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Re: Good things we have done or encouraged in JC
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2006/10/16 18:26
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2016/8/21 18:57
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PBW I am ROTFL thanks for that smart alec response to all the other smart alec responses

Posted on: 2009/6/30 1:53

Re: Good things we have done or encouraged in JC
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2005/3/31 1:24
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2009/12/24 3:29
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Nuthin. You just make me laugh sometimes. Carry on.

Posted on: 2009/6/30 1:51

Re: Good things we have done or encouraged in JC
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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jennymayla wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
Just Today I was unpacking groceries when a guy pulled up looking for directions to Hoboken. He was an older guy either Arab or Israeli. He then remembered his new GPS and thanked me anyway. Ten minutes later he was still sitting there looking befuddled with the GPS so I jumped in my car and told him to follow me. I took him right to the address he was looking for and we parted ways with a big wave of Thank You.

I was going to say that I tried not to judge anyone today but the Arab/Isreali comment just ruined that for me.

You keep on being you, Vig.


Posted on: 2009/6/30 1:43

Re: Good things we have done or encouraged in JC
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2005/3/31 1:24
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2009/12/24 3:29
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Vigilante wrote:
Just Today I was unpacking groceries when a guy pulled up looking for directions to Hoboken. He was an older guy either Arab or Israeli. He then remembered his new GPS and thanked me anyway. Ten minutes later he was still sitting there looking befuddled with the GPS so I jumped in my car and told him to follow me. I took him right to the address he was looking for and we parted ways with a big wave of Thank You.

I was going to say that I tried not to judge anyone today but the Arab/Isreali comment just ruined that for me.

You keep on being you, Vig.

Posted on: 2009/6/30 1:33

Re: Good things we have done or encouraged in JC
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
Posts: 3002

PBW wrote:
Once my cousin and I were playing with our older uncle, joshing around like when we were kids, and some guy jumps in and starts berating us. I told him to MYOB, and I think he learned a lesson that day.

Another time, I felt so bad for the people in the laundromat, they seem to not have much, so I rigged the machine to give 5 quarters for every dollar.

Oh, one time I saw a family of ducks about to walk thru a puddle of gasoline. I tried to speed up my BMW to cut them off - I didn't want them to get sick - but someone cut me off.

Lastly, I asked someone for directions, but then I remembered I had a GPS. He looked so disappointed I pretended I couldn't figure the GPS out.

That's all I can think of for now.

That's mean.

Posted on: 2009/6/30 1:20

Re: Good things we have done or encouraged in JC
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2009/6/2 20:07
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I like to live by the code of Hoosier Hospitality

Posted on: 2009/6/30 1:16

Re: Good things we have done or encouraged in JC
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2006/7/14 19:34
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Once my cousin and I were playing with our older uncle, joshing around like when we were kids, and some guy jumps in and starts berating us. I told him to MYOB, and I think he learned a lesson that day.

Another time, I felt so bad for the people in the laundromat, they seem to not have much, so I rigged the machine to give 5 quarters for every dollar.

Oh, one time I saw a family of ducks about to walk thru a puddle of gasoline. I tried to speed up my BMW to cut them off - I didn't want them to get sick - but someone cut me off.

Lastly, I asked someone for directions, but then I remembered I had a GPS. He looked so disappointed I pretended I couldn't figure the GPS out.

That's all I can think of for now.

Posted on: 2009/6/29 22:56

Re: Good things we have done or encouraged in JC
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2006/10/16 18:26
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2016/8/21 18:57
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What a bunch of smart alecs But at least you are funny! I wasn't trying to separate things out as much as reminding myself (and others) that it could be a heck of a lot worse and would be if we didn't DO SOMETHING. Hugs.

Posted on: 2009/6/29 22:53

Re: Good things we have done or encouraged in JC
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2008/8/19 20:52
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way to pay it forward Vig!

Posted on: 2009/6/29 22:35

Re: Good things we have done or encouraged in JC
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
Posts: 3002
Just Today I was unpacking groceries when a guy pulled up looking for directions to Hoboken. He was an older guy either Arab or Israeli. He then remembered his new GPS and thanked me anyway. Ten minutes later he was still sitting there looking befuddled with the GPS so I jumped in my car and told him to follow me. I took him right to the address he was looking for and we parted ways with a big wave of Thank You.

Posted on: 2009/6/29 22:26

Re: Good things we have done or encouraged in JC
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2006/11/1 23:31
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2009/12/24 20:41
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so basically we're now separating the good part of tommynyc's post (preventing a DUI and helping the community) and leaving it there, and bringing the potential circle jerk aspect to this thread. i'm down

well last weekend i was driving towards newport coming up from hoboken. when i reached about where target is, i noticed the cars had the green light but no one was moving. as i got closer i saw a family of ducks/geese(?) were crossing the road.. kinda like that picture on jclist a few weeks back. anyway, the ducks were going kinda slow, and the mom/dad seemed to be limping so after every kid was done crossing he was still hobbling slowly behind them.

well of course mister BMW behind me cant understand why we're all waiting, so he tried to pass me on the left and potentially run over papa duck. in the heat of the moment, i sped up and cut off his access from the left. he seemed pretty annoyed but i know in my heart i did the right thing.

Edit - dont forget to congratulate the person who posts above you otherwise you ruin the point of the thread. good job tommy, although a bum probably stole the last quarter and used it on drugs.

Posted on: 2009/6/29 22:19

Re: Good things we have done or encouraged in JC
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2008/1/3 19:12
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2020/9/30 18:46
From Van Vorst Park
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I heart marybarr ;)

Is this a "pat me on the back" thread? :)

Years ago I put a dollar into a change machine at a JC laundromat, and 5 quarters came out instead of 4. I only took 4 and left the 5th.

Now somebody better pat me on the back!!!

Posted on: 2009/6/29 21:26

Good things we have done or encouraged in JC
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2006/10/16 18:26
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2016/8/21 18:57
From NJ
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This is an offshoot of the thread dealing with I Made the Street of JC a Little Bit Safer. I thought we could all respond in a positive manner and this is my last post on that thread and my small example:

Okay, what I got out of the post wasn't that there was a needed pat on the back (but come on, I'll confess if you will that it feels good) but to encourage us to DO SOMETHING. Every thread on every blog I have ever read bitches and moans and few of them come up with a solution or even just a positive thought. Here is my small example: One day I was riding in a friends convertible and saw a big man snatch away an elderly guys cane and go to hit him with it. I jumped over the car door and ran to help. The big guy lowered the cane and the two of them said they were just pals joking around. The big guy asked me what I thought I was going to do anyway. I replied -- whatever I could. Follow your conscience guy and nobody can bother you about THAT. Please give an example even if you fed a stray cat :)

Posted on: 2009/6/29 21:16

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