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Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activists
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Oh swell.

Posted on: 2009/8/10 22:00

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activists
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2008/6/24 14:51
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The following details the complete disregard for
the actual quality of services rendered, and ethics of the person rendering them, when you have enough political pull in this county. Richard Censullo, as far as I know, continues to retain Hector Carbajales as animal control officer. Carbajales is the scumbag that left animals to die and stole $12K from the now closed and infamous HC SPCA.

The two of them are thick as theives apparently. Let's round them up with the other indicted Hudson County officials.

Also, let's check out Mayor Smith's finances while we're at it. If this job could be done for $30K, why was he paying someone else $115K? Seems fishy.

Health officer deal would save $$$
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Bayonne will be contracting with North Bergen for the services of the township's health officer if the City Council approves Mayor Mark A. Smith's recommendation next week.

Under the proposed agreement with North Bergen, Bayonne would pay $30,000 a year to use Richard J. Censullo as its health officer, said Anthony D'Elia, the interim general counsel for Bayonne.

The Bayonne Municipal Council is to vote on the resolution at next week's council meeting.

Under state law, each municipality is required to employ at least one licensed health officer so that its inspectors can issue health violations, officials said.

That function was performed by Brigid Breivogel, the former health director and health officer; she retired at the end of June from her $115,092-a-year job.

D'Elia said the new arrangement will save the city tens of thousands of dollars. Under the agreement there are no set hours but Censullo would be on call around the clock, he said.

Breivogel's job as director is being covered temporarily by Peggy Lanni, director of the Bayonne Office on Aging.

Also on the agenda next week will be hiring a former Hudson County prosecutor, Charles Michael D'Amico, of Paterson Plank Road in Secaucus, as general counsel for the city.

D'Elia said the only other applicant to respond was Eric Bernstein, of Bernstein & Associates, of Warren.

D'Elia said that while Bernstein was well qualified for the job, he would have further to travel. He also could not commit to the job full-time.

"It is a big job in Bayonne and demands the attention of a full-time attorney," D'Elia said.

D'Elia, of Secaucus-based Chasan Leyner & Lamparello, has been acting as interim counsel to the city since Mayor Mark Smith fired interim law director John Coffey II.

Posted on: 2009/8/10 17:43

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activist
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2004/2/18 20:20
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Oh, and we forgot to tell you that Hector is on disability income because of a "head" injury he received a long time ago and yet he is still able to perform his "dog" catching function. And! the Health Officer of North Bergen and Union City with the initials of RC knows this.

They are all in collusion. Well RC, it's time to pay market price for decent animal sheltering whether your Mayors like it or not. You have been abusing the animals for too long.

Hector has got to go!

Posted on: 2008/8/1 12:19

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activist
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Hearing on closed SPCA reveals board ignorant on finances
by Paul Koepp
Thursday July 31, 2008, 2:06 PM

The people in charge of a shuttered Jersey City animal shelter know very little about its finances.

That startling admission was made in court today by Jeff Edelman, attorney for the Hudson County District Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, which was ordered closed in April by Hudson County Chancery Judge Thomas Olivieri after several failed inspections.

Edelman told Olivieri that the person who probably has the most information about the shelter is Diana Jeffrey, the attorney for Hudson Animal Advocates, who has subpoenaed financial records and called for a "forensic accounting."

Jeffrey said that while she has some records from the last five years, "There is a substantial amount of money missing from 2001 to 2003."

Former HCSPCA President Hector Carbajales withdrew almost $12,000 from the shelter's bank account in April.

Olivieri has appointed the Liberty Humane Society as temporary receiver for the HCSPCA. The judge will hold a conference September 15 with lawyers for all parties interested in the shelter's ultimate fate.

Posted on: 2008/7/31 21:05

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activist
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2008/6/24 14:51
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It looks like it's business as usual in Hudson County, where the health officer, Richard Censullo, is in bed with that scumbag, Hector Carbajales. Censullo is defending his actions in keeping Carbajales because he's not under criminal investigation. What the . . . ! Do you seriously have to wait till the guy is in jail to fire his ass? Why defend him--Carbajales gets almost $100K a year for taking care of strays?! Can you say kickback? I bet Censullo can.

SPCA under microscope
Monday, July 28, 2008
The Hudson County District Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is the target of a criminal investigation by the state Attorney General's Office, according to an official with knowledge of the situation.

North Bergen and Union City were served with subpoenas for records relating to the towns' dealings with the HCSPCA and its president, Hector Carbajales, a source said on condition of anonymity.

Both towns, which had $47,000-a-year contracts with the HCSPCA, are cooperating fully, the source said.

The Attorney General's Office did not respond to phone calls on Friday. The HCSPCA was shut down in April following several failed inspections, and it has since been revealed that Carbajales personally withdrew $11,790 from the shelter's bank account that same month.

His wife Zoe faces a dozen animal cruelty charges stemming from alleged filthy conditions at the shelter on Johnston Avenue in Jersey City.

Reached by phone Friday, Zoe Carbajales said the couple had no comment.

The Liberty Humane Society brought the animals from the shelter to its Jersey City facility and has been appointed by Hudson County Chancery Judge Thomas Olivieri as the HCSPCA's temporary receiver.

Union City will review bid offers for animal control services Tuesday morning, and North Bergen will do the same soon after, according to Richard Censullo, health officer for both towns.

Hector Carbajales has been doing animal control for the towns under a new entity, Kindred Critters, until a new service provider can be found, Censullo said. He defended the arrangement, saying Carbajales has not been convicted of any crime.

Censullo also cautioned that the towns have been receiving animal control services at a very low rate and can expect to pay three times more under their new deals.

Olivieri will hold a hearing Thursday to consider what should be done with the HCSPCA facility.

The state Attorney General's Office has asked Olivieri to disband the HCSPCA and disburse its assets to other animal groups, according to Diana Jeffrey, the attorney who instigated the shutdown of the HCSPCA on behalf of Hudson Animal Advocates.

The state SPCA is also vying for the assets, Jeffrey said.

Posted on: 2008/7/31 17:30

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activist
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2008/1/27 17:56
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The day after the NJ State SPCA inspected the HCSPCA, three animals were pulled because they required immediate medical attention.

The NJ State SPCA is liable. Their inspector gave the HCSPCA a clean inspection despite three weeks worth of feces discovered the next day.

THESE WERE THEIR ANIMALS and were at the HCSPCA when the NJ State SPCA inspected:

First photo: feces in cage

Second photo: Winston emaciated (now missing and presumed dead)

Third photo: Turd in Iceberg's food dish

Resized Image

Posted on: 2008/7/30 3:07

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activists
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2006/5/6 11:20
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As many of you know, the next status hearing on the HCSPCA is this Thursday at 11 AM at the Brennan Courthouse in Jersey City.

This is a very important hearing. The Court will be entertaining two motions to intervene. One, from the Attorney General's Office, calls for permanently dissolving the HCSPCA. The second, from the State SPCA, requests that they receive statutory receivership.

The SPCA request has 'disaster' written all over it. For starters, their affidavit to the court contains several mistruths, including claiming that they only became aware of the problems at the shelter within the last several weeks. It flat out accuses at least one party that has stated, under penalty of perjury, that they had spoken to the individual filing the affidavit much earlier than that. It also fails to mention their own aborted inspection at the beginning of the year that resulted in the initial 'raid' by JC Animal Control and JCPD. If the SPCA gets statutory receivership, their is nothing to stop them from awarding the Charter they revoked from HCSPCA two weeks ago to 'Kindred Critters', Hector's NEW company, and then transfering the assets to him. In short, it could land us right back where we started.

On the other hand, if the AGs motion is granted and the HCSPCA is dissolved, the AG's office would be required to ditribute the assets to a not-for-profit with a similar mission to what HCSPCA's mission was supposed to be. Since the Jersey Journal reported yesterday that the AG's office is now issuing subpoenas in a criminal investigation
of Hector it is fair to say that they won't be giving anything to him.

Remarkably, while filing to intervene to dissolve the AG's office has NOT also filed an argument against the State SPCA Request.

Appleseed, acting as H.A.A.'s attorney, has filed such a brief. Now we need your help. We want the Deputy Attorney General to SEE how we feel. We are looking for people to march outside the courthouse
starting at 10 AM THURSDAY with signs arguing that the AG should express opposition to State SPCA's motion.

Please write us and let us know if you can attend. We are asking people to provide their own signs, but we will work with each of you to make sure they cover a variety of points. We also want a rough number of people attending so we can let the court and the press know.

Thanks again for all each of you does to support the animals -

David Norman
Hudson Animal Advocates A NJ Nonprofit Corporation

Posted on: 2008/7/29 22:31

Re: State SPCA pulls Hudson unit's charter
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Letter to Editor in today's Jersey Journal

Need pro to do animal control

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Letters to the Editor
From the Jersey Journal

Union City desperately needs a professional animal control officer. Not some political pay-off types.


?2008 Jersey Journal
? 2008 All Rights Reserved.

Posted on: 2008/7/17 12:03

Re: State SPCA pulls Hudson unit's charter
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Please come to the memorial service next Tuesday at 7:30pm with your pets. There will be a blessing of the animals.


A memorial serivce has been organized to honor the animals who suffered and died at the HCSPCA in Jersey City. Animal lovers, advocates and supporters are invited to attend. The service will be on Tuesday, July 22nd at 7:30pm at the HCSPCA shelter at 480 Johnston Avenue in Jersey City. The raindate is July 23rd.

Deacon Joe Dwyer from Best Friends will be performing the service. In addition, the public is invited to come with their pets to partake in a Blessing of the Animals.

Advocates continue to work to rehome the HCSPCA cats and dogs following the April 11th court mandated closure. Donations are appreciated and can be done through Paypal at Click on the Make a Donation button.

For more information email

Posted on: 2008/7/16 23:12

Re: State SPCA pulls Hudson unit's charter
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The shelter has since been shuttered following a string of failed inspections, as well as the grisly discovery last month of rotting carcasses in a freezer. It had been taking in strays from Union City and North Bergen.

Why the hell does this guy still have a contract? Amazing.

Even when a police officer, firefighter, or other public servant is accused of a serious infraction, the individual is suspended until cleared or fired.

Unbelievable and sad.

Posted on: 2008/7/16 23:02

Re: State SPCA pulls Hudson unit's charter
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2008/6/24 14:51
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Update--I can't believe this despicable scum still has contracts with the towns. The corruption is so frustrating. Next time this guy shoots himself, I hope he aims higher.

SPCA hearing postponed
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
A court hearing for the animal shelter manager of the troubled Hudson County District Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was postponed yesterday because the judge hearing the case couldn't attend.

A date to hear the dozen animal cruelty charges against Zoe Carbajales in Guttenberg Municipal Court will be heard at some date in the future, court officials said.

The charges were moved to Guttenberg from Jersey City because they involve the city's Animal Control Officer Joe Frank.

Carbajales has accused Frank of improperly removing three dogs from the Johnston Avenue shelter after surprise inspections in January.

The shelter has since been shuttered following a string of failed inspections, as well as the grisly discovery last month of rotting carcasses in a freezer. It had been taking in strays from Union City and North Bergen.

Those towns now have contracts of $5,000 a month with Carbajales' husband Hector, the SPCA president, to act as animal control officer while they find a new contractor.

Posted on: 2008/7/16 14:19

Re: State SPCA pulls Hudson unit's charter
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The State SPCA is as guilty as Hector and Zoe and only when it becomes apparent that the assets and property are about to go bye bye, does the State SPCA come in and revoke the charter.

They had the power over these many many years to stop the abuse, cruelty and thievery that went on in that hell hole. But instead, they were partners in it.

Shame on the State SPCA and shame on the NJ State government for allowing the archaic SPCA rogue operation to continue as it does.

We must demand better for our animals.

Posted on: 2008/7/2 11:22

State SPCA pulls Hudson unit's charter
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State SPCA pulls Hudson unit's charter

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The New Jersey State Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has suspended the charter of its Hudson County chapter, which operated the Jersey City animal shelter where the carcasses of 15 animals were removed from an unplugged freezer more than a week ago.

The state SPCA took the action over the weekend through a letter issued to the Hudson County SPCA, operator of a Johnston Street shelter that Jersey City authorities shut down in April and continue to probe.

The carcasses of eight dogs, six cats and a goat were found in the freezer last week after officials were told of a stench coming from the building, which has been the target of vandalism. Authorities say the carcasses may have been the remains of animals euthanized before the shelter was shut down.

The nonprofit, private Hudson County SPCA is ultimately answerable to the state organization, which probes animal abuse cases in the state and is responsible for reining in troubled chapters. But it was Jersey City that obtained a court order shutting down the shelter on allegations of being substandard.

The city and activists also have demanded a financial accounting from the shelter director, Hector Carbajales. A Superior Court judge last week appointed another shelter, Liberty Humane Society in Jersey City, as temporary receiver for the Johnston Avenue operation.

"The judge ordered that Liberty Humane can secure the property, investigate the financial status of the shelter and check what was done with animals that came in and out of the shelter over the past three years," said Jennifer Morrill, spokeswoman for Jersey City.

The state SPCA contends it is obligated to launch its own probe. "This is an institution that we regulate," said Matt Stanton, a spokesman for the state SPCA. "With the developments that became public last week, we decided to take this action."

Posted on: 2008/7/2 7:50

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activists
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So, Union City and North Bergen's health officer, Richard Censullo, says "If I severed or terminated the relationship right now I would be creating a terrible crisis."

Forgive me for pointing out the obvious here, but isn't giving money to a man who claims he is picking up stray and injured animals and bringing them to Associated Humane in Newark WHEN ASSOCIATED HUMANE denies this a crisis?

They are going to wait until after they "investigate to see if there is any evidence of wrongdoing"?

Considering the ten year old history of this shelter, which remains the shame and embarassment of Hudson County EVEN AFTER IT IS CLOSED, what is North Bergen and Union City waiting for?

If this is a sample of the way problems are "handled" there, I would not invest in a home in either municipailty, even though Union City offers sweet tax abatements. Look at the service provided once you live there.

Would it surprise you to know that these municipalities have been given alternatives to this pistaol-packin' reverend? Business as usual in Hudson County - more lurid, embarassing stories to play out on New York City media - the same city Hudson County is always wooing. Come move your offices here. Come live here. Yeah, right

Posted on: 2008/6/26 14:33

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activist
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Group wants state probe of shelter

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Newark-based attorney working for an animal rights group wants the state Attorney General to probe the finances of the Hudson County District Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals shelter, where the decaying remains of 16 dogs, cats and a goat were found in an unplugged freezer Monday.

Diana H. Jeffrey, an attorney for New Jersey Appleseed, said she will notify the Attorney General's office that since May 2006, when the shelter's president, Hector Carbajales, took over, he has been taking contractual payments from North Bergen and Union City of roughly $7,400 each month to pick up animals and at the same time withdrawing up to an equivalent amount of cash from the shelter's bank account.

Jeffrey represents Hudson Animal Advocacy, a donation-funded organization set up to bring transparency and accountability to the shelter, she said.

Yesterday, The Jersey Journal revealed that Carbajales withdrew $11,790 in cash in multiple installments from the shelter's bank account in April.

Officials from the Attorney General's office did not return calls yesterday seeking comment.

Jeffrey said that because most of the money was withdrawn in cash, bank statements show very little record of the payment of bills normally associated with a shelter.

Carbajalas has previously said his records were destroyed when the shelter was broken into and ransacked earlier this month.

Union City and North Bergen now have emergency contracts of $5,000 a month with Carbajales to act as animal control officer while they find a new contractor, said Richard Censullo, health officer for both municipalities.

"If I severed or terminated the relationship right now I would be creating a terrible crisis," Censullo said. "But if our investigation shows there was anything improper we will move forward and terminate the contract without further discussion."

Jersey City is still considering charges against Carbajales in connection with the dead animals found at the shelter and they could hit him with causing a public nuisance and improper storage of medical waste, city spokeswoman Jennifer Morrill said.

Carbajales could not be reached for comment yesterday.

Animal cruelty charges against Carbajales will be heard July 15 in Guttenberg Municipal Court.

The American Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals does not have any affiliation with Hudson County District SPCA.

Posted on: 2008/6/26 9:26

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activists
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People, get ready. Those of you who can, rise up this morning at 11 am. Sincerest apologies for this late post. If you can't make it (it is a work day), please let your fingers do the walking.


Rise up. If you can't be seen today, burn the wires. Use your voices (and your opposable thumbs) to get justice for those who are unable to speak (or type) themselves! Use the system to make them ALL pay. If they do not get the message today, contact all your VOTING friends in North Bergen and Union City and hit them where it REALLY hurts. I have already started spreading the word to those who don't read the Jersey Journal or have somehow missed the embarassing coverage on New York TV and radio. PROTEST FOR THE ANIMALS 11am, Thursday, June 26 Brennan Court House Building, 583 Newark Avenue, near Journal Sq. #80, 82, 84 or 86 buses or the PATH or any Bergenline Ave Jitney We Demand Justice for the Animals And a Full Investigation NOW!! WHERE ARE THE MISSING ANIMALS? WHERE IS THE MISSING MONEY FOR THE ANIMALS? DROP THE CONTRACT WITH HECTOR CARBAJALES NOW!! FIND A HUMANE PROVIDER NOW!! Persuade the towns of North Bergen and Union City to drop their animal control contract with Hector Carbajales, president of the now-disgraced Hudson County SPCA in Jersey City. Despite the court-ordered shut down, the towns of Union City and North Bergen have continued to contract with Mr. Carbajales as their Animal Control Officer -- despite the fact that activists have repeatedly made the towns aware that Carbajales has no shelter to take strays he picks up. At this stage, no one knows what has become of the strays picked up by Carbajales from April - June. One thing is clear: As of this morning, Carbajales is still the ACO for Union City and North Bergen! CALL NOW: Ask the Mayors of Union City and North Bergen to STOP USING HECTOR CARBAJALES and to find a responsible provider. Mayor Nicholas Sacco, North Bergen: 201-392-2005 Mayor Brian Stack, Union City 201-348-5755 CALL NOW: Renee Cerillo, State Dept of Health Animal Facility Inspector, wants to hear from Union City and North Bergen residents who have had any contact with Animal Control Officer Hector Carbajales since April 11th. Please call her at 609 588 3121

Posted on: 2008/6/26 7:26

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activists
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2005/6/12 15:07
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11am, Thursday, June 26Brennan Court House Building, 583 Newark Avenue, near Journal Sq. #80, 82, 84 or 86 buses or the PATH or any Bergenline Ave Jitney We Demand Justice for the AnimalsAnd a Full Investigation NOW!! WHERE ARE THE MISSING ANIMALS? WHERE IS THE MISSING MONEY FOR THE ANIMALS? DROP THE CONTRACT WITH HECTOR CARBAJALES NOW!! FIND A HUMANE PROVIDER NOW!! Persuade the towns of North Bergen and Union City to drop their animal control contract with Hector Carbajales, president of the now-disgraced Hudson County SPCA in Jersey City.
Despite the court-ordered shut down, the towns of Union City and North Bergen have continued to contract with Mr. Carbajales as their Animal Control Officer -- despite the fact that activists have repeatedly made the towns aware that Carbajales has no shelter to take strays he picks up. At this stage, no one knows what has become of the strays picked up by Carbajales from April - June. One thing is clear: As of this morning, Carbajales is still the ACO for Union City and North Bergen! CALL NOW: Ask the Mayors of Union City and North Bergen to STOP USING HECTOR CARBAJALES and to find a responsible provider.
Mayor Nicholas Sacco, North Bergen: 201-392-2005
Mayor Brian Stack, Union City 201-348-5755

CALL NOW: Renee Cerillo, State Dept of Health Animal Facility Inspector, wants to hear from Union City and North Bergen residents who have had any contact with Animal Control Officer Hector Carbajales since April 11th. Please call her at 609 588 3121. Please post and foward wherever you can. Thanks!

Posted on: 2008/6/25 21:54

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activists
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Does anyone know why this SOB is being prosecuted in Guttenberg rather than JC, where he committed the animal abuse? Any updates on the embezzelment of the $11+ thousand he stole? Sorry, "allegedly".

Posted on: 2008/6/25 17:28

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Letters show that Roseann Trezza, the executive director of the Associated Humane Society in Newark, denied claims by Carbajales that he had an agreement to take animals there.

Ms. Trezza should question her staff privately... I'll leave it that.

Whoever ends up receiving this shelter knows that there is so much work to be done in order to bring it up to code, but its potential is great. Jersey City residents should pull together and volunteer our services to help the receivers make this facility a showcase facility in the state. Plumbers, carpenters, metal workers and general contractors will be needed after "vandals" ransacked the place.

Closing it might mean that NJ State SPCA, the agency charged with ensuring compliance in the past, will stand to "profit" from this mess. The very agency that enabled the abuse should be held accountable.

Hudson County needs this shelter as local municipalities spend a lot of money sending their animals to Associated Humane in Newark.

MARTHA and CANDY--victims of their mismanagement whose deaths are not in vain:
Resized ImageResized Image

Posted on: 2008/6/25 2:47

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activist
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2005/6/12 15:07
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The president of the Hudson County District Society for the Prevention of Cruelty Animals withdrew almost $12,000 from the bank account of the now-shuttered Jersey City animal shelter, where the rotting carcasses of 16 animals was retrieved by city officials yesterday.

Sovereign Bank records show that Hector Carbajales, who now contracts independently with Union City and North Bergen to pick up their strays, personally withdrew $11,790 in multiple installments ranging from $40 to $2,200 in April from the account of the HCSPCA.

It is not clear what the money was used for, since Carbajales could not be reached at his home or by phone for comment.

But Diana H Jeffrey, an attorney for public interest law firm New Jersey Appleseed, questioned what the money could have been used for since he had no shelter to operate, and Carbajales has said he was a volunteer.

"But if that is his salary, he is the best-paid animal control officer I have ever met," Jeffrey said.
Carbajales is certified by the state to contract with municipalities to pick up strays, sick and abused animals. He has been paid for his personal contracts with Union City and North Bergen since April, when the HCSPCA shelter closed.

Jeffrey said Carbajales has not followed through on promises to supply the names of board members of the HCSPCA and has not filed audited financial statements or registered the non-profit with the state since 2001.

Richard Censullo, the health officer for Union City and North Bergen, said the municipalities awarded month-to-month emergency contracts with Carbajales while they were looking for another animal control officer.

After the decaying corpses of dogs, cats and a goat were found bagged up in a freezer yesterday, questions were raised about whether he continued to operate the shelter after it closed.

Letters show that Roseann Trezza, the executive director of the Associated Humane Society in Newark, denied claims by Carbajales that he had an agreement to take animals there.

Carbajales has approached the Jersey Animal Coalition Inc., a now-closed no-kill shelter in South Orange, to see if it would accept strays, said the manager there, Doreen Roman. She said the shelter received a handful over the six months before the Jersey City shelter closed but none since.

In April, a judge ordered the transfer of 15 dogs, 24 cats and a ferret from the HCSPCA shelter, on Johnston Avenue, to the Liberty Humane shelter on Jersey City Boulevard. The closed shelter was flooded and ransacked earlier this month.

Jersey City officials are waiting for a full autopsy on the dead animals found at the HCSPCA shelter to determine what additional charges, if any, Carbajales may face. He is already facing charges of improper storage of medical waste and creating a public nuisance.

Jersey City is returning to state Superior Court Thursday over the original closure of the facility
because of health violations.

Animal cruelty charges are pending against Carbajales and will be heard in Guttenberg Municipal Court on July 15.

Carbajales is also suing Jersey City Animal Control Officer Joe Frank.

Posted on: 2008/6/25 2:01

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Jersey City police and animal control officers were barraged with flies, maggots and the stench of rotting carcasses as they removed the remains of dogs, cats and a goat yesterday from a shelter that was shuttered more than two months ago, city officials and witnesses said.

The carcasses, which totaled 15 inside eight bags, were pulled from an unplugged freezer at the troubled Hudson County Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals on Johnston Avenue. Also found at the facility were syringes and medical waste.

Hector Carbajales, president of the HCSPCA, is facing criminal charges for violating state regulations on disposal of medical waste, Jersey City spokeswoman Jennifer Morrill said. He was also cited with additional violations regarding the state of the shelter, Morrill said. Carbajales could not be reached for comment.

Yesterday the Fire Department set up a hazardous materials unit to decontaminate workers who removed the remains, and the Department of Public Works is expected to examine the property today, Morrill said.

In early June the shelter was ransacked and flooded after copper piping was ripped out, police said at the time. The Jersey City Fire Department shut off the water, but the main building sustained "excessive water damage."

The Jersey City Health Department first learned about the gruesome discovery Friday when it was contacted by Channel 11 News following up on a tip, officials said.

A horrified utility contractor told Channel 11 that he was locating water lines; and when he entered the building he was nearly knocked over by the stench.

Jersey City is now investigating how the animals' remains were left behind when the shelter was closed.

The city is returning to civil court Thursday over receivership of the property. Criminal charges are also pending on July 15 against the operators of the HCSPCA.

In April, a judge ordered the transfer of 15 dogs, 24 cats and a ferret from the Johnston Avenue facility to the Liberty Humane Society shelter on Jersey City Boulevard.

Posted on: 2008/6/24 16:24

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activist
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2005/6/12 15:07
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The battle to provide humane animal care in North Bergen and Union City continues. Even after the SPCA shelter in Jersey City was ordered shut April 11th by the court and the live animals sent to another shelter, Union City and North Bergen continue to pay Hector Carbajales to pick up strays. Even though UC and NB have been repeated informed that Hector has no shelter to take these animals, UC and NB continue to PAY Hector Carbajales. What is happening to these animals? Even though Hector left 16 dead animals rotting in a freezer at the SPCA, and in spite of two news casts, UC and NB continue to PAY Hector Carbajales to pick up strays. ENOUGH ALREADY. Please be a voice for the animals. Call North Bergen Mayor Nicholas Sacco and Union City's Mayor Brian Stack and demand that they drop their contract with Hector immediately and obtain services from a responsible, humane provider. Nicholas Sacco: 201-392-2005
Brian Stack 201-348-5755
Please also contact the State Commissioner of Health, Heather Howard, and ask her to suspend Hector's ACO Certification pending an investigation of this matter and pending the investigation of where Hector has been taking animals picked up in UC and NB since April 11, 2008: 609-292-7837 We have to stop Hector Carbajales from working as an ACO ever again. On behalf of the animals, thank you for all that you do.

Posted on: 2008/6/24 16:05

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activist
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2006/2/5 2:30
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2008/11/25 20:46
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man this is horrible, you can only imagine how slow and painful these deaths probably were, and how long it had been going on.

...and the guy shooting himself in the foot, and the cover-up "break-in" ...only in Jersey City

Posted on: 2008/6/24 15:41
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activists
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2008/6/24 14:51
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According to news reports, the place was ?broken into? twice?the first time cages and supplies were ?stolen?. The second time, adoption records were ?stolen? and copper piping was ripped out. Sound like an inside job? Maybe he sold the cages and supplies to hire an attorney, then the attorney told him that since he didn?t do any backgrounds on adoptors or maintain pets' health, the records should "disappear". Sound plausible?

The guy is supposedly a minister too. Tax scam? or do you think he?s just one of those self-righteous ones that sins at every corner? I'll go with both.

One other thing--don't be so anxious to put this on the state or SPCA. While they should have done a better job in policing this jerk, we are too quick in this country to pass off accountability to gov't agencies everytime someone doesn't care for the kids or commits some egregious act. Maybe if there was more personal responsibility this country wouldn't be in the place it's in. Instead, it's always some mental disease/defect. Sometime people do bad things because they are bad. Based upon what I've seen, this guy is just bad.

Posted on: 2008/6/24 15:23

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activist
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2004/2/18 20:20
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Here is the WNBC TV and CW 11 news reports on the removal of the dead animals last evening.

Posted on: 2008/6/24 14:48

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activist
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2007/2/3 21:36
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these jackasses had absolutely no regard for the living animals in their care. why do we expect them to treat the dead ones with respect?

Posted on: 2008/6/24 4:55

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activist
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2006/4/18 0:04
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News channel 11 follow up story:

(Click on link to the right)

..... there is a possibility that the shelters directors may have been dumping dead animals there AFTER the shelter was shut down and all animals were removed. I'm speechless!

Posted on: 2008/6/24 4:48

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activist
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2008/1/27 17:56
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The NJ State SPCA enabled these people to operate this way. Make no mistake, the NJ State SPCA knew that this place was bad news for many years, but an inspector pencil-whipped inspections in January (eyewitnesses). The volunteers' complaints fell on deaf ears until a lawyer was hired to force the State to do something. Shame on the NJ State SPCA!

The NJ State SPCA will show up now because the land is pretty valuable.

Volunteers contacted all of the local television news media last winter and they didn't want to follow up. Friggin jackels! They waited until animals were rotting in a ransacked facility.

Finally, these people are out of the animal business... Board Members are next.


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Posted on: 2008/6/24 4:04

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activist
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2008/1/28 23:20
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Vigilante wrote:
There is a special place in Hell for this prick Carbajales.

We have our moments, you and I, but on this I can whole-heartedly agree with you.

Posted on: 2008/6/24 3:15

Re: Under-fire ASPCA shelter prez shoots big toe accidentally; said he was afraid of animal activist
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
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There is a special place in Hell for this prick Carbajales.

Posted on: 2008/6/24 3:05

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