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Looking for a Buddist/Meditation retreat space
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Looking for recommendations for Buddist temples/monastery/pagodas etc in NJ for a serene setting for a small wedding ceremony. Proximity to the JC/Hoboken/Bayonne area is a factor but participants are willing to travel for the right place.

Thank you in advance for any helpful feedback.

Posted on: 2010/3/31 16:00

Re: ox restaurant
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

A fantastic little spot. I'm happy that I had my birthday dinner there this year and very sad to see it close its doors.

Best of luck to all those who made the place such a gem.

Posted on: 2009/7/18 14:30

Re: ox restaurant
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


alastor wrote:
Generally, you don't fire your staff if you're just going on vacation, especially for five days.

Maybe you would if you want them to be able to collect unemployment for that period of time. Just sayin...

Posted on: 2009/7/15 23:03

Re: Repaving of Newark Ave.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Wait. What are these holes if not spots for trees or lighting? They are about 17 paces apart on Newark.... Photobucket

Posted on: 2009/6/25 15:39

Re: Bike shop on Grove!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

GREAT place. Had a very good experience with getting my bike tuned up. Runs like new and the price was very fair.

Posted on: 2009/6/14 13:51

Re: Yet another dramatic episode at New Music Box Cafe
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


icechute wrote:
wouldn't paint all bars in residential areas with the same brush. I've been to and lived near plenty that are responsible neighbors and do their part to co-exist for the most part without incident. Beyond yelling "SOMEBODY IS GOING TO CALL THE COPS, GET OUTTA HERE" even.

That sounds great except when you do have places like the Music Box, Latin Lounge, the old JC Winstons, etc. that are a nuisance to residents (for all the reasons we've been through) and there is no police response, ABC enforcement, etc.

When there is no guarantee from the local government that reasonable quality of life laws will be upheld, you get the reaction that NO bars should be allowed in these areas.

Or more accurately, the OVERREACTION that NO bars should be allowed in these areas.

Posted on: 2009/5/30 17:20

Re: Yet another dramatic episode at New Music Box Cafe
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I wouldn't paint all bars in residential areas with the same brush. I've been to and lived near plenty that are responsible neighbors and do their part to co-exist for the most part without incident.


Posted on: 2009/5/30 15:35

Re: Yet another dramatic episode at New Music Box Cafe
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The hits keep coming. Between 2am and 3am Memorial Day weekend. I would love to say this is a rare occurrence...or that I amplified the sound somehow. ***CAUTION**** profanity in audio

Posted on: 2009/5/27 15:40

Re: 24 Hours Anyone??
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

There is also the Paradise Deli on Newark near Coles.

Posted on: 2009/3/18 12:12

Re: Does Mariska Hargitay live in JC?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I believe her husband actor Peter Hermann lived in JC at one point so that may have been another reason to see her in the area. I ran into him at Basic a couple of times right before they married.

SVU used to shoot at the Hospital right off Hamilton Park. Since the start of the conversion to condos there, I don't think its a viable set anymore.

Posted on: 2009/1/12 5:08

Re: JC Downtown Business Wish List
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

DISCLAIMER1: I'm all about supporting those businesses that already exist, Some of what we put on our wishlists is undoubtedly already in existence, if you look for it.
That said....


an automat like BAMN! ... tination%3A+Bamn!+Automat

A movie theatre/bar/restaurant like ALAMO DRAFTHOUSE

A small live music-friendly venue like GOLDHAWK
or THE BRONZE (for fans of Buffy TVS) or the LIVING ROOM

A breakfast joint that delivers.

A bed and breakfast/rooming house/hostel run by a quirky OLD BROAD like TALES OF THE CITY or the CANAL STREET GUEST HOUSE
(the former funeral home on Jersey is begging for it)

DISCLAIMER 2: Not to make downtown into an outdoor mall (see Westfield, NJ)...but I'd rather see the "restaurant row" of Newark Ave have some staple chain stores rather than another non-99 cent store mixed in there. Esp ones that are open latenight to make the place look, y'know lively. The reciprocity btw the stores and the other establishments is a nice element of the Lower East Side.
...and its nice to have some mass produced options to mix in with vintage items.

OLD NAVY (surprised there isn't already one in Newport Mall)

Posted on: 2008/12/13 8:56

Re: jersey city woman's club?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Posted on: 2008/12/8 22:32

Re: De La Hoya vs Pacquiao Fight - where to watch?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


GrovePath wrote:
Why do they allow Boxing and not Cock-Fighting or Dog- Fighting?

Because people can give consent to participate?

Posted on: 2008/12/8 2:54

Re: Where to get a Tattoo
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Is Goat still around?
You can usually find him at the White Star. Heard he has the lightest touch and great hand from the people who have had work done by him.
He's amidst a relocation so might not be taking any work however.

Posted on: 2008/11/25 21:23

Re: Where can I donate books?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The only books I've ever had GVV Church decline have been textbooks and encyclopedias.

Posted on: 2008/11/20 23:20

Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Vigilante wrote:

Ygor wrote:

ansky wrote:
The worst are those people on the first floor near Sears always asking if you want a massage.

Highlight of many a weekend for me!

Resized Image

"Hey G.I.Joe! You like massage? 20 dolla, OK? Sears credit card accepted. Me love you long time."

Who can actually relax during these massages? There are dozens of people walking around you yammering etc. I always expect some mall "thug" to punch one of the customers in the face through the little hole in the head-rest. Would be kind of funny in a demented way.

That is often a challenge esp in the chairs near the footwear store that often plays loud music (and whose staff/clients often sing along). But it is not too much of a task to zone out for the 20 mins or so. I would imagine some ipod earbuds would be a welcome addition to the experience.
Generally choosing a less crowded time of the day to go makes all the difference in the world with regard to noise intrusions during a quick backrub.

Posted on: 2008/11/13 14:06

Indoor gardens / arboretum
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Looking for indoor gardens/arboretum/greenhouses in NJ. Something along the lines of Duke Gardens out in Somerset County.

Anyone know of any other such picturesque indoor garden locations in NJ?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Posted on: 2008/11/3 16:10

Re: Looking for a Venue to Rent to Throw Punk Show 11-15
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Uncle Joes....oh wait.

Hmmm...not a lot of music friendly venues in town these days. Non traditional might be compatible with Punk.

Lamp Post hosts live music shows. Search other threads here for contacts. Not sure how updated the below is.

The 58 Gallery I believe has had bands play IIRC

Lex Leonard Gallery is likely an option as well.

Posted on: 2008/10/14 22:49

Re: police car on fire on coles st between 7th and 8th
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


aloria wrote:

What time was this? I could have seen that ish from my window if I had not been taking a nap all afternoon.

I walked past it at about 3:15/3:30 ish with the fire dept was still on scene.

Posted on: 2008/10/12 18:16

Re: Skateboarders ask city for skate park under the New Jersey Turnpike near Ferris High School
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It would be a great addition to the area. Plenty of skaters around downtown to make it viable. Seeing how the skate parks have worked out elsewhere because of the of locals, it would be nice to see community hands on involvement in a potential park to make sure that things go right.

Posted on: 2008/9/28 15:56

Re: Living in Hamilton Park
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


murican wrote:
After 10pm, I usually get off at either the Grove or Hoboken Path stations and take a taxi.

Maybe not necessary, but does wonders for my "peace of mind".

These days NOT taking the taxis at Grove has been doing wonders for my peace of mind late nights. Theres one really nice guy in the bunch and a lot of innocuous drivers but several bad apples are ruining the bunch.

Ive rarely encountered anyone around or outside the mall in the wee hours of coming back from NYC. In most cases its been cleaning staff in the mall, police on the way to Hamilton Pk, and Taxi drivers in between.

Posted on: 2008/9/27 15:02

Re: Living in Hamilton Park
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I've come home at 2am, 3am, 4am, 6am, 7am etc, I've always been able to walk thru the mall from Pavonia/Newport station. I've rarely ever encountered anyone in the Mall besides cleaning and security staff during those times.

I've never ever had to walk around the mall, regardless of the hour. The worst case was when the entrance nearest the parking deck was closed because of construction inside the mall and I was directed to another entrance around the side.
I think that was at 1am.

Posted on: 2008/9/26 14:26

Re: Living in Hamilton Park
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


moxiebaby wrote:
I'm about to move to Hamilton Park. Is the mall access to the PATH open 24/7? Do creeps + weirdos hang out in the mall parking garage late night?

Mall is open 24/7 unless there is a construction issue, and even then there is usually an alternate route thru to the PATH.

In all my MANY nights of late night travel from Newport PATH to Hamilton Park, I've encountered neither creeps nor weirdos.
(though I likely qualify as BOTH )

Posted on: 2008/9/25 21:43

Re: What's going on with all the white t-shirts?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Totally, the white/undershirt look goes waaaay back. Its the oversized thing that is the new(ish) variation. Photobucket

Posted on: 2008/7/25 16:41

Re: Abbey's Pub
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Who's goin tonight?!? Photobucket

Posted on: 2008/7/24 15:36

Re: What's going on with all the white t-shirts?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Just to reinforce the serious answer someone else gave calling it urban camo:
The large baggy white shirt and jeans look has its roots in thug/drug dealer culture. Giving the description of "Black male in baggy white tshirt and jeans" loses a lot of power when there is an entire group of them wearing that outfit.

Its trickled down to impressionable youth, suburban and urban.

Posted on: 2008/7/11 13:57

Re: Speedbumps on the Pulaski Skyway?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Nah, still there on eastbound side. Bumpolicious

Posted on: 2008/7/10 11:41

Re: Living in Hamilton Park
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


brewster wrote:

Frinjc wrote:
As for directions, I would recommend Grove Street as an exit, faster to exit and faster walk... except in the winter where other warm considerations might take priority. Except also if you are taking the light rail.

It also has the benefit of, depending on where you end up, walking up the commercial strips of Newark or Grove. It makes you feel part of a real live neighborhood, walking past the shops and restaurants rather than through a sterile mall. Plus you can pick up anything from produce to socks to petfood to $0.99 knickknacks. (fave recent dollar find: 3 bulb LED keychain flashlight!)

The exception I would make to this would be late a night when the shops on Newark are mostly closed (esp in the hours after the bars/restaurants have closed). THAT'S when the area feels a bit more sketchy and you'll be fairly isolated on your walk to Hamilton Park. Take the cab.

The mall/parking deck might be sterile but it has SOME security presence, is brightly lit and is laid out in a fashion that would hinder an assailant from laying in wait (the deck less so). And as someone else mentioned, you walk past a police station and a fire station on the way to the park. Which, while not a guarantee of safety by any measure, is somewhat a comfort.

Posted on: 2008/7/10 11:23

Re: Living in Hamilton Park
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hamilton Park is one of the safer areas downtown. Of course things do happen and you should always think of your own safety.
With regard to the PATH station access, you could go around the mall/parking deck and walk down Gangemi (the street btw the mall and Shop Rite/Wachovia) but that area is more deserted than going thru the mall which has at least SOME security presence.
I'd think the walk from NewportPavonia safer than that from Grove street at late hours.

Posted on: 2008/7/9 21:20

Re: Speedbumps on the Pulaski Skyway?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Posted on: 2008/7/9 19:41

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