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Re: Best pizza in JC????

I really love Rizzo's on Central Ave. I had a slice there this week for the first time and will honestly say it ranked up there with Napolitan pies. Plus they guy was spinning dough when I walked in and no one was around- bonus! Since "best" is so relative I'm going to break it down according to my criteria.

Crust: thin, crisp, firm, browned. Crunchy but not chewy.

Sauce: light, not oozing all over the place- no lumps. Sweet, but not overpowering; balanced in the sense that you don't know it's there.

Cheese: uniform and not overly greasy, well cooked but not stiff

Portions: HUGE! Seriously. 2 bucks for two meals

Plus it's a family joint, and their pasteries are really excellent. Fresh (I mean really frensh) sfogliatelle. :)

Posted on: 2009/6/12 4:09

Re: on JC artists community and "JC Fridays" for example.

Ok, I'll admit that as an artist, JC art blogger, and pretty active local arts activist some of these posts have made me thump my keyboard in rage and imagine what a jellyfish feels like when it's beached and being poked by an overstimulated child with a stick. But. I will refrain.

I just have to specify that there is a difference between people who want to see a thriving arts scene in Jersey City, and those who want to participate in one.

Not being part of the arts community, it's not my job to come up with the solutions, but support them I will.


So you want lots of art venues (created by other people), lots of free events to attend, a hip community of active artists to observe, and organizations that "wow" you as a non-participant. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who would flat out say "no" to having more galleries and art venues around the city, but you'd also have a difficult time finding people who are willing to jump in and make it happen. And...for me and most people active in Jersey City art (artists or otherwise), it's not our "job" either; it's something we do because it needs to be done.

If you care about art then you ARE a member of the arts community, so PLEASE, before I give myself an annurism or something, take Christine up on volunteering, email ProArts or Victory Art Projects and ask what you can do to help.

On the educational front: on Left Bank Art Blog we cover JC-based news/events/criticism on (almost) a daily basis, and I am preparing a gallery (or exhibit-venue) guide to Jersey City. This thread may even inspire a post once I calm down a little.

Posted on: 2009/6/1 4:46

Re: Hoboken will be just a walk away

Yikes. Ok, so "almost impossible" was overstated. I just meant that from where I am (by Hoboken Ave) I can either walk a mile and a half up to the lightrail on 2nd, take the elevator down and come in the back of Hoboken, walk further up to the ramp on 14th st, or go across Newark ave to Jersey and follow that around (that's a hike).

It's doable, but because I'm right in the middle it would be nice to be able to walk down the ramp on 12th st again; that would be a great way to reconnect this part of Journal Square/the heights with Hoboken and the other end of downtown. Before you jump on me! I know there's a little shuttle that will take you down the hill, but it stops running at 6pm.

Posted on: 2009/5/14 18:30

Re: For those of you who care about the future of ART, MUSIC, ENTERTAINMENT in JC. DO NOT VOTE HEALY

Well, the administration isn't sitting at the border of Jersey City with a sign saying "no art allowed", but the way the zoning and permit-granting processes work definately make it difficult for arts businesses and theater companies (other businesses as well) to make it here. It's a known issue, yet nothing has changed-yet.

I don't think Healy or his people are hostile towards art. Cultural affairs does do some good things, but they're also in charge of veterans stuff, block parties (not exactly cultural) and other misc "events" throughout the year. If the administration really wanted to get serious about supporting creative industries here they could- but it would mean a value adjustment.

Posted on: 2009/5/14 5:26

Re: Hoboken will be just a walk away

This is great news, but I hope this will get people thinking about foot-traffic patterns in the rest of the city as well. Hoboken is just below the Heights but it's almost impossible to walk there without detouring downtown- it would make so much sense to have a connection up here as well.

Posted on: 2009/5/14 5:09

Re: Double dipping on JC Council

Norrice Raymaker asked me to post this for her (I've been volunteering with One Jersey City). It's a letter promising to end double-dipping sent to those in Ward C who signed the "Pay to play" legislation petition. One JC candidates Emilio DeLia and Andrew Hubsch have also sent out individual versions. Hope!

Dear Neighbor,

My name is Norrice Raymaker and I am writing to ask for your vote on May 12th. I am writing to you because you supported the referendums to end ?double dipping? and ?pay-to-play.?

I know you support these reforms because I was out there on the street gathering signatures, and I am asking you now to support the reform candidates on the One Jersey City slate: Dan Levin, for mayor, Andrew Hubsch and Emilo DeLia, at large, and me, Norrice Raymaker, in Ward C.

After the current administration refused to enact these reforms we turned to you and together we beat City Hall by forcing campaign finance reform on the entrenched incumbent politicians. We can beat the machine again on May 12th with your support. And when we take office we will enact a ban on double dipping. The incumbents may have $3 million dollars but we have you?the voters who insist that ?double dipping? must end?on our side.

I will:

? End Double Dipping
? End unfair Abatements and make Developers Pay Fair
? Serve Your Interests?Not the special interests of politicians and developers
? Restore Police to walking a beat
? Prevent small business and homeowners from being pushed out of Journal Square.
? Restore the Loew?s Theater
? Repair our streets, sidewalks, and sewers.
? Take away the city leased cars and parking spots for politicians and city employees.

I believe government must live within its means and lead by example. It shouldn?t be ?them against us.? We are One Jersey City.

I pledge:

? To listen to you and address your concerns
? To nominate Ward C residents to the Planning Board, the Zoning Board, and the Environmental Commission.
? To work cooperatively to promote the common good.
? To encourage Ward C residents to run for elected office.

Working together, we will transform Jersey City into the first class community we deserve?One Jersey City. Please vote One Jersey City on May 12th.

Sincerely yours,

Norrice Raymaker, Ward C candidate, One Jersey City

Posted on: 2009/5/9 3:05

Re: Mayoral Race: Compare 2004 to 2009

Ha! Ditto K-Lo.

I still think Levin stands a chance of a run-off with Healy, but Tuesday will tell all.

Posted on: 2009/5/9 2:33

Re: Mayoral Race: Compare 2004 to 2009

Honestly, I don't know. But I'd like to see Dan Levin put in a good fight. It sounds lame, but I think JC could do with a little political optimism- so I'm voting on them we're ready for something different.

Posted on: 2009/5/8 4:55

Re: Double dipping on JC Council

Backstepping slightly to double-dipping...

The problem I see here is that some people are actually in charge of voting on their own pay-raises and other office perks (sorry I can't be more specific).

Also, having relational ties to other government workers leaves the door open for abuse: remember when Mayor Healy hired his counsin for the JCPD after he was fired from another department for being drunk on the job? He got in that horrible accident that killed a woman and her child- while drunk- and coming home from work. Would he really have been a "qualified applicant" for a JCPD job without his familial connection to the mayor?

From a personal perspective, the whole concept of holding multiple goverment positions negates the responsibilities of any one office. I have been trying to get in touch with Mariano Vega and his aid Hilario Nu?ez for two months now (by phone and email-to both), and have had nothing but dead air. Keep in mind: I'm not calling at odd hours of the night. Why Mr. Vega is never in his office and does not return constituent phone calls or emails I don't know- but it may be due to the fact that he holds another (more prestigious) county post.

Posted on: 2009/5/4 1:26

Re: Healy's raised $3 Million while Dan Levin and Phillip Webb have raised about $17,000 - combined.


r_pinkowitz wrote:
The 3.1 million raised and the monies spent to date is over a 5 year period.

I'm still not seeing how you are arriving at 5 years. The "Healy 09" committee account was established April 17, 2007- so all the money listed as "cummulative to date" has been raised during this committee's incarnation (since then). Minus the $620,000 transfered from another account.

Sure you can start fundraising whenever you want, as long as you declare, but this committee has only been in existence two years. Do you have different info?

Posted on: 2009/4/28 15:12

Re: Healy's raised $3 Million while Dan Levin and Phillip Webb have raised about $17,000 - combined.

The totals sited in the article include just money raised for the current election. ELEC reporting requires candidates to disclose how much money they raise and spend during each election cycle; that means, from the date when the candidate account was opened up until the election. Reports are filed quarterly, as well as 29 days before an election, 11 days before, and 20 days after.

Healy opened his "Healy 09" account on April 17th, 2007, so he's actively been raising money for this year's election for over two years now. Funny how that works.

During this time he's taken in $2,471,490 in donations and transfered $620,000 from another campaign account (money "left over"- I haven't checked exactly from where [if someone finds out please post]), leading to the total of $3,091,355 for this election.

So, this does not include any of the money raised or spent for his past run- just under $1,000,000 for the mayoral race of 2005.

If we're counting, Healy has spent about $4,091,000 trying to get elected.

I don't mean to sound banal; these numbers make me more than a little sick.

Posted on: 2009/4/28 5:31

Re: Damn Healy Van

Oh, that's weird. I've used that number before and gotten through to a local Healy person no prob, so I assumed you were talking about a different contact.

It is distressing being outsourced to the county...

Posted on: 2009/4/27 4:46

Re: Damn Healy Van

Have you tried contacting Healy Campaign Headquarters? Their phone number is: 201.420.8898

Or, if you feel like kicking up some dirt, call the Jersey Journal. They are notoriously non-confrontational, but hey, it's a shot.

Posted on: 2009/4/27 4:35

Re: Which of the mayor candidates have a plan to deal with the NJ property tax?

Is it just me, or is Mr. Manzo really not saying anything at all about taxes with these bullet points (from his website)? I don't want to have to read between the lines; I want him (and others) to come out bodly and say in plain English what we can expect if they're elected. So...some clarification please?

Quote:Timely budgeting, end the practice or passing a budget on the last month of its term. Budgeting should be approved at its beginning rather than end in order to absorb maximum savings from cuts.

Ok, so we should know how much money is available before we start spending in order "to absorb maxiumum savings from cuts"- what does this mean?

Quote:Department by department audit of all city divisions and autonomous agencies

I'm presuming this is to reduce overall costs and therefore taxes.

Quote: Implement user fees rather than property taxes to cover car expenses for servicing new development

What? Can someone explain this?

Quote: Establish a responsible redevelopment policy to assure new development is not a tax burden to existing taxpayers.

This could mean many, many things. Am I supposed to guess?

Quote: Monetize future years tax revenues due when pilots expire, to use a portion of that revenue to provide tax relief for current city taxpayers. Structure monetization plan so taxes remain stable from current through future years

He's definately using monetization in this sense: "To convert (government debt) from securities into currency that can be used to purchase goods and services."- but beyond that I'm lost. How does this stabilize taxes in the future?

Quote: Assure that unclassified and deputy directors positions aren't denying rank and file employees earned promotions and trim politically created positions from the budget

Makes sense. Get rid of jobs that aren't really jobs, but "bonuses" for people who have won favors from those in power.

Quote: Challenge the state's municipal funding formula which penalizes regular tax payers at the expense tax abated properties

He doesn't say anything about his position on abatements, rather that he would "challenge" (you decide what that means...) the city's revenue collection system- I think.

Why does this have to be so confusing?
Being cynical; is it so he won't have to answer to citizens ticked off over his policies?

Posted on: 2009/4/27 4:28

Re: Jersey City Blogs

All about art (Jersey City centric) by local artists

Posted on: 2009/4/23 4:06

Re: What would you do with the Powerhouse???

Well...the Powerhouse is a landmarked building, so legally the facade has to be restored and protected. Plus it's a gorgeous piece of history- so no knocking it down!

The indoor farmers market is a neat idea- Milwaukee, WI has one (the Milwaukee Public Market) and it's become a great destination.

As an artist I'd love to see galleries, artist studio space, rentable recording/photo studios, community education art courses, even a big art supply store in there (frustrating Hudson County Art is so small!).

Posted on: 2009/4/15 16:49

Re: Municipal Election-Are we a apathetic electorate?

Speaking from the perspective of a non-native Jersey City resident: voters here do seem disconnected, uncaring, and, above all, demoralized. If I had experienced what most people from here have for years at the hands of local politicians then, in all honesty, I would probably be apathetic too.

But I'm not from Jersey City. I'm from a mystical place where mayors and councilpeople and other elected officials work FOR the residents they serve and accept city employment because they want to help their constituents. Go figure- those naive Midwesterners!

Yeah, things really suck, but I'm convinced that they can get better if voters would just...snap out of it and get involved.

It's our responsibility as citizens to know what's going on and to keep watch over our elected officials- to MAKE them serve our interests. I think of it as a game of "spot the liar".

I hate it when people say they don't have enough information on candidates to vote. The information is out there- visit the website of the candidates- or call/email them! You can do that! And maybe 90 percent of the time you'll get a response (and if you don't that should probably answer your question...). I did that with Dan Levin (he's great), and now I'm a volunteer.

Sorry bout the stump speech- but it's up to us guys.

Posted on: 2009/4/15 16:36

Re: Liberty Science Center

I went as a kid (it's been a long time!), but I remember liking all the hands-on exhibits showing how different scientific principles function. More recently I was there to see the new art installation of sound and light, and that is way cool. It's an impressive facility.

Posted on: 2009/4/15 16:03




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