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Re: St Peter's College area: how safe?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


crushthedemoniac wrote:
Its kinda funny, you all ask which areas are safe or ok to live and no matter where the area is you either get "its very safe" or "its not to bad". So my question is since pretty much every area of JC has been coverd on this board at one point or another where exactly are the bad areas according to you people?

Take a walk anywhere on MLK or Ocean ave, let me know what you think.

Posted on: 2008/4/16 3:48

Re: ox restaurant
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


tghost wrote:
I went there for the first time about a month ago. The food was quite impressive. I particularly found the Tuscan Kale and Ricotta pie appetizer inventive and delicious.

The drinks the bartender poured were also quite good. I would concur with other posters about the noise, but I don't think there's much that can be done. The decor and layout lend to the high db levels. Service could have been snappier, but the place is still young. Prices were reasonable

I'll definitely be back.

The tuscan kale ricotta pie is outrageous. I have been to this place 6 times already for drink or dinner . I love it. venison sliders , ox tail, bib salad the steak , the monk fish etc ......... I am just pissed it is getting so busy I have to make reservations.

Posted on: 2008/3/24 0:58

Re: how dangerous is the heights?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It isn't anymore dangerous than the back of hoboken (1 or 2 blocks from the projects) or most of downtown JC. JSQ is worse in my opinion. The robberies by the lightrail are mostly gangs robbing mexican workers coming home from work , who are usually illegal and dont go to the cops for obvious reasons. If you are half of man with minimal street smarts you will be fine. Make sure you have a car to get around.

Posted on: 2008/3/11 3:47

Re: Iraq - The $3 Trillion War
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


bill wrote:

Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons on the Kurds fifteen years before we invaded Iraq and had not used WMDs since -- by the way, at the time he gassed his own people we fully backed him.

Doesn't matter we backed him, the fact the guy did it let us know what he was capable of.


1441 does say "Recalling that its resolution 678 (1990) authorized Member States to use all necessary means to uphold and implement its resolution 660 (1990) of 2 August 1990 and all relevant resolutions subsequent to resolution 660 (1990)"

but the operative words are "recalling" and "necessary." The members of the security council did not all agree that so-called preemptive war was "necessary"

Yes, recalling a previous resolution authorizing member states to use all necessary means. Wouldn't you infer then that the member states could be free in determining what is necessary?


Further, since 1441 clearly states that it recognizes the sovereignty of Iraq, you can't POSSIBLY read it as authorizing full-on war for regime change.

Right, sovereignty is a huge buzz word in UN. They include that to basically say we recognize you, you're autonomous. You should comply on your own without enforcement, but, if you don't...

How do you propose to win the war ? regardless of how we got into this situation, what will constitute a win?

Posted on: 2008/3/7 20:12

Re: Iraq - The $3 Trillion War
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

IMO you are a cold dude. Sadly I have friends that think like you.

Posted on: 2008/3/7 16:12

Re: Iraq - The $3 Trillion War
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


bill wrote:
What's your point? Stop going to another tangent. We were not discussing if the administration lied or not. I was responding to the unprovoked attack statement, and gave reasons why a rational person in 02 would support going into Iraq.

I am not going on another tangent. It is all connected. You are obviously trying to make a point for the war by giving medical stats of how insignificant a few hundred thousand human lives are and giving points of why rational people in 02 would have gone to war.

My point is that along with your numerous bullet points of reasons, the main reason our president sold congress on going to war was the non existent link between al queda and iraq. As well as, scaring everyone into believing al queda would have gotten their hands on WMD from Saddam. You are omitting the main factor we went to war (a lie) and saying it has nothing to do with the conversation.

Policing the world and nation building has proven to be bad foreign policy in the past. Given the truth the american people and congress IMO would have weighed the decision differently , even if we were provoked by the reasons you listed.

Posted on: 2008/3/7 15:26

Re: Iraq - The $3 Trillion War
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


bill wrote:

JSalt wrote:
Your "point" is a non-point. The Iraq war has almost nothing in common with the American Civil War. Although military casualties (which by the way is NOT the same thing as deaths) are far lower in Iraq, the Civil War at least arguably had a real purpose and did not involve us making an unprovoked attack on a sovereign foreign nation.

How lovely, another person who likes to change the subject. The OP only stated 4,000 dead. Brian mentioned the outrageous death toll in only 1 battle. The reasons for the deaths are irrelevant. Also we don't need your opinion on if the attack was provoked or unprovoked. Many would argue that:

1. Saddam Hussein's defiance of United Nations resolutions, including violations of the Gulf War ceasefire agreement.
2. His repression of the Iraq people.
3. His support for international terrorism, including an attempt to assassinate a former US president by the Iraqi intelligence service, and the support for Mujehedin el-Khalq, PLF and Abu Nidal terrorist organization.
4. His refusal to account for Gulf War prisoners.
5. His refusal to return property stolen by Iraqi forces.
6. His efforts to circumvent economic sanctions.

was provocation enough.


JSalt also wrote:
The medical stats are irrelevant - those are regrettable but they're the product of modern medicine, which obviously saves/prolongs far more lives than it ends.

LOL. Yes, let's just raise our hands in the air and accept it.

Again, The main reason the American people were sold on going to war was a LIE. ... id=144705#forumpost144705

Posted on: 2008/3/7 14:33

Re: The Embankment Restaurant
Quite a regular
Quite a regular I am interested.

its going to be like the movie Pulp fiction when Uma orders the 5 dollar shake.

Posted on: 2008/3/6 14:29

Re: can the success of downtown jersey city be measured by the number of sneaker boutiques?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

ok you convinced me , no .


barcelona chairs are nifty and uncomfortable.......

Posted on: 2008/3/3 19:58

Re: can the success of downtown jersey city be measured by the number of sneaker boutiques?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Posted on: 2008/3/3 19:25

Re: It's official Stagflation rears it ugly head confirmed by JC resident.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Haha .... It made my morning .

Posted on: 2008/2/27 15:46

It's official Stagflation rears it ugly head confirmed by JC resident.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

So today as I do my usual zombie morning walk to the path station, I notice the usual course of events . Union workers drinking dunkin doughnuts coffe under a giant inflatble rat with bright pink mammary glands, as well as, many other regular people walking along newark ave, undoubtbly thinking about what we all think about during a normal morning routine . " am I going to be late to work ?" , "Do I have enought time to pick up a bagel?", " I have to drop off my dry cleaning tonight "...... etc .......etc......... One thing out of the norm catches my eye, A homeless guy asking for a cigarette. Normally that is a very common occurrence , but this guy was just a little special. I am not so sure if he was totally homeless or just on the verge of being homeless, probably living in someones basement somewhere , due to the obvious heroin addiction that afflicts the man. Either way , what was purely evident was his dope fiend lean and almost dancing with the stars like stroll down the street. In the time it took me to walk one very short block behind this guy he asks 6 differrent people for a ciggarette. In between each attempt the man does a spin and a slump almost complete hunching over barely touching the ground completely defying all laws of gravity and physics. By the the sixth rejection the man bellows out , almost like a wolf howling on a mountain top arching his back and yelling in the air , "GOD DAM TIMES ARE GETTING TOUGH, I WOULD OF HAD A GOD DAM CIGGARETTE BY NOW!!!" . He continued to mumble under his breath " somebody better do something about this shhht".......... So its official the recession is here and I just wanted to let everyone know its confirmed by the bum with the dope fiend lean...............

Posted on: 2008/2/27 15:29

Re: Buon Appetito - new restaurant on Grove Street
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

looks good , decent prices. I am excited and I usually cant stand people from the "peninsula"!!!

Posted on: 2008/2/21 14:55

Re: Read Any Great Books Lately?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Five people you meet in heaven : Mitch Abrom

Quick read

Posted on: 2008/2/18 21:57

Re: Renting at New Jersey - safe + closer to the trains - $1500 budget
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Rutherford is probably better for you . You will have culture shock in JC . I am not so sure the JC public school system is where you want to send your child , but I am probably going to start a fight on this site for saying that.
( Academic highschool excluded )

JC is great for a professional who wants to be close to the city and have a half hour commute.

Posted on: 2008/2/18 21:48

Re: What kind of neighborhood is the Heights in Jersey City?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The hieghts is what it is ......plain and simple. I have lived in the height almost my whole life , until i recently moved. The western slope is getting worse and the congress st light rail area is getting a hundred times better than what it was . Gangs prey on mexican workers getting off there late night shifts from hoboken restaurants . It is a fact that needs to be addressed. the value of the homes go up in direct correlation to the value of homes in hoboken which in turn are directly affected by the value of the homes in the city. Rents are cheap because the sheep like slum lords wont fix there properties and just want to keep there properties rented instead of investing in fixing them up and asking more from the "poorer" yuppies who are willing to pay for new apts....

what type of neighborhood is it ???????

the same neighborhood it has been for the past 40 years a working class neighborhood.......

your relationships with your neighbors are what make all the difference.

Posted on: 2008/2/6 4:33

Re: What kind of neighborhood is the Heights in Jersey City?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

single girls wouldnt want to live there.

single guys or a couple looking to save on rent and get some decent space close enough to the city ?????? depends what is important to you.

The heights tries to be normal ......... never actually makes the cutoff.

too much aluminum siding.

Posted on: 2008/1/31 23:06

Re: 1 bedroom on a Van Vorst Park: going rate?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


because heats included

1600 tops

and that is probably someone with a pet and bad credit.

its surprising what people pay in rent .

Posted on: 2008/1/31 22:58

Re: NY Times - When Does a Housing Slump Become a Bust?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Trading around a long term position ( up or down) is just a way to protect your money in a company you like when you have done research. I dont see anything akin to gambling in my opinion. when the odds are in your favor it is just an educated guess.

Is poker really gambling if you know the odds over the long term? its a game of skill so is trading professionally or personally. What gets people into trouble is there money management skills in regards to trading. Thats the real problem for all the degenerates out there.

Posted on: 2008/1/23 16:02

Re: Bush backs 145 billion dollar Economic Relief Plan
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It is horse shit . The same way they want to intercede with the housing debackle . The party is over people need to take thier lumps. It is a quick fix for a long term problem in an election year.

Posted on: 2008/1/18 21:03

Re: ox restaurant
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


HGLNYC wrote:
Sorry I don't get it......I've been there a few times and it's a Manhattan wanna be. If I want trendy over priced weird food, i'll stay in the City.


I hate going back into the city on the weekends after going there 5 days a week.

Posted on: 2008/1/18 20:55

Bush backs 145 billion dollar Economic Relief Plan
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Whatever happend to a free market ???????

Is anyone annoyed as I am ?

Posted on: 2008/1/18 20:51

Re: landlord blackmailing to sue, for vacting as lease come to end -help!!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

why do you think it is okay to give a landloard two weeks notice? thats pretty douche....

Posted on: 2008/1/18 15:02

Re: Willie Flood hires son twice for $50G-plus ( Yes, that son )
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Your tax dollars at work.? How you can not be a ?libertarian and call for the complete dismantling of all levels of ?government.
We all bought that dude's Mercedes. There is no way a 50 K a year job is paying for that 150 K car. He was selling a lot more than weed to pay for it .

Posted on: 2008/1/17 19:30

Whats going on Newark Ave next to Northfork bank?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I know this was an old thread, but i cant find any info when I do search. They have been digging there recently . Anyone know what is going on ?

Posted on: 2008/1/2 17:13

Re: Real Estate Market trend In Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thats why I said the rent roll should cover the monthly nut, so if you have to rent it out for whatever reason, you can still have someone pay your mortgage ( principle too) for you. At least for a couple of years until the market turns again. It will always be worth more in the long run. I dont know in my mind it doesnt seem as risky, you just might be stuck in it a little longer than you would like. It seems more like a savings account in that scenario. What I would try to do is save another 10 K to buy another place to cost average down my initial terrible investment choice.

but if youu need the money then your S.O.L.

so you have a point. and stocks definitely have a higher return. I just dont want to waste my time trading stocks, until I have a serious bankroll to make some coin. Even If I am diversified in a brokerage account , I am not going to borrow money to buy a pieces of paper . Although, I would borrow money to buy a house. Thats JMO , but I look at pictures all day long at work , I am not a financial guy at all, so dont listen to me.

Posted on: 2007/12/19 23:16

Re: Real Estate Market trend In Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


niceguyeddie wrote:

JSalt wrote:
BTW check your math, that's a 14% decline, not a 4% decline.


I agree with general argument, though I think there's a better way to make your point. All markets go up over the long term in general, as long as there is still a positive relationship between demand and supply of whatever the market is selling. However, using the price data supplied for the NY RE market, it shows a 10.58% CAGR from sept 87 to sept 2007. Over roughly that same period of time (I couldn't line up the dates exactly) the S&P500 returned about 9.5%. This only includes prices, not dividends, so realistically, the stock market should be closer to 11-12% in TSR. Also, RE is a leveraged, nondiversifiable asset, meaning its inherent risk is higher than an indexed market fund. Over that period of time, though you might have made money in either market, you would probably have done better in stocks.

JSalt, maybe your explanation was simpler.

Although I acknowledge the fact stocks historically do better than real estate over the long term, for the average struggling middle class person like myself , real estate is still the better investment. ( only with 30 yr fixed mortgages around 7 %) This why is think so

1. you are making money on borrowed money. Although you are paying interest on the borrowed money, if it is your primary residence , you are not spending money on rent and gettiing a tax shelter in the interim.

2. If it is an investment property and if ( and only if ) the rent roll covers or comes close to covering all of your expenses, you are collecting the equity growth and paying down your mortgage at the same time. (different tax laws that you have to navigate through tho)

lets say you have 10 K to use as a down payment on a 100K property ( i know they dont exist I am just making it easy ) or 10 K to buy stocks . If you make 10% on 100K property thats = 10,000 dollars . If you take that same 10 K and make 20 % in stock investments, over the same period of time as buying and selling the house, you have only made 2,000 dollars on the 10 K.

The only variable is if you do a little homework, anyone can beat the S&P or most mutual funds. It all depends how much work you want to put into investing.

Posted on: 2007/12/19 21:34

Re: Sunblossom Condos
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

what are the asking prices on these one bedrooms?

Posted on: 2007/12/6 20:53

Re: ox restaurant
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

some explorer you are .

Posted on: 2007/12/4 14:52

Re: Up In Smoke
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

What a shame . They really were the only nice buildings on that side of the block. I would walk by everyday and look arches and inscriptions on the stones.

Cant wait to see the crappy brick they will use to build Grove Pointe part deux

Posted on: 2007/11/29 20:57

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