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Re: Basement mold from Sandy
Quite a regular
Taking on water is not a guarantee that mold will form.
If you have access to the space, inspect to see if there are any signs of mold (use your eyes and nose). If there are signs of mold, I would first give your landlord notice in writing (registered mail return receipt requested) and referencing your prior conversations. Sometimes this small escalation is enough to move a landlord to action, and it provides you with a record is there are further problems. The good news is that mold remediation is usually not that tough. It's highly dependent on the materials involved, though. Porous material like sheetrock has to go. The city has been ok about following up on landlord/mold complaints, especially if you follow up with them. Check it out first and then check back.
Posted on: 2013/3/9 5:18
Basement mold from Sandy
Anyone know anything about mold?
I rent a garden level apartment. The basement below my unit got about a foot of water up through the drains during Sandy. The day after the storm, I told my landlord who promised to have it cleaned out, treated, blah blah blah. Nothing as of yet. I don't actually use the basement for anything, it's just unfinished space where the water heaters and gas meters sit. But it's right below my (wood) floor and I'm wondering how scared I should be of mold growing down there? It's dusty and there are clear water marks on the floor and walls, but I don't know how to tell one kind of dirt from the next (growing) kind. It's my health I'm concerned about, not my rented wood floor. I've been politely reminding my landlord every rent check time of the month. I'm wondering if I should start throwing hissy fits or just wait it out until I can move?
Posted on: 2013/3/9 4:33