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Re: 550 Newark Ave
Home away from home
2009/10/7 15:46 Last Login : 2024/7/1 0:32 From jersey city
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Bike Lane's link doesn't work for me...but I am assuming it is this.... Variance PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF JERSEY CITY ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION FOR AMENDED PRELIMINARY AND FINAL MAJOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL, VARIANCE FOR EXPANSION OF NON-CONFORMING USE AND BULK VARIANCES BY MIDTOWN PROFESSIONAL CENTER CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 550 NEWARK AVENUE (BLOCK 8206, LOT 24) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT on Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall of Jersey City, located at 280 Grove Street in Jersey City, New Jersey 07302, the Zoning Board Adjustment of the City of Jersey City will hold a public hearing on the following matter, at which time and place all interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard. You may appear in person or by agent or attorney and present any objections which you may have to the granting of approval of this Application. The subject property, located at 550 Newark Avenue (known as Block 8206, Lot 24 on the Jersey City Tax Map), is the site of a medical office building and is located in Jersey City's R-1 residential zoning district. The medical office use was approved by the Zoning Board of Adjustment in 1989, when the property was located in a C-2 commercial zoning district. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider the application of the association of condominium owners of the property, Midtown Professional Center Condominium Association ("Applicant"), for relief required for Applicant's proposed addition of eight (8) valet parking spaces in the northern corner of the property and proposed increase in stall depth of nine (9) existing parking stalls in the existing parking garage. No changes to the existing medical office building are proposed. In connection with its proposed addition and enlargement of parking spaces, Applicant seeks (1) amended preliminary and final major site plan approval; (2) a variance under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(d)(2) for the expansion of a non-conforming use, as medical offices are not permitted uses in the R-1 residential zoning district; and (3) bulk variances under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(c)(1) and/or N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(c)(2) for a side yard (one side) setback of .5 feet, whereas 2 feet are required; a total side yard setback of 2.6 feet, whereas 5.08 feet are required; and a building coverage percentage of 74%, whereas a maximum of 60% is allowed. To the extent the Board determines that three (3) preexisting nonconformities on the property require variances under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(c)(1), Applicant also seeks the grant of such variances. Specifically, the property has the following preexisting nonconformities: (1) a rear yard setback of .5 feet, whereas a minimum of 20 feet is required; (2) a total front and rear yard setback of 7.2 feet, whereas a minimum of 35 feet is required; and (3) an impervious coverage of 99.3%, whereas a maximum of 85% is allowed. Applicant further seeks any variances and waivers/exceptions that are discovered during the review of this application and/or which are deemed necessary by the Board. All documents pertaining to this application may be inspected by the public between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. in the Office of the Division of City Planning, located at the City Hall Annex at 1 Jackson Square (also known as 360 MLK Boulevard) in Jersey City, New Jersey 07305. Midtown Professional Center Condominium Association Henry T. Chou, Esq. HILL WALLACK LLP Attorneys for Applicant 21 Roszel Road Princeton, New Jersey 08540 03/18/19 $90.00
Posted on: 2019/3/21 19:10
Re: 550 Newark Ave
Just can't stay away
Good work digging this out, but the letter I received on this hearing is NOT about parking spaces I don't think. It is related to a "major site plan approval", and the entity trying to get the variance approved is Midtown Professional Center Condominium Association.
Date of hearing is 3/28, 6PM at City Hall.
Posted on: 2019/3/21 14:40
Re: 550 Newark Ave
Home away from home
No, they just want to add a few more parking spaces: ... tT9KZ51vbQybbZW9_NxG/view
Posted on: 2019/3/20 20:08
550 Newark Ave
Just can't stay away
Is this large medical center getting torn down to pave way for a residential condo building? I got a letter in the mail about a zoning board public hearing...
Posted on: 2019/3/20 17:45