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Re: skylight/roof access replacement - suggestion for service provider
Home away from home
someone else mentioned that place as well...
Posted on: 2010/1/14 16:53
Re: skylight/roof access replacement - suggestion for service provider
Home away from home
2009/10/7 15:46 Last Login : 2024/7/1 0:32 From jersey city
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Cinelli Scrap Metal
275 Broadway Jersey City, NJ 07306 It?s at the foot of Broadway kind of across from the Wilson Carpet guy. This is the place where all of those junk trucks go to cash in their treasure. You know the guys that drive around JC in the pickup trucks with metal piled high on the back. I think you drive onto a scale with the truck they weigh it, dump your stuff, then weigh the truck again. I had a few big motors I wanted to get rid of. I put them in my car and drove down to Cinelli. I gave them all to the first junk truck guy I saw.(the guy with the smallest pile) He was very happy..there was a lot of copper wire in the motors!!
Posted on: 2010/1/13 22:05
Re: skylight/roof access replacement - suggestion for service provider
Quite a regular
2007/10/24 16:56 Last Login : 2015/6/2 18:16 From West Bergen
Registered Users
Bayonne Roofing installed my skylight 5 years ago...(knock of wood) and I haven't had any issues.
Posted on: 2009/2/23 15:04
skylight/roof access replacement - suggestion for service provider
Not too shy to talk
i need urgent repair/replacement to the skylight/roof access for my house. any suggestions for contractors/service providers who specialize in this kind of thing? thanks as always for your suggestions
Posted on: 2009/2/23 13:07