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Re: Jersey City withdraws request to reappoint mayor's allies to MUA board
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2012/10/12 12:58
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2016/5/8 0:52
From Jersey City
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I dont know... if there is anyone that knows about sewage it would be a corrupt hudson county politician or their family member :)

Posted on: 2013/2/8 15:55

Re: Jersey City withdraws request to reappoint mayor's allies to MUA board
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2004/11/6 21:13
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2023/7/17 17:42
From Hamilton Park
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Althea, flood water and sewage backup amount to the same thing when the sewers are incontinent and flood the street fill till everyone's foundations squirt. And I don't know how there was a determination that 7th street's was fine and needed no relining when in 1997 an MUA camera crew saw "longitudinal cracks and offsets" in the 18" crumbling brick sewer. That revision was a big disappointment.

Posted on: 2013/1/26 21:11

Re: Jersey City withdraws request to reappoint mayor's allies to MUA board
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Actually Brewster is right on target. The JCMUA is building pump stations, not unlike Hoboken, but hopefully better.

One was created for Country Village, another for Pine Street. Now there is one planned for Essex Street to cover the Paulus Hook and Van Vorst area. These all deal with flood waters, not sewage back up.

The EPA used to frown on this, but both the NJDEP and the EPA are signing off on trial periods of this and will more than likely sign off on them as a permanent solution. There have been really great results so far. The issue with the downtown area is finding space for what becomes a large area for a control panel (and possibly transformer) since the real estate along the downtown water front is far more at a premium than Ward F and A.

I'd say that the current people on the JCMUA Board have a lot of institutional knowledge which I wouldn't just through out. Dominick Pandolpho makes a lot of sense as an alternate and working in the BA's office. He's smart and he was under water. I've seen some appointed to the board that know NOTHING.... "there's a flooding issue downtown?" Others are like, "oh yeah, I remember that was an issue in 1931. We had to wade across Grove street!"

This is an issue where I think Dan Levin has always been ahead of the curve and could really use a larger gene pool to pick from. The only really bad thing is when the autonomous agencies bond and the tax payer has no representation yet has to shoulder the financial implications of borrowing.


brewster wrote:
I know how bad the situation is, personally I think we need to build pump stations like Hoboken did since rebuilding the sewers from scratch seems impossible. And yes, I know the EPA is not in favor of that.

When I suggested Tom I didn't even know he had an interest in this issue! I just thought of him as another case of JC ignoring the impressive and talented people who step forward here, in favor of the usual suspects.


BrightMoment wrote:
Brewster, don't hold your breath on "...sewers that don't overflow into our basements with every rain". Tom Wilen spoke at a HCA mtg some years ago and related how the MUA said it would take "over $150+ MM" to improve our downtown infrastructure of pipes to improve the sewage overflow into basements.

Not only that but the then 17k+ condos scheduled to be built (pre 2008 collapse)placed the proverbial "two pounds of s**t in a one pound bag" due to PILOTs and abatements instead of seeking premiums to build downtown with such a poor pipe infrastructure.


brewster wrote:
Could that be clouds parting in JC? Unqualified hacks NOT being reappointed? Imagine a real professional board riding watch over the MUA! What might they discover? Could we actually get sewers that don't overflow into our basements with every rain?

I wonder what happened to Tom Wilen, the ex-Chief Operating Officer at Jim Beam Brands who ran for school board a few years back. I bet he'd be a great board chair, someone who knows how to read a fiscal report and spot the BS.

Posted on: 2013/1/26 20:32
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Re: Jersey City withdraws request to reappoint mayor's allies to MUA board
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2004/11/6 21:13
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2023/7/17 17:42
From Hamilton Park
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I know how bad the situation is, personally I think we need to build pump stations like Hoboken did since rebuilding the sewers from scratch seems impossible. And yes, I know the EPA is not in favor of that.

When I suggested Tom I didn't even know he had an interest in this issue! I just thought of him as another case of JC ignoring the impressive and talented people who step forward here, in favor of the usual suspects.


BrightMoment wrote:
Brewster, don't hold your breath on "...sewers that don't overflow into our basements with every rain". Tom Wilen spoke at a HCA mtg some years ago and related how the MUA said it would take "over $150+ MM" to improve our downtown infrastructure of pipes to improve the sewage overflow into basements.

Not only that but the then 17k+ condos scheduled to be built (pre 2008 collapse)placed the proverbial "two pounds of s**t in a one pound bag" due to PILOTs and abatements instead of seeking premiums to build downtown with such a poor pipe infrastructure.


brewster wrote:
Could that be clouds parting in JC? Unqualified hacks NOT being reappointed? Imagine a real professional board riding watch over the MUA! What might they discover? Could we actually get sewers that don't overflow into our basements with every rain?

I wonder what happened to Tom Wilen, the ex-Chief Operating Officer at Jim Beam Brands who ran for school board a few years back. I bet he'd be a great board chair, someone who knows how to read a fiscal report and spot the BS.

Posted on: 2013/1/26 17:49

Re: Jersey City withdraws request to reappoint mayor's allies to MUA board
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2005/6/8 3:24
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What is the status of holdover appointments on the MUA? I know that for some boards (Planning, HPC), a holdover appointment is a nullity.

Posted on: 2013/1/26 1:37

Re: Jersey City withdraws request to reappoint mayor's allies to MUA board
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2004/11/7 17:04
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2015/2/24 18:16
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Brewster, don't hold your breath on "...sewers that don't overflow into our basements with every rain". Tom Wilen spoke at a HCA mtg some years ago and related how the MUA said it would take "over $150+ MM" to improve our downtown infrastructure of pipes to improve the sewage overflow into basements.

Not only that but the then 17k+ condos scheduled to be built (pre 2008 collapse)placed the proverbial "two pounds of s**t in a one pound bag" due to PILOTs and abatements instead of seeking premiums to build downtown with such a poor pipe infrastructure.


brewster wrote:
Could that be clouds parting in JC? Unqualified hacks NOT being reappointed? Imagine a real professional board riding watch over the MUA! What might they discover? Could we actually get sewers that don't overflow into our basements with every rain?

I wonder what happened to Tom Wilen, the ex-Chief Operating Officer at Jim Beam Brands who ran for school board a few years back. I bet he'd be a great board chair, someone who knows how to read a fiscal report and spot the BS.

Posted on: 2013/1/26 0:51
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Re: Jersey City withdraws request to reappoint mayor's allies to MUA board
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2012/10/12 12:58
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2016/5/8 0:52
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DanL wrote:
I agree with you and glad they pulled Eileen Gaughan, appearances of conflicts of interest, however, I am not sure about Dominick Pandolfo, who is the former Chief of Staff with Healy and I believe came out of the Schundler administration. Regardless of policies, Schundler's administration was thought of as pretty competent.

Also, I like you suggestion of Tom Wilen, able and skilled (and our kids go to school together)

Are you serious?!?! Your statement shows how little you know about Jersey City and good government! No wonder you've thrown your lot in with Healy!

Schundler appointed his friends and hack power-block backers to various directorships and boards that mismanaged money like crazy (ex. spending city money at strip clubs). As an example, the library's budget went up over 50% in 2 years as it was filled with brand new part-time patronage positions.

Honestly, your presumptuousness and ignorance (you could have at least did 1 second of research) before making statements makes me extremely worried about the decisions you would make if you sat on the council... I've heard that it takes a certain level of arrogance to run for a political office (you have to believe you are better at making decisions than your opponent) but the combination of arrogance and ignorance is particularly dangerous!

Posted on: 2013/1/25 14:59

Re: Jersey City withdraws request to reappoint mayor's allies to MUA board
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DanL wrote:
...however, I am not sure about Dominick Pandolfo, who is the former Chief of Staff with Healy...

That's rich, Dan! You're not sure about Dominick Pandolfo? The Dominick Pandolfo who headed the mayor's staff in the "glory days" of Operation Bid Rig? Who headed the mayor's staff at the same time you were tearing into Healy for being anti-citizen, un-transparent, and in the pocket of his contributors? What aren't you sure about?

Posted on: 2013/1/24 14:13

Re: Jersey City withdraws request to reappoint mayor's allies to MUA board
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2004/2/6 23:13
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2021/7/30 1:08
From Jersey City
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I agree with you and glad they pulled Eileen Gaughan, appearances of conflicts of interest, however, I am not sure about Dominick Pandolfo, who is the former Chief of Staff with Healy and I believe came out of the Schundler administration. Regardless of policies, Schundler's administration was thought of as pretty competent.

Also, I like you suggestion of Tom Wilen, able and skilled (and our kids go to school together)

Posted on: 2013/1/24 12:37

Re: Jersey City withdraws request to reappoint mayor's allies to MUA board
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2004/11/6 21:13
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2023/7/17 17:42
From Hamilton Park
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Could that be clouds parting in JC? Unqualified hacks NOT being reappointed? Imagine a real professional board riding watch over the MUA! What might they discover? Could we actually get sewers that don't overflow into our basements with every rain?

I wonder what happened to Tom Wilen, the ex-Chief Operating Officer at Jim Beam Brands who ran for school board a few years back. I bet he'd be a great board chair, someone who knows how to read a fiscal report and spot the BS.

Posted on: 2013/1/24 4:00

Jersey City withdraws request to reappoint mayor's allies to MUA board
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2012/2/20 18:20
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Jersey City withdraws request to reappoint mayor's allies to MUA board

By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal
January 23, 2013 at 8:25 PM

Measures reappointing two allies of Mayor Jerramiah Healy to the board of a city agency until 2018 were withdrawn by the administration after City Council members made it clear they opposed them, according to sources with knowledge of the decision.

Healy told the nine-member council on Jan. 16 that he had reappointed Eileen Gaughan, chair of the Municipal Utilities Authority board of commissioners, and Dominick Pandolfo, an alternate member of the board, to terms expiring Jan. 31, 2018.

Gaughan is the daughter to Ward D Councilman Bill Gaughan, as well as his paid council aide, while Pandolfo is the city's former chief of staff.

But two sources say the city withdrew the request after it became clear that Ward E Councilman Steve Fulop and his allies on the council wouldn't give the reappointments the five votes they need for passage. Fulop, a longtime political opponent of Healy, is challenging the mayor in May's city election.

Chief of Staff Rosemary McFadden tonight said Healy decided before tonight's council meeting to withdraw his request regarding the two reappointments. Gaughan and Pandolfo will be "held over" on the MUA board until the council takes action on the two positions, McFadden said. ... quest_1.html#incart_river

Posted on: 2013/1/24 3:10

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