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Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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2009/10/7 15:46
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Chris_NJ wrote:
I have noticed that building that is being partially covered by the storefront and always wondered what the heck if anything was up there. Good to see something happening with it.

One other JSQ thing I have been wondering is what if anything is happening above the JSQ pub (I think it was Hotel on the Square). Last June there was a sign about an auction of the building but I never heard of any outcome or plans for the building.

ChrisNJ I was going to answer your other post but forget. Long post but maybe has some interesting titbits??

Yeah there was a Foot Locker up the Square I think around year 2000 and I am pretty sure it happened to be in a store front in that beautiful 6 story building that is being renovated. That building had a decorative metal screen covering the entire 6 story front for decades. Maybe it was a good thing helping preserve it.

The Hotel on the Square was where that big empty lot is in the heart of Journal Square. It was ripped down many years ago along with a Mc Donald?s and Hallmark to supposedly make way for the two Harwood towers that never came to be. But another developer is about to start a project on the lot.

The Journal Square Pub building 50 Journal Square looks like it is still owned by the same owner since 1999 and their taxes are paid up? JOURNAL SQUARE REALTY CORP. Yeah there are always rumors about that building being auctioned or developed.

The first JSquared tower is supposed to open before the end of this year. Reading the descriptions of its amenities it sounds like the rents will be high. ?rentals with upscale finishes and appointments, plus stunning views" ?outdoor swimming pool, full-service fitness center, golf simulator and a children's playroom? ?A 2,000 square-foot space on the 53rd floor will also serve as an entertainment space?

The buildings on the old VW / Chevrolet property (3075 Kennedy Blvd and behind on Skillman Ave) are owned by the same guy. An Indian businessman who has projects all over Journal Square. The 3 buildings are named after cars. I just can?t find or remember the names. Maybe one is Caprice. Cool idea considering the history of the spot.

Yeah the crowd at PJ Rayan?s will be interesting. I guess it will be a big hangout for the JSquared tower crowd. People don?t realize this but a lot of old-timer families still live/own in the Journal Square area and they like I have said in other posts been dying for a decent place to go eat and drink. I?ll be there.

Yup 3 Journal Square (by Chase) on the old Bowl property will be 13 stories of rentals. Maybe they are going slow because they are adding extra sound proofing.(lol) The train noise takes some time getting used to.

Speaking of the Mana Contemporary area there is also a 24 unit building going up on the old Joey Starr?s lot on Newark Avenue. Someone should have saved their neon hotdog sign. Also in the area near Broadway a 130 unit apartment building with 4 stores was recently approved. An unconfirmed rumor is that the White Castle property was sold for millions for a future tower. Say it ain?t so.

I?m surprised that 25 Senate has a shuttle to Journal Square. Lazy millennials (lol) I have friends who used to walk from the end of Marion to the Square PATH every day.

Posted on: 2016/4/12 0:54

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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2009/10/27 20:33
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sophiabull wrote:
The Noodlefan sign is up! It is opposite where Mister Gusto is.

Also, this development is apparently under construction - ... s-lofts-to-2851-jfk-blvd/

Has anyone else never noticed this beautiful building behind the shopfronts?!

I have noticed that building that is being partially covered by the storefront and always wondered what the heck if anything was up there. Good to see something happening with it.

One other JSQ thing I have been wondering is what if anything is happening above the JSQ pub (I think it was Hotel on the Square). Last June there was a sign about an auction of the building but I never heard of any outcome or plans for the building.

Posted on: 2016/4/11 22:36

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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rescuelife wrote:

Yvonne wrote:

JCGuys wrote:
There is a new park\plaza planned for 30 Journal Square. To my surprise, even Rich Boggiano is happy with the park what the developer plans even though it will result in a very tall building ... ld_be_saved_under_pl.html

Yvonne, why you always got to be so negative? Don't you ever get tired or depressed from being negative all the time? Does Jersey City do anything right in your eyes? Sad woman, I'll pray for you.

Once the land is gone you do not get it back, sorry I don't agree. There should be more open space. In the past, that was part of the requirements for large developments but we are allowing developers to dictate design.

What if the open space takes up street parking spots? You so passionately are against the tiny Newark Avenue Pedestrian Plaza which the many many families that utilize it would call open space.

The what ifs, do not count. Journal Square is one area of the city that should have open space. Even NYC with all of its development all has open space including the new World Trade Center.

Posted on: 2016/4/11 19:14

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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Yvonne wrote:

JCGuys wrote:
There is a new park\plaza planned for 30 Journal Square. To my surprise, even Rich Boggiano is happy with the park what the developer plans even though it will result in a very tall building ... ld_be_saved_under_pl.html

Yvonne, why you always got to be so negative? Don't you ever get tired or depressed from being negative all the time? Does Jersey City do anything right in your eyes? Sad woman, I'll pray for you.

Once the land is gone you do not get it back, sorry I don't agree. There should be more open space. In the past, that was part of the requirements for large developments but we are allowing developers to dictate design.

What if the open space takes up street parking spots? You so passionately are against the tiny Newark Avenue Pedestrian Plaza which the many many families that utilize it would call open space.

Posted on: 2016/4/11 18:03

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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2004/6/17 2:16
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JCGuys wrote:
There is a new park\plaza planned for 30 Journal Square. To my surprise, even Rich Boggiano is happy with the park what the developer plans even though it will result in a very tall building ... ld_be_saved_under_pl.html

Yvonne, why you always got to be so negative? Don't you ever get tired or depressed from being negative all the time? Does Jersey City do anything right in your eyes? Sad woman, I'll pray for you.

Once the land is gone you do not get it back, sorry I don't agree. There should be more open space. In the past, that was part of the requirements for large developments but we are allowing developers to dictate design.

Posted on: 2016/4/11 17:13

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)

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2016/3/23 1:43
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It's a shame that so much of this development is just rentals. We could really use more condos in the area.

Posted on: 2016/4/11 17:02

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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2015/10/22 18:08
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The Noodlefan sign is up! It is opposite where Mister Gusto is.

Also, this development is apparently under construction - ... s-lofts-to-2851-jfk-blvd/

Has anyone else never noticed this beautiful building behind the shopfronts?!

Posted on: 2016/4/11 15:51

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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2009/10/27 20:33
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I did not know about Modells coming to Journal Square (wasn't there a footlocker for a few years somewhat recently) but here are my observations/questions of the past few weeks around Journal Square:

1. The PJ Ryan's 2 looks pretty close to ready - hopefully that would be imminent. It is a big space and I can't quite fathom the crowd it will attract - maybe those who want a dive bar will continue at the Journal Sq Pub and those who don't will try PJ Ryan's. Looking at the space in front of it I also wonder if there might be some outside seating (although not much of a view).

2. Most of the windows are installed on the first Journal Square tower - I wonder if this will be completed and people moving in by year end? Very curious to see the prices and the people that pay would pay them.

3. 3075 Kennedy Blvd (a few blocks up from the square next to the school) looks like it has some people living in it but not sure if the lobby/ground floor are completed as there is still a construction fence in front of the property. There are new buildings behind this one that also seemed to be getting finished slowly - not sure if this is the same owner/complex.

4. I tried the Noodle Fan in the heights with my family last Saturday and enjoyed the food/service/decent ambiance. Not sure when the one in JSQ will be open but if it is on par with one in heights then would be good addition to neighborhood.

5. The building next to the Chase Bank (I think 3 JSQ) is now 7 stories and I think heading to 13 stories. It started out slowly building on top of the parking garage but seems like it is moving at a good pace now.

6. I have seen the 25 Senate shuttle van the past few weeks so those apts must be getting rented out. I have noticed over the past year a smattering of artist types exiting JSQ in the mornings (presumably headed towards Mana Contemporary area and presumable coming from a more expensive place to live) so maybe some more of these will try living in the area A ModCup was planned to open there I thought this month but not sure when?

Posted on: 2016/4/5 20:00

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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2009/10/7 15:46
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Do you gotta go to Mo?s? Well just wait a few weeks because you can go to one Up the Square.

Walked by it today big coming soon signs up as well as the Modell?s Sporting Goods sign. It?s in the Joyce Leslie space at 2839 John F Kennedy Blvd. The store front that is all chrome. Funny I posted something about the old Greens Sporting Goods store that was in Journal Square on user1111?s thread about McGinley Square (All Star Sports). Mo?s is close to the spot where Greens was. Hmmm it looks like what is old is new again. Hopefully. Still praying for an Applebee?s or Houlihan's so I can get a good steak and beer. Hasn?t been a burger joint up the Square in decades.(and no White Castle doesn?t count)

Also waked by the Square Ramp Parking Garage behind the Loews. There were three big soil sampling trucks drilling soil samples. I knew that was going next. Jersey City more or less gave all of that property away to Mr. Harwood. Anyone in the know hear anything about future development on the land?

PS ? years ago The Gap or Old Navy were going to put a store up the Square but for some reason backed out. Maybe they will think it over again. Another interesting titbit there was once talk about making Journal Square from around Tonnele Avenue to Bergen Avenue an enclosed Mall closing the Blvd to traffic. Interesting.

Posted on: 2016/4/5 19:15

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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2015/5/28 0:34
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Chris_NJ wrote:
I noticed this weekend that on JFK (where Mister Gusto was for several years and where an Afgan place was for a short period) a sign for Noodle Fan Thai. Not sure when they will open but I believe there is another location on Central ave. Any opinions on the existing location?

I got there all the time. It's excellent and highly recommended.

Posted on: 2016/3/16 18:31

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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2009/10/27 20:33
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I noticed this weekend that on JFK (where Mister Gusto was for several years and where an Afgan place was for a short period) a sign for Noodle Fan Thai. Not sure when they will open but I believe there is another location on Central ave. Any opinions on the existing location?

Posted on: 2016/3/15 15:47

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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2009/10/7 15:46
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JCGuys wrote:
I'm very excited with PJ Ryan's opening up at PATH Plaza. It looks like it's going to be a great place! All that's missing is a decent supermarket. Boggiano (and Yun to an extent) may delivery on their quest to bring a high quality market to the area. Rumor is both One Journal Square and 30 Journal Square in the running for WF.

(I found this it has pictures)

PJ Ryan's To Open Second Location ... open-second-location.html


Posted on: 2016/3/7 15:35

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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2015/5/28 0:34
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I'm very excited with PJ Ryan's opening up at PATH Plaza. It looks like it's going to be a great place! All that's missing is a decent supermarket. Boggiano (and Yun to an extent) may delivery on their quest to bring a high quality market to the area. Rumor is both One Journal Square and 30 Journal Square in the running for WF.

Posted on: 2016/2/24 22:48

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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2015/5/28 0:34
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There is a new park\plaza planned for 30 Journal Square. To my surprise, even Rich Boggiano is happy with the park what the developer plans even though it will result in a very tall building ... ld_be_saved_under_pl.html

Yvonne, why you always got to be so negative? Don't you ever get tired or depressed from being negative all the time? Does Jersey City do anything right in your eyes? Sad woman, I'll pray for you.

Posted on: 2016/2/11 18:55

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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Lincoln Park is actually on West Side Avenue, it is probably a mile away from Journal Square. There should be open space in new development in Journal Square. This was always in our master plan in the past including one to one parking.

Posted on: 2016/2/11 14:59

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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Yvonne wrote:
Where is the open space? This is poor planning by our planning office, we are allowing developers to place massive buildings in without open space.

Lincoln Park is an amazing resource but there needs to be a more inviting link between JSQ and it. I agree a couple more community gardens and pocket parks could exist along the way for people to sit and eat around lunch, but hopefully someone in charge forces large developers to allow public space close by for every new project

Posted on: 2016/2/11 14:52

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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Where is the open space? This is poor planning by our planning office, we are allowing developers to place massive buildings in without open space.

Posted on: 2016/2/10 15:31

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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2 N.Y. companies awarded $22 million in tax breaks to move to Jersey City

By Ron Zeitlinger | The Jersey Journal
on February 10, 2016 at 9:17 AM

?The company, which creates jewelry that is sold in retail stores, would hire 45 new employees in the move to 35 Journal Square, the building at the corner of Bergen and Sip avenues still referred to as the "Trust Company of New Jersey" building. W&W had also been looking at a site in Brooklyn.? ... o.html#incart_river_index

JJ comment

Historic Journal Square office building sold for $31M
By Joshua Burd, May 12, 2014 at 12:05 PM

A New York investor has paid $31 million to acquire a historic 12-story office building in the Journal Square section of Jersey City, according to brokers involved with the deal.

The unnamed buyer acquired 35 Journal Square from Sackman Enterprises Inc., a Manhattan-based firm that rehabilitates and manages historic properties, brokerage firm GFI Realty Services Inc. said in a news release. The 200,000-square-foot property, which sits near the Journal Square PATH station, is home to PSE&G, Capital One and Blink Fitness.

Posted on: 2016/2/10 14:53

Edited by neverleft on 2016/2/10 15:09:26

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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Journal Square lot sold, with plans for 12-story residential, retail development

NJBIZ - By Joshua Burd, February 5, 2016 at 12:37 PM

CBRE Group Inc. has brokered the sale of a 12,145-square-foot vacant lot in the Journal Square section of Jersey City, where a developer plans to build a 12-story, mixed-use multifamily and retail complex.

In a news release, CBRE said it represented a joint venture of Knight & Swan LLC and Skyview Capital LLC in the sale of 87 Newkirk St. The exact sale price was not disclosed, but the brokerage firm said the sale achieved a record-setting $50 per square foot on a buildable basis.

The New York-based buyer, 87 Newkirk Holdings LLC, “plans to start the development process shortly” in what could become a booming section of Jersey City, the news release said. Journal Square, the onetime commercial hub of the city, has garnered new interest from major developers in recent years thanks largely to its proximity to a PATH station and the expansion of the so-called Gold Coast market.

Read more: ... ential-retail-development

A rending of the project planned for 87 Newkirk St., Jersey City.

Posted on: 2016/2/5 18:03

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Plan would transform old Jersey Journal building in Jersey City

By Terrence T. McDonald | The Jersey Journal
on February 04, 2016 at 2:50 PM, updated February 04, 2016 at 3:14 PM

JERSEY CITY ? 30 Journal Square, formerly the longtime home of The Jersey Journal, would go through quite a metamorphosis under a plan set for adoption by the City Council as early as next week.

Much of the building would look the same, but a pedestrian walkway with retail shops on both sides would cut through the ground floor and lead to a 1,400-square-foot public plaza behind the building. Also behind the existing building would sit a massive residential tower facing Enos Place and Newkirk Street that would have no height restriction.

JJ piece? ... l.html#incart_2box_hudson

Posted on: 2016/2/4 20:24

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(Wow check out that view)

From atop new tower, everything else in Jersey City is down

By Terrence T. McDonald | The Jersey Journal

on December 16, 2015 at 4:48 PM

JERSEY CITY ? For the best views in Jersey City, you'll have to join a very exclusive club: the construction crew working on the first tower of the Journal Squared development.

From the upper floors of the $203 million high-rise, which today reached its apex, 563 feet, you can take in the Statue of Liberty, Downtown Jersey City, the Pulaski Skyway, One World Trade Center and the rest of Manhattan ? even, its developer says, as far west as Pennsylvania. ... ht.html#incart_river_home

Posted on: 2015/12/16 22:23

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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iGreg wrote:
What was the name of the steak house in Hudson Mall back in the day ?

Where you dropped the plastic number plaque on the table waiting for the baked and texas toast...

Ahh that was the Rodeo Steakhouse in the HM. Reminds me of a great place to get steaks back then?The House of Meats down the mall. (great name)

Funny about the Ponderosa up the Square. A Marion old-timer and I were talking about restaurants in Journal Square a few weeks ago. He brought up the Ponderosa Steakhouse but insisted it was over by the Concourse near the Tube Bar. I said no it was on JFK Blvd more towards Tonnele Ave. near John?s Bargain Store. Well the argument was never settled (Christ it was getting close to fisticuff?s lol) but an interesting topic popped up.

To calm things down I said remember the Jade Chinese restaurant and at the same time we both yelled out cat heads. The rumor back in the day was it was closed down because the health inspector found 14 cat heads in the rear area of the restaurant. Never found out if that Journal Square urban legend was true but the place was shutdown. I remember fake barfing accompanied by cat meows for months after that whenever a neighborhood kid mentioned the Jade.

Posted on: 2015/12/5 17:55

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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2015/4/15 3:56
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What was the name of the steak house in Hudson Mall back in the day ?

Where you dropped the plastic number plaque on the table waiting for the baked and texas toast...


neverleft wrote:

dooshbag wrote:
Beefsteak Charlie's with $2 pictures of beer

Yes....I read one of the articles on new towers and it said something about hi-end retail and restaurants. Gee I hope Beefsteak Charlie's, Houlihan's, Applebee?s, or Outback make the cut. They better not put in restaurants with $75 sampler menus and $8 dollar craft beers.

I never understood why someone didn?t open a sit down (USDA choice) steak/burger and beer restaurant up the Square in the past 10+ years. (or any type of decent sit-down joint ) The transportation has something like 26,000 people using it daily. You would think at least a few thousand of the commuters would enjoy a burger and beer. There are also tons of JC old-timers scattered around the Journal Square/Marion area that are dying for a good meal up the Square. Like I said all we have are our past memories of the Ponderosa Steak House.

Posted on: 2015/12/5 15:54

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dooshbag wrote:
Beefsteak Charlie's with $2 pictures of beer

Yes....I read one of the articles on new towers and it said something about hi-end retail and restaurants. Gee I hope Beefsteak Charlie's, Houlihan's, Applebee?s, or Outback make the cut. They better not put in restaurants with $75 sampler menus and $8 dollar craft beers.

I never understood why someone didn?t open a sit down (USDA choice) steak/burger and beer restaurant up the Square in the past 10+ years. (or any type of decent sit-down joint ) The transportation has something like 26,000 people using it daily. You would think at least a few thousand of the commuters would enjoy a burger and beer. There are also tons of JC old-timers scattered around the Journal Square/Marion area that are dying for a good meal up the Square. Like I said all we have are our past memories of the Ponderosa Steak House.

Posted on: 2015/12/5 13:43

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Beefsteak Charlie's with $2 pictures of beer

Posted on: 2015/12/5 13:16

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hero69 wrote:

btw, those renderings remind me of star wars

Yeah and when I look at this picture of the JSquared tower I think I and in some sort of fantasyland or dreamland. As a JSquare old-timer I never thought I would see the actual rebirth of Journal Square take place.

Resized Image

The first tower of Journal Squared, a three-tower project in Journal Square, on Dec. 3, 2015. Reena Rose Sibayan | The Jersey Journal.

..and I can?t wait for the day when I will be able to walk up the Square and order a juicy steak or burger and cold beer from a Houlihan's, Applebee?s, or Outback. (gee maybe all three) Ahh brings back fond memories of the old Ponderosa Steakhouse)


Posted on: 2015/12/4 0:59

Edited by neverleft on 2015/12/4 1:23:10

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i'm all for re-development but i think a fountain is nice public amenity and should stay or be moved. imo, one of the problems with jersey city is that there are not enough parks (and not everyone wants to trot off to lsp especially if one does not have a car).

btw, those renderings remind me of star wars

Posted on: 2015/12/4 0:13

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neverleft wrote:

Plans for Jersey City tower show Journal Square transformed

By Terrence T. McDonald | The Jersey Journal
on December 03, 2015 at 10:04 AM

JERSEY CITY ? New renderings of the 56-story tower slated for a lot near the PATH transportation hub show just how unrecognizable Journal Square may be in a few years.

The $400 million high-rise, dubbed One Journal Square and courtesy of Kushner Companies and KABR Group, is part of a planned two-tower project proposed for a long-vacant lot across the street from the old headquarters of The Jersey Journal. ... r.html#incart_2box_hudson

Just bumping this one with the rendering up to the top . I should have looked for the old fountain thread for my other post. I see JCGuys did find it.

Posted on: 2015/12/4 0:04

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Not anti development - if anything the Kushner towers here should be denser and soar to the sky. Journal Square needs the big impact investment. But why does the fountain have to go? Instead of deferring maintenance so it falls into disrepair, fix it.

Posted on: 2015/12/3 22:27

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"All of these plans were drawn up with guidance from community meetings and feedback," Jacobs said.

I guess facebook was the extent of the community feedback. Unbelievable.

The fountain hasn't worked in about five years ? city officials said in 2011 they had to repair the underground pumps three times since it was installed. In June, the Fulop administration asked residents to fill out a survey to determine whether the plaza should be redesigned around the fountain, or whether the fountain should be replaced with a different memorial.

Councilman Rich Boggiano, who represents Journal Square, said he's opposed to any move to remove the fountain and replace it with a different memorial "unless we get a World War II memorial."

"Keep your hands off the fountain," Boggiano told The Jersey Journal.

WOW! I actually agree with Rich Boggiano on something. Good job Rich!

Posted on: 2015/12/3 22:23

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