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Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
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H1-B abuse is getting out of hand. Will be glad to see the use of these visa curtailed.

Posted on: 2017/4/19 21:11

Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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Yvonne wrote:
Actually, there is a greater chance of a public school teacher molesting a child but it has received little attention.

It's kind of funny how bad both you and the author are at math. Total number of incidents =/= risk chance. The article doesn't mention risk of sex abuse in Catholic schools at all.

Also, the article seems to have the number of Catholic students wrong by half, according to: ... Catholic_School_Data.aspx

The public school system in California has 6.7 million children in it. Of course there are going to be more incidents in a population so much larger. But how does the rate compare to Catholic schools? We don't know, because all we have is one sensationalized comment that it "could be 100 times worse in public schools."

Posted on: 2017/4/14 23:02

Re: its official: entire heights must buy resident parking permit
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Weird, I could have sworn I commented here.

I think this is great and would love to see it expanded to other parts of the city. The pockmark parking zones are absurd right now, where if you go two blocks from your house suddenly you're in another zone. And having permit parking apply only during work hours makes no sense to me as most people would need parking during the evening anyway.

I like that people working in the area can get a 6 month permit for only $50 as well, which is better than taking chances and getting tickets right now.

also thought this quote was hilarious
Pat O'Melia, of Congress Street, called the measure an "attack on the working people of the Heights." O'Melia said it would hurt workers of businesses on Central and Palisade avenues.

"You might as well put red caps on that say 'make America great again,'" O'Melia told council members, "because you're all working for Trump."

wtf does that even mean? I dislike Trump a lot but a lot of Jersey City people love to freak out about any little change.

Posted on: 2017/4/14 14:01

Re: Pulaski Skyway to close for 2 years after Super Bowl:
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The retaining walls were not part of the original $1 billion Skyway rehabilitation project, said Stephen Schapiro, an NJDOT spokesman.

"If they are not reconstructed now, they would need replacing in a few years, resulting in future closures, detours, and inconvenience to motorists," Schapiro said. "This work is expected to be completed next spring, at which time the Skyway will reopen to two-way traffic."

Well at least this is additional work and not the original project being delayed even more.

Posted on: 2017/4/14 13:57

Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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Yvonne wrote:
Christopher Hambrock, Matthew Hart, Peter Steele, Louis Morales, Dennis Wayne Wilbert, Douglas Perry, Robert Colsinski, Russell Williams and Julian James. These men considered themselves transgender women and the one thing they have in common, they either beat, rape, or killed girls and women some in spaces that we call women changing rooms or restrooms. So, you are wrong. Stop throwing science out the window for political purposes. In the 1970s, people said they were a product of rape between outer space aliens and their mothers. Today, it is transgender. But no matter what generation, it is still mental illness.

Yvonne, are you in favor of banning Catholic priests from being around children? Because there's a much higher rate of Catholic priests molesting and raping children than there are transgender people committing the same acts.

If you're not, then please just admit that you're full of crap. Catholic priests are a much greater danger to society than any transgender person but I have a feeling you have no issue with them using bathrooms that children might be in.

Posted on: 2017/4/13 19:17

Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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stillinjc wrote: The bigger picture is that Walmart went up and Target tanked. Target management is one of the more dysfunctional on the planet, from customer data theft to the ridiculous bathroom policy. They are running scared and backpedalling; I am just enjoying the show, wishing I went short TGT this April. I think the bathroom backlash is bigger than you and Target will ever admit.
It's like you have no idea how stocks work. Walmart is barely up over a 5 year period, Target is barely down, and plenty of other retailers are severely down or severely up. They're both middling about, there's no holy crusade for Target and against Walmart. I think you wildly overestimate the number of people that care about this passionately enough to boycott a business over who gets to use the bathrooms. It's all about sales, and there are a million factors that go into that. Resized Image

Posted on: 2017/4/7 17:30

How to get a post office lockbox for an apartment?
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I've found the key boxes online but the locks have to be bought directly from USPS it seems. Unfortunately, their website is useless for this and their phone line is also not helpful. Does anyone know how to get one of these things set up?

Posted on: 2017/4/6 17:11

Re: St. Anthony's High School is Closing
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Yvonne wrote:
One thing you missed RCResident, I never said to use public funds or public lands. I said the city could have done a fundraiser for them. There are so many negative things associated with inner youth in JC, St. Anthony was a positive thing. In the video on Showtime, you could see how much the youth loved their school. I am sorry it is not available for the next generation. Our youth needs direction and St. Anthony HS gave them that.

Why don't YOU hold a fundraiser for it? Why should the city be fundraising for a private school? If you are so heartbroken about this, why aren't YOU doing something about it? Why isn't the Catholic Church doing a fundraiser? Why aren't St Anthony alumni doing a fundraiser? Why does the city have to do it?

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I bet if the city were doing a fundraiser for any private institution other than a Catholic-associated one you'd be losing your mind about Fulop wasting our time.

I'm sick of you hypocrites.

Posted on: 2017/4/6 3:20

Re: St. Anthony's High School is Closing
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JCMan8 wrote:
Doesn't Fulop call himself a progressive?

Guess that's limited to passing meaningless gestures, like mandating that every city building have gender neutral bathrooms. Making substantive contributions towards his ostensible cause, like saving this school because it would tremendously benefit underprivileged youth (or even trying to drum up fundraising support), is apparently too much to ask.
oh my god what are you even talking about? It's a private school, if they can't get students and funding it's their own problem. Do you blame Fulop for you Taco Bell farts as well? Get a grip, man.

Posted on: 2017/4/6 3:18

Re: Fulop ties to Kushner?
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Sutherland wrote:
That's ok, Dan. But you're nobody's Mayor.


DanL wrote:



Posted on: 2017/4/3 13:10

Re: Recos: Delicious Restaurants in Downtown JC for Groups?
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I think you need to clarify how large your group is, and if you want a private room or not.

Posted on: 2017/3/28 23:00

Re: Mayor Fulop orders gender-neutral restrooms in city buildings
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stillinjc wrote:

Monroe wrote:
5 shot in JC in the last 36 hours, but boys can pee in the ladies room! Good weekend for Fulop!

That is typical of liberals - focus on the unimportant and ignore serious issues like crime or jobs.
Is that why Republicans are so focused on this dumb bathroom thing?

Posted on: 2017/3/28 3:17

Re: Mayor Fulop orders gender-neutral restrooms in city buildings
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I think Fulop shot them himself.

Posted on: 2017/3/27 18:10

Re: Found what looks to be a missing cat
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JCList auto truncates images to be really small fyi. You should post it to as well
Resized Image

Posted on: 2017/3/26 3:13

Re: Front yard parking
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Whatever happened with this, btw?

Posted on: 2017/3/22 20:37

Re: Stop Sale of Public Land to Developers, Promote a Green City
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The problem is that a GoFundMe shouldn't be necessary. "We" already own the land as the public. We shouldn't have to buy it from ourselves to prevent the city from selling everything to rich developers.

Posted on: 2017/3/20 16:29

Re: Storefronts not shoveled
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That douchebag that "owns" the Enbankment never shovels it. I really hope the city levies massive fines against him every snowstorm.

Posted on: 2017/3/17 2:37

Re: Woman filmed as he undress in JC Penny at Newport
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Yvonne wrote:
It is amazing how people here have no regard for the rights of this woman who was filmed. This is not new, it has happened in Target. ... dale-target-dressing-room

In both of the cases you mention, the perpetrator was a man, dressed like a man. In neither case did the act have anything to do with transgendered people, or with bathrooms, and in both cases the offending person would be charged with a crime.

The illegal acts that happened here were already illegal. Please explain to me how a bill banning trans people from bathrooms would have solved any of these problems?

And don't give me this completely unproveable nonsense about "well the bill is letting people think they can do whatever!" Because neither article quotes the guy using transgender rights as a rationale. And that would also require us to pretend that there have never been peeping toms ever before. You're stretching so much you should join a gymnastic team.

Posted on: 2017/3/14 20:34

Re: Newport Mall
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GrovePath wrote:
Malls are an out of date idea - but Newport Mall should close the food court and the movies - and mimic upscale malls like Shorthills.
I can tell you haven't been to the theater or food court recently. The quality and look of the food court has been improved significantly, and now I consider the theater one of the best.

I used to avoid the Newport theater because it was dumpy, but now it's really nice. It's my preferred theater thanks to the big seats and the reserved seating.

Posted on: 2017/3/14 12:47

Re: Controversy swirls around Jersey City synagogue
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Yes, among other, much worse things. The Orthodox Jews also took over the local school boards and completely defunded them, and diverted funding to bus their children to private Jewish schools. I can't imagine them taking over JC in the same way, but I wouldn't give them an inch after seeing what they've done to other towns.

Posted on: 2017/3/3 3:49

Re: Trump Our New President
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Monroe wrote:

You're confusing 'winners' with 'whiners'. The ones having the hissy fits are the snowflake losers. And forcing young girls to shower with young boys in elementary school gyms is one of the 'progressive' ideas that cost crooked Hillary the election. Putting aside the privacy rights of 99.9% of children to favor the .1% was epically stupid. If children who are conflicted with their gender feel unsafe in a school bathroom they can go to the nurse's office.
wtf kind of elementary school has kids showering at all? You're fighting a straw man.

Posted on: 2017/2/27 3:06

Re: Trump Our New President
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JCMan8 wrote:

manu wrote:

Monroe wrote:

hero69 wrote:

Monroe wrote:
FBI says they won't push to charge Flynn, guess there's no crime folks.'t-push-charge-flynn-denying-sanctions-talk/98026844/
i thought lying to the fbi was a crime.

It is. He didn't lie to the FBI, he lied to Pence. And was fired for it by our President Trump.

No. He lied to the FBI but 'they don't believe he was intentionally misleading them' so they won't charge him... ... -against-flynn/index.html

Care to recant your blatant lie that "he knew what he did is illegal and he lied about it."

That's funny. That's the same exact defense that Hillary Clinton used when she was being grilled about her email server. "I can't recall." And the same result was that the FBI said they don't believe she was intentionally misleading them.

I remember how Republicans were so accepting of that. Interesting to see how you agree that Clinton shouldn't be charged.

Posted on: 2017/2/18 15:10

Re: Whistling Crossing Guards
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Oh my god yes, the crossing guard at Monmouth and 7th does this too. I don't know why all these crossing guards think they need to direct traffic, they just cause a lot more traffic than if they let the stop signs take care of it. I guess just walking in the intersection when kids are crossing is too boring for them. He seems like a nice guy and isn't all that bad, but I'd prefer he just let traffic handle itself naturally.

Posted on: 2017/2/8 14:43

Re: What is FM? New sign over old "Union Republic" space @ Newark & 3rd
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hahaha. Thank you for that. I do love me some hummus and falafel.

Posted on: 2017/2/7 17:49

Re: Lincoln Association Celebrates 152 Year Anniversary February 12, 2017
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
so now we celebrate the assassination of a president ... we really are a jackass nation, what next, we celebrate sandy hook killings too!

Maybe we should mourn and reflect, but NOT celebrate.
I'm not sure if you misread "Association" as "Assassination" or if you're just an idiot.

The Lincoln Association Jersey City will celebrate the 152nd anniversary of its founding at the annual tribute to Abraham Lincoln on his birthday, Sunday, February 12, 2017.


The Lincoln Association is the oldest continuously operating group in the United States honoring Lincoln. It was formed shortly after Lincoln?s assassination in 1865 and then has held a banquet in Jersey City every year on his birthday, February 12. Over the decades many figures of national importance have addressed the Association including people from the military and political worlds, historians, educators and civil rights leaders.

Posted on: 2017/1/30 13:38

Re: What is FM? New sign over old "Union Republic" space @ Newark & 3rd
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Frequency Modulation

Posted on: 2017/1/30 4:06

Re: Trump Our New President
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Monroe wrote:
We have homeless children and veterans living on our streets, and we should be spending 220 million dollars/year to NGO's that promote abortion as family planning-to other freaking countries? To groups that worked with China on their 'one child' forced abortion policy?

This kind of alt left lunacy is what got President Trump elected.
$220 million is peanuts compared to how much we give to Israel every year, or how much we spent on the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions, or for Bush's tax cuts. But I never hear Republicans complain about it. Weird.


135jc wrote:
You libs are so thin skinned. My post was humor. Also, Funny how you guys rail against the banks and the legislation that got us in the subprime mess until you are affected. Then you sing a different tune.
I don't even know what you're talking about. There's a big difference between banks aggressively issuing mortgages to people that can't afford them vs lowering interest rates for people to make houses more affordable.

As for the Detroit thing, it doesn't seem clear what happened there. It's not obvious it was fraud, and could have easily been poll station workers not properly storing ballot papers.

Here's a more recent article on it that pretty clearly explains that it was most likely user error. In any case, this is an issue of the machine tally not matching the paper tally, which isn't a problem that voter ID would solve. ... ection-problems/95477456/

And I don't see how a net of 310 votes miscount means that somehow Trump won the popular vote.

Posted on: 2017/1/24 21:54

Re: Trump Our New President
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Monroe wrote:
In the middle of all the alt left optics, look at what President Trump has done already-stopped funding foreign abortion counseling (why the eff were we responsible for that?)

The misinformation you buy into is insane. What Trump did is the same thing that Bush1/2 did, which is to stop funding any organization that even talks about abortions. Federal money does not fund abortion anything, and hasn't for a long time. This is the same crap that Republicans pull with Planned Parenthood. Even though PP does not spend any federal money on abortions, the mere fact that they do abortions in some locations means Republicans want to defund their cancer screenings and parental counseling.

What Trump has done is not to defund foreign abortion counseling. He has defunded any organization that provides any services at all if they so much as even mention abortion, even if they are primarily focused on preventative care.

And strangely enough, a 2011 study at Stanford found that whenever this funding is cut, unplanned pregnancies and abortions in countries where those NGO's were providing services RISE.

Posted on: 2017/1/24 18:00

Re: Trump Our New President
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135jc wrote:

This was already settled. Trump's supporters were at work during his inagguration.

Tell yourself whatever imaginary facts you need to make yourself feel better. I don't know why it's so hard for Trump supporters to just accept that the Northeast corridor is overwhelmingly liberal and that Trump has generally low approval ratings. It is what it is.

And while we all argue with reality-defying nimwits here, Trump is still lying about millions of fraudulent votes costing him the popular vote. I know it's because his fragile ego can't handle that he lost, but I'm worried that Republicans will use this fantasy to push even more voter suppression laws.

We also got a laughable ACA "replacement" plan which is just "states can keep it if they want or not whatever lol guys."

And of course, as his very first executive action he cancelled an FHA loan rate reduction which would have saved a bunch of money for a bunch of people, including me personally.

Posted on: 2017/1/24 15:10

Re: Trump Our New President
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Yvonne wrote:
I checked the calendar for January 20, 2009. It was a Sunday. People are off from work unlike January 20, 2016, which fell on a Friday.

Good god you people can't go two seconds without lying to make up for Trump's shortcomings.

Obama's 2013 inauguration was a Sunday. 2009 was a Tuesday. Both had significantly more than Trump's did. The Tuesday one actually had MORE than the Sunday one. Just get over it, Christ.


Monroe wrote:
When Obama said 'elections have consequences' no one called that fascist, lol.

and wtf does this even mean?

Posted on: 2017/1/24 6:33

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