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Re: It's official Stagflation rears it ugly head confirmed by JC resident.

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2007/8/5 20:52
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2008/6/9 15:32
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Posts: 10
maybe more people are quitting smoking?

Posted on: 2008/3/15 4:13

Re: It's official Stagflation rears it ugly head confirmed by JC resident.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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2007/8/3 13:45
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2009/1/28 21:20
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Posts: 23
Why are the Grove Street drug bums so agro. I saw one guy ride a bike right smack into a car on purpose. The car was going like 30 mph. The guy went flying. You could say that is also a sign of desperate times.

Posted on: 2008/2/27 21:15

Re: It's official Stagflation rears it ugly head confirmed by JC resident.
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2006/11/29 17:26
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2019/12/10 19:51
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Posts: 72
i agree. that's the most compelling anecdotal evidence i've heard so far that times are tougher...

Posted on: 2008/2/27 17:38

Re: It's official Stagflation rears it ugly head confirmed by JC resident.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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2007/5/1 0:36
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2008/9/12 23:21
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Posts: 48
Haha .... It made my morning .

Posted on: 2008/2/27 15:46

Re: It's official Stagflation rears it ugly head confirmed by JC resident.
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2006/3/22 3:51
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2011/3/18 15:05
From John Wilkes Park
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Posts: 108
Thank you Dr Gonzo. Now, as your attorney I advise you to stop talking crap.

Posted on: 2008/2/27 15:41

It's official Stagflation rears it ugly head confirmed by JC resident.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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2007/5/1 0:36
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2008/9/12 23:21
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Posts: 48
So today as I do my usual zombie morning walk to the path station, I notice the usual course of events . Union workers drinking dunkin doughnuts coffe under a giant inflatble rat with bright pink mammary glands, as well as, many other regular people walking along newark ave, undoubtbly thinking about what we all think about during a normal morning routine . " am I going to be late to work ?" , "Do I have enought time to pick up a bagel?", " I have to drop off my dry cleaning tonight "...... etc .......etc......... One thing out of the norm catches my eye, A homeless guy asking for a cigarette. Normally that is a very common occurrence , but this guy was just a little special. I am not so sure if he was totally homeless or just on the verge of being homeless, probably living in someones basement somewhere , due to the obvious heroin addiction that afflicts the man. Either way , what was purely evident was his dope fiend lean and almost dancing with the stars like stroll down the street. In the time it took me to walk one very short block behind this guy he asks 6 differrent people for a ciggarette. In between each attempt the man does a spin and a slump almost complete hunching over barely touching the ground completely defying all laws of gravity and physics. By the the sixth rejection the man bellows out , almost like a wolf howling on a mountain top arching his back and yelling in the air , "GOD DAM TIMES ARE GETTING TOUGH, I WOULD OF HAD A GOD DAM CIGGARETTE BY NOW!!!" . He continued to mumble under his breath " somebody better do something about this shhht".......... So its official the recession is here and I just wanted to let everyone know its confirmed by the bum with the dope fiend lean...............

Posted on: 2008/2/27 15:29

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