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Re: Double dipping on JC Council
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2007/3/4 23:35
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We agree nepotism is procedurally bad. I am disturbed by the suggestion that Gaughan's daughters should be excluded from such consideration. Electeds' relatives may receive nepotism based on pressure, regardless of merit. Thus, the daughters are IN. Jimmy wanted proof that the daughters earned their position. Nobody has proven this.

If you think we should "leave them out of it" simply because you've observed good work/ yeoman grunt work/ volunteerism/ emails being forwarded... then that is a different question. They may be good workers, but there is still the appearance of impropriety in it. If you agree that such appearances are procedural problems, then do not apologize for them.

Thus, I was interested in knowing why artists want to treat with kid gloves the political issue of nepotism for an arts-friendly nepotee. I am not attacking YOU. I am questioning your objectivity. That would be an ad hominem from circumstance, not one to be insulting or abusive, as it is when questioning the mind-power of others. Your personal knowledge is insightful, but your personal relationship or bias, if any, may be fatal to your position. We now know you have a meager acquaintance with her.

Note: I wrote more, but I'm leaving it out. It will only change the subject further and prolong the boring confusion.

Posted on: 2009/5/4 2:27

Re: Double dipping on JC Council

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2009/4/15 15:58
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Backstepping slightly to double-dipping...

The problem I see here is that some people are actually in charge of voting on their own pay-raises and other office perks (sorry I can't be more specific).

Also, having relational ties to other government workers leaves the door open for abuse: remember when Mayor Healy hired his counsin for the JCPD after he was fired from another department for being drunk on the job? He got in that horrible accident that killed a woman and her child- while drunk- and coming home from work. Would he really have been a "qualified applicant" for a JCPD job without his familial connection to the mayor?

From a personal perspective, the whole concept of holding multiple goverment positions negates the responsibilities of any one office. I have been trying to get in touch with Mariano Vega and his aid Hilario Nu?ez for two months now (by phone and email-to both), and have had nothing but dead air. Keep in mind: I'm not calling at odd hours of the night. Why Mr. Vega is never in his office and does not return constituent phone calls or emails I don't know- but it may be due to the fact that he holds another (more prestigious) county post.

Posted on: 2009/5/4 1:26

Re: Double dipping on JC Council
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I see I'm being "called out" and after spending an entire day at a 4 year olds b-day party with the family and 75 invited guests I am way too tired, happy and now coming down from a sugar high from way too much batman cake to reply.....will catch up on this tomorrow.

Posted on: 2009/5/4 1:22

Re: Double dipping on JC Council
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*NOTE* BrightMoment's comments in bold and blue to make it easier to read my replies to alanwright


alanwright wrote:
Thank you for your disclosure. It is only in that context that we know either that you know their work personally, or benefit from it, or neither. Directly or indirectly.


A critical mind discerns that one might do good irrespective of other problems they may have relative to other areas, particularly politics and government. That's why Obama, unlike Bush, sees the world as not "black & white" and that idealism, plus transparency, plus pragmatism is necessary to accomplish good that benefits all. Only a naif sees it as black and white.

The concerns stated about double-dipping are procedural. The "results" may or may not be good, but double-dipping and nepotism are bad practices notwithstanding the results.

I agree that nepotism in all cases constitutes "bad practices" with no exception, and particularly with political office-holders.

I'm not quite sure what you're driving at through your obscure point above. But, I'll take a closer look.

1) You needn't patronize others by snidely suggesting their minds do not act as "critical[ly]" as does yours.

I assume the "critical mind" you're referring to is your own.

I need not tell you what "ass-u-me" means.

You sound defensive as to my "statement" in the general about "critical minds", not the particular or a pjeroative as to your own noggin'; it was not directed at you or others specifically, only my belief that "critical minds" make choices and statements based on a myriad of info.

This is a homunculus in a self-regarding pose: it sees itself as the reasoner.

Your declarative statement above, is itself a homunculus, in that you see yourself as the "reasoner" (the eyes inner vision of my mind) attempting to parse the meaning of what I stated in general. Jung, Gregory and many other writers would have much to say about your description of my statement as being a "self-regarding pose", perhaps your own transference to moi? :-8

To wit:
Philosophy Dictionary: homunculus

Philosophy Dictionary

A small person. A bad idea in the philosophy of mind is to explain a person's agency, or intelligence, or experience, as if there were a smaller agent, or intelligent thing, or experiencing subject ?inside the head?. But homuncular functionalism decomposes complex functions into simpler ones, thereby avoiding the obvious regress.

In fact, I succinctly use a common descriptive metaphor, "black & white" to indicate that such decisions are not "simpler ones" but in fact (suggested0 more "complex functions" than the "homunculus" you ascribe to my statements and your own assignation and assumptions.

2) The dissenters here are not naifs, and shame on you for an ad hominem.

Again, your parsing of my statement, not what I stated in the general about "critical minds" and "naifs". However, I wonder at your use of the latin, "ad hominem". Why do I suspect you are a recently admitted to the bar? :-8

It did not go unnoticed.

I suspect nothing escapes your NON-critical eyes.

Thus, I read your response as a thinly-veiled criticism of your dissenters:

Nope. Only your parsing suggest it as "thinly-veiled criticism of your(my) dissenters".

Again your misreading of what I stated. I don't consider replies about Gaughan's daughters "your (my)dissenters", they are simply the reader's opinion, not my own and each of us entitled to opine.

we are unrealistic (non-pragmatic) because we disdain nepotism

Your own conjecture, as I also "disdain nepotism" and your conclusion I don't is your own homunculus reading

and insider tactics (non-transparency) even where the result is a "good that benefits all" (non-ideal).

Nope. it was I who pointed out that Cory Booker, who you equated with Steven Fulop ("Cory Booker/Steve Fulop"), when I said that it was in fact the so-called "outsider" (your word) Cory Booker, that was using "insider tactics" in approving Mayor Healy for re-election since Healy wields great power as HCDO power head. Yet, even so, I support Booker for his Mayorship of Newark , despite his support of Healy that is "non-ideal".

a. Again: proper procedure and ethically clean hands guides us to oppose nepotism. Especially in this town.

Yes, that is true and there we agree.

b. I dispute that the good benefits all.

I was speaking about Cory Booker by example, that even though he endorsed the head of the machine, HCDO's Mayor Healy, the overall "good"he does, and that yes, Mayor Healy's support of the Embankment for his own agenda, still accomplishes it's preservation by his own argument, even if you "dispute that the good benefits all". Open space is a "good that benefits all", IMO.

I have little knowledge of what work these council aids do,

Yet you are ready to damn same without knowing or speaking to one of them? Have you ever called Steve Fulop's Aide, Althea, and found what wonderful work she does for Ward E and beyond for not only constituents of Fulop's but for JC as one example of what "these council aides do"?

or what cultural events they put on, and I still wonder how and to what extent it benefits R_P and BM.

I've clearly stated what knowledge I have of Eileen Gaughn, and any "wonder" on your part is a purposeful ad hominem attack of your own, attempting to conjure conspiracy of motive and speculating as to what I have clearly stated. I hold no position either by salary, group, or volunteer that benefits from my meager acquaintance with Ms. Gaughn and have spoken to her only a few times in toto.

c. A "black-white" dichotomy misrepresents the position,

Not in my statement in the general it does not, nor in the specifics I related to Cory Booker's support of Healy for re-election or Healy's support of the Embankment for his own agenda, which again, while I disagree with, I support his preservation of the Embankment. Your declaration of misrepresentation is a classic debater's attempt of fallacy.[b]

though seeking procedural and ethical integrity in hiring is, in my mind, an important ideal which may require a very specific rule... as there is at the state level.

[b]Yes, I agree that rule of law and "ethical integrity in hiring" are both important for ALL of JC Government and Hudson County Government as well.


3."Idealism" and "pragmatism" are value-laden words which have different meaning to all of us.

True. However, in the context of my using those words, I consider Booker to be both an idealist yet a pragmatist by knowing that he had to support Healy as Healy wields great power in NJ as head of HCDO (the 'machine' in Hudson County) and JC will likely be shown in the 2010 Census to be NJ's largest city and in command of yet more monies and power relative to Obama's administration. I also consider Obama to practice both "idealism" and "pragmatism" as well, both domestically and in foreign affairs, even though I have major disagreements with major programs and policies of his own, I still support him for "the good that benefits us all" .

Posted on: 2009/5/4 1:02
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Re: Double dipping on JC Council
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googlebog wrote:

Corey Booker is on leave from his partnership in the BOOKER, RABINOWITZ, TRENK, LUBETKIN, TULLY, DiPASQUALE & WEBSTER in Newark. This law firm holds numerous contracts in both Jersey City government [ like the incinerator and housing authority to name two] along with numerous financial firms like Goldman Sachs and developers. Elnardo Webster was Bobby Jackson, Joe Cardwell?s, Glen Cunningham?s attorney.

That could be an interesting point... but that firm no longer exists in that form (several new or different partners). And it's now based in West Orange under a different name.

If Booker is "on leave" then I assume he would not be receiving distributions from their retainers or billable hours. With the new firm, Trenk, he's not a partner... so I assume he is not receiving distributions.

Then there are other questions:

Whether Booker, as a then councilman-lawyer, had any role in securing those retainers. We couldn't know. The Goldman contracts are irrelevant because that's private $.

And in-firm conflicts which would prevent Booker from getting too close:

* Bobby Jackson: Served in the 80s. Helped Sandra Cunningham in 2007. Now deceased. Apparently retained a different attorney at Trenk, not Booker.

* Joe Cardwell: a Healy appointment. A Sandra Cunningham advisor. Apparently retained a different attorney at Trenk, not Booker.

Thus, a conflicts-check might show too many ties to JC is impossible for Booker as an attorney or Trenk as a firm.

Long story short: Booker is not a JC "insider" in the way you are trying to suggest. That he was a partner at a firm which represented divisions of JC government under a different mayor, and one of his co-partners represented Jersey City residents... tells us very little.

Posted on: 2009/5/4 0:37

Re: Double dipping on JC Council

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2009/2/16 23:41
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alanwright wrote:
BrightMoment wrote:


So should I damn Booker's "insider" support for Mayor Healy even though Booker is doing good for Newark? Not black & white is it alanwright?

Leave the black/white dichotomy aside. Nobody holds that position. Certainly not me.

Booker is not a Jersey City insider because he does not derive benefits from JC in the way we're considering: relatives being hired, no-show jobs, parking ticket scams, etc.

He may be a political or party ally, but not an insider. Thus, his support for Healy and whatever he's doing good for Newark have no bearing on this.

Dang, hate to be the one to bust your bubble with the "not a Jersey City insider" theory.

Corey Booker is on leave from his partnership in the BOOKER, RABINOWITZ, TRENK, LUBETKIN, TULLY, DiPASQUALE & WEBSTER in Newark. This law firm holds numerous contracts in both Jersey City government [ like the incinerator and housing authority to name two] along with numerous financial firms like Goldman Sachs and developers. Elnardo Webster was Bobby Jackson, Joe Cardwell?s, Glen Cunningham?s attorney.

Posted on: 2009/5/4 0:02

Re: Double dipping on JC Council
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BrightMoment wrote:


So should I damn Booker's "insider" support for Mayor Healy even though Booker is doing good for Newark? Not black & white is it alanwright?

Leave the black/white dichotomy aside. Nobody holds that position. Certainly not me.

Booker is not a Jersey City insider because he does not derive benefits from JC in the way we're considering: relatives being hired, no-show jobs, parking ticket scams, etc.

He may be a political or party ally, but not an insider. Thus, his support for Healy and whatever he's doing good for Newark have no bearing on this.

Posted on: 2009/5/3 23:24

Re: Double dipping on JC Council
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Thank you for your disclosure. It is only in that context that we know either that you know their work personally, or benefit from it, or neither. Directly or indirectly.


A critical mind discerns that one might do good irrespective of other problems they may have relative to other areas, particularly politics and government. That's why Obama, unlike Bush, sees the world as not "black & white" and that idealism, plus transparency, plus pragmatism is necessary to accomplish good that benefits all. Only a naif sees it as black and white.

The concerns stated about double-dipping are procedural. The "results" may or may not be good, but double-dipping and nepotism are bad practices notwithstanding the results. So, we will "leave the daughters in it" until there is procedural reform.

I'm not quite sure what you're driving at through your obscure point above. But, I'll take a closer look.

1) You needn't patronize others by snidely suggesting their minds do not act as "critical[ly]" as does yours. I assume the "critical mind" you're referring to is your own. This is a homunculus in a self-regarding pose: it sees itself as the reasoner.

2) The dissenters here are not naifs, and shame on you for an ad hominem. It did not go unnoticed. Thus, I read your response as a thinly-veiled criticism of your dissenters: we are unrealistic (non-pragmatic) because we disdain nepotism and insider tactics (non-transparency) even where the result is a "good that benefits all" (not-quite-ideal).

a. Again: proper procedure and ethically clean hands guide us to oppose nepotism. Especially in this town.

b. I dispute that the good benefits all. I have little knowledge of what work these council aids do, or what cultural events they put on, and I still wonder how and to what extent it benefits R_P and BM.

c. A "black-white" dichotomy misrepresents the position, though seeking procedural and ethical integrity in hiring is, in my mind, an important ideal which may require a very specific rule... as there is at the state level. I will respond to your Booker-Healy comment separately, as I never made a black-white suggestion.

3. "Idealism" and "pragmatism" are value-laden words which have different meaning to all of us.

Posted on: 2009/5/3 23:18

Re: Double dipping on JC Council
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jimmy wrote:
Bright Moment,

So you don't think nepotism is an issue with Bill Gaughan?

No, I never said that jimmy. Yes, I do think it is an issue, but with HIM politically as to his campaign and ALL double dippers in city council and Hudson County. They should be the ones we take issue with as they are political candidates, not in Gaughan's case as to his daughters since they are hired, not elected.

Since any who know me or know my 4 going on 5 years of posting here on a multitude of issues, groups, "special interests" and just general info about JC, and my activism downtown, know that I support total transparency, open government, and supported all the measures of municipal ethics reform but felt that it should be extended beyond the city council unto all of city government. As well as this should be in place in county government.

Read my sardonic comment about Location in my profile: I'm located in "Pay to Play" unfortunately and yes, if those who complain here registered to vote, actually voted in ALL elections, AND had their acquaintances and friends do the same we might have some useful change. I was making calls on behalf of Steven Fulop yesterday, and several I spoke with, generally young sounding individuals, told me "I'm not interested in voitin" or "I don't vote in those elections". Yet these will be the same who complain about tax increases and every other quality of life, poop strewn streets, noise near bars, fill-in-the-blank issues, yet hardly make the connection of voting and political activism on behalf of their beliefs.

One may only hope.

Posted on: 2009/5/3 23:11
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Re: Double dipping on JC Council
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Bright Moment,

So you don't think nepotism is an issue with Bill Gaughan?

Posted on: 2009/5/3 22:56

Re: Double dipping on JC Council
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alanwright wrote:

Sad, but true. Until we have a Cory Booker/ Steve Fulop "outsider" candidate on the ballot... and it has to be one who has a chance... it will be "insider" tactics for JC politics.

As much as I think Mayor Cory Booker is doing great work for Newark, he is also another who supports Mayor Healy for re-election.

So should I damn Booker's "insider" support for Mayor Healy even though Booker is doing good for Newark? Not black & white is it alanwright?

Posted on: 2009/5/3 22:47
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Re: Double dipping on JC Council
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alanwright on 2009/5/3 18:09:32

by jimmy on 2009/5/3 17:24:33
[...] Bright "Back off" Moment,

Please spare us your rationalizations. It sounds like you know and/or work with some of these "kids" and feel the need to defend them...[...]

Agreed 100%.

Just because the daughters are serving your interest groups doesn't mean it's not nepotism.


The burden is on THEM (and now, YOU, pinko/bright) to demonstrate their chops to non-interested parties. i.e., not those who benefit from the relationship, as pinko and bright apparently do.

For complete transparency relative to myself and any "relationship" with the only daughter I personally know as an acquaintance, Eileen Gaughn, I know her to be a hard worker for such groups as JCTheater (volunteering to help them at their shows at St. Mathews) and for helping others in logistics of shows some have done at the Brennan Court House and forwarding email that benefits all art groups. Her boss, Bill La Rosa,Director of Cultural Affairs & Tourism , is responsible for decisions as to who shows there however, not Eileen.

As to either daughter "serving your interest groups", my interest groups include most of Jersey City, and art is only one among many. That they or others who I disagree with and may challenge in other areas, does not mean I don't acknowledge the good that they may do for others. Even our Mayor, who I do not support, supports the preservation of the Embankment, principally due to his wanting Light Rail/Bus over the Embankment, and while not my reason for supporting it's preservation, I'll take his support even if it's not the reason that I agree with personally.

A critical mind discerns that one might do good irrespective of other problems they may have relative to other areas, particularly politics and government. That's why Obama, unlike Bush, sees the world as not "black & white" and that idealism, plus transparency, plus pragmatism is necessary to accomplish good that benefits all. Only a naif sees it as black and white.

Posted on: 2009/5/3 22:40
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Re: Double dipping on JC Council
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skepticalhook wrote:

Top to bottom, welcome the new boss, same as the old...

Sad, but true. Until we have a Cory Booker/ Steve Fulop "outsider" candidate on the ballot... and it has to be one who has a chance... it will be "insider" tactics for JC politics.

For all you "jc lifers" and "been here since 85ers" out there, I don't blame you, and I understand your hesitancy to admit "outsiders" who might not "understand" Jersey City.

But, unfortunately, this city's polity suffers from the machine. Jersey City's amateur-hour political culture is a disservice to all of us, and is hobbling what should be the state's most powerful city.

Posted on: 2009/5/3 22:31

Re: Double dipping on JC Council
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Why don't y'all wake up and call it what it is-the current admin-leader down to the bottom-is saying "F U-whatayougonnadoaboutit". Because y'all are voting them in again. Drunk layabout, conniving mother, sellout embezzeling naacp leader, crooked administration, crooked cops, idiot animal control, corrupt parking authority personnel. Top to bottom, welcome the new boss, same as the old.

Posted on: 2009/5/3 22:25

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What's that saying?

"My father warned me about nepotism when he got me into the business".

Posted on: 2009/5/3 22:17

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jimmy wrote:


Please spare us your rationalizations. It sounds like you know and/or work with some of these "kids" and feel the need to defend them...

Agreed 100%.

Just because the daughters are serving your interest groups doesn't mean it's not nepotism.

No doubt Viola Richardson has her own excuses for multiple jobs, and Willie Flood had a boatload (s**tload) of reasons for hiring her son. (He was such a hard worker!) ... =ASC&type=&mode=0&start=0

The burden is on THEM (and now, YOU, pinko/bright) to demonstrate their chops to non-interested parties. i.e., not those who benefit from the relationship, as pinko and bright apparently do. Inside jobs and no-show jobs and other vested hiring practices are a perennial problem in this town. Making EXCUSES because you like the results is just that: making excuses. The Brennan Coffee House might be nice, but I'd like $15k to organize it as well.

Posted on: 2009/5/3 22:09

Re: Double dipping on JC Council
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Pinko "Leave the kids out of this" witz and Bright "Back off" Moment,

Please spare us your rationalizations. It sounds like you know and/or work with some of these "kids" and feel the need to defend them (Are they really "kids" Pinko? Do they need a grown up like you to get us to leave them alone?)

Are you convinced they were not given any advantage to get their positions? Most ethical guidelines or regulations include some wording prohibiting "the appearance of improper behavior." So two daughters of one double dipping insider are employed in the same administrations. This appears improper no matter how well you two like them.

No matter how effective or well liked you two feel Gaughan's daughters are at their workplace it is perfectly fair to raise the question of nepotism and its inherent implication of Gaughan's unethical behavior. I wonder how many people could have done the job as well or better than these two but who never had a chance because the Councilman's daughter was the only one interviewed. We will never know the true potential of our public sector workforce if there is not a chance for those outside the circle to get in.

So with a dramatic touch a la Pinkowitz - please, leave the kids in this! and keep going Yahoo.

(unless someone can somehow prove their father had nothing to do with preferential treatment for their hiring.)

Posted on: 2009/5/3 21:24

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Don't forget Kabili Tayari aka "his inmate name" whatever that is. Deputy mayor at $100K+, NAACP membership theft $$$, and (I hear) mob bagman $$$. He also apparently gets free avis car rentals (sans prosecution) in addition to our city-funded car.

Don't they all get free cars?

Posted on: 2009/5/3 4:19

Re: Double dipping on JC Council

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Don't forget Viola Richardson - $40,000 on the city council and $85,000 at her job in Hudson County . (both publicly funded jobs). Oh wait, there is also that "disability" she went on as soon as she was elected and now gives her a pension from having to "retire" (sic) from JCPD. Odd how no one ever mentions Viola (3 taxpayer paychecks) Richardson.

Posted on: 2009/5/3 4:10

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Don't forget Willie Flood - $40,000 on the city council and $108,000 as Hudson County Register. (both publicly funded jobs)

This double dipping they allow in New Jersey is why this state has consistently ranked among the top ten most corrupt states in the union by various news sources.

Steve Fulop, about the only person on city council with an iota of sense, tried to introduce a bill about this but it quickly got voted down, probably because the majority of people on the council are double dippers themselves.

This is the city we live in, people. Sometimes I can't believe it myself.

Posted on: 2009/5/3 3:49

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They also get free drinks at Edwards', as well as free asperin and AZT, which may double all those figures, although Brennan looks like he's off his meds.

Posted on: 2009/5/3 3:40

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r_pinkowitz wrote:

Yahoo wrote:

Ward D Councilman BILL GAUGHAN- City Council Salary

ONE DAUGHTER WORKS ON CITY PAYROLL AT CITY HALL. makes 15,000 a year as a council aide.

ONE DAUGHTER WORKS ON COUNTY PAYROLL works her tail off in the county and happens to be very liked and respected within our arts community. She works a gazillion hours doing all of the cultural events which includes the very popular Brennan Coffee House.

leave the kids out of this.


Both daughters should not be part of the discussion of political candidates running for election. They are both hard workers and as Pinky says, the one who works for the County does yeoman work for the Arts Community.

Back off Yahoo.

Posted on: 2009/5/3 3:00
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Yahoo wrote:

Ward D Councilman BILL GAUGHAN- City Council Salary

ONE DAUGHTER WORKS ON CITY PAYROLL AT CITY HALL. makes 15,000 a year as a council aide.

ONE DAUGHTER WORKS ON COUNTY PAYROLL works her tail off in the county and happens to be very liked and respected within our arts community. She works a gazillion hours doing all of the cultural events which includes the very popular Brennan Coffee House.

leave the kids out of this.

Posted on: 2009/5/3 2:17

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2024/3/21 23:34
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Posts: 5375
Many towns in NJ pay $1.00 a year to serve as council or mayor with no perks. There is also the issue of health insurance that comes with the job.

Posted on: 2009/5/3 2:09

Re: Double dipping on JC Council
Home away from home
Home away from home

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2005/7/14 18:51
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2018/12/12 21:42
From on van vorst park
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Posts: 515
You certainly cannot blame them for having multiple jobs with a councilman?s salary of $40,000, but secondary employment with the county and state sure sets up the possibility or appearance of, conflict of interests. It also may be the reason they don?t do any of these jobs properly.

Posted on: 2009/5/3 1:56

Double dipping on JC Council
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2009/1/31 23:07
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2014/7/12 15:39
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Posts: 124

While most Americans are trying to hold on to the one job they have, the current members of MAYOR HEALY?S CITY COUNCIL HOLD MULTIPLE JOBS WHICH ARE FUNDED BY JERSEY CITY TAXPAYERS:

At large Councilman Peter Brennan- City Councilman Salary 40,000.00
Hudson County Director of Maintenance $70,000.00
Aide to Hudson County Executive Tom Degise $20,000.00
Car, insurance and gas provided by City of Jersey City/ Perk $12,000.00
Owns tavern on Sterling Ave Jersey City INCOME UNKNOWN

Ward D Councilman BILL GAUGHAN- City Council Salary $40,000.00
Chief of Staff to County executive Tom Degise $92,000.00
Car, insurance and gas provided by City of Jersey City/ Perk $12,000.00
Funeral Director Business UNDETERMINED INCOME
State of New Jersey Contract for special Burials $ 5,000.00 per burial

At large Councilman Marianno Vega-City Council Salary $40,000.00
Hudson County Director of Human Services $125,000.00
Car, insurance and gas provided by City of Jersey City/ Perk $12,000.00

Source: City/county payroll

Posted on: 2009/5/3 0:05

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