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Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!

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2007/10/9 4:29
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2012/3/7 12:08
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Actually, none of the officers were demoted or fired. The most harsh penalty was they lost their vacation time and had an official slap on the wrist. When I interviewed a capt. at Internal Affairs, he said that he couldn't tell me exactly what their penalties were, but as I asked we removed things from the list of what could have happened to them.

BTW - Our goal was to have the law changed so it would be public knowledge when a police officer behaves in such blatantly egregious ways...but if it happened today and no video camera caught it, the "incident" would be considered "confidential." So though many people will say what they think, unless you go to the source, you can be told anything. As a researcher and educator I have no stake in this except to hold people accountable. The same exact way I expect my students to me accountable when they do something wrong. Otherwise, they're not laws, they are control factors for some and others are allowed to live their lives above the law.

Posted on: 2012/3/6 18:25

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!

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2007/11/5 3:25
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2011/3/23 11:42
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On Feb. 27, 2008, The CW11 News in New York City covered the ?drunk cop video? as their TOP FEATURE STORY. S6K posted it on their website. Here?s the link: ... tion=9967506&xid=25632509

Also, posted a video showing how the off-duty JC cops hired by the landlord of 111 First Street tried to stop a Star Ledger reporter and photographer from covering the arson. Earlier that very same day, the cops pushed their way into a tenant?s private studio and forced a reporter and camera crew from New Jersey News network out of the building. Unfortunately, there?s no tape of that. ... porter-forced-out-of-111/

Posted on: 2008/3/19 3:08

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!

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2007/5/25 4:52
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2008/3/11 2:46
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Are you for real? Was this video sent to the police department?

Posted on: 2008/3/7 4:41

These are great videos.

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2008/2/22 22:03
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sk6media, I recently (within the past 5 years) moved to Jersey City from Brooklyn. Before that, I lived for 15 years in Providence, RI, another place that struggled for years with the displacement of artists from historical live/work spaces, the demolition of artist communities, and the destruction of the industrial raw spaces required for fabricating artworks. I've witnessed the epic battles before -some won, many more lost, although a recent nyt article in the business section gives me hope about the affordable live/work condos one angel developer, Buff Chase, has created. I worked as an artists' assistant at the Foundry building during the late 80s and early 90s when the artists tried (and almost managed to) buy the building that they were being evicted from. I lived in a loft in 2000/2002 directly behind Fort Thunder while they were fighting in vain to save the building, and lived among the rubble as each incredible industrial space was dismantled day by day to make room for a strip mall (which is now pretty much vacant, as predicted by those fighting the developers at the time). For an overview of the demolished buildings, see this site: art in ruins Providence has managed to save and foster parts of its art community despite the odds however. These stories that are being told regarding the 111 fiasco are important, and although I am a practicing artist I am only beginning to try to find a way to become involved with the art community (if there is anything left of it now). This has been quite an education for me so far. My husband and I looked into purchasing a large shell of an historic building on Grand street, planning on creating a satellite artists community with a coffee shop/ quiet performance space/gallery downstairs with artists studios above. The owners backed out and now we are afraid it will be razed like everything else around here. Does Jersey City have an active historical commission, etc. to address saving these kinds of buildings the way Providence did (even though they were often bulldozed over anyway)? Anyway, sorry for rambling and perhaps taking this thread a bit off-topic. I'm trying to get a handle on the arts community here and would like to become more involved in it eventually. This sort of news, even if "Old News" is of utmost relevance still, since these are issues that the JC arts community will have to deal with in order to not only thrive, but to exist at all.

Posted on: 2008/3/1 18:43

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!

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2008/2/28 3:59
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2008/8/11 1:01
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I don't know how long any of you have been living there, but I in grew up in Bayonne and went to private high school and college in Jersey City in the 60's and I've gottta' tell you, it looks like absolutely NOTHING has changed in 40 years, at least as far as the city government is concerned. I just saw the 'cops drinking on duty' video on the Ch 11 News, and ( yawn).... so? Maybe you expected something different?

The reputation of the city back then was that the entirety of Municipal Government was so corrupt, there was nothing that could be done about it. Were they wrong? Seems to me you guys had an election a few years ago where you couldn't even give away the job of mayor!

As I like to say to my friends now, " I grew up in Hudson County New Jersey, where they invented Democratic machine politics, along with the stone axe, in 12B.C. ." " In Hudson County, you're born a Democrat, you die a Democrat and you vote Democratic from the grave - frequently."

My best judgment is that the way they held onto power back then was through corruption, plain and simple.
I would imagine that the only way that is ever going to change
is through the classical 'democratic process' ( no pun intended).

I personally feel that the process of the revitalization of downtown, and particularly the waterfront, as an extension of lower Manhattan, will (has already started to? ) bring in enough upstanding, intelligent, civic minded and economically independent residents who actually might embrace ' functional city government' as a realistic possibility. Since I now reside in Manhattan, I, unfortunately can't be part of that.

Just as a parting note, I have another anecdote which will illustrate how 'bad' it was back then. When I was in high school we were assigned different topics for a report to be given in history/civics class. One kid was supposed to write about the legendary JC mayor Frank "I AM the law" Hague. ( Admittedtly and openly accepted by everyone at the time as having been the personification of corruption in local government).
One day, when we were all asked to report on how our individual projects were going, this kid stood up and said that he was having a really hard time with his topic. He said that when he went to the library, he wasn't able to locate any books on the man because, even though there were some listed in the catalog, he was told that all the copies were missing, and presumed STOLEN! bayonneboy

Posted on: 2008/2/28 5:00

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!

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2007/10/9 4:29
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2012/3/7 12:08
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Happy New Year! :)- s6k:I sat down with William Rodwell, ex-tenant assoc. pres. of the 111 Arts building in Jersey City, NJ. He was one of the original artists in that building and provides a very vivid account of the issues surrounding the death of the "The Powerhouse Art District." This ongoing investigation has been taking some interesting turns. We are pouring through the piles of documentation that has been provided to us. It has been on hold while we have been covering an eminent domain case in Long Branch, NJ. You can take a look at our eminent domain work at s6k:Investigates
Our intent is to follow this wherever it leads. Take care and we hope you all are well, s6k Media

Posted on: 2008/1/9 23:37

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!
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2006/10/26 1:36
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2013/3/19 20:14
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Besides presiding over a municipal bureaucracy that is periodically in the news for all the wrong reasons, and besides periodically conducting himself in ways that are an ongoing embarassment to Jersey City, Jerramiah T. Healy has arguably done more damage to the arts community in Jersey City than any other mayor ?ever. He and his cronies should be held accountable at least for that.

Goldmans lawyer was able to file a 100 mil lawsuite against
the city because one of the voters for historic designation
had an expired term, so the ordinance was passed with a
vote that did not count. a judge gave the city the oppertunity to re-enstate the voter and re-vote for
historic designation, which would have eliminated the
100 mil lawsuite. ----WHY DIDNT HE DO THIS?-------

After Healy decided he was not going to stop the demolition
of 111, he allowed the demo crew to continue EMERGENCY
DEMOLITION of interior studios knowing it was full of

He allowed the continued harassment of the art community
from the demo crew and the JCPD.

I had my studio broken into by the demo crew, and they
didnt come in the front door. They BUSTED DOWN THE
WALLS and used shoprite carts to steel my belongings.
My neighbor came out to say WHAT ARE YOU DOING? THIS IS MY NEIGHBOR!!! AND THIS IS HIS STUFF!!! The cop pointed his finger to his face and said one more word out of you and you will be arrested. I couldnt beleive this was hapening. I asked the guys to please stop takeing my stuff.
They took things my father gave me before he died that i will never get back. Now a group of 4 or 5 more goons with sticks (hired by the demo contractor), Building management,
3 or 4 more cops, and members of the 111 tenants association were gathered in the hall. we talked them into letting me remove the rest of my stuff before they continued demo. I asked for my other belongings back and they said WHAT STUFF!!---WE DIDNT TAKE ANYTHING!
I was told if i didnt like it file a police report. so i turned to the police officers and said i would like to file a report, and they said go to 7 street station, so i did and they said you have to talk to the officers at the 111 building. After hearing that i knew i was FUKCED. These cops were not on my side.
I spent the rest of the night paceing the floor, my eyes watering with frustration , my hands locked in a fist. It is a feeling i will never forget.

Posted on: 2007/11/9 2:52

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!
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2004/2/6 23:13
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for the future, as Bill said, the ballot box... but as part of that -

-Pay to Play Reform; Contractor and Redevelopment

-Open up the appointment process to municipal boards including Planning, Adjustment (Zoning) and the Ethical Standards Boards.

-Run for Democratic Committee seats, many times they go unifilled.

-put forth a candidacy for office

as a response to the specific issues relating 111 First St. and PAD, forget the developer and focus on what can be effected; our city's elected and appointed officials, some ideas...

-Recall effort directed towards a "culpable" elected city official. Is this not a method of accountability?

-review elected officials ELEC campaign contribution filing reports, file a complaint with the State Board of Elections if filings are not current or have omissions. Many file late and one council member has not yet filed for the 2005 municipal election cycle as of June 2007.

-consider litigating city approvals and zoning decisions, just as developers can find errors, ommissions and flaws in the city approval processes so can others. Can a pattern of redevelopment approvals, beneficial changes and tax abatements be tied to campaign contributions from developers? if think about litigating, see Earl Morgan's column from today - Their $140G bought them nothing?

-file complaints regarding conflicts of interest under state code both with our local ineffective Ethics Board and at the state level.

All of these "suggestions" involve tremendous commitment, preserverance, sacrifice and money.

First step is to say..."I have had it" and "I must do something about it"

For anymore, lets talk offline since my comments are not intended in anyway to target, accuse or threaten anyone, the above comments are hypothetical.

I also am not commenting on the video subject of this thread.


12012 wrote:

How would you suggest we can seek the city's accountability?

Posted on: 2007/11/7 20:11

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!

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2005/5/7 1:13
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2010/9/30 23:04
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At the risk of sounding like a na?ve wide-eyed pollyanna I think the ballot box is a good start, but it won?t be easy.

Filling the council chambers with people and raising the kind of ruckus the papers can't resist covering sometimes sends a message--and it's fun--but it has to be followed up with all that other tedious stuff: emails, letters, phone calls, public confrontations, and lots of controversey and discussion in neighborhood associations, civic groups and congregations, and in public forums like this one.

JC?s demographics are changing, and the pols aren?t getting any smarter, but as someone smarter than me once said: ?Before us is a mountain of bullshit. If it?s going to be moved it?s gonna be one handful at a time?.

Posted on: 2007/11/7 0:22

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!

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2007/11/5 3:25
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DanL wrote:
No ..... shame on Jersey City.

Our city failed to adequately protect its residents and enforce the applicable law. It is our city government's responsibility to regulate development and developers. Developers may be easy targets for rhetoric and deflecting blame, but it is our city leadership that has taken an oath of responsibility to serve the public.

I am glad to see these events revisited and believe the public should be seeking accountablility.

How would you suggest we can seek the city's accountability?

Posted on: 2007/11/6 14:47

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Posted on: 2007/11/6 13:23
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!
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2005/3/31 1:24
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Billrybak wrote:
It seems to me that the drunken cops episode assumes its proper significance when viewed in the context the fight to save the studio complex at 111 First Street and utimately the PAD itself, and the extent to which Lloyd Goldman and his minions were willing to go to get what Goldman wanted.

What Lloyd wanted was to build a 22-storey hi-rise on that site. To accomplish this he would have had to overturn all the city ordinances and historic designations that were part of the original plan to redevelop the old warehouse district as the Powerhouse Arts District (PAD). That plan was worked out by the City and the Urban Land Institute and was supported by every successive mayor except Jerramiah T. Heally.

Goldman?s lawyers filed a barrage of lawsuits against the city, also targetting various other civic organiztions and individuals, attacking WALDO, and attacking the various historic landmark designations assigned to 111 First Street and to the entire PAD. His argument was that the State was interfering with his Constitutional right to turn as big a profit as possible on his speculative real estate investment, and that he had a Constitutional right to do whatever the hell he wanted to with his property. No shit. Keep in mind that the properties in question were not at the time nor have they ever been zoned for purely residential use. Ever.

So you?ve got cops on video drunk as a skunk, toting guns and badges, in front of the building they were hired to guard.

You?ve got Lloyd Goldman, billionaire landlord who hired the cops, who were just a small part of his agenda which was to evict the Arts Center, demolish 111 First Street and replace it with a 22-storey luxury hi-rise, apparently by whatever means necessary.

There?s the coincidental jump in the crime rate on those premises, including car bashings and arsons.

There?s the campaign of harassment by police and BLDG Management Co. personnel that included the dismantling of the heating system in winter and the typical civil rights violations, including forcibly entering residences without cause and forcibly seizing and ejecting members of the press.

The lackadaisical response of the Mayor, Internal Affairs, and the local press are a matter (just barely) of public record. So is the Mayor?s sudden flip-flopand withdrawal of city support for the Arts Center almost as soon as he was elected.

The array of lawsuits noted above were eventually resolved in the now infamous ?settlement? between Goldman and the City, forcing Goldman to give up his plan to build a 22-storey luxury condo in the PAD and instead build two luxury condos of 40-plus storeys in the PAD. The other details of the deal are equally ludicrous but not worth the space to detail here. I?m sure there?s someone out there who will fill us in eventually.

The settlement was made public just a couple of days before it was summarily approved over the jeers an catcalls of the crowd of citizens who filled the Council chamber to protest. Other legal professionals at the hearing described Goldman?s lawsuits as unwinnable and frivolous, tantamount to a very expensive bluff, and urged the council to lay down the law to the rogue developer.

No politician in his right mind, however, wants a billionaire developer for an enemy when he could have him for a friend.

Parts of Lee Perry?s commentary along with the Japanese documentary footage give us only a partial picture of an invaluable and unique cultural resource Jersey City lost forever so Goldman could build his hi-rises.

Besides presiding over a municipal bureaucracy that is periodically in the news for all the wrong reasons, and besides periodically conducting himself in ways that are an ongoing embarassment to Jersey City, Jerramiah T. Healy has arguably done more damage to the arts community in Jersey City than any other mayor ?ever. He and his cronies should be held accountable at least for that.

And yeah?stop pimping out the police force to people who use them dishonorably and reduce them to the level of thugs. The good cops deserve better than that and so do we.

Thank you. This is the first post to put any of this in context. I still don't believe that others on the thread are handling this in the most effective way, but at least now I kind of get it. Till now, the message was lost in the drama.

Posted on: 2007/11/6 3:07

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!

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2005/5/7 1:13
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From studio at Journal Square
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It seems to me that the drunken cops episode assumes its proper significance when viewed in the context the fight to save the studio complex at 111 First Street and utimately the PAD itself, and the extent to which Lloyd Goldman and his minions were willing to go to get what Goldman wanted.

What Lloyd wanted was to build a 22-storey hi-rise on that site. To accomplish this he would have had to overturn all the city ordinances and historic designations that were part of the original plan to redevelop the old warehouse district as the Powerhouse Arts District (PAD). That plan was worked out by the City and the Urban Land Institute and was supported by every successive mayor except Jerramiah T. Heally.

Goldman?s lawyers filed a barrage of lawsuits against the city, also targetting various other civic organiztions and individuals, attacking WALDO, and attacking the various historic landmark designations assigned to 111 First Street and to the entire PAD. His argument was that the State was interfering with his Constitutional right to turn as big a profit as possible on his speculative real estate investment, and that he had a Constitutional right to do whatever the hell he wanted to with his property. No shit. Keep in mind that the properties in question were not at the time nor have they ever been zoned for purely residential use. Ever.

So you?ve got cops on video drunk as a skunk, toting guns and badges, in front of the building they were hired to guard.

You?ve got Lloyd Goldman, billionaire landlord who hired the cops, who were just a small part of his agenda which was to evict the Arts Center, demolish 111 First Street and replace it with a 22-storey luxury hi-rise, apparently by whatever means necessary.

There?s the coincidental jump in the crime rate on those premises, including car bashings and arsons.

There?s the campaign of harassment by police and BLDG Management Co. personnel that included the dismantling of the heating system in winter and the typical civil rights violations, including forcibly entering residences without cause and forcibly seizing and ejecting members of the press.

The lackadaisical response of the Mayor, Internal Affairs, and the local press are a matter (just barely) of public record. So is the Mayor?s sudden flip-flopand withdrawal of city support for the Arts Center almost as soon as he was elected.

The array of lawsuits noted above were eventually resolved in the now infamous ?settlement? between Goldman and the City, forcing Goldman to give up his plan to build a 22-storey luxury condo in the PAD and instead build two luxury condos of 40-plus storeys in the PAD. The other details of the deal are equally ludicrous but not worth the space to detail here. I?m sure there?s someone out there who will fill us in eventually.

The settlement was made public just a couple of days before it was summarily approved over the jeers an catcalls of the crowd of citizens who filled the Council chamber to protest. Other legal professionals at the hearing described Goldman?s lawsuits as unwinnable and frivolous, tantamount to a very expensive bluff, and urged the council to lay down the law to the rogue developer.

No politician in his right mind, however, wants a billionaire developer for an enemy when he could have him for a friend.

Parts of Lee Perry?s commentary along with the Japanese documentary footage give us only a partial picture of an invaluable and unique cultural resource Jersey City lost forever so Goldman could build his hi-rises.

Besides presiding over a municipal bureaucracy that is periodically in the news for all the wrong reasons, and besides periodically conducting himself in ways that are an ongoing embarassment to Jersey City, Jerramiah T. Healy has arguably done more damage to the arts community in Jersey City than any other mayor ?ever. He and his cronies should be held accountable at least for that.

And yeah?stop pimping out the police force to people who use them dishonorably and reduce them to the level of thugs. The good cops deserve better than that and so do we.

Posted on: 2007/11/6 2:58

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!
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2004/11/7 7:24
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edge wrote:
Is everyone in 101 building from a different country? This is america this is how things are done. It not a jc problem and its not isolated to 101. get over it. Welcome to america.

If you were writing this about police officers occasionally drinking in public, well, OK.

But the idea that a developer systematically uses the police force as a private army to help him break the law over the course of months really is repulsive.

Maybe that often is "how things are done," but I don't think it's very good if violations THAT flagrant go on and aren't even the target of ineffective legal protests.

If Goldman and the city really were that awful, why isn't some lawyer somewhere still filing some kind of RICO suit against them? Or is it possible that there is a suit out there somewhere, or that the statute of limitations hasn't passed and there's a suit in progress somewhere?

Posted on: 2007/11/5 18:36

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!
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2006/11/13 18:42
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This is better!

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Posted on: 2007/11/5 17:36
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!
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2004/2/6 23:13
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2021/7/30 1:08
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No ..... shame on Jersey City.

Our city failed to adequately protect its residents and enforce the applicable law. It is our city government's responsibility to regulate development and developers. Developers may be easy targets for rhetoric and deflecting blame, but it is our city leadership that has taken an oath of responsibility to serve the public.

I am glad to see these events revisited and believe the public should be seeking accountablility.


G_Elkind wrote:
How about shame on Goldman?

Posted on: 2007/11/5 15:10

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!
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2004/3/11 23:46
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How about shame on Goldman?

Posted on: 2007/11/5 12:27

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Yes this is America, the holy land of democracy and civil liberties but apparently not so in JC. Healy the convicted criminal should be thrown out of City Hall and the sock-puppet police commanders should be fired for towing the politicial ideals.

Shame JC, Shame

Maybe the art dudes could do a collection and rent their own cop - then they make a tax claim for protection against their art works and well being.
Then again the dog shelter has some spare pit-bulls they could foster!

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Posted on: 2007/11/5 11:18

Edited by fat-ass-bike on 2007/11/5 12:18:03
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!
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2007/3/12 19:22
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2009/2/24 1:03
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Is everyone in 101 building from a different country? This is america this is how things are done. It not a jc problem and its not isolated to 101. get over it. Welcome to america.


12012 wrote:
Early in 2005, the desk sergeant at the East District Precinct told me there were eight police officers assigned to 111 First Street at all times. For EIGHT MONTHS, the city allowed Lloyd Goldman, a NYC multi-billionaire developer and landlord of 111, to hire uniformed off-duty Jersey City police officers with guns to harass and intimidate approx.100 residents at 111. Some of the drunk cops in the video were almost certainly working for Goldman, (as it was pointed out by someone else in this thread) because an employee of Goldman approached the vehicle with a paper at the end of the tape.

Harassment by the off-duty hired cops at 111 took place on a daily basis, ranging from mildly frustrating, to extremely dangerous, and to downright unconstitutional. An example of a mildly frustrating form of harassment is when one artist was taking some of his artwork out of the building for an exhibition, a cop told him that the artwork was now the property of Lloyd Goldman and he couldn?t remove the work. (True story!) An example of an extremely dangerous situation is when a cop blocked a fire exit with a 4x8 sheet of plywood so he could nap, drink, or do whatever he was doing in the dark street behind 111. There was also the arson. With eight cops watching the building, it is hard to imagine they couldn?t provide any information to the arson squad. Two examples in the unconstitutional category are when police officers hired by Goldman removed a television crew from the studio of one of the tenants. They also attempted to remove a Star Ledger reporter from the building. I have video of this and I also have a photo of the plywood against the fire door.

There were 100 tenants in the building during this time and each could probably tell you at least one story involving unprovoked harassment by the cops. I could easily rattle off another ten examples that personally happened to me.

It is important to understand the chaos and confusion that occurred by having uniformed off-duty Jersey City police officers (w/guns) hired by the landlord in and around the building. Confrontations between the tenants and BLDG Management (Goldman?s goons) were constant. If the tenants needed police intervention, it was impossible to get any justice from the rent-a-cops. We had to call the precinct to get an ON DUTY police officer for the situation. The precinct would then exclaim that they already had officers on site. And we would say, ?yeah, but there working for the landlord. We want someone who will be neutral.? Eventually we would get an on-duty Jersey City police officer, but the whole situation was nuts. It got to the point that when any interaction with a police officer occurred at 111, most of us would first ask if he/she was working for the landlord right now or if they were on-duty being paid by the city. For this reason alone, off-duty police officers hired by private companies/individuals should not be allowed to wear their uniforms or carry their police revolvers.

BTW- it costs about $45/per hour to hire an off-duty Jersey City police officer. If Goldman had 8 police daily for 8 months, it kicked in an additional $2,073,600 towards our boys/girls in blue. Unbelievable!!!

What angers me most is city officials knew all this was happening. We brought our grievances to Mayor Healy several times. Members of the city council were aware of the situation at 111. Certainly Mariano Vega and Junior Maldonado knew. Internal Affairs received reports. Even Judge Gallipoli must have indirectly had a clue, since we were in his court room several times to try to overturn bogus building restrictions that Goldman?s goons dreamed up to harass us and the off-duty hired cops enforced.

A lawyer friend of mine who worked in the legal department of a city in NJ once told me that he doubts you could find another city in this country that would allow their police force to be hired by a private contractor for long extended periods of time such as in the case of 111. I am furious Jersey City has this policy and they should immediately eliminate it. No other citizens in this city should experience the injustice the tenants of 111 went through.

Posted on: 2007/11/5 5:30

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!

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2007/11/5 3:25
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2011/3/23 11:42
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Early in 2005, the desk sergeant at the East District Precinct told me there were eight police officers assigned to 111 First Street at all times. For EIGHT MONTHS, the city allowed Lloyd Goldman, a NYC multi-billionaire developer and landlord of 111, to hire uniformed off-duty Jersey City police officers with guns to harass and intimidate approx.100 residents at 111. Some of the drunk cops in the video were almost certainly working for Goldman, (as it was pointed out by someone else in this thread) because an employee of Goldman approached the vehicle with a paper at the end of the tape.

Harassment by the off-duty hired cops at 111 took place on a daily basis, ranging from mildly frustrating, to extremely dangerous, and to downright unconstitutional. An example of a mildly frustrating form of harassment is when one artist was taking some of his artwork out of the building for an exhibition, a cop told him that the artwork was now the property of Lloyd Goldman and he couldn?t remove the work. (True story!) An example of an extremely dangerous situation is when a cop blocked a fire exit with a 4x8 sheet of plywood so he could nap, drink, or do whatever he was doing in the dark street behind 111. There was also the arson. With eight cops watching the building, it is hard to imagine they couldn?t provide any information to the arson squad. Two examples in the unconstitutional category are when police officers hired by Goldman removed a television crew from the studio of one of the tenants. They also attempted to remove a Star Ledger reporter from the building. I have video of this and I also have a photo of the plywood against the fire door.

There were 100 tenants in the building during this time and each could probably tell you at least one story involving unprovoked harassment by the cops. I could easily rattle off another ten examples that personally happened to me.

It is important to understand the chaos and confusion that occurred by having uniformed off-duty Jersey City police officers (w/guns) hired by the landlord in and around the building. Confrontations between the tenants and BLDG Management (Goldman?s goons) were constant. If the tenants needed police intervention, it was impossible to get any justice from the rent-a-cops. We had to call the precinct to get an ON DUTY police officer for the situation. The precinct would then exclaim that they already had officers on site. And we would say, ?yeah, but there working for the landlord. We want someone who will be neutral.? Eventually we would get an on-duty Jersey City police officer, but the whole situation was nuts. It got to the point that when any interaction with a police officer occurred at 111, most of us would first ask if he/she was working for the landlord right now or if they were on-duty being paid by the city. For this reason alone, off-duty police officers hired by private companies/individuals should not be allowed to wear their uniforms or carry their police revolvers.

BTW- it costs about $45/per hour to hire an off-duty Jersey City police officer. If Goldman had 8 police daily for 8 months, it kicked in an additional $2,073,600 towards our boys/girls in blue. Unbelievable!!!

What angers me most is city officials knew all this was happening. We brought our grievances to Mayor Healy several times. Members of the city council were aware of the situation at 111. Certainly Mariano Vega and Junior Maldonado knew. Internal Affairs received reports. Even Judge Gallipoli must have indirectly had a clue, since we were in his court room several times to try to overturn bogus building restrictions that Goldman?s goons dreamed up to harass us and the off-duty hired cops enforced.

A lawyer friend of mine who worked in the legal department of a city in NJ once told me that he doubts you could find another city in this country that would allow their police force to be hired by a private contractor for long extended periods of time such as in the case of 111. I am furious Jersey City has this policy and they should immediately eliminate it. No other citizens in this city should experience the injustice the tenants of 111 went through.

Posted on: 2007/11/5 3:51

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!
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2006/11/13 18:42
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From 280 Grove Street
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I do like how the cop on the latest video asking questions or answering questions refused to continue when he noticed the camera was 'on'.

Considering the cops job is mostly done out in public or in a public space what did he fear - accountability!

Posted on: 2007/11/3 20:53
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!

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2005/5/7 1:13
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2010/9/30 23:04
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Kudos and more kudos to you guys and all the good decent folk who are bringing this story into the daylight of public scrutiny where it belongs. An earlier post likened the ?Drunken Cops? story to a tangled thread that once tugged begins to unravel a tapestry of , well, who knows what at this point? If you ask me, their particular peccadillo seems to nestle rather cozily within a larger culture of corruption that is apparently making Jersey City world famous. Which may explain to some degree why the story was ignored from the outset by at least some of the press. Corruption in Jersey City? Where?s the news in that?

How long till the next election?

Posted on: 2007/11/3 20:37

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!

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2007/10/9 4:29
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2012/3/7 12:08
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During the early 2000's there was a battle in Jersey City, New Jersey. It was a defining moment in the largest NJ Arts facility as well as being representative of what happens to arts communities throughout the U.S. We are thrilled to have brought this issue and documentary into the light. It documents what was behind the scenes of the "Drunk Cops" video. This story still needs to be told...for the first time. We intend to make sure it is. In peace and service, s6k Media

Posted on: 2007/11/3 0:17

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2006/10/26 1:36
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2013/3/19 20:14
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s6k Media. Are you able to show the Japanese video
mentioned in this interview? is it in english? It would be
interesting to see this , or any other info you may have
on the 111 1st street subject. Thanx

Also Why does everyone, including the press consider
this to be OLD NEWS when it was never in the news
until 2 years later. sounds fishy to me.

Posted on: 2007/10/31 1:49

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!

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2007/10/9 4:29
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2012/3/7 12:08
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In this s6k:I exclusive, we have been provided with the honor of talking to the person who filmed the "Drunk Cops" video in Jersey City, New Jersey. We thank Lee Perry for coming forward and talking with us. For us, the key fact is the events happened without the public ever being properly informed. In a democratic society, without proper oversight AND an informed public, the facts often become blurred into opinion or disappear all together. This conversation answered some questions for us, while it has introduced a number of others. He's also a very soft-spoken individual, which is nothing like the way he was framed earlier in this public conversation. Complete information, In peace and service, s6k Media

Posted on: 2007/10/28 18:32

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!
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Not too shy to talk

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2006/4/11 17:05
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2007/11/6 1:44
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who needs even video imaging. i would imagine that unlike the IA investigations the officers hired for private duty should be publicly available. this should narrow down the suspect pool . toss in a little google image searching and we could probalby find at least one of these guys.

and its funny that people are essential saying no harm no foul when in fact, while under the diligent protection of these officers and their brethren there was an explosive arson attempt for which people associated with the construction company were arrested (and eventually released), vehicles damaged and other near terrorism of the tenants.

Posted on: 2007/10/23 19:25

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!
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2006/11/13 18:42
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2022/2/28 7:31
From 280 Grove Street
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The ongoing joke in the building game is that the same unscrupulous developers have a business trait that is based without any conscious to the social needs of an existing community.
Their development decisions are weighed heavily on nickels, dimes and greed.
Its a pity that religion isn't used as a guiding light!
Some developers have the same mind-set as the father figure in the movie 'The Super'.

Its understandable that they hire the police is do traffic control, as it also acts as a police controlled / supported construction site.

Posted on: 2007/10/21 9:58
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!
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Just can't stay away

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2006/10/26 1:36
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2013/3/19 20:14
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There is always more than one side to a story.
I think its important for newcomers to this city
to know the TRUTH about the art community
and what this administration did (or didnt do)
to eliminate the art center. one things for sure
the artist would never been able to continue
this fight without the full support of the city
which we had until healy was elected. he
voted YES for Powerhouse Arts district, and
YES for Historic designation, and as soon as he
became mayor, HE TURNED HIS BACK TO US.
The city held our hands to the edge of the cliff,
and our new mayor ran up from behind and

There was WAY MORE CORRUPTION that went on here
besides the cops drinking.

For those of you who would like to know the TRUTH
please go to and decide for yourself.

Posted on: 2007/10/21 3:00

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!

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2007/10/16 22:25
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2007/10/20 3:59
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organized crime? sounds like you were one of the squatters form 111, a non residential building from which none of you were allowed to live in the first place, no running water, ect,ect, im quite sure the name is correct and i think you know it too, goldman had to give you the boot and bring police presence in cause you were a menace and did not leave when asked to, living rent free in an 100 year old factory, and having the nerve to call youselves artists as a last defense from getting axed, its quite a shame you did this and then blamed goldman. and the police, making them out to be the bad guys shame on you! but i saw how you live and there is no shame in you game. the only motive here for the video was revenge, not that they were doing wrong, but because you were getting the boot, which to me is just as bad as what happend w/ the video!!!

Posted on: 2007/10/18 5:34

Re: Are Cops drinking on duty in JC? you have to see this video!!!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2006/10/26 1:36
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2013/3/19 20:14
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(quote from mathias)
I just read over the last day the issue with 111 and I am beginning to see things a bit more clearly.

There is obviously a lot of overlap and connections between developers, politicians, police force, judges and private security. Looks like if one starts pulling the thread of this drunk cop video a whole lot is going to unravel.

Mathias you are right! There is a word for this, its called


Posted on: 2007/10/17 11:51

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