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Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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2013/9/9 11:06
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From Jersey City Ward C
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Now I wanna know how much Hudnut's office costs

Posted on: 2017/10/28 18:33

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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2017/10/10 7:29
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2020/12/12 3:48
From JC
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On the subject of contributions I found this link very helpful - ... eipts/contribution-types/

"Goods or services offered free or at less than the usual charge result in an in-kind contribution."

"Goods (such as facilities, equipment, supplies or mailing lists) are valued at the price the item or facility would cost if purchased or rented at the time the contribution is made."

I think these two quotes will answer most people's questions regarding discounted rent. Gifts and discounts of any kind are counted as campaign contributions and they must be charged at the same rate anybody else would be charged at that time.

This is a problem for Symes because the premises of her campaign HQ were clearly being offered for lease for $5000 up until she moved in in October.
If she is paying $2000 per month then she is receiving an in-kind contribution of $3000 per month from a developer. Assuming a two month lease that's a $6000 donation, $3,400 over the $2600 campaign limit.

For Grillo it is slightly more complicated and possibly far worse. He has had his office since at least May so you have to figure 7 months rent. If, as the JJ article states, his office is comparable to Solomon's and we take John D. Fiorito's word that he is charging Grillo $600 per month that's a staggering in kind contribution of $13,300 over 7 months, $10,900 over the limit.

Incredibly Grillo's office is in the very building that Fiorito hopes to develop - ... downtown_jersey_city.html

Of major note from that article -
"Frederick Cooke, of C+C Architecture on Newark Avenue, designed the new building, which will replace a three-story existing structure housing six residential units and Fiorito's offices."

It looks like Fiorito and Grillo were sharing an office back in May and may still be today. That could explain the cheap rent if they're sharing office space, but that would involve Grillo admitting he shares and office with a developer.

Additionally if Fiorito is using the office space that he owns then he is almost certainly paying himself rent which, according to how he structures his taxes, may be very high or very low. Either way it could be used to indicate what Grillo should be paying.

Back to Symes/Peter Mocco connection for a little coda to my previous post - a recent Augie Torres column notes that regarding the Fulop tape,

""former" Fulop campaign adviser Tom Bertoli's name was dropped by the employees who were "inadvertently" recorded. Bertoli told the Journal he has no idea why his name was used."

and that Rebecca Symes,

"seems to have Bertoli on her side. It appears Bertoli moved from assisting Grillo." ... re_political_insider.html

Back in the 90s the Mocco brothers waning political fortunes in North Bergen led to the rise of Nick Sacco and orphaned a young Tom Bertoli. ... w-sacco-got-to-the-dance/

"The power behind the throne, an indicted Mocco went belly up before the next election in 1991, when incumbent Gattoni and his fast rising ally Sacco ? a school board fixture ? squared off against a commissioners? ticket headed by Tommy Bertoli.

The public safety-minded Gattoni and Sacco beat Bertoli and on election night, the aging Gattoni declared Sacco mayor.

Gattoni ran again with Sacco in 1995 and retired in 1999. He died in 2001.

Bertoli reanimated himself as the political operative who teamed up in the millennium with future Mayor Steven Fulop, remaining with Fulop as trusted confidant and chief political adviser through Fulop?s successful 2013 Jersey City mayoral campaign and to the present."

Posted on: 2017/10/28 18:25

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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2013/9/9 11:06
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The other thing I didn't get about the Grillo story the Jersey Journal did was that he was going to pay in January 2018 for the rent. Not December. Is this because the run-offs were in December? Would he really have paid at all for this space if not for the Journal's story?

Posted on: 2017/10/28 0:51

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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2009/5/12 22:51
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Not sure that renting that storefront @ $2k is a sign of great negotiations... it curiously has been empty for well over a year. It seems like all the other stores / restaurants have been doing well.

Posted on: 2017/10/28 0:15

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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This is why I like Rebecca. She is a strong candidate who knows how to negotiate with real estate developers. I am sure she will succeed in bringing affordable housing to Jersey City. This certainly a sign that she knows how to use her old friends and employers to benefit herself. Go Rebecca, go! Quote:

JCvoter wrote:
Thank you for posting this Jim, dark contributions from developers who seek to win favor with our elected officials should rightly be brought to light.

It appears to be a common problem among Ward E candidates of a certain stripe.

For example Rebecca Symes is paying $2000 rent to First Connecticut Holding Group, owners of 211 Washington St.

Resized Image

Resized Image

That's less than half the $5000 rent the 950sq ft space was advertised as having September of this year and indicates Symes is receiving an in-kind gift of $3000 a month.

Resized Image

First Connecticut Holding Group is owned by shady developer Peter Mocco who built Liberty Harbor North on land sold to him for $880,000 by former Mayor and current garbage inspector Gerry McCann. ... cos-liberty-harbor-north/

In the 70s, before Symes was even born, Mocco had already beaten two separate indictments as mayor of North Bergen and, along with his brother Joseph, was involved in ballot tampering.

"The strangest tale of those days comes from the 1976 Democratic primary for Congress, when the state Division of Criminal Justice charged that 89 percent of North Bergen's 1,200 absentee ballots had been tampered with. As reported in The New York Times in 1981, the state Commission of Investigation concluded that some 40 to 50 workers had holed up on election night in the house of the mayor's brother, Town Clerk Joseph Mocco, and steamed open nearly 300 ballots. The director of the state's Division of Criminal Justice called the scandal a "shocking abuse" of election laws, but determined that state absentee-ballot regulations were so vague that nothing illegal had been done. Joseph Mocco was not convicted in the case, but later served time in the 1990s for an unrelated illegal dumping scheme." ... ojects?instance=more_page

Posted on: 2017/10/27 23:15

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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2009/5/12 22:51
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"I have no dog in this hunt, but to read something nefarious into a returned campaign contribution is making some pretty big assumptions. Campaigns are not well-run, well-staffed organizations with excellent controls and highly functioning systems. At the local level, they are almost always run and peopled by well-meaning volunteers who may or may not know all of the regulations. "

Just ask Hillary Clinton.... she had two bites at the apple and continued to hire incompetent staff and consultants. (in her opinion)

Posted on: 2017/10/27 17:25

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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2013/9/9 11:06
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I think there's 5 Candidates. Symes, Solomon, Hudnut, Grillo and Cag.

Posted on: 2017/10/27 15:50

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office

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annieruiz wrote:
dark contributions? why dont you do an analysis of James Solomon's ELEC and tell me what you find. Because I can tell you what I found, which is that he hired Pablo Fonseca....the same Pablo Fonseca who was involved in his own version of bid rig in Newark, much like Muhammed Akil ... official_facing_corr.html

He then returned some money to Pablo because he has to keep up the facade that he's JC new white knight, coming in to save all of us from the depths of development hell. PUH-LEEEZZ

I have no dog in this hunt, but to read something nefarious into a returned campaign contribution is making some pretty big assumptions. Campaigns are not well-run, well-staffed organizations with excellent controls and highly functioning systems. At the local level, they are almost always run and peopled by well-meaning volunteers who may or may not know all of the regulations.

Every campaign gets contributions at fundraisers that either exceed the cumulative level, are in violation of pay to play, come from people they'd rather not be associated with. Many people come in the door at these events in a wave and someone sitting at a table at the entrance is just trying to get forms filled out and keep people moving. The real test isn't whether or not a campaign received something they shouldn't have, it's how these contributions are handled when they do. The money was returned.

I think the Ward E race is one of the most interesting contests we've had around here in a while. The fact that the mayor hasn't endorsed anyone makes this a level playing field. Each of the four candidates is well-qualified and brings particular strengths to the race. It's a difficult thing to run an effective campaign for office - I salute anyone willing to put themselves out there. By all means, support your candidate of choice however you see fit; it's just too bad so much energy is being spent tearing everyone else down.

Posted on: 2017/10/27 15:02

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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2005/2/9 1:47
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It is a common practice in commercial real estate to have greatly reduced rent or no rent until a tenant is up and running.

Be that as it may I don't claim to know state or federal election laws.

I personally find the talk of rents, chick pea distracting from the issue at hand..who will best serve the people of Ward E. I will vote for Nic Grillo..others can vote for who they like.

Except James Solomon...don't vote for him

Posted on: 2017/10/27 12:52

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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2013/9/9 11:06
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Will Grillo update us when he starts paying for his office?

Posted on: 2017/10/27 2:59

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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2013/9/9 11:06
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Matriarchy now!

Why are these boards used constantly to tear down women?

Posted on: 2017/10/27 2:01

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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2017/1/3 18:17
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Whether it's outright misogyny, or just attacking the candidate that you think you can get the most traction out of attacking, it shows that she is being subjected to different standards.

Outright misogyny for the win. It's pretty darn obvious.

Posted on: 2017/10/26 23:48

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office

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2017/1/27 15:08
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2017/11/4 20:10
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dark contributions? why dont you do an analysis of James Solomon's ELEC and tell me what you find. Because I can tell you what I found, which is that he hired Pablo Fonseca....the same Pablo Fonseca who was involved in his own version of bid rig in Newark, much like Muhammed Akil ... official_facing_corr.html

He then returned some money to Pablo because he has to keep up the facade that he's JC new white knight, coming in to save all of us from the depths of development hell. PUH-LEEEZZ

Posted on: 2017/10/26 22:48

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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I take Nick at his word that this was a mistake and will file a correct report.

But I do think this is a good example of the double standard at work here.

Rebecca did not declare her candidacy until Candice confirmed she would not run. So she did not file an ELEC report up to that point. So one candidate (Hudnut) starts posting "Sneaky Rebecca" memes (sound familiar to another candidate's campaign?) and saying she must be hiding something. Of course, she has filed the ELEC reports and is hiding nothing.

This occurs, and none of the candidates attack Nick for hiding anything.

Whether it's outright misogyny, or just attacking the candidate that you think you can get the most traction out of attacking, it shows that she is being subjected to different standards.

The above comment is another good example. Rebecca is paying $2000 a month for what was a vacant storefront. It was advertised for $5000 with no takers. It makes perfect sense for the "holding group" (BECAUSE GUESS WHAT TYPES OF ENTITIES OWN REAL ESTATE!) to charge $2000 for a few months where a tenant has no real buildout need and will vacate the property after the campaign. And yet, with no basis whatsoever, there is an accusation of favoritism.

Posted on: 2017/10/26 21:00

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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2013/9/9 11:06
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By the way, JCVoter, are these the FBI agents that you falsely claimed went to Candice's house?


Posted on: 2017/10/26 4:25

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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2013/9/9 11:06
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I'm a little surprised Symes needs a break on her office rent considering that she's in the pocket of a huge real estate criminal enterprise from Australia that's determined to make us all eat blooming onions.

Posted on: 2017/10/26 4:18

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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2013/9/9 11:06
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I am also deeply amused by the notion that Rebecca Symes is somehow a bought-and-paid-for politician the likes of which Jersey City has never seen! Did you know Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln were once all Jersey City City Council members!

How dare someone who worked in Real Estate dare run for City Council!

Here's a list of Hudson County politicians in history that were convicted of Actual Corruption. Please remember, these are the ones that were caught and prosecuted:

Thomas Whelan, former Jersey City mayor, John V. Kenny, former Jersey City mayor and county power broker; and Thomas Flaherty, former Jersey City City Council president: The three members of the "Hudson County Eight" were convicted in federal court of conspiracy and extortion in a multi-million dollar political kickback scheme connected to city and county contracts.

William V. Musto, former Union City mayor: Musto was sentenced to prison in 1982 for helping mobsters and contractors pocket public money designated for schools.

Robert Janiszewski, former Hudson County executive: "Bobby J" pleaded guilty in 2002 to taking more than $100,000 in bribes. He was the highest-ranking elected official in state history ever to work undercover for the FBI.

David Friedland, former assemblyman and state senator: Friedland was convicted on racketeering charges in 1980, faked his death while awaiting sentencing and then fled the country. He was captured in the Maldives in 1987.

Paul Byrne, admitted bagman for Janiszewski: Already blind from diabetes, Byrne suffered congestive heart failure and a stroke on March 31, 2005, less than a week before he was to be sentenced on charges that he took bribes for his best friend, Janiszewski.

Joe Barry, real estate mogul: Barry paid illegal kickbacks to Janiszewski.

Anthony Russo, former Hoboken mayor. Russo admitted to taking thousands of dollars in bribes from city contractors between 1994 and 2001.

Peter Cammarano, former mayor of Hoboken. He pleaded guilty in federal court to taking $25,000 in bribes as part of the 2009 Bid Rig III sting.

Dennis Elwell, former mayor of Secaucus. Elwell collected $10,000 in bribes as part of Bid Rig III sting.

Edward Cheatam, former Jersey City Housing Authority director: Cheatam pleaded guilty to extortion conspiracy as part of Bid Rig III sting.

Leona Beldini, former Jersey City Deputy Mayor: She was convicted of collecting $20,000 in illegal campaign contributions as part of Bid Rig III sting.

Mariano Vega, former Jersey City Council President: Vega took $30,000 in illegal contributions as part of Bid Rig III sting.

Joseph Cardwell, Hudson County political operative and former Jersey City Municipal Utilities Authority commissioner: Cardwell collected $30,000 bribe as part of Bid Rig III sting.

Philip Kenny, former Jersey City councilman. Kenny pleaded guilty of taking $5,000 bribe as part of Bid Rig III sting.

Nidia Davila-Colon, former Hudson County freeholder. Davila-Colon was convicted of passing bribes in 1999 to Janiszewski, now one of the most notorious government witnesses in North Jersey, who made his debut on the stand during her trial.

Bill Braker, former Hudson County freeholder. Pleaded guilty to attempted extortion.

Peter Perez, former North Bergen commission: Perez pleaded guilty in 2002 to accepting $26,000 in home improvements and cash payments from vendors who had contracts with the township.

Angelo J. Sarubbi, former North Bergen mayor: Sarubbi pleaded guilty in 1976 to extorting a kickback from an engineering firm while he was mayor. In September 1976, after his lawyer cited Sarubbi's serious heart condition, the ex-mayor was placed on five years probation.

Michael DiGiovanni, former North Bergen commissioner: DiGiovanni, who headed the Parks Department, was charged in 1995 with accepting free renovations on his home from contractors doing business with the township. Two years later, he pleaded guilty to bribery.

Posted on: 2017/10/26 4:10

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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"Rebecca Symes isn't born yet. But when she is born, she will be the final piece of our massive conspiracy to conquer a downtown Jersey City Council seat!"

Posted on: 2017/10/26 4:03

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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Is Ms. Symes also responsible for the actions of her office landlord in the 70s? Were they already planning on giving her some kind of break on rent back in the 1970s, knowing she would grow up to someday be their Manchurian Candidate on the Jersey City City Council?

Posted on: 2017/10/26 4:00

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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2013/9/9 11:06
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According to the Jersey Journal, right now Grillo is paying $0 for his office rental. How much of an in-kind campaign contribution is that?

Is it possible that there's something less dark and sinister afoot with Ms. Symes rental? Possibly the owner just lowered the asking price on an empty rental? According to your photo, they had lowered the asking price to $5000 previously. At least she's currently paying for hers.

Posted on: 2017/10/26 3:59

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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2017/10/10 7:29
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2020/12/12 3:48
From JC
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Thank you for posting this Jim, dark contributions from developers who seek to win favor with our elected officials should rightly be brought to light.

It appears to be a common problem among Ward E candidates of a certain stripe.

For example Rebecca Symes is paying $2000 rent to First Connecticut Holding Group, owners of 211 Washington St.

Resized Image

Resized Image

That's less than half the $5000 rent the 950sq ft space was advertised as having September of this year and indicates Symes is receiving an in-kind gift of $3000 a month.

Resized Image

First Connecticut Holding Group is owned by shady developer Peter Mocco who built Liberty Harbor North on land sold to him for $880,000 by former Mayor and current garbage inspector Gerry McCann. ... cos-liberty-harbor-north/

In the 70s, before Symes was even born, Mocco had already beaten two separate indictments as mayor of North Bergen and, along with his brother Joseph, was involved in ballot tampering.

"The strangest tale of those days comes from the 1976 Democratic primary for Congress, when the state Division of Criminal Justice charged that 89 percent of North Bergen's 1,200 absentee ballots had been tampered with. As reported in The New York Times in 1981, the state Commission of Investigation concluded that some 40 to 50 workers had holed up on election night in the house of the mayor's brother, Town Clerk Joseph Mocco, and steamed open nearly 300 ballots. The director of the state's Division of Criminal Justice called the scandal a "shocking abuse" of election laws, but determined that state absentee-ballot regulations were so vague that nothing illegal had been done. Joseph Mocco was not convicted in the case, but later served time in the 1990s for an unrelated illegal dumping scheme." ... ojects?instance=more_page

Posted on: 2017/10/26 3:37

Grillo's Campaign Office
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2013/9/9 11:06
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Offline ... ity_race_on_the_rise.html

One expenditure you won?t find on Ward E council hopeful Nicholas Grillo?s campaign reports is the rent on his 280 Newark Ave. campaign office. Grillo said he and the landlord agreed to a lease that allows Grillo to pay all the rent in January, after the election.

?I structured it that way just in case fundraising was slow,? Grillo, 36, told The Jersey Journal.

With Downtown Jersey City?s real estate market booming, the expense for a Newark Avenue storefront is substantial. Grillo opponent James Solomon, 33, who has a similarly sized Newark Avenue campaign office 300 feet away from Grillo?s, pays $2,500 a month, Solomon?s campaign records show.

Joseph W. Donohue, deputy director of the state Election Law Enforcement Commission, said the agency does not comment on issues related to a specific candidate.

But Donohue said, "Generally speaking, if someone is paying for your rent and they expect to forgive it, then it's an in-kind donation. If someone is paying for your rent and they expect to be paid back, it's an obligation. Either way it should be reported."
Adding another wrinkle for this race where candidates are distancing themselves from ties to the real-estate community and promising to reform how the city works with developers, the identity of Grillo?s landlord is sure to cause a stir: local developer John D. Fio Rito.

In an interview with The Jersey Journal two weeks ago, Grillo acknowledged his view on development is different than his opponents and he credited that with him being the only native Jersey City candidate in the Ward E race.

?Twenty years ago we had nothing down here,? he said. ?The waterfront was nothing. So I believe that all the development we?ve had over the past, you know 15, 10 years has benefited downtown Jersey City.?

Fio Rito told The Jersey Journal he agreed to rent the space to Grillo because they are both friends and belong to the Dante Alighieri Society. He said he is charging Grillo's campaign about $600 a month.

Posted on: 2017/10/25 21:49

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