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Re: My Landlord just illegally entered my apt while I was sleeping!! Advice...
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2005/7/7 4:33
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2010/4/5 16:21
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Sounds to me like a pain in the as tenant.

Posted on: 2008/12/18 21:02

Re: My Landlord just illegally entered my apt while I was sleeping!! Advice...
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2005/3/21 21:42
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2017/6/22 20:18
From Van Vorst Park
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This just sounds like another battle in a long war you are having with your landlord. I never liked being a high maintenance tenant myself. If I had a problem I could resolve cheaply I did it myself. This whole "get over here and fix this!" and " I have rights!" just makes me cringe. I don't want to see my landlord unless I absolutely have to. Sounds like you had a bug/rodent problem. Either buy some boric acid (about $3.00 a bottle) or let the landlord do the exterminator thing. Sounds like a case of stubborn mule meets stubborn mule.

i would have to agree with this -- i was the same way when i was a tenant. i didn't want to see the landlord unless it was necessary

Posted on: 2008/12/18 17:21

Re: My Landlord just illegally entered my apt while I was sleeping!! Advice...
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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This just sounds like another battle in a long war you are having with your landlord. I never liked being a high maintenance tenant myself. If I had a problem I could resolve cheaply I did it myself. This whole "get over here and fix this!" and " I have rights!" just makes me cringe. I don't want to see my landlord unless I absolutely have to. Sounds like you had a bug/rodent problem. Either buy some boric acid (about $3.00 a bottle) or let the landlord do the exterminator thing. Sounds like a case of stubborn mule meets stubborn mule.

Posted on: 2008/12/18 17:01

Re: My Landlord just illegally entered my apt while I was sleeping!! Advice...
Just can't stay away
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2007/9/6 16:45
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V. dramatic headline. I'm sure most people assumed the break-in occurred at 3 am or some other ungodly hour in the middle of the night. Still, the landlord should have called you earlier to arrange the exterminating thing in advance. I don't know the whole story about what the violations are etc...but I'm surprised that you're so APALLED by the drop-by visit. I definitely would be annoyed with the landlord but it's pretty clear to me that she procrastinated re: the violations and at the last moment is finally addressing them before the next day's inspection. If the situation is that bad in the apartment maybe you should have let the exterminator solve the problem while he was there. Again, I don't know the history but I would always try to solve an issue with the landlord directly and if it didn't work then I would just move rather than report them to the authorities. It's just not worth it. I don't want to live a war zone.

Posted on: 2008/12/18 16:34

Re: My Landlord just illegally entered my apt while I was sleeping!! Advice...
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Just can't stay away

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2008/9/17 0:02
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fasteddie wrote:
Call the police. Tell them you caught her fondling you in your sleep. Tell them you suspect this has been going on for quite some time because you often wake up "excited".

Oh fasteddie always good for a laugh.

Posted on: 2008/12/18 1:27

Re: My Landlord just illegally entered my apt while I was sleeping!! Advice...
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2005/12/30 0:21
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Call the police. Tell them you caught her fondling you in your sleep. Tell them you suspect this has been going on for quite some time because you often wake up "excited".

Posted on: 2008/12/17 22:50

Re: My Landlord just illegally entered my apt while I was sleeping!! Advice...
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2008/9/11 22:33
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2011/10/19 19:54
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personally, you should've added your own deadbolt to begin with. you don't know how many people have had a copy before you. changing the locks is a must.

and is it really that bad that she came in? i know that there's nothing you can do about it now (except legally), but do you think there's a common understanding now, after the fact.

legal action is just gonna piss everybody off, and create nothing but bad tension between you and your landlord and possibly other people in your building.

i say, don't be a b*tch. suck it up. and next time you see her smile and be polite. people are usually more understanding when your not a total b*tch.

Posted on: 2008/12/17 22:50

Re: My Landlord just illegally entered my apt while I was sleeping!! Advice...
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2005/7/7 4:33
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I think chain locks are mandatory on all 3 plus family apartment units. Also are you a clean tenant or a sloppy tenant that cant figure out why there are insects in the apartment.

Posted on: 2008/12/17 22:27

Re: My Landlord just illegally entered my apt while I was sleeping!! Advice...
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2005/2/23 13:40
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Posted on: 2008/12/17 21:57

Re: My Landlord just illegally entered my apt while I was sleeping!! Advice...
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2006/11/13 18:42
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2022/2/28 7:31
From 280 Grove Street
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Do something or she can claim later that you didn't protest the first time if she repeats - Send her a clear message via legal channels that you mean business.
What would happen if you had left some money on the counter and it went missing ... you would never know who was in and whether it was her or a contractor.

I'd demand a chain lock to be installed because of her breach - For your safety and privacy at home when you sleep during the day.

Posted on: 2008/12/17 21:49
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Re: My Landlord just illegally entered my apt while I was sleeping!! Advice...
Home away from home
Home away from home

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2005/7/7 4:33
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2010/4/5 16:21
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Make sure you have everything documented. Did the city give a violation about insects in the unit that needed to be addressed? If so you might not have a case.

Does the landlord do monthly exterminating or have you recently complained about insects.

Regardless landlord should have called you and notified you prior to entry but if any of the aboce is true you might not have a strong case..

Posted on: 2008/12/17 21:30

Re: My Landlord just illegally entered my apt while I was sleeping!! Advice...
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2008/10/20 20:15
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2010/6/2 1:55
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A quick google search will answer your question: ... four/index.cfm#4enterunit

right below that is this:

What if the landlord won?t stay out?
If the landlord or one of the landlord?s workers enters your house or apartment and does not have your permission or does not have one of the other reasons discussed above, he or she is breaking the law. You should send a letter by certified mail to the landlord complaining about what happened. Keep a copy for your records. You can also call the police or go to the police station or local court and file a complaint for ?trespass? or ?harassment? against the person who entered without your permission. You might be able to file a trespass or harassment complaint because, even though your landlord owns the building, he or she has given you the right to possess the apartment.

Good luck!

Posted on: 2008/12/17 21:13

My Landlord just illegally entered my apt while I was sleeping!! Advice...

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2008/6/26 0:34
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2009/9/24 2:40
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Well, the subject pretty much says it all...

I am having some issues with my landlord over housing and health violations...The City has been notified, and they are coming for reinspection tomorrow...My landlord has done nothing for four months to address any of these issues...All the sudden today, I am sleeping (I work nights) and then next thing I know my landlord is entering my apt with an exterminator!! No notice, nothing...Completely illegal; not to mention just downright disrespectful and bull.

I told her she needs to give me 24hr notice before entering my apt, and needs my approval (unless it is an emergency, which this was not). She ranted and raved but left.

My question: Should I do something? I mean, should I report her...? And if so, to who...? The police? Her lawyer?
The housing board only handles housing violations; so...Or is this something they would handle too...?

Any advice would be most helpful.

There were witnesses too...ARGH, the gall of this person.

Thanks in advance to any all all help


Posted on: 2008/12/17 20:53

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