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Re: Live on Coles, 6th or 7th? If you haven't checked your CO and Smoke detectors ..CHIRP.. please do so
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2013/4/7 4:27
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2017/6/15 6:51
From Bergen Lafayette
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Posts: 93
It sounds funny but I do agree that it is a serious issue when it disturbs people's sanity.

"Noise pollution is the disturbing or excessive noise that may harm the activity or balance of human or animal life. "

Do you think it could be included under the types of noises that can be reported to county health agencies?

Posted on: 2014/8/8 21:28

Re: Live on Coles, 6th or 7th? If you haven't checked your CO and Smoke detectors ..CHIRP.. please do so
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2010/2/12 1:07
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2017/12/12 15:06
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Thanks JCListers for the suggestions and empathy. I don't want to "burn" my friendly neighbors by reporting an unknown location issue to the JC fire department in$pector$. All of us would somehow pay a fine, I'm sure.

As for real estate signs to identify empty apts..none.

Lately it's been getting I hear it when I shouldn't....the constant low-battery chirping has entered my dreams...CHIRP!... As soon as we pull the curtains closed to sleep, the CHIRP becomes amplified in the quiet nighttime air.

And this: If the detector is electrified (likely), the dreaded realization that this CHIRP will become a permanent noise has occurred to me....CHIRP!....part of my Jersey City existence until I move...perhaps deep into Amish country.

Google the issue, and you'll read some sad stories of placid denizens who have learned to live with the sound of out-of-reach smoke detectors chirping away in their day-to-day lives---for years. The permanent bird call forever crying out for a battery twice a minute of every hour of every day forever nested in the eaves their unconscious.

So shall it be?

Perhaps not. I've got an air conditioner I could install to drown out the beeps (so-long perfectly cool fresh air). I've already met with a couple neighbors and left a couple notes on doors. Next: A full on neighborhood awareness campaign? Billboards? Marching bands?

Posted on: 2014/8/8 18:01

Re: Live on Coles, 6th or 7th? If you haven't checked your CO and Smoke detectors ..CHIRP.. please do so
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2013/4/7 4:27
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2017/6/15 6:51
From Bergen Lafayette
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This alarm chirping is a huge problem all over the Heights.

My husband and I call it the Jersey City Warbler.

Posted on: 2014/8/5 14:58

Re: Live on Coles, 6th or 7th? If you haven't checked your CO and Smoke detectors ..CHIRP.. please do so
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2005/7/13 15:03
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1/14 17:44
From Western Slope
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Call the fire department !

Posted on: 2014/8/5 11:07
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: Live on Coles, 6th or 7th? If you haven't checked your CO and Smoke detectors ..CHIRP.. please do so
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2010/8/17 1:45
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2020/8/26 13:40
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Likely a rental/unoccupied listed property - had the same problem on my street a few months back. Call the realtors on the nearby signs - they'll sort it out for you.

Posted on: 2014/8/5 0:54

Re: Live on Coles, 6th or 7th? If you haven't checked your CO and Smoke detectors ..CHIRP.. please do so
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2010/2/5 18:48
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2019/7/7 17:42
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Best post all week and it's only Monday. I've heard it too and hope that our neighbors will identify and replace the battery. The horror of the fire on Fifth Street and Coles is still so fresh in all of our memories.

Posted on: 2014/8/5 0:30

Re: Live on Coles, 6th or 7th? If you haven't checked your CO and Smoke detectors ..CHIRP.. please do so
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2011/5/21 14:02
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2019/3/14 15:55
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HAHHAH.....subtle hints but your message comes across loud and clear.......CHIRP!

Posted on: 2014/8/4 20:18

Live on Coles, 6th or 7th? If you haven't checked your CO and Smoke detectors ..CHIRP.. please do so
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2010/2/12 1:07
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2017/12/12 15:06
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Posts: 49
Please. ......CHIRP!.......For your neighbor's sanity and your own safety ......CHIRP!...... check your detector's battery. The battery is low. ......CHIRP!...... It has been chirping every 30 seconds for a WEEK ......CHIRP!......Loud enough to annoy, yet indistinct enough that we can't locate it and knock on your door......CHIRP!......

It must be in your basement ......CHIRP!...... or empty apartment, because ......CHIRP!......c'mon, who can ignore that CHIRP for a week? We've been trying ......CHIRP!......

May I recommend ......CHIRP!......the amazing CO + Smoke combo units that have a 10 YEAR self-contained battery? ......CHIRP!...... A safety plus environmental PLUS ......CHIRP!......a sanity WIN! The Home Depot ......CHIRP!

Side note: Anyone want to join me in a petition to make Jersey City's Official City Bird ......CHIRP!...... the dying Smoke detector?

Posted on: 2014/8/4 19:20

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