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Remediation of the Kopper Koke site in Kearny
Home away from home
In case you were wondering what used to be at the site in Kearny, off Rt. 7, where they are encapsulating the site in clay: Before the construction of natural gas pipelines, coking facilities were used to make more than coke. They also manufactured the gas that was used for cooking stoves and for a time, lighting; up until around the early 1960's. Back then though, the 'gas' was only part methane. A good part of it was carbon monoxide. This is where the idea came of committing suicide by "sticking your head in the oven" came about. If you scroll through the pics, you can see that you can't see too far into the distance due to the amount of smog. The air is much better today than it was 60+ years ago. It was even worse 100+ years ago when heating was primarily from coal burning fireplaces.
Posted on: 2012/2/15 17:00