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Re: Attending the J.C. Public Schools
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Heights, Glad you answered. Gave me some things to ponder in my thinking.

Posted on: 2012/2/28 1:26

Re: Attending the J.C. Public Schools
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bodhipooh wrote:

A kid comes to US with parents illegally at 1 years old. Kid is educated and raised in US culture, does well in school.
17 years later at 18 years old kid discovers he/she is alien and is going to be deported to a culture/country never lived in does not identify with.
Send the kid back? What is gained? As a country we lost a productive person that was going to enter the workforce, buy things, and pay taxes. Either now, or in in a few short years as a college graduate.
Would it say good things or bad things about a country that sent the kid away?

.......Regardless, the parent(s) who brought them here illegally, and then never made an effort to become legal, are shirking their parental responsibility of ensuring their kids wellbeing, safety and security. Don't blame the government. Blame the parents.

Respectfully I believe you totally sidestepped the question.
Sure, I grant you the parents are at fault. But does that mean the kid should be punished and sent away?
Would you have a kid that grew up under my scenario, was also a long time school friend or maybe even a church (temple, synagogue etc) friend of your kid sent away for the crimes of the parents?
If so, why?


Posted on: 2012/2/25 19:58

Re: Attending the J.C. Public Schools
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heights wrote:

The same can be said for illegal immigration after getting away with it for so long does it make it right or wrong ? And how many people are currently getting away with it ? With your theroy it sounds like a come one come all protocal. We might as well put the Statue of Liberty in front of every school. If one gets discovered and stays then the rest should follow suit. I would like to go through the proper channels to know how to evict an illegal student and be notified of the progress along the way after all it is our tax dollars and votes that make things happen. I'm curious what our elected board members have to say.

Heights, I hope you agree these are very hard questions, no good or right answer I think.

A kid comes to US with parents illegally at 1 years old. Kid is educated and raised in US culture, does well in school.
17 years later at 18 years old kid discovers he/she is alien and is going to be deported to a culture/country never lived in does not identify with.
Send the kid back? What is gained? As a country we lost a productive person that was going to enter the workforce, buy things, and pay taxes. Either now, or in in a few short years as a college graduate.
Would it say good things or bad things about a country that sent the kid away?

Your thoughts?

Posted on: 2012/2/25 16:56

Re: Looks like Jersey City isn't the most corrupt in the US
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I demand that our Mayor call a press conference today to set the record straight. No way I can accept living in the city that comes in second place.

Posted on: 2012/2/15 13:18

Re: Vets shunned by Jersey City hotel: Hudson County Executive
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Something is fishy.
I think Mr DeGise should explain:
Why he waited 2 months to make this public.
Did he contact the Hyatt before the morning of the event? His omission of when the Hyatt was first contacted makes me suspicious.
How did he come to know that the Hyatt had no other events that morning? Or is he relying on hearsay?

Frankly, I figure it is just another Hudson County machine politician whining about some business or individual that does recognize blowhard politicians severe sense of entitlement?

As to the event and the Veterans, that is neat. Glad they do this. Hard for me to believe that generation is coming to an end.
Hopefully next year something more could be done for those remaining vets. No matter what happened and they deserve better treatment from both our politicians and downtown waterfront businesses (not to mention everyday citizens) than this article reflects.

Posted on: 2012/2/14 3:50

Re: Determining 2 vs 3 family
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Called the assessor's office yes, the codes given by "tern" and "heightsbrat" are correct.

According to the assessor's office the building in question was a 3 family as recent as the '80's. For whatever reason it was downgraded to a 2 family. I suspect owners did not want to go through inspections that were required to maintain the 3 family status.

The person on the phone could not give me info on what it takes to get it back to a 3 family or if it is even possible.

It is in a R-1 zone. There are numerous apartment buildings and legal 3 family homes in the immediate neighborhood.
My questions/concerns are:
Is it feasible/possible that city will let me change it back to a 3 family in an R-1 zone?
If I am able to get a 3 family zoning, will I need to bring it to "current codes"? Current codes as I understand would mean I need to sprinkle the common areas.

Is it relevant at all that the building was built as a legal 3 family, but is now a 2 fam?

Anybody know or know what city agency I call next for these answers?

Thanks so much!

Posted on: 2012/2/6 16:18

Re: Determining 2 vs 3 family
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The house I am concerned about has "3S-B-D-2U" as a building description.
There is an identical house next door. It also has 3 floors with an apartment on each floor. It has a current "green card" and 3 tenants living legally in it. I am sure it was built at the same time, it is identical in size, layout and finishes. Its Building description is "3S-B-D-3U-H"
Anybody know the difference?
I will call the assessor's office tomorrow.
Again Thanks!

Posted on: 2012/2/5 23:06

Determining 2 vs 3 family
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How do I find out how many family an old home is "rated" for?
Situation is I found a home built in the 1920's here in JC. It is 3 stories tall, plus a basement. Each floor has an apartment on it.
For the last 10 years or so the home has been occupied only on the top floor by the elderly owner. All the other floors have been vacant.
So how do I know for sure that I am purchasing a 3 family? Is there a data base I can access? I checked tax and tax valuation records, did not learn anything that way.
I do not believe any "green card inspections have been done for some time, since only the owner was living in the house.
It is equally obvious that it was built as a three family. there is a kitchen and a bath laid out on each and every floor.

Any help or advice appreciate.

Posted on: 2012/2/5 21:51

Re: N.J. has the lowest number of public workers in 8 years -- state union workers protest
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dtjcview wrote:
Kinda what I thought. Public employees in NJ really need to talk to a financial advisor, and see if they have better options like Roth IRAs. Particularly if they are contributing their own funds.

That was the deal in the 80's with corporate raiders - they'd buy a company to raid the company's pension funds. Cities and States are kinda doing the same thing these days. If your retirement savings are at risk from the City or State - get it out if you can.

dtjcview, I got no personal skin in this but will ask anyway.
Yes, I agree City & State pensions are underfunded especially in NJ compared to many other states.
But.....that is and can be a different problem than mismanagement of the money already placed in the pension fund. Isn't it a bit simplistic to say, " If your retirement savings are at risk from the City or State - get it out if you can."?
If you do get your money out of the government pension fund how do you really know where it will go instead is going to be a better place?
Anything I have read and studied on this says that government pension funds are no better or no worse than private funds.
Again, this is a separate issue in my mind than the underfunding of the fund.

Yes a city or more unlikely a state can go bankrupt. But, when this happens how is the private pension fund going to be insulated and shielded from this? I believe even today most retirement type investments would contain government bonds or other securities tied heavily to the public sector.

Am I missing something here?

Posted on: 2011/12/16 3:24

Re: Jersey City to award non-union workers 3 percent pay hike, their first since 2008
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DickInJC wrote:

asdfdf23 wrote:Not sure what I have done to piss you off to this extent.

How about your post telling me that I was "rubbing my raise in your face" ? Totally wrong and out of line.

I went back and reread post #'s 17 & 18. It is possible that I was slightly out of line in my stating you were "rubbing my raise in your face". And if I hurt your feelings, you have my apology.

Having said that, look at the name calling you did both to myself and others after that offending post of mine. Do you feel that was appropriate? Had you pointed out my rudeness without name calling I would still have apologized.

Further, I asked two questions in my #18 post. You either ignored them or overlooked them. You did however find time to insult me and others with derogatory names.

DickInJC, As soon as I read your above posts accusing people on this forum of supporting Republicans, two questions came immediately to mind. 1. What in the world does that have to do with anything on the issue in this thread? 2. Are you (or would you be) so proud to be associated with Democrats in this state? If you voted for the last Democrat candidate for Gov, how do you feel about your former candidate? Is he really so much better than Christie in hindsight and in light of his problems of the last 2 months?

Posted on: 2011/12/16 3:09

Re: President Obama betting on new plan for struggling homeowners
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borisp wrote:

asdfdf23 wrote:
I think it is good it helps the homeowner.
What pisses me off greatly about the latest incarnation of HARP is that it gets the Banks off the hook for the bad loans that will be rewritten. Even worse is that it shifts responsibilities to taxpayers.

Well, I would go easier on banks. For a long while, ever since Clinton, the banks were leaned on and forced to lend money to the people with high risk of default.

On their own, banks were protecting themselves by (a) charging higher rates for the high-risk loans, (b) asking high-risk customers to insure their loans and so on.

It was announced to be a \"predatory lending\", banks were declared to be Bad Guys who give good rates to rich and bad rates to the poor. HUD and Fanny May were directed by law and Government to fix the situation.

What you see now - is the result of the decade of Government fixing.

Now, the Government is trying to fix it once more. Of course, the only way it can think of: when it sees that some people behave irresponsibly and got in trouble, - it forces those who were responsible, - to share the burden of those who were not.

Basically, the idea is like this: if you behave irresponsibly, and win - it is all yours. If you lose, we will force others to bail you out.

Now, for all the marbles, - whoever want to venture a guess, what will the results of this policy be?

As I hope you would agree, reasonable people can disagree on issues and both can be right at times.

I want to focus on one thing. At the Height of the Real Estate Bubble "Freddie" & "Fannie" were not buying or guaranteeing a significant portion of Real Estate Loans. Public and Private banks had gotten so aggressive in lending that they lowered their loan and credit worthiness standards so much that quasi government agencies (IE Freddie and Fannie) were not able to underwrite the mortgages that were being created. Simply put, the private sectors mortgage standards were lower than governments mortgage standards for roughly the period between 2003-2007.

borisp, are you aware that 84% of subprime mortages issued in 2006 were issued by private sector firms?
Also be aware that the market share of Freddie and Fannie and other "government" agencies dropped from nearly 50% in 2002 to less than 30% in 2005?
Last, 94% of high cost loans were not in any way connected by government home ownership laws.

Fast forward to the implosion of Sub Prime Mortgages, and we have large Public and Private banks and their defenders blaming government for mortgages that government had nothing to do with.
Government did not set up "liar loans". Neither did it force banks to loan based on false appraisals and assumption of real estate values escalating forever. These things were created by the Countrywide Mortgage, CitiBank, among numerous others.

My point in my post was the HARP program under it current incarnation takes all the risks that currently belong to a bank or lending institution and transfers that risk to government. As a conservative leaning person, I do not like a transfer of risk from private to government.
Once again we have Private Profits, Socialized losses.
Reasonably I ask you to explain to me why we should reward such behavior by banks? If you are a banker, I can understand your desire for this.
Therefore, if you are a banker or work in the industry please let me know so I can understand your bias.

May I also suggest you read: ... isaster/?pagination=false

http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.c ... -wrong-is-bloomberg-.html ... loomberg-mortgage-crisis/ ... rtain-regarding-the-gses/

Posted on: 2011/12/15 14:49

Re: Jersey City to award non-union workers 3 percent pay hike, their first since 2008
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DickInJC wrote:

asdfdf23 wrote:

DickInJC wrote:
I should have realized it was a waste of time posting in a forum frequented by piss ants like you.

Carry on and have a nice day !

It appears that even after receiving a raise you are a bitter person. I pray that life gets better for you.


I'm not bitter. I just won't tolerate idiots like you.

That's too bad. Not sure what I have done to piss you off to this extent. But if calling me names and making judgements on my intelligence serves a purpose, I suppose I should be grateful that I can give you some satisfaction in life. It is even more obvious to me that your raise did little to give even a modicum of satisfaction.

DickInJC, I sincerely and humbly suggest that whatever contact you have with fellow city employees and the Jersey City taxpaying public you should consider civil and thoughtful treatment.

Attitudes such as yours are precisely why numerous people question the awarding of raises to city employees, especially in such trying economic times for so many of us.

IMO you have done much more damage than good to your cause.

Posted on: 2011/12/14 2:20

Re: Gas Furnace Repair
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Just can't stay away

IMO another possibility is backdrafting blowing the pilot out.

Posted on: 2011/12/13 18:42

Re: Jersey City to award non-union workers 3 percent pay hike, their first since 2008
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DickInJC wrote:
I should have realized it was a waste of time posting in a forum frequented by piss ants like you.

Carry on and have a nice day !

It appears that even after receiving a raise you are a bitter person. I pray that life gets better for you.


Posted on: 2011/12/13 14:23

Re: Jersey City to award non-union workers 3 percent pay hike, their first since 2008
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DickInJC wrote:
I had nothing to do with property tax increases. I pay the same increased taxes as you do.

If you work someplace that cut your pay and benefits by 30% that is unfortunate. But don't take it out on me.


By the same standard as your statement above, I suggest you do not rub it in my face that you get a raise when I, ultimately the person that pays you, have had my pay cut over the last 3 years and I do more work.

If your employer gives crappy service, cuts services, and then demands more $ from the fee payers why should you expect a raise?
If you are not happy with your pay and benefits at the place you work, perhaps you also should look for employment elsewhere.
Respectfully, I got a hunch that if you did not get this raise you would probably stay where you are, it isn't greener in the private sector for you at least not right now. Let me know if I am wrong.

Last if you work for the City or County Government, I find it hard to believe that you "had nothing to do with property tax increases." Maybe not in a direct way, but indirectly, yes, you did have something to do with it. Ever increasing property taxes pay your wages/benefits.

Carry on and enjoy your day!

Posted on: 2011/12/12 14:57

Re: Landlord question - what should be added to the standard NJ rental lease form?
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First off, what is the "Standard" NJ Lease rental form? Your Standard form may be different than mine.

Having said that I use a Blumberg lease designed for a 2-5 family dwelling.
To it I add:
Provision that tenant is responsible for all Recycling/Garbage including fines received.
Late Payment fees $50 if rent not pd by the 5th. $50/day fee rent not pd by the 10th.
Dishonored check fee of $50.
Depending on the property I may add a clause about tenant responsible for snow removal and lawn care.

Make them give copies of SS cards, drivers licenses, paychecks and do a credit check. If they are not willing to give you these things, look for a different tenant.

Mostly I try not to rent to #SSWhoeles. If you make the mistake of renting to them, the piece of paper called a lease can be worthless IMO.

Hope that helps.

Posted on: 2011/12/12 14:36

Re: Credit card skimming -- gas station?
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cstone wrote:

The last place I used it locally was at Broadway Gas on Broadway to top off the UHaul. Not sure yet where the skimming actually happened, but FYI.

Hey All, I use this business (Broadway Gulf) fairly frequently. Have always been ecstatic with their service. Owned by one family owned for like 40 years or so.
I doubt this is where the skimming occurred based on my numerous interactions with the brothers.

Posted on: 2011/12/12 3:13

Re: Where to buy car body parts?
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Most wholesale Auto parts supply stores (ie NAPA) would have these available in a day or less. Pep boys and Strauss Auto should also be able to get them in 24 hours.
I personally would go to or

Posted on: 2011/12/2 3:36

Re: Governor Christie: The War on Drugs Isn't Working
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ianmac47 wrote:
Hahahahah, and yet Christie has done his best to prevent the implementation of New Jersey's medical marijuana law. I guess the polling information has convinced him to flip-flop.

IMO it is not a flip flop on Christie's part. He can get headlines and You Tube views by making statements like "War on Drugs is not working".
As to NJ's Medical marijuana law, Christie can slow foot it through the process, create obstacles at every step. Doing so does not get the attention, after all who pays attention to this part of "drug" laws.
Christie is at the core just another corrupt self serving politician. The cynic in me knows that Christie comes out as against war on drugs only because public sector unions have so much self interest to keep the status quo on the so called "war on drugs".

Posted on: 2011/12/1 16:47

Re: Jersey City Heights: School Recommendations?
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What age are the kids?

Having asked that I will say as parent of an 8 year old:

PS #8, - as in all JC public elementary schools if your kid gets a good teacher, all is good. The administration? I would rate as below average but that is probably true for nearly all JC public elementary schools. Two years ago my then 6 year old needed some special education. The Special Ed teacher was truly less than worthless. I tried complaining a bit but soon realized it would be a waste of time, the system protected the infective teacher.

St Nicholas- I looked into this, felt it was probably a good school but did not fit our needs. I have a friend who's 4th grader has attended since Kindergarten, he is, and always has been, satisfied. I would not hesitate to send my kid their now.

Liberty Academy Charter - Probably OK. However, I read some of the reviews and gave it a pass. I might use it if it were closer to my home but would never be thrilled about it.

This will be the second year I haul my kid (now 3rd grade) to Ethical Community Charter on Broadway. Not in The Heights but I truly feel it is worth the trip. While I do not use it, there is a reasonably priced school bus that runs in AM. In PM I presently car pool with one other parent, so only need to pick up 1/2 the time. Last year it was 3 parents sharing evening pickup, that was even better. It is a relatively new charter but I have been overwhelmed by the response to situations. Seems like they strive to provide what is best for the kid in all ways.

Hope this helps.

Posted on: 2011/12/1 3:13

Governor Christie: The War on Drugs Isn't Working
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Check out the one minute video :

Can anyone link to NJ Democrats taking such positions?
Or is it possible unions in Law Enforcement, Penal System, and other government complexes would find this troublesome because it might mean less workers needed?

Posted on: 2011/12/1 1:34

Walk the Bergen Arches?
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Is it safe for a healthy person to walk the Bergen Arches during normal daylight hours?

Posted on: 2011/11/28 2:08

Anybody use or other similar sites?
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Hey All!
Anybody have any first hand experience using snapgoods, rentalic or ziloc?
Note: these are NOT real estate rental sites, they are for "stuff". The for sale portion of craigslist set up as rentals I guess.

I discovered this from ... n-economy-is-failing.html.

In any case if you have been a "rentor" or "rentee" I would like to hear about it. What site you used and your experience, good or bad.


Posted on: 2011/11/27 21:12

Re: Jersey City off-duty cop involved in crash that caused woman's death
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Frank_M wrote:
In all likelihood more information will eventually become known to us, so hey, let?s be objective out there.

Objectively the cop has:
1. Been officially disciplined this January for hiding cars keys outside a Healy fundraiser. Not a major thing but does show lack of judgement IMO.
2. Been a Patron of now-deceased physician Joseph Colao. This doctor frequently faked diagnoses and prescribed drugs that were filled by a Brooklyn Pharmacy. The pharmacy's records show officer Garrison recieved prescriptions for testosterone and HCG, a testosterone-boosting hormone.
3. Among off-duty officers sued in connection with an alleged assault on a Hudson County Sheriff's Officer outside a bar near Lincoln Park. Jersey City paid out $175,000 to settle the lawsuit.

Frank_M, you are an optimist.
Being pessimistic on these issues, I think the only information we will get in the next couple of months is that Officer Garrison will retire with a fat pension. I further predict he will show up somewhere else in the region and be a future proud double dipper. I hope (and think) he will be a bit too toxic for Hudson County.

Posted on: 2011/11/24 2:18

Re: Heights - New York man shot in leg, possibly over drugs
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In the 4 years I've been here (Ravine Ave Near Webster) I feel like the neighborhood has been getting slightly better. Just my opinion, yours may (does) differ.
I have not heard of "Heights Hope". I will also check into it.
So far the neighborhood groups I have seen have not been that effective or active. We certainly could use some focus in that respect.

Posted on: 2011/11/23 19:36

Re: Once again Healy breaks the law for political purpose
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For Thanksgivings sake LIGHTEN UP!!!!!

One must always look at the positives.
At least our good, clueless, incompetent intellectually challenged mayor did not do a WKRP style turkey drop. LOL

As God is my witness. I do not think politicians can act any more stupid than a JC mayor.

Posted on: 2011/11/20 3:10

Re: JSQ: Woman walking to pick up grandchild after school is struck and killed on St. Paul's Avenue
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Just can't stay away

Jersey City Drivers, at least in the Heights and JS are very rude, inconsiderate and dangerous.
I drive my kid daily from the Heights to a Charter on Broadway. The number of times I am passed on the left while waiting at a crosswalk is astounding. On top of that I have people swinging around on my right when I want to make a left turn just to beat me by a car length. I am not a slow driver, there is no excuse whatsoever for the actions of this douche bags. It is so blatant and pervasive. I truly think the only viable solution is more enforcement by police.
When I read the story above and found it involved a tow truck, my first thought was: "I wonder if it was the tow truck driver that made 3 illegal lane changes to get ahead of traffic about 3 weeks ago when a long line of cars was waiting to turn left from Broadway onto Tonelle."
In regards to that "crazy" crossing guard at St Paul's & JFK. Yes I agree she is crazy but she is very effective. Something tells me she was not at this corner when this accident happened.

Posted on: 2011/11/19 20:27

Re: Do we need a strong republican mayor?
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Before I answer, I need to know why you phrased the question like this.
I can not for the life of me understand why a strong (or good) mayor would need to be a member of the Republican Party.
I can say that as a registered Democrat I would happily and publicly vote for most any Republican if they were running against our current mayor or anyone coming out of the HCDO.
Anyone got a problem with this?

Posted on: 2011/11/9 19:31

Re: contractor for Ductless, Mini-Split Air Conditioner/Heat Pumps
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Josiered wrote:
I can give you an answer but I need to know is it a two story home? Is there a basement or attic - before you can design a system you need to know what you are working with. Let me know.

That's Fair enough.
I said originally that:
"What is the best way for me to effectively cool my 100 year old home, I have steam heat, would like to have at least a couple of zones in my 2 level 2000 sq ft home?"
What would you tell them?

To this I will add:
no attic spaces or kneewalls. Retrofitted closed cell foam sprayed in in "Rafter" spaces with Sheetrock directly below (unventilated roof).
Basement has the (steam) boiler. It is semi finished. I have no interest in cooling the basement, the 2000sq ft home is on two levels (above the basement). I would like 2 zones (up and down) but would be happier with 3 (my top level has 3 bedrooms, in a perfect world I would like 1 of the bedrooms to be on its own zone.
My lower level (first floor) has been retrofitted into a very open space. Living, dining and kitchen with limited closet space.
Let me know if I you need you more info.

Posted on: 2011/11/4 22:55

Re: contractor for Ductless, Mini-Split Air Conditioner/Heat Pumps
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So far you have only criticized and not offered what in your opinion are viable options for cooling an older home.
If your best friend or beloved family member came to you and said, "What is the best way for me to effectively cool my 100 year old home, I have steam heat, would like to have at least a couple of zones in my 2 level 2000 sq ft home?"
What would you tell them?

RE Unico, I have numerous clients that have been very happy with their UNICO and SpacePak installs.
Having said that, it is a specialized product that is not good in all applications. Even more so than conventional AC and mini-splits, high velocity (Unico or SpacePak) is dependent on quality and professional installers/ contractors.

Looking forward to your advice on my theoretical install.

Posted on: 2011/11/4 18:34

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