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Re: JC to install odor eliminating systems in wake of pending marijuana legalization.
Home away from home
2009/10/7 15:46 Last Login : 2024/7/1 0:32 From jersey city
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I don?t think the piece was meant to be a joke of some kind. It seems that article referenced in the piece by Mayor Fulop does exist and it points out a growing problem with cannabis (no pun intended). Also those concerts did occur I attended many of them and they were quite ?cloudy? in more ways then one. Smell science: Addressing odour issues in cannabis production September 06, 2018 By Laura Haupert As legal marijuana sales continue to explode (it's estimated to quadruple in the U.S. between 2016 and 2021), growers face mounting challenges along with enticing profits. Complaints about cannabis odour have jumped in some areas by as much as 87 per cent since growing became legal. In Denver alone, 30 per cent of all municipal odour complaints are now cannabis-related. ... in-growing-cannabis-32422 Quote:
Posted on: 2019/4/2 3:45
Re: JC to install odor eliminating systems in wake of pending marijuana legalization.
Home away from home
Just to be clear, this was someone else's April Fool's joke, not ours.
Posted on: 2019/4/2 3:18
Re: JC to install odor eliminating systems in wake of pending marijuana legalization.
Home away from home
2009/10/7 15:46 Last Login : 2024/7/1 0:32 From jersey city
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I got the piece from the site but the link seems to be down now? ... rijuana-legalization.html Quote:
Posted on: 2019/4/2 1:47
Re: JC to install odor eliminating systems in wake of pending marijuana legalization.
Home away from home
This is clearly an April Fools joke or the most ridiculous article has ever written.
Posted on: 2019/4/1 22:05
Re: JC to install odor eliminating systems in wake of pending marijuana legalization.
Home away from home
So basically the city wont even attempt to prohibit smoking in public places. I guess their contention that people of color who have been disproportionately arrested are not smoking peacefully at home after all.
Posted on: 2019/4/1 20:51
JC to install odor eliminating systems in wake of pending marijuana legalization.
Home away from home
2009/10/7 15:46 Last Login : 2024/7/1 0:32 From jersey city
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Jersey City to install odor eliminating systems in wake of future marijuana legalization. Terrace McDonald JJ 3/29/2019 from With the near passage of the legalization of marijuana bill in New Jersey Mayor Fulop has asked the Jersey City?s DPW to seek out bids for a city-wide odor eliminating system. It already has buy in from all of the Council Members. Surprisingly even Councilman Rich Boggiano has indicated he would vote for it. Boggiano cited the Roosevelt Stadium concerts of the 70?s when the clouds of marijuana smoke wafted out of the open-air stadium and into the air space of neighboring Country Village. Homeowners would wander around dazed and confused for hours. The residents of Country Village dueled with concert promoter John Scher over ?the stink? for years. Scher would always blame the tallow rendering plant across Newark Bay for the malodorous smell. The lawyer for the Country Village home owners at the time said the plant couldn?t be the source citing the plant was closed on days when the smell was the worst. Those days coincidentally lining up with the Grateful Dead concert dates. Not every homeowner disliked ?the stink?. (JJ 8/22/1972) ?Resident John ?Dobbie? Phelps commented ?I have been to over 100 Grateful Dead concerts all over the country and never recall any complaints about smoke? as he offered this reporter a grilled cheese sandwich.? The city is concerned about the residual smoke from the increased use of weed that will be floating out of individual properties once becoming legal. Public Safety Director Shea commented that it is bad enough Jersey City?s youth have to deal with the vaping craze ?we cannot now get them hooked on the ?Devil?s Lettuce??. Mayor Fulop noted a September 2018 article on the Growth Opportunity cannabis website ?Local governments and clean air agencies are starting to enact laws and issue fines ? in the tens of thousands of dollars ? to limit odors. Many odor control solutions require complex engineering, expensive permitting, or costly equipment. One option that is gaining interest is plant-based odor removers, a cost-effective and more earth-friendly way to get rid of cannabis smells.? Keeping in line with his environmentally friendly plastic bag ban which goes into effect on June 28, 2019 the Mayor wants the city to look into a plant-based odor remover solution. The website further states: ?Using this knowledge, natural odour removers can be specifically designed to eliminate the odorous chemical compounds in cannabis ? including cannabinoids, terpenes, and sesquiterpenes. Since a blend can be engineered for broad-spectrum odour control (it can remove a larger range of odorous compounds), it works better and more universally than other methods. Plant-based odour removers do not contain harsh chemicals or synthetic fragrances. Because they are non-toxic, non-hazardous, biodegradable, non-flammable, and contain no harmful VOCs, they are safe to use around people and require no permits to use. Delivery often needs no added water, thanks to advanced Vapor Phase technology, making it cost effective and more eco-friendly.? To control costs considering the missing state school aid the concentrated liquid will be delivered through misting systems set atop of the already existing NJDOT towering steel traffic camera poles which are scattered around the city. Council President Lavarro pointed out that luckily there is at least one pole in each Ward. As usual opposition to the Mayor?s Vapor Phase technology has already begun. But not from the usual suspects like Yvonne. Although she did ask if the misting systems would take away any parking spots. The opposition is being led by that self-proclaimed Dead Head Mr. John Phelps. He has been crisscrossing the city in his grilled cheese sandwich food truck. Blasting that pot head favorite tune Truckin'. ?What in the world ever became of sweet Jane? She lost her sparkle, you know she isn't the same?. He doesn?t want Jane to lose her sparkle again. In a recent 50-year Roosevelt Stadium concert anniversary edition appearing in this newspaper John was asked how he cultivated his love of weed. Was it from all of the concerts he attended at Roosevelt Stadium? The Allman Brothers Band, Yes, Eagles, The Doobie Brothers, The J. Geils Band, Pink Floyd, KISS, The Band, The Beach Boys, or Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young? His reply: ?No my boys and me used to smoke it in-between classes beneath the Turnpike extension behind Marist High School?s parking lot.? ?The Brothers or cops never caught us ? hahahahaha.. 4 years of smoke and look at me I turned out fine?hahahahaha.? Mr. Phelps is insisting that the people of each Ward be allowed to vote on the installation of the odor control devices. Wards A and F want the smoke eliminators installed. The rumor is various gang bangers all came together in a ?The Warriors? type moment and swore to fight anyone and anything that would cut into their business. ?Why should we give our product away for free?? ?Even if it is just after burn from someone blazing. No way man!? ?Can you dig it!? Ward B has neither objected or supported the installation of the devices. Their olfactory sensory neurons have been left useless from decades of smelling the smoke from the old PJP landfill underground fires. Odors? They count themselves lucky they still have their noses attached to their faces. Surprisingly pockets of Ward C already had some Rube Goldberg-ish homemade odor control contraptions in place to stem the ever-present curry smell coming from the many restaurants along India Square. (wow must be the Trump supporters how rude) News out of Ward D on the pot smell issue has been nonexistence. Jerry McCann saying maybe Councilman Yun?s residency has something to do with it after all you can?t smell anything in Jersey City all the way in Montville. The large population of millennials who ?occupy? Ward E are against the devices and siding with AOC?s philosophy of taking from the rich and giving to the poor. There are rumors that once the JC pot dispensaries are fully operational Boston Tea Party like raids will be carried out to ?Free the Weed?, ?Make the Weed Free for ALL!? John is against the plan to eliminate the pot odor saying his goal is to speak at the next Council meeting and try to convince the Council Members not to install the devices. Pleading ?Think how clam Jersey City would be? ?Forget about Mayors Fulop?s plan to make JC the best mid-sized city in the country. How about making JC the most M-E-L-L-O-W city in America!? Time will tell if he gets his point across the next City Council meeting is scheduled for April 10th. Side note: After the above article was published it was discovered that John Phelps may just have an ulterior motive in stopping the installation of the cannabis smoke eliminators. Applications for permits for over 50 grilled cheese sandwich food trucks were recently filed under his name. Wow talk about cashing in on widespread cases of the munchies! Now that IS rude. .
Posted on: 2019/4/1 20:22