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Re: Jersey City Puerto Rican Day Festival and Parade set for this weekend
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jcguy05 wrote:

bodhipooh wrote:

jcguy05 wrote:
They need to move this mess of a "parade" out of downtown, why would you have this kind of chaos in the middle of a residential area? This is so messed up.

Move this to times square, 34th macys etc.. not in the middle of a residential area!

Petition fulop:

You keep making silly comments...

How are you going to move a JERSEY CITY event to Times Square or 34th Street? Besides, NYC has its own PR DAY parade, which happened two months ago.

No, seriously, how long have you lived here, or in this region? You strike me as one of those people that moves right next to a bar and then complains about people, noise and drinking. Or, next to an airport and then complain about the overhead noise from planes coming and going. You moved to Jersey City, where this parade has been an annual event for 55 years. Maybe you should have done your research ahead of time.

i moved here in 2004 when i bought my condo, this is the first time i encountered the PR "parade".

increase the deposit will not stop the fights, noise, garbage and chaos, short of them decide to cancel the event.

organizer will never be able to enforce and stop such chaos.

you are being very naive.

and those comparisons to airport/bar makes no sense. You really expect people to do their "research" and find out about this parade before they move here? who's the one making silly comments now?

I have been to many events in the waterfront including india festivals, flea markets that was setup, concerts by the watrerfront etc... nothing was like this PR parade, many of those people have no respect for anything.

bottomline is the majority of those crowds from the pr parade clearly do not live here, they come in, make a total mess, then leaves. I could careless if you think that's fine, i dont.

Cry me a river jcguy.

It's a summer festival, get over it. Unfortunately some ppl got out of hand and caused some trouble and left some garbage. No different than any countless feasts across NYC or NJ that take place every summer. West Indian Labor Day parade in Brooklyn, PR Day Parade in Manhattan, Portugal Day Newark, San Gennaro and the list goes on. Should things be improved and cleaned up? Definitely. However should the feast be moved or cancelled? Absolutely not.

Next year instead of whining on a message board and creating bogus petitions go down, have a drink and loosen up a little bit. We need more of these feasts and less tight a$$es like you around here. Calling everyone thugs and saying they are not from around here is a joke. There are thousands of Puerto Ricans in downtown alone, nevermind JC as a whole. If you were looking for Westfield or Princeton, you should have moved there. Don't try to turn JC into a sterile white washed yuppie playground like Park Slope and Hoboken.

Posted on: 2015/8/19 19:16

Re: Please Help Prato Bakery
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Quite a regular

Maloney's is an excellent butcher up the hill on Newark Ave.

Truglio's is Hoboken is also top notch.

No need to go to out of your way to overpriced mediocre butchers in Manhattan

Posted on: 2015/8/19 14:03

Re: Priced Out of Brooklyn? Try Manhattan
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Quite a regular

Only Manhattan is "The City".

Anyone who grew up in Jersey, any of the five boros, Long Island or Westchester refers to Manhattan, and Manhattan only, as the city.

Anyone who states otherwise is obviously from somewhere else.

Also Jersey pride and swag is strong. Maybe not for Brooklyn transplants in Maplewood who are really from Texas or Ohio, but anybody really from Jersey is proud and will let you know.

So much nonsense is spewed on these boards that its a joke.

There are some great neighborhoods in Brooklyn and there are also some dumps. Your money can go far in some places and not so far in others. Same goes for JC, Manhattan, Queens and the list goes on.

Posted on: 2015/6/1 14:43

Re: Australians investors buying up Jersey City housing
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Quite a regular

You are completely wrong SRhia and apparently have no knowledge of rent control laws in Hudson County or NYC.

If you are the legal resident of a rent stabilized unit, it is illegal for the government or a greedy landlord to force you out. When a building or large community "goes private" the residents are offered cash buyouts at market rate, or the opportunity to keep their unit at an adjusted rent.

Like it or not, rent control is a fact of life in this area. These families lived here long before the neighborhoods became popular with post college trust fund babies from the midwest and foreign investors. Once an apartment is legally in your name, it's yours unless you willingly move out or violate the bylaws of the building.

Gentrification is positive on some levels when planned properly. That being said, Dixon is an investment fund. These Australians are absentee landlords looking to force out rent stabilized residents so they can eventually flip their properties for huge profits. That just leads to generic neighborhoods that have lost their character and end up being like Murray Hill, Park Slope or Hoboken.

Posted on: 2015/4/14 14:49

Re: Christie & Cuomo Support Eliminating Weekend Overnight PATH Service
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Quite a regular


ianmac47 wrote:
This is all politics. Its not a real proposal.

1. Its a response to Fulop's lawsuit for $400 million in back taxes.
2. Its a response to the state legislatures voting to restructure the agency while diminishing the power of both governors.
3. Its a shake down for campaign contributions from real estate interests in NJ, many of whom also have a presence in NY.

If this was a real proposal, the real estate developers would be shutting down development on half finished towers rather than continuing to throw good money after bad.

Perfectly stated.

This is all bullsh*t and even the title of this thread is misleading. The Port Authority released a 99 page report proposing several changes across the board and the PATH overnight service change is just one idea of many that was FLOATED. Neither governor singled out PATh and no service change is approved or even pending, so everyone needs to relax.

This has no basis is reality and is politics at its best. All parties involved are scheming and are pushing back at each other to promote hidden agendas.

At the end of the day public transportation is vital and therefore is heavily subsidized. The MTA loses money as does the PATH and just about every other public transportation entity. This is nothing new so the the fact they mention potential savings of 10 million is a joke and a drop in the bucket when you look at the big picture.

Fulop and Zimmer are already pushing back and the banks and developers will do so behind the scenes. The 24/7 PATH service is critical and as Hudson County continues to grow, service needs to increase, not decrease. A new station is coming to Harrison and Christie's buddies have development contracts for the surrounding neighborhood that will depend on PATH so just keep that in mind. Nevermind the WTC Hub that cost 4 billion and is almost complete. 10 million, really??

What we really need is for PATH to be classified as an Urban Transit System just like the NYC Subway so that it will be eligible for additional federal funding. This could be a ploy to get just that......

Posted on: 2014/12/29 15:53

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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Quite a regular

The sense of entitlement on this board is a joke. It's no secret the Port Authority sucks but that goes way deeper than PATH trains. I'm so sorry you have to ride a 10 min crowded train, cry me a river. Better yet, take a ferry, uber or drive. Otherwise get over it.

If the PATH and Jersey City are so doomed, do us all a favor and move. If any of you clowns think that the trains in Brooklyn or Queens are any better, then the joke is on you. Pick a day and try to ride the L, F,4,5,6,A,C,1 just to name a few. The L from Williamsburg is so packed it makes the PATH look empty. Same goes for the F train that also manages to break down every day. The A/C are so crowded and dirty, it makes our WTC line seem clean. Not to mention the A/C will be shut down for weekends for the next year for Sandy repairs. Sound familiar?

WTC line is back on weekends, and the ferry is continuing so the options to get into the city on weekends actually just improved. When the 33rd line gets shut down at some point next year on weekends, it will definitely be inconvenient. The silver lining is WTC hub will finally be open and we'll be able to connect indoors to just about every subway line via the Fulton Hub. So the temporary headache will really not be that big of a deal in the long run. The work needs to be done so deal with it or leave. Complaining on a little message board won't accomplish anything.

Posted on: 2014/12/15 16:46

Re: Eminent Domain on Metropolis Towers
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Quite a regular


craigslistdiva wrote:

PotStirJC wrote:

I am surprised at the resistance to Eminent Domain on these buildings. They are so hideously ugly. Wouldn't Jersey City-ens be proud if they had their own massive redevelopment project at the heart of the city?

Although I agree with these buildings being an eyesore, they were the first high rises in all of New Jersey and I much prefer preserving anything old - even if it is ugly! 50 years from now we will look back and say no one cared to preserve the history of the area (again, these are ugly buildings but they are there for a long time!) and everything is new.

I think more than the aesthetic value of the buildings, if they tore down the massive fencing and built retail or commercial along Columbus it would serve a better purpose than what is there now.

Why do you keep calling these ugly buildings the first high rises in NJ? Please stop spewing this nonsense because you are wrong.

The Beacon (JC Medical Center), a few of the high rises in the square, not to mention the majority of Downtown Newark were all constructed more than 30 years before Metropolis. Unlike Metropolis, buildings like The Beacon and 1180 Raymond (Lefcourt) in Newark deserve to be preserved and are landmarked. Metropolis was a mistake since day 1, ruined the original street grid and divides the neighborhood.

It's completely unrealistic to think Eminent Domain would ever be an option here, but as others have mentioned there are plans in the works to build along Columbus and redevelop the property.

Posted on: 2014/10/27 17:53

Re: Proposed development on Van Vorst between Sussex & Morris
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


asny10011 wrote:
Is the issue one of being in a historic neighborhood??? Isn't there a height restriction????


PEC0905 wrote:

jcman420 wrote:
Atrocious. *15* stories? This is practically as tall as one of the Portside Towers at the end of Warren St. That is *huge*. This has the potential to change the character of the entire neighborhood. That neighborhood is already becoming overcrowded. Now they're trying to turn it into Newport.

Amazing what writing a big enough check for the proposed park will do for a developer. A lousy $150k contribution to the park? Who knew Paulus Hook could be bought off so cheaply?

Atrocious?? Strong comments for someone who probably has not seen renderings and likely does not even live in the neighborhood.
I'm assuming you prefer the vacant lot? Or better yet, you preferred the burnt out factory and desolate side street that used to be there. The one you couldn't park on because every night the cars would be broken into?
This lot backs up to the football field and will not affect the neighborhood any different than a 7 story tower would. It will add retail and parking and change the street scape for the better.
As for Gulls Cove, there is new construction everywhere. The views that didn't get lost from 18 park will now have to worry about the new hotel on Marin that will be 16 stories, and the vacant pest control lot that will be developed. There will also be high rises going up between sussex and morris on the water that will be much higher than 15 stories so any west facing views in Gulls Cove are on borrowed time anyway.

Van Vorst was all factories and vacant lots and is not landmarked. This does not affect the core of Paulus Hook centered around Washington.

If this was a block further east I'd agree with the opposition, however its replacing an eyesore and improving the block. It would fit in nicely with the Maddox and the renderings actually make the street look much better.

Posted on: 2014/9/22 18:13

Re: Proposed development on Van Vorst between Sussex & Morris
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


jcman420 wrote:
Atrocious. *15* stories? This is practically as tall as one of the Portside Towers at the end of Warren St. That is *huge*. This has the potential to change the character of the entire neighborhood. That neighborhood is already becoming overcrowded. Now they're trying to turn it into Newport.

Amazing what writing a big enough check for the proposed park will do for a developer. A lousy $150k contribution to the park? Who knew Paulus Hook could be bought off so cheaply?

Atrocious?? Strong comments for someone who probably has not seen renderings and likely does not even live in the neighborhood.
I'm assuming you prefer the vacant lot? Or better yet, you preferred the burnt out factory and desolate side street that used to be there. The one you couldn't park on because every night the cars would be broken into?
This lot backs up to the football field and will not affect the neighborhood any different than a 7 story tower would. It will add retail and parking and change the street scape for the better.
As for Gulls Cove, there is new construction everywhere. The views that didn't get lost from 18 park will now have to worry about the new hotel on Marin that will be 16 stories, and the vacant pest control lot that will be developed. There will also be high rises going up between sussex and morris on the water that will be much higher than 15 stories so any west facing views in Gulls Cove are on borrowed time anyway.

Posted on: 2014/9/22 17:45

Re: FBI raid at Barge Inn
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The Barge has some of the best Italian food in JC. Much better than some of these new over hyped hipster spots.

Authentic and old school neighborhood spot that take you back in time.

Raid or no raid, I've never had a bad meal there.

Posted on: 2014/5/2 16:22

Re: We are going to be looking to buy in the upcoming months.
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Quite a regular


JCMan8 wrote:

PEC0905 wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

brewster wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
Again, I am talking about the 33rd St line going down for every weekend for a year, not WTC.

You seriously think 33rd down for the weekends is way worse than WTC down entirely for over 2 years?

Yes, because back then a ferry was provided as a viable alternative. The worst case scenario for 33rd is what is currently going on with WTC, no alternatives at all, other than cram into an overpacked PATH train on another line way out of the way.

If and when they close the 33rd line on the weekends, the impact on JC will not be nearly as bad as the current weekend WTC closures.

The Fulton transit center and WTC hub will both be finished and you will be able to transfer to 9 subway lines very easily. You can be in midtown or Brooklyn in less than 30 min with no hassle.

Not to mention it's a direct 4 minute train from JC to WTC with no Hoboken detour.

Regarding property values, the sky is the limit here.

A 4 minute ride from where? Exchange Place? Have you seen what weekend PATH service is like now with only one line going to NYC? Do you think anyone at Exchange Place will be able to fit into the train?

Yep 4 min from Exchange and 7 min from Grove. It won't be nearly as bad for JC residents when the weekend WTC line is back because it will be a direct train with multiple subway connections in the station.

Hoboken has both weekend ferries and weekend buses to NYC so their residents won't rely on only the WTC path to get them into the city on weekends when the 33rd line is down.

In the meantime we are getting jerked on the weekends and it would be nice if we could get direct JSQ - 33 service to alleviate the overcrowding. Wake up Fulop....

Posted on: 2014/2/27 22:53

Re: We are going to be looking to buy in the upcoming months.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


JCMan8 wrote:

brewster wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
Again, I am talking about the 33rd St line going down for every weekend for a year, not WTC.

You seriously think 33rd down for the weekends is way worse than WTC down entirely for over 2 years?

Yes, because back then a ferry was provided as a viable alternative. The worst case scenario for 33rd is what is currently going on with WTC, no alternatives at all, other than cram into an overpacked PATH train on another line way out of the way.

If and when they close the 33rd line on the weekends, the impact on JC will not be nearly as bad as the current weekend WTC closures.

The Fulton transit center and WTC hub will both be finished and you will be able to transfer to 9 subway lines very easily. You can be in midtown or Brooklyn in less than 30 min with no hassle.

Not to mention it's a direct 4 minute train from JC to WTC with no Hoboken detour.

Regarding property values, the sky is the limit here.

Posted on: 2014/2/27 19:48

Re: 400 Unit Development in Hamilton Park
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Quite a regular


sp2xs wrote:
As a HP resident, my first concern would be parking. Our household has 1 car and I do use it every day to go to and from work. I have had good luck finding a spot nearby but would hate to lose that along with this construction.

I don't think the building looks too bad at all. It's not exactly like Marin is stretched with historic brownstones anyway. If the bottom floor can actually become a lively commercial area, it would be an improvement on that site.

Marin, in general, is such an unsightly thoroughfare. I realize that it is important for cars to get through DTJC and to/from the Holland Tunnel, but a street like that should be more friendly to pedestrians above 2nd street. It essentially is a barrier to the waterfront, which is a shame.

Looks like the new residents will have great views of the beautiful Newport parking garage! Will any adjustments be made to the garage to help access to the mall, path, light rail, etc.?

I'm all for development on Marin, this looks better than what is there now.

Regarding parking, no need to stress. The Parking Authority does not issue any permits to residents of buildings with parking garages (high rise or low rise). These new residents will not be able to park on the street for more than 2 hours and same goes for any resident of any other tower or building downtown that offers private parking.

Posted on: 2014/1/15 15:55

Re: PATH currently suspended 12/20 8:45 AM
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Quite a regular


Toonces wrote:
For what it's worth, whatever signal system the MTA uses allows them to run trains MUCH closer together than the PATH ever has, as far as I know. Just about every morning, I catch the A or C at Chambers, and very often if you just missed the closing doors and the train is pulling out of the station, you can look down the track and see the next train approaching.

Happens every morning at Grove. 33rd pulls out and you can see the lights from WTC approaching and vice versa. Trains departing one right after another.

The PATH is far from great but they do manage to run very frequent trains during rush hour considering the limited # of tracks and terminals. It would be nice if that was the case on weekends as well but unfortunately its not yet.

By the way, the C train is horrendous. Constantly delayed and the trains are 50 years old, falling apart and filled with bums. It manages to come only every 10 min or so even during rush hour so I'm not sure how you could look at it in a positive light.

Posted on: 2013/12/20 19:11

Re: DNA: WTC Underground Passageway to Open Thursday
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Quite a regular


ConstantReader wrote:
The crowds at the Vesey corridor/Church St. crossing were especially bad this morning. Took me two changes of the light to get across the street. It would help a LOT if the construction fences along Church St. were moved west slightly, restoring a city street lane that could be used as a sidewalk by pedestrians exiting the Vesey corridor and heading south on Church. That would drastically reduce the number of people trying to cross Church at that intersection. Quite possibly there would be no need for crossing guards to yell at commuters every day.

From what I can see through the gate at the Vesey/Church intersection, there's plenty of space within the construction zone. Maybe having that Church St. lane was more important earlier in the construction process, but not now. Other big construction sites in the city seem to manage fine without having to encroach on city streets.

Just walk a block north to Barclay St, its empty every day and no need to deal with the chains or crossing guards. Theres also an entrance to the train on the corner of Barclay and Church

Posted on: 2013/10/25 14:18

Re: Steve Fulop says police restructuring, teen recreation, abatements policy top agenda
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Quite a regular

Not sure when everyone is going to realize that this Fulop character is a fraud.

It all started when he inexplicably cancelled the citywide reval and he still has not explained his reasoning on that. The reval was almost complete and he shut it down and we are now left wondering when taxes in this city will be evenly distributed.

Its all snowballing from there. In a couple of years he will run for higher office and leave us with empty promises and a divided city....

Posted on: 2013/10/10 15:13

Re: Another McGreevy connection as a senior adviser???
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Pebble wrote:

PEC0905 wrote:
Hahaha, so how long before it comes out that Fulop hires a male aid just like his buddy McGreevey???

It's a complete joke that our city is paying a disgraced clown like McGreevey a six figure salary to do nothing, and apparently he's bringing his connections with him.

Outside of the hiring of his boyfriend, how disgraceful was McGreevey? He was actually a solid governor, probably the best we've had over the last 30 years. The hire of an unqualified person for that job was an exceptionally poor decision. However, he's certainly not the first to do so and he won't be the last.

Ask his ex-wife and daughter how disgraceful he was, I'm sure they can fill you in.

Chris Christie is a solid gov, McGreevey is a punchline who now gets paid by our city tax dollars to do nothing.

Posted on: 2013/9/6 16:18

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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Quite a regular


SteveWilson29 wrote:

heights wrote:

I know you must be new to our country but please refrain from calling the Port Authority Police "junior mall cops" especially when 9-11 is right around the corner. Many of the PAPD died and suffered when the Twin Towers fell on 9-11 2001 due to foreign terrorists reeking havoc on our soil. This is insulting and offensive you should be ashamed. I hope this comment gets deleted before 9-11 approaches.

Blind patriotism is apparently not only a refuge for the coward, but for the mentally ill as well. I know you must be new to the concept of free thought, but this is still America and I can call the mall cops what I want.

Mall cops?? Really??

You're a jerkoff Steve Wilson, and apparently have no sympathy or respect for the tragedy of 9/11.

The PAPD protects our ports and airports in NY/NJ and as Heights mentioned, were first responders on 9/11. They gave their lives to help others and protect us from these Muslim scumbags.

Posted on: 2013/9/6 15:29

Re: Another McGreevy connection as a senior adviser???
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hahaha, so how long before it comes out that Fulop hires a male aid just like his buddy McGreevey???

It's a complete joke that our city is paying a disgraced clown like McGreevey a six figure salary to do nothing, and apparently he's bringing his connections with him.

Posted on: 2013/9/6 15:08

Re: NY TIMES: Have New Yorkers finally discovered Jersey City?
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Quite a regular


JaeTea wrote:

Uhh that's been happening for years.

Ain't no one from NYC want to move to Jersey.

Once you move out of NYC you are no longer part of the NYC scene.

JaeTea, smarten up, you're a clown.

Maybe the trust fund hipsters from Middle America and Eurotrash transplants think like you, but not the average Native New Yorker.

Tell that to the thousands of well to do former Brooklynites and Staten Islanders that have moved to Monmouth and Middlesex Counties over the past 15 years.

Also, last time I checked, the shiny towers on River Rd and affluent towns in Bergen County have plenty of former New Yorkers that moved across the river.

No need to even mention Jersey City or Hoboken. Both are uniquely Jersey but have countless connections to NYC.

I guess Giants Stadium is in NY in your eyes?

The fact is that we live in one continuous Metro area and there are similarities and differences across the board but at the end of the day, everything circles back to proximity to Manhattan.

Posted on: 2013/8/21 19:46

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
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Quite a regular

Last I heard and saw, the Whole Foods in Harlem did not even break ground yet.

If it does eventually get built, it's only because of tax breaks and political games like itgirl mentioned below.

It's all a matter of opinion but I'll take DTJC over Harlem any day.

Small pockets of Harlem have gentrified but overall there are considerably more housing projects, poverty and high crime areas when compared to DTJC.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 22:01

Re: Jersey City mayor-elect orders end to citywide reval
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Quite a regular

Fulop basically just jerked everyone that bought Downtown in the past 10 years.

Typical politics and empty promises. Lie to get in office and then turn on the people that came out in force to get you elected.

Posted on: 2013/6/27 14:30

Re: Best pizza in JC????
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Rizzo's up in the Heights is on point.

Italian owned and delicious

Posted on: 2013/6/21 16:21

Re: New PATH train schedule
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Cory B, internet gangster, check yourself and don't get stupid.

I'm on the trains every day, you don't know me or anything about me. I'm Jersey born and bred.

I said it once and I'll say it again, the PATH in my opinion is better than or on par with several MTA lines.

Now please stop the whining and bitching.

Oh and by the way, don't try to act like you're from here when you thought Biggie's only location was the old Clam Broth House. Clown.

Posted on: 2013/6/6 20:16

Re: New PATH train schedule
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Anything else you want to cry about?

All you yuppies and hipsters are comical. Move here from Ohio or some other fly over state and think you have the answers to everything.

I really don't understand what all the complaining is about. We can get to midtown and downtown Manhattan 24/7 from multiple stations in Jersey City for $2.25. That doesn't exist anywhere else in the country because all other cities across the country shut down their systems overnight.

SANDY hit us hard, get over it.

Call me crazy but I've lived in either Jersey or Manhattan my entire life and the PATH in my opinion is more reliable and pleasant than several MTA lines.

There are buses and ferries if the PATH isn't good enough for you.

The Port Authority is corrupt but so is just about every other political agency in the NY/NJ area. Take a look at the MTA's budget and history of broken promises before you tell me how great they are.

At the end of the day, move out or stop b*tching

Posted on: 2013/6/6 18:40

Re: New PATH train schedule
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Toonces wrote:
My understanding is that the R will run in Brooklyn and in Manhattan, just not under the East River (so it won't connect the 2 boroughs). The 2, 3, 4, 5, A, C, and F trains are all in the BK Borough Hall/Jay St/Metrotech 2-block radius, so really, this isn't that bad an inconvenience - it just means a transfer and maybe a walk of a few blocks.

Your understanding is wrong. Try telling that to the residents of Bay Ridge and Sunset Park who now have no other options and are stuck with commutes of well over an hour to get to Manhattan now.

Bottom line is the majority of this board continues to act as if the MTA is God, and PATH is the devil, without actually realizing how much damage was really sustained by Sandy in the MTA and PATH tunnels.

We were lucky to have both the 33rd and WTC lines back as quickly as we did, because we could easily be in the same situation as the R Train riders.

Posted on: 2013/6/5 18:11

Re: Only the Food Is Exotic
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Quite a regular


corybraiterman wrote:
a fairly decent list, albeit missing a few that i would show off (kraverie, barcade, park tavern, nha trang thanh hoai, etc)

biggies is well... there's nothing all that exciting about biggies. it's a sports bar in hoboken. Yelp review: ... id:idoU_cMT4Bm1GzjJ9m9EdA

The Biggie's sports bar that opened in the old Clam Broth House is just a sports bar, def nothing exciting. You are looking at the wrong yelp. The Times article is giving props to the original Biggie's on 3rd and Madison that has been there since the 1940's. Def go check it out, worth the trip to Hoboken, it's like stepping back in time and is still as good as it always was....

Posted on: 2013/5/30 18:07

Re: Flood Zone Real Estate
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Quite a regular

The people on this thread really are clowns, so many much bias it's just laughable. No reason to hate on someone else because of where they want to live, but to tell a non-local that Lafayette is a better investment than Downtown is pretty far fetched as this point in time.

Yes there is flooding Downtown, but it's not 100% of all the blocks that flood. Hoboken is far worse overall but it continues to be a good investment due to LOCATION and ACCESS to Manhattan, just like DTJC. Over here, the same blocks flood over and over, specifically in the vicinity of Bright and Grand from Jersey to Marin. However there are also several areas Downtown that stay dry and made it through both Irene and Sandy without any issues.

If you are looking to buy here, do your homework. If a building is for sale for below market rate, that is a dead give away. Look into the history of the buildings on the block and ask neighbors. This doesn't just go for Downtown, but anywhere. Flooding literally can vary from block to block, just like low-lying areas of Hoboken, Brooklyn, Manhattan (LES, Battery Park City, Financial District, West Chelsea, etc).

Common sense goes a long way.

Posted on: 2013/5/24 14:12

Re: The Dopeness
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Quite a regular

Agreed with dahood, welcome to JC and best of luck to The Dopeness.

I will def stop in and check out the new spot.

A bunch of rats and haters on this thread that have nothing better to do than b*tch and criticize.

Posted on: 2013/5/22 16:13

Re: Cultural events causing congestion at Grove Path Station.
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Quite a regular

SMH, justjames, if I wanted to hear an a$$hole, I woulda farted.

We need more Groove on Grove type cultural events and less herbs like you.

Posted on: 2013/5/2 23:40

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