELING is someone who is prohibited from donating in this race then gives money to a different campaign account the same day who then sends the contribution to the account that would be restricted. Your reference here as actually ZERO to do with this premise of wheeling in Hudson County.

I think the record here is quite clear no matter what types of press releases or blogging Healy does as the truth is there is years of track records here

Hope that helps

Posted on: 2013/1/24 19:45

Wheeling: Fulop v. Healy

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2013/1/24 19:13
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2013/1/30 3:17
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Posts: 3
So, I want to understand why is Fulop trying to pass pay to play reform but in the meantime is accepting $$$ from Troy Singleton??? Isn't Fulop wheeling as well??? ... s-jersey-city-mayors-race

Posted on: 2013/1/24 19:16

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