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Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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2006/4/18 0:04
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From Jersey Cxxx
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at 10:40 pm the results are----> and this does NOT include the absentee ballots that will decide who the real winners are. This information will come out by late afternoon on Wednesday.

Board of Education - Jersey City
108/111 97.30%
Under Votes 1432
Over Votes 0

Vote Count
- Moses M. Ballon, Jr. 482
Angel Valentin 1,351
Jenny Garcia 1,213
- Benjamin Lopez 751
- Aida Sanchez 347
- Michael Esposito 763
Gerald McCann 1,163
- William P. Frasca 251
L. Terry Dehere 1,289
- Jenny E. Campbell 461
- Arnold Williams 425
Personal Choice 29
Total 8,525

Posted on: 2007/4/18 2:44

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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2006/4/18 0:04
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r_pinkowitz wrote:
As of 10 :16 pm

Board of Education - Jersey City
73/111 65.77%
Under Votes 934
Over Votes 0

Vote Count
- Angel Valentin 881
- Moses M. Ballon, Jr. 296
- Jenny Garcia 774
- Benjamin Lopez 549
- Aida Sanchez 239
- Michael Esposito 575
- Gerald McCann 774
- William P. Frasca 168
- L. Terry Dehere 777
- Jenny E. Campbell 316
- Arnold Williams 258
Personal Choice 17
Total 5,624

10:23 pm

Board of Education - Jersey City
88/111 79.28%
Under Votes 1114
Over Votes 0

Vote Count
- Angel Valentin 1,023
- Moses M. Ballon, Jr. 371
- Jenny Garcia 913
- Benjamin Lopez 627
- Aida Sanchez 264
- Michael Esposito 639
- Gerald McCann 910
- William P. Frasca 198
- L. Terry Dehere 932
- Jenny E. Campbell 374
- Arnold Williams 325
Personal Choice 23
Total 6,599

Posted on: 2007/4/18 2:23

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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2006/4/18 0:04
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From Jersey Cxxx
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As of 10 :16 pm

Board of Education - Jersey City
73/111 65.77%
Under Votes 934
Over Votes 0

Vote Count
- Angel Valentin 881
- Moses M. Ballon, Jr. 296
- Jenny Garcia 774
- Benjamin Lopez 549
- Aida Sanchez 239
- Michael Esposito 575
- Gerald McCann 774
- William P. Frasca 168
- L. Terry Dehere 777
- Jenny E. Campbell 316
- Arnold Williams 258
Personal Choice 17
Total 5,624

Posted on: 2007/4/18 2:03

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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2005/11/20 12:25
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The one middle-aged lady seemed to be able to cope with the mobs easily in the 1 booth voting place at the senior citizen home in Lafayette, Lafayette Gardens. She looked so happy to see someone, even me! But then her glee turned to dismay when I told her I needed a provisional ballot because I just moved. She grudgingly dug one up and muttered something like, "What's the point, they don't count 'em anyways." That gave me a warm feeling.

Posted on: 2007/4/17 22:10

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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I'm in JSQ and at 5pm i got to be number 14. WoooooooWhooooo!

Posted on: 2007/4/17 21:56

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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2006/7/25 20:33
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I was voter number five at 4.20pm (420!) in my district. I voted for two of the candidates, and wrote Althea in as my third vote.

Posted on: 2007/4/17 21:23

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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2005/5/11 3:17
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Check your Polling Station!

If you live in the Park Hamilton, the Roosevelt or the Lincoln, you have to vote in the Community Room at 241 16th Street- Holland Gardens.

It would be interesting to know why these apartments were redistricted to a polling station SIX blocks away, when the old polling station is ONE block away.

Posted on: 2007/4/17 20:18

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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Posted on: 2007/4/17 19:43

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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Take a second out of your busy day and vote for three of the following candidates:

3A Jenny Garcia
4A Benjamin Lopez
8A William P. Frasca
10A Jenny E. Campbell

Posted on: 2007/4/17 15:32

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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Received from SUZANNE MACK @ 9:20PM:

This is an important year for the Jersey City Board of Education. For the first time in many years I actually believe the State may return control of the Board to Local Control with a lot of caveats and continued monitoring. It that happens this or the next election may be the last Board election we participate in.

On going back to local control the citizens of Jersey City must have an election in one year to determine whether we will remain as an elected board or chose to be an appointed board. (Type I or Type II)

In prior years elections I have asked your consideration of Tim Stuckey,Peter Donnelly, Ed Cheatham. Jenny Campbell and Angel Valentin. Recommendations vary by the year with the pool of candidates that offer themselves for election.

I thought about this long and hard over the weekend and I will follow a long standing tradition and ask your consideration of four candidates for the three open seats.

I just wish I could vote for four individuals in this election " Namely Dehere, Garcia, Valentine and Lopez.

As the Hudson Reporter reported

I am endorsing Jenny Garcia 3A and Terry De Here 9A.

I also am putting forth Angel Valentin and Ben Lopez for your consideration.

My reasons are as follows Jenny Garcia ,a Latino parent, has been a hardworking advocate for all chidren in the JCPS.When things were wrong she successfully navigated a complex system calling state and local officials and kept us on our toes with a clear understanding of what were the childrens rights. She never backed down and I actually encouraged her to run.

Terry De Here. I first met Terry five years ago when a mutual friend Jack Beirne introduced us. He asked me to help him with a small project. We started talking about recreation programs and what we could do to help kids. As most of you know I never turn down a discussion of recreational sports or chess for our kids. I hadnt the foggiest idea who Terry De Here was or the his many accomplishments at St Anthony's, Seton Hall or the NBA. That came much later.

With Dr. Terance Curran's departure we need a young idealistic man on our Board who can relate to the kids who has an interest in wellness and recreation.

Terry De Here is a Jersey City legend. An AfroAmerican ,he grew up on Randolph Ave worked hard and made it. He chose to come back and to do affordable housing, he stayed to show kids that with hard work you can succeed. He will be such a role model for kids in our schools that I would be remiss if I passed him by.

Knowing the community issues that have been raised I also ask you to consider Angel Valentin and Ben Lopez.

I have backed Angel before and I never regretted it. A quiety man, a tireless advocate for parent rights, he fights for children both on the Board and in his workplace training and preparing children for the future. His efforts as Chair of our Policy Committee have been remarkable.

This year I wish we had a fourth opening. I thought Ben Lopez put forth a good effort in his campaign responses and had a comprehensive piece of literature. I have served on committees with Ben for many years and his devotion to the Working poor has been outstanding. If we were to have a fourth opening there is no doubt I would recommend him.

There are many other candidates some of whom I know well Jerry Mc Cann,Jenny Campbell, some whom I wish I knew more about Mike Esposito , William Frasca, Arnie Williams, Moses Ballon and some Ive only heard the name of Mrs Sanchez; some of whom in a different year I would have considered backing, some I have considered and endorsed before but am not this year, and some I would not endorse. I congratulate them all on taking the time to be involved.

This is Jersey City I expect the ticket to split all over the place for as many varied reasons as their are candidates, but in the end the top three will represent all of us for the next three years on the Jersey City Board of Education -

These will be important years when you vote think - Kids First.

Thank you.
Suzanne T. Mack, Member of the elected Jersey City Board
Facities Committee, Chair
Recreation Subcommittee
Special Education Committee, Chair
Finance Committee, Member
Policy Committee, Member
Former Board President, 2000-2002

Posted on: 2007/4/17 2:30
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Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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2004/9/30 17:33
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Response from William Frasca PART II

Top Three Priorities,

1. End Corruption and increase accountability of all financial expenditures.
Did you
know part of the school budget goes to the monthly rental of (11) different facilities for various educational functions? Complete desk audits of all administrative personnel, proving their necessity to the Jersey City School
District. Unjustified high salary positions are choking the budget.

2. To remove the State of New Jersey from it's strangle hold on the children of Jersey City. Complete elimination of school lotteries.

3. Increasing school board/parent/guardian/child involvement and participation in the educational process by holding open school board meetings in central locations throughout the city, making the Board of Education meetings more accessible to the public. Limiting the amount of closed sessions. This will administer more pertinent information to parents and guardians, with nothing to hide.
Encouraging the establishment of information forums, groups and meetings in each of the Jersey City wards.

Again, I am deeply saddened and disappointed that I missed the candidates forum on April 5, 2007. My absence was unavoidable and I hope not insulting. If I sound a little winded, it's because I have so much to say with so
little time. Again I must stress, I lived in Jersey City all my life. I received no endorsements, I received no contributions, I had no money to spend, I made no pack with any other candidate, I am a member of no political organization or club, I am retired, I have no political
job, my loyalty is to the parents and especially to the children of Jersey City. I hope you will at least see it in your hearts to grant me a fair and equal

Thank You for your cooperation and patience

William P. Frasca

Posted on: 2007/4/17 1:57

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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Response from William Frasca PART I

To: Jersey City Families For Better Schools

To the first question, Why am I running for the school board?

1. I am tired of the corruption.

2. I'm tired of the children of Jersey City being used as financial and
educational pawns.

3. I'm tired of individuals stepping on the backs of our children to advance
their own political agenda and selfishly using the board for their own
personal gain.

4. I'm tired of the State takeover of our school system.

5. I'm tired of the State hand picking the Jersey City school superintendent,
and giving him an outrageous salary and perks.

6. I'm tired of our school system being used as a political dumping ground to
repay individuals for political favors.

7. I'm tired of highly paid over crowded administrators, who milk the Jersey
City school budget dry.

8. I'm tired of the school board having no voice in the hiring, firing and
discipline of

9. I'm tired of the taxpayers and parents of Jersey City having no right to vote
on a school budget.

10. I'm tired of school lotteries, and parents waiting on long lines just to
take a number, for having their child attend the school of choice, with no
guarantees of selection.

11. I'm tired of children getting left behind and lost in the system

12. I'm tired of increasing truancy.

13. I'm tired of little or no accountability of expenditures.

14. I'm tired of seeing parents frantic in having to seek alternative
educational institutions, or home schooling, because they don't trust the
educational process of the Jersey City Public Schools

15. I'm tired of selfish political intervention.

This I pledge, I will remain as an independent voice to improve the Jersey
City educational system. If elected I will become easily accessible to all.
My total allegiance is to the parents and children of Jersey City. I'm not
afraid to fight against injustice. I'm not afraid to speak my mind. I'm not
afraid to go against the status quo. I am my own person. I will be a loud
voice for the children, I will keep all of you informed, especially of the
abuses. So together we will have strength in numbers. I will not seek any
other political offices. I will uphold my position with respect and dignity.
I will not disappoint and never falter. It is said individuals must know
their limitations, lucky for me, to this date, I haven't found my

Posted on: 2007/4/17 1:54

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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Response from Moses Ballon
Question 1.

I'm running for school board to be a voice for our children and community. As a Board Trustees I will bring oversight and accountability to Jersey City School District. The Abbott vs Burke ruling, began in Jersey City as Robinson &
Jersey City vs Cahill and resulted in a court order mandate. Jersey City stands to lose 100's of millions of dollars if we don't speak up and out as to our rights in this Abbott ruling; and I am up to this challenge.

Question 2.

1. I will initiate the development of a Focus Group (s)throughout the city, to include parents, teachers, students and local Officials that would seek positive and long-term solution for our failing school system.

2. There are currently billion of dollars in construction and road bill work in the NJ/NY area. I will go after the 7.5 million dollars of outreach and training Abbott funding (PL 1975/C127), that will be use to address the
concerns and needs of those young men and women who have fell threw the cracks of our failing school system.

3. I would work to ensure that the board meetings were being held more conveniently at a time and place when parents, teachers, student and Officials
could attend. Several of the current trustees are retired and are not available or unwilling to meet in the evening or some Saturday mornings.

Posted on: 2007/4/17 1:53

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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Response from Jenny Garcia

Why are you running for the board?

I am running for the board to ensure that the voice of our parents is heard. As
a parent with five children in the system my husband and I like many families have a
vested interest that not only our children, but all children receive the best
education possible. I am running because if I did not then I would not be doing
what I believe I should do which is to help others in the community. We all have
to do our part in making where we live a better place.

What are your top three priorities if elected to the Board?

Early childhood education is fundamental to our children. It is imperative that
we begin a quality education, with a curriculum that supersedes our current
standards as early as possible. Our curriculum in our high schools is
antiquated as well, and needs to be modeled to present needs. We need to include
in all grade levels, music and the arts. Were students can be given the ability
to apply learned techniques and discipline into all areas of study. Extra
curricular areas of study are of great interest to me as well, with special
emphasis on science and mathematics. Our children score generally low in theses areas of study. As well as an
athletic program, were "all" of our students are allowed to excel in a
sport, which aides in building self esteem. Safety for all children is crucial,
especially in our high schools and is a major priority.

Mrs. Jenny Garcia
Parent Advisory Council
Special Education

Posted on: 2007/4/17 1:50

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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Response from Jenny Cambell

1. I am running for the school board to continue pursuing my efforts to provide
our children with a quality education. By empowering parents and the community
to help in this struggle, the prospect of our children?s educational success
becomes much brighter.

2. My first priority if elected to the school board will be to use my recent character smear to highlight
the destructive nature of politics. If politics continue to be mixed with
educational issues, our children and our school system will continue to suffer.
My second priority will be to be an avid student of state and city laws
regarding our school system and use that information to empower parents about
their power and influence in helping to create a successful school system. My
third priority will be to serve as a general conduit of information and support
for parents, teachers and concerned citizens so that I can help bridge the gap
of communication between the school board and our community.

Jenny E. Campbell
H - 201-309-1381
C - 201-208-4196

Posted on: 2007/4/17 1:49

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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Dear Candidate-

The Forum on April 5th has generated a tremendous amount of interest in the
Board of Education Elections on Tuesday. Many people in the community who could
not attend the Forum, or who are not members of JC Families For Better Schools,
are eager to hear your views on the following questions:

1. Why are you running for the Board of Education?

2. What are your top three priorities if elected to the Board?

I know this is very last minute but your participation in the Forum have
inspired many people in Jersey City to get out and vote.

If you would like to write no more than five or six sentences for each question,
the answers will be posted on JC List, JC Families For Better Schools and Jersey City Family Alliance. If you are unable to do this, with your permission, we could post appropriate parts of your prior written statements.

We did not have current emails for all the candidates so several were contacted
by phone.

Thank you. Again our apologies for the short notice, we honestly didn?t expect
to have such a demand for more feed back from all of you.

With all good wishes,

Shelley Skinner
Founder JC Families For better Schools

Posted on: 2007/4/17 1:48

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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So who are you pushing for?


DanL wrote:
...The schools are a fast approaching $700m pie that everyone wants/ will want a piece of. We have many candidates and sitting board members that one way or another draw their income/family income from the city/county or related publicly funded agency, too many intertwined relationships with local governments. I cannot conclude that any of the candidates are truly independent employment or business-wise...

Posted on: 2007/4/16 22:22

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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I thought about this for a very long time and with a very torn heart, but I really am fully opposed to Terry Dehere as a member of the Board of Education. Many of you who know me, know that I am very active in my community, Jersey City Family Initiative, Jersey City Families for Better Schools, home schooling and natural birthing groups, etc. etc., I often show up at places that have nothing to do with me personally, like the Hamilton Park Renovation Planning meeting, in order to make sure that the needs of families are being heard and met. So when I speak it is usually for a community of people. This time I am speaking for the Hilltop Neighborhood Association, of which I am a core member and the very same neighborhood that Terry Dehere owns his business, the Blue Ribbon. This is my personal experience and feelings.

Below I have attached a letter from one of our community members. Before I wrote something to you all, I asked my neighborhood if anything had changed and how they felt having had a personal and community experience with Dehere. I'm afraid to state that nothing positive was reported.

Last fall Mr. Dehere approached our neighborhood in order to request that we support him in his endeavor to obtain a permit and entertainment license. He was very charming and very friendly. Our neighborhood took it as a great sign that he was willing to come and speak to us about the Blue Ribbon and we hoped this would be an opportunity to clean up a lot of the problems the neighborhood was having with his venue... the late nights of the restaurant/club greatly reduced the quality of life for those living in the immediate area and who felt their complaints went unheard.

However, when it came to the planning board meeting, Mr. Dehere brought his lawyers, security expert, and a hired city planner. Forty five members of our neighborhood came out to speak against the granting of this permit. All the while Dehere's supporters and friends called us liars and racists, even though our neighborhood is so culturally diverse and they don?t live next to the establishment.

Mr. Dehere, backed by Healy and other city politicians could not have conceived of losing this battle and therefore did nothing to ensure the quality of life in the neighborhood surrounding his establishment, except to say that we were lying. Time and again, the simple question was, "Did you ever perform a decibel test around the perimeter of your establishment?" Despite having hired a City Planner, the answer was no.

The planning board, minus one member, voted against the granting of the license. The head of the planning board is a member of JCFBS and might even vouch for the viciousness in which Dehere turned on our group after he lost. His family and friends called us racists and Dehere threatened to bring the Attorney General down upon us. Our neighborhood Association has had no further communication with him.

While there is no doubt the Dehere is and will always be a role model to the youth of JC, I feel his talents would be better served with actual interaction with the students of JC rather than as a Board member. I do not believe, just as he refused to listen to the community complaints surrounding his business, that he would be willing to listen to the parents of JC as a whole. I believe as an astute business man, who has entered into the lucrative business of affordable housing, his heart and knowledge are elsewhere



> wrote:
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 20:07:22 -0000
Subject: I do not support Terry Dehere for the Board of Ed

I do not support Terry Dehere for the Board of Education, or for any political or public office, for that matter.

As most of you know already, Mr. Dehere verbally attacked a number of Hiilltop residents outside the courthouse after that hearing on the variance he wanted for The Blue Ribbon. During the meeting, I was kind to Mr. Dehere ? I said I did not support the nightclub, but that if he wanted to build a new apartment building or a nice grocery store or any number of other facilities which would actually improve
the neighborhood, I would be happy to come before the zoning board to speak on his behalf, and support him in those endeavors. I later regretted that statement, because of his behavior after the meeting.

After the meeting, he revealed his true personality. Apparently he did not want what was best for Hilltop but only what he felt was best for his own personal business and interests. He lashed out at all of us standing outside the courthouse, jabbing his finger in our faces, cursing us and calling us "you stupid people" and much nastier

We had every right to not want a loud nightclub which already had a record of trouble (even murder, which occured in its parking lot) to expand its reach by extending its hours of operation to 2:00am or 3:00am even on weeknights. If Mr. Dehere had been a professional
about the hearing outcome, if he had accepted his defeat with dignity, I might have left that meeting with a different opinion of him. If he truly cared about the neighborhood, upon seeing how upset (and even frightened by the possibility of more shootings) that so many of the residents were during that meeting, he might have withdrawn his proposal.

His behavior after that hearing completely changed my view of him. He showed us that he is a person more interested in his own personal money-making endeavors (however dangerous or noise-pollution-
generating those endeavors might be), than a person who listens to the concerns of Journal Square and Hilltop area residents and who truly cares about backing commercial and residential development that will really improve the area. A loud, late-hours nightclub is a detriment, not an asset, to an area attempting to gentrify.

Because of his tirade after the hearing, Mr. Dehere came across as a person who is volatile, unprofessional, barely controlled, and who clearly cares not at all how residents feel. Because of this, I do not see how it is possible for Mr. Dehere to properly and professionally represent our neighborhood, or anyone for that matter, in any position as a public official.

Posted on: 2007/4/16 22:03

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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Having anything less than the best possible school system is unacceptable. One would think this to be important to everyone.

I find it is easier to decide who not to vote for rather than whom to vote. Perhaps most important is to increase voter turnout and look to the future.

The schools are a fast approaching $700m pie that everyone wants/ will want a piece of. We have many candidates and sitting board members that one way or another draw their income/family income from the city/county or related publicly funded agency, too many intertwined relationships with local governments. I cannot conclude that any of the candidates are truly independent employment or business-wise. I found none of the candidates articulated an understanding the recent third party audit of the schools at the Candidates Forum.

I guess this round I would go for parents with children in the public school system. Next time, maybe we can get a look at candidates with the financial and administrative skills and experience to set and enforce policies warranted by an organization of this ?staggering? size.

We will not get better until we start demanding it.

Posted on: 2007/4/16 19:51

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[HPNA-JC-Public] VOTE! School Board Elections Tomorrow, 4/17

The School Board elections are tomorrow, Tuesday, April 17th from 2pm to 9pm.

The school district is in the process of transfer from state- to local-control, so these elections are very important for the future of Jersey City schools. Please take the time to come out and vote; in these elections of notoriously low turnout, every vote matters. Below is the announcement from Jersey City Families for Better Schools (JCFBS):



The state of public education in Jersey City

can be heavily influenced by your vote

TUESDAY, APRIL 17th, 2007

Polls open 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Our kids' lives are at stake!

And your vote matters!

Jersey City Families for Better Schools (JCFBS) has been founded by deeply community parents, who are deeply concerned about the shortage of quality schools in Jersey City.

For further information about JCFBS, log on to

or email us at

We'll see you at various Voting Centers with coffee and toys for the tots! Look for us!

Posted on: 2007/4/16 18:13
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Hopefully we will be getting substantive replies from the candidates between now and 2pm tomorrow. Right now, I am leaning toward Sue Mack's endorsements and a candidate supported last year by Mr. Fulop:

3A Jenny Garcia
6A Michael Esposito
9A L. Terry Dehere

However, I welcome more information about any and all of these folks, specifically their intentions if elected.

Posted on: 2007/4/16 16:04

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Althea wrote:
Theoretical question:

Say in the coming years JCFBS comes up with their own candidates... not just endorsing candidates, but fully running candidates, should JCFBS only endorse and/or run three candidates?

a) If you or Gwen or someone ran, you could run as an individual, separately from JCFBS.

b) As far as I'm concerned, there wouldn't be any reason for JCFBS to really truly run candidates, or even to exactly really precisely endorse candidates. If JCFBS had a candidate questionnaire, and then it had a narrative section in which it simply gave the "facts" about a candidate (and gave the candidate an opportunity to respond to the narrative section), the candidates would end up endorsing or damning themselves.

Sample questionnaire:

- Basic biographical information.

- Give 5 specific examples of experiences that have prepared you to serve on the school board.

- Name 5 specific problems and 5 specific strengths you see at 5 specific Jersey City schools.

- Provide a concise but detailed proposal for remedying one specific problem with the Jersey City public schools.

- What would your philosophy be regarding special education? gifted education? bilingual education?

Give each candidate the New Jersey 4th grade math, science and language arts achievement tests and report on the candidates' performance.

- Narrative section -- Code List

01.1 Candidate has been accused of political malfeasance in a court of law but not convicted.
01.2 Candidate has been convicted of malfeasance.
01.3 Candidate has been accused of a crime of a violent crime (category includes sex crimes) but not convicted.
01.4 Candidate has been convicted of a violent crime (category includes sex crimes).

02.1 Candidate has been active in PTA. (Describe offices, achievements and participation in scutwork.)
02.2 Candidate has been active in JCFBS or other education groups. (Describe.)
02.3 JCFBS scutwork rating. (Rate candidate according to how many envelopes a candidate has stuffed, how many family fair booths a candidate has set up, etc. for JCFBS.)
02.4 Candidate has been active in community and neighborhood groups. (Describe.)

03.1 Candidate has experience in forensic accounting.
03.2 Candidate is a private detective or investigative reporter.
03.3 Candidate has worked undercover to help law enforcement agencies unravel crime rings.
03.4 Candidate has been a teacher in Jersey City.
03.5 Candidate has been a teacher somewhere other than Jersey City.

Posted on: 2007/4/16 15:03

Re: School board candidates in elections tomorrow
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Go! the 2 Jenny's and Dehere, we have enough bureaucrats on the board as it is.

Posted on: 2007/4/16 13:02
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School board candidates in elections tomorrow
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School board candidates in elections tomorrow

Jersey Journal -- April 16

Here are the candidates and ballot lines for tomorrow's school board elections. Polls are open from 2 to 9 p.m.

Jersey City

Three-year terms (vote for three):

1A Angel Valentin - (Incumbent )

2A Moses M. Ballon, Jr.

3A Jenny Garcia

4A Benjamin Lopez

5A Aida Sanchez

6A Michael Esposito

7A Gerald McCann

8A William P. Frasca

9A L. Terry Dehere

10A Jenny E. Campbell

11A Arnold Williams

Posted on: 2007/4/16 12:59

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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2006/4/18 0:04
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Althea wrote:
This is not a rumor, as I posted earlier, Mia is endorsing McCann. Many of us are depressed that McCann is our best choice and I suspect that many people will be voting for him even though they probably won't say so.

I will be voting for him because he will be able to shed light on the current budget and will call Epps to task for his spending and his top heavy administration.

Like I have said before, the school system is being handed back to the City and we need people in there that can hit the ground running. Well intentioned people will not serve the current and immediate needs. They won't know what they are looking at.

This is not just a "parents with kids in the school system" issue. This is anyone intending to live in the city beyond next year. Property taxes will not need to be raised with a balanced and well planned education budget. Vote in those who know what they are doing, even if you don't find them personally palatable.

Right now it is sink or swim.




missa wrote:
I heard a rumor that Mia Scanga is promoting Gerald McCann for BOE (i call this a rumor because i cannot watch this program on the web because there is no audio). I find this interesting, as on the Talking Politics website listing convicted politicians of Hudson County he is not to be found.

Was he never convicted or had pled guilty in the past for any of the crimes he has committed?

I thought he was a convicted felon?

Is the Jersey Journal lying or was he accidentally left from the Talking Politics website?

Unfortunately, I do feel Gerry McCann will win a seat on the school board.

Gerry McCann?s behavior after his release from prison and after his was off probation has not been what I believe to be acceptable behavior in a civilized society and I have zero trust factor with his intentions.

In all good conscience I could not pull the lever for him, no matter how entertaining the meetings would be with him involved.

t's sad I have no strong feelings for the entire selection, but I will do what I've done for the past 10 years and vote on Tuesday.

It's a shame I can't vote "Epps out"..... that would bring me great joy!

Posted on: 2007/4/16 11:17

Edited by r_pinkowitz on 2007/4/16 11:39:43
Edited by r_pinkowitz on 2007/4/16 11:40:51

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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r_pinkowitz wrote:

Althea wrote:
There was an ad in today's Jersey Journal with Mayor Healy and County Executive DeGise endorsing the JCEA slate of Valentin, Garcia and DeHere.

Well, that's an odd group, since Ben Lopez works for the County....very interesting.

I would love to hear who Sue Mack is endorsing, I'm a Sue Mack fan!

From The Hudson Reporter:
Suzanne Mack, a board member since 1995, has two of three candidates in mind.

"I like both Terry Dehere and Jenny Garcia and I will be voting for them," Mack said. "I have seen how Terry has visited Jersey City schools and has made an impression upon the male students, and I identify with Garcia since I also have a special needs child in the school system."

Posted on: 2007/4/16 11:06

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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2005/10/23 4:08
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Hello folks,

Sorry too tired to post entire article but here is my wrap-up of the upcoming Jersey City Board of Education election. Enjoy reading, and wish you well voting on Tuesday and keep dry.

Ricardo ... =461&dept_id=523586&rfi=6

Posted on: 2007/4/16 7:02

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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2005/4/15 20:40
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This is not a rumor, as I posted earlier, Mia is endorsing McCann. Many of us are depressed that McCann is our best choice and I suspect that many people will be voting for him even though they probably won't say so.

I will be voting for him because he will be able to shed light on the current budget and will call Epps to task for his spending and his top heavy administration.

Like I have said before, the school system is being handed back to the City and we need people in there that can hit the ground running. Well intentioned people will not serve the current and immediate needs. They won't know what they are looking at.

This is not just a "parents with kids in the school system" issue. This is anyone intending to live in the city beyond next year. Property taxes will not need to be raised with a balanced and well planned education budget. Vote in those who know what they are doing, even if you don't find them personally palatable.

Right now it is sink or swim.




missa wrote:
I heard a rumor that Mia Scanga is promoting Gerald McCann for BOE (i call this a rumor because i cannot watch this program on the web because there is no audio). I find this interesting, as on the Talking Politics website listing convicted politicians of Hudson County he is not to be found.

Was he never convicted or had pled guilty in the past for any of the crimes he has committed?

I thought he was a convicted felon?

Is the Jersey Journal lying or was he accidentally left from the Talking Politics website?

Posted on: 2007/4/16 6:40

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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2006/7/25 20:33
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missa wrote:
I heard a rumor that Mia Scanga is promoting Gerald McCann for BOE (i call this a rumor because i cannot watch this program on the web because there is no audio). I find this interesting, as on the Talking Politics website listing convicted politicians of Hudson County he is not to be found.

Was he never convicted or had pled guilty in the past for any of the crimes he has committed?

I thought he was a convicted felon?

Is the Jersey Journal lying or was he accidentally left from the Talking Politics website?

IIRC, he was convicted, and did time for it (though he may have taken a plea deal). He was definitely incarcerated.

Posted on: 2007/4/15 19:35

Re: Who's running for school board -- 11 candidates vie for three seats on JC Board of Education
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2005/7/23 1:41
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2009/4/29 10:29
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I heard a rumor that Mia Scanga is promoting Gerald McCann for BOE (i call this a rumor because i cannot watch this program on the web because there is no audio). I find this interesting, as on the Talking Politics website listing convicted politicians of Hudson County he is not to be found.

Was he never convicted or had pled guilty in the past for any of the crimes he has committed?

I thought he was a convicted felon?

Is the Jersey Journal lying or was he accidentally left from the Talking Politics website?

Posted on: 2007/4/15 13:07

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