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Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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2004/6/17 2:16
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When JC remodeled the council chambers recently, the sound system became awful. The city removed the red velvet off the walls. While the velvet was dirty, it served a purpose. The sounds were more clear. I have suggested the city have an audio expert come and evaluate the problem. If you cannot hear, then you will become frustrated.

Posted on: 2014/1/23 16:26

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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CatsnDogs wrote:
I only attend council meetings that have an agenda item that is of strong interest to me because I find attending council meetings a complete turn off. You cannot hear the council members speak because of a poor or improperly used sound system, very late starts, and awards and recognitions at start of the meetings that delay business.

Wouldn't it be nice if the new council and mayor encouraged citizen attendance by making a few minor changes to address these issues.

I agree with that, but also wish they limited the speaking and question time when people come up to ask questions about each ordinance being voted on, so they could rein in those same five people who come to EVERY council meeting and ask questions about EVERY ordinance, sometimes coming up with more questions and coming up to the microphone a second time. It is obnoxious and rude to monopolize so much time and also makes the council meetings drag out for four hours - a turnoff as well. If these five people think they are so special and that they speak for all us, then they can run for office (some in fact have and never have won) and get elected to the council, or seek a mayoral appointment.

Posted on: 2014/1/23 16:16

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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I only attend council meetings that have an agenda item that is of strong interest to me because I find attending council meetings a complete turn off. You cannot hear the council members speak because of a poor or improperly used sound system, very late starts, and awards and recognitions at start of the meetings that delay business.

Wouldn't it be nice if the new council and mayor encouraged citizen attendance by making a few minor changes to address these issues.

Posted on: 2014/1/23 15:33

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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Thanks hamiltonkmom, now Matt, I am not exaggerating. The evening of the tongue lashing, there was an award and an presentation by a public school on green energy. The meeting started an hour late, not including the fact, there was not a quorum until 6:20. During election years, the city gives awards to many individuals and groups. If you don't believe, check the council meetings on line. Look at the months leading up to elections. Also look at resolutions on the agenda. If someone is being recognized, the council will vote to place that item first on the council meeting to recognize that person or group. The council meetings are also on Channel 1 aired by Comcast.

Posted on: 2014/1/23 14:22

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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Thank you Yvonne for posting some of the things you do. Your posting of video from Van Vorst/ Varrick development meeting got me interested which lead me to finding about EMS issue and getting involved and playing part in my civic duty. Not everything you post will be relevant to me but there are and will be some topics that will, just like everyone else's posts including my own.

I was at the council meeting last Wed., and signed up to speak and did at towards the end of the meeting and listened to what everyone else had to say. And even those who got up to speak numerous times, including Jason Berg, yourself and others, had points of view that were valid and put on records.

So I am glad at least there are people in the community that invest in their time and ask questions while people like myself sit at home and don't know most of time what is on Agenda at the council meetings nor have time to go down to ask.

Posted on: 2014/1/23 0:14

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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by Yvonne on 2014/1/21 19:37:05

Matt, you cannot have it both ways. Mr. Byrne, the city clerk asks, does anyone want to speak? That question means if you have a question on the ordinance, feel free to speak up. The reason, Lavarro screamed at Jayson, the CarePoint employees were leaving. I am quite sure, the city told them to come. Lavarro, not Jayson controls what is on the agenda. Lavarro decided to spend one hour honoring different groups before the meeting begin. Matt, Democracy is messy, it is similar to childbirth. The process is hard but the baby is worth the price. I want to protect "Freedom of Speech," because I want to know where my tax dollars are going. Tell Lavarro and the city council to use the meetings for the city's business. It should not be used to honor every Tom, Dick, and Harry. They are looking for favors with different groups without spending their campaign dollars. It is also very common the year before an election. Almost everyone gets an award. Example - someone is retiring from city government, give that person an award; someone is turning 85, let's give that person an award. They, the city council, keep the meetings longer than it should be, they control everyone ordinance on the agenda.

"Denial. Denial."
- Thom Yorke

The bit about awards is a gross exaggeration. There were zero awards given out on the night quoted below, for example. With these sorts of canards, it is unlikely anybody will ever consider seriously the occasionally worthwhile comments of you and your ilk.

Isn't that a shame?

Posted on: 2014/1/22 23:45

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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Matt, you cannot have it both ways. Mr. Byrne, the city clerk asks, does anyone want to speak? That question means if you have a question on the ordinance, feel free to speak up. The reason, Lavarro screamed at Jayson, the CarePoint employees were leaving. I am quite sure, the city told them to come. Lavarro, not Jayson controls what is on the agenda. Lavarro decided to spend one hour honoring different groups before the meeting begin. Matt, Democracy is messy, it is similar to childbirth. The process is hard but the baby is worth the price. I want to protect "Freedom of Speech," because I want to know where my tax dollars are going. Tell Lavarro and the city council to use the meetings for the city's business. It should not be used to honor every Tom, Dick, and Harry. They are looking for favors with different groups without spending their campaign dollars. It is also very common the year before an election. Almost everyone gets an award. Example - someone is retiring from city government, give that person an award; someone is turning 85, let's give that person an award. They, the city council, keep the meetings longer than it should be, they control everyone ordinance on the agenda.

Posted on: 2014/1/22 0:37

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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This thread is about First Amendment, you remember - Freedom of speech.

I'm just going to repost what I wrote back in October. It is indeed about 1st Amendment rights, rights of your fellow citizens on which you are trampling with your endless bloviation:

Matt Schapiro wrote:
When a few people choose to monopolize the public comment time, there is a cost. Sometimes that cost is the council members' and staffers' and reporters' and audience members' time.

And sometimes that cost is the right of their fellow citizens to express their opinion, as evidenced by the below anecdote.

In this case, where a fellow citizen is denied their right to speak, those who choose to monopolize council time in service of their own "1st Amendment rights", are actually trampling on the rights of others.

And they damage the function of our representative democracy in the process.

There will be about 20 council meetings this year. Let's conservatively assume that there are 5 opportunities for a single individual to speak at each meeting:

5 minutes x 5 opportunities x 20 meetings = over 8 hours of each of our elected representatives' time over the course of a year

Not all of that time is wasted as occasionally this person may have a salient point to make. But any way you shake it, if a person chooses to speak at EVERY SINGLE OPPORTUNITY they can, simply because it is their right to do so, they are wasting too much of a lot of people's time, in my opinion.

And likely denying at least a few people their own right to speak in the process.

Earlier this year, I attended a council meeting because there was an ordinance on the agenda for 2nd Reading on which I had an opinion. I have 3 children under 5yrs old and a finite amount of time to put toward this stuff.

As it turned out, there were six or seven other items on the 2nd Reading agenda before mine and certain persons got up to speak on each and every one of them: sometimes offering reasoned opinions, sometimes soliciting the Council members for information that was easily available by other means, sometimes repeating the same opinion during each of their 5min speaking periods.

Two hours after the start of the meeting, my time ran out and I had to go home, right before the ordinance in which I was interested came up to bat.

If folks spoke only when issues rose to a certain level of their interest - rather than every single ordinance no matter their level of interest - I would have had my chance to speak. My comments might have added value to the discussion and they might have affected the outcome of the legislation.

Posted on: 2014/1/21 23:47

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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As usual, when rescuelife, cannot say anything positive, he goes on the attack. I feel somewhat sorry for you. I guess you have a political job and you want your boss to know you are supporting him. Both you and Joshua (I'll give him credit for using his real name) are off the subject. This thread is about First Amendment, you remember - Freedom of speech.

Posted on: 2014/1/21 20:39

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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Yvonne wrote:
First who said I produced 2 videos on Candice? Second, you said I am clueless ? well, as first President of the Van Vorst Park Association, I got Green Acre Funding in early 1970s to redo the park. I also started the ?Meet Ball? which continued for many years. Finally, I helped the former Mayor of Secaucus sued JC over abatements. An agreement was reached in which abatements, except affordable, pay an extra 10% to the county. But politics being what it is in JC, it was reduced to 5%. So the County of Hudson has an extra 5% that it didn?t have before. Now tell me Joshua, what have you accomplished?

I love when Yvonne touts her record. She must love this almost as much as seeing gay marriage knocked down in California after prop 5.

Seriously though, I would love to see this sitcom: Yvonne, Jayson berg, Fletcher, and take one other wacko (viewer's choice). One house. No rules. THIS is reality TV I would pay for.

Seriously, though, Yvonne I am a bit disappointed in the lack of anti-Fulop material you have been producing lately. You and Fletcher and your fellow Tea Partiers really need to get your acts together, this is serious entertainment you are depriving us of!

Posted on: 2014/1/21 19:50

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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First who said I produced 2 videos on Candice? Second, you said I am clueless ? well, as first President of the Van Vorst Park Association, I got Green Acre Funding in early 1970s to redo the park. I also started the ?Meet Ball? which continued for many years. Finally, I helped the former Mayor of Secaucus sued JC over abatements. An agreement was reached in which abatements, except affordable, pay an extra 10% to the county. But politics being what it is in JC, it was reduced to 5%. So the County of Hudson has an extra 5% that it didn?t have before. Now tell me Joshua, what have you accomplished?

Posted on: 2014/1/21 1:51

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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JPhurst wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
But as a resident who lived in the Van Vorst Park for over 40 years and was its first President, I never heard of Candice Osborne.

Which just goes to show that, when you talk too much and listen too little, you can be clueless of what goes around you no matter how long you live somewhere.

I recall that after the vote, your JCPAC produced a poor quality video showing Candice speaking two years ago at a council meeting, attempting to claim that she broke a campaign promise. So obviously she was involved.

That is a very good point, and pretty funny when you think about it. You never heard of her, yet you were part of making a video that criticized Ms. Osborne?

Posted on: 2014/1/21 0:59

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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Yvonne wrote:
But as a resident who lived in the Van Vorst Park for over 40 years and was its first President, I never heard of Candice Osborne.

Which just goes to show that, when you talk too much and listen too little, you can be clueless of what goes around you no matter how long you live somewhere.

I recall that after the vote, your JCPAC produced a poor quality video showing Candice speaking two years ago at a council meeting, attempting to claim that she broke a campaign promise. So obviously she was involved.

Posted on: 2014/1/21 0:44

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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There is a time limit on "Request for Public Speaking" which is 5 minutes. However, there is no time limit on ordinances. These are council meetings but the material is not produced by the council, it is produced by the administration. So when Jayson asks questions about ordinances which affects traffic patterns, the council has a difficult time asking. Perhaps the council should be asking the administration why they are voting on these ordinances, whic are the questions Jayson asks. I am sorry to say there is too much "rubber stamp" mentality. I am glad Boggiano is there because he asked the important questions on the McCabe contact and at this moment this contract is being investigated. I am so grateful for Yun, he asks important budget questions. Both these men ran independently.

Posted on: 2014/1/21 0:39

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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Yvonne wrote:
With the exceptions of Boggiano and Yun, the rest of the council got elected on coattails. If anyone of them ran as independent they would not be there. I totally disagree with you. Boggiano and Yun have a long term relationships with their communities. But as a resident who lived in the Van Vorst Park for over 40 years and was its first President, I never heard of Candice Osborne. She never attended meetings and did not become visible until she was announced by the Fulop Team. I personally never saw her at a council meetings especially budget hearings asking tough questions. But I have seen Jayson Burg at meetings since 2005.

You may be right... but how is he or anyone else who speaks at every meeting on every resolution and causes the meetings to drag out for four hours any more qualified than the rest of us who would like to speak briefly on one issue but have to sit through this endless diatribe of the regular "cast of characters" before it is our turn?

How is attending council meetings for years and speaking on every single resolution, rambling on about every one of them regarded as valid "experience" ?

What are the credentials of the regular "cast of characters" if they have never been elected to city council?

One thing I do agree with you on - it is not right for the city council to spend as much as a hour giving out awards before going onto actual city business.

Posted on: 2014/1/20 23:46

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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With the exceptions of Boggiano and Yun, the rest of the council got elected on coattails. If anyone of them ran as independent they would not be there. I totally disagree with you. Boggiano and Yun have a long term relationships with their communities. But as a resident who lived in the Van Vorst Park for over 40 years and was its first President, I never heard of Candice Osborne. She never attended meetings and did not become visible until she was announced by the Fulop Team. I personally never saw her at a council meetings especially budget hearings asking tough questions. But I have seen Jayson Burg at meetings since 2005.

Posted on: 2014/1/20 23:24

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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Yvonne wrote:
So I guess, it doesn't bother you the city counsel plays with the time by starting late, and then spend as much as a hour giving out awards before they go the city's business. All of the present council members are new to city government. They do not have the reference on matters that have appeared before. The people who speak have that experience. I have been attending meetings since the 1970s when the budget was $90 million now it is over $515 million. The council might be good people but they are clueless on many matters.

The council members were smart enough to get elected though. The same people who ask questions and speak about every single ordinance and spend 5, 10, 20 minutes or more talking were not. It doesn't educate anyone and doesn't seem to have made a difference, other than drag out the council meetings.

Posted on: 2014/1/20 20:38

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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So I guess, it doesn't bother you the city counsel plays with the time by starting late, and then spend as much as a hour giving out awards before they go the city's business. All of the present council members are new to city government. They do not have the reference on matters that have appeared before. The people who speak have that experience. I have been attending meetings since the 1970s when the budget was $90 million now it is over $515 million. The council might be good people but they are clueless on many matters.

Posted on: 2014/1/20 19:47

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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I don't know who this person is, I can only assume he is one of the regular "cast of characters" - usually five different people - who have to come up and ask questions on the second reading of EVERY SINGLE ORDINANCE, and talk endlessly for several minutes or more, because they like to hear the sounds of their own voice. I find it hard to believe that any of these people have legitimate gripes with every single ordinance. Some of them come up more than once, to ask more questions that just came up with after other peoples' questions have been answered. There should be a limit on time spent questioning the second readings, just like there is for public hearings.

It may be within their rights to ask questions and talk, but it is just downright rude and inconsiderate to the people who don't have unlimited time on their hands (i.e. people with kids who have to go to bed) to attend these council meetings. These same five people that attend every meeting and speak on the second readings of every ordinance are just under the notion that with enough microphone time they will further their non-existent political careers. There's no way that every ordinance can have an effect on them. What they do is obnoxious, it's tiresome, it's rude and it serves no purpose but to drag things out and turn what could be a two-hour council meeting into a four-hour council meeting.

I did not name any names here, but I'm sure many people who post here on this board have at least some idea as to who these people are.

Posted on: 2014/1/20 19:24

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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Yvonne wrote:
On page 2 - Jersey City Reporter- Jayson Berg: Jersey City's own Ted Cruz? After making the 7th or 8th trip up to the microphone, Donnelly yelled, "Jayson, your are horrendous. You are worse than Ted Cruz filibustering the Senate." The problem is not Jayson, the problem is there are too many items on the agenda. The council meetings are for the public, if you don't want the public to speak, then reduce the items on the agenda.

Ah, yes, that horrible filibuster of Cruz' who was trying to postpone or repeal obamacare.

How lucky we are that he failed and we can all enjoy the loss of our insurances, huge prices, loss of access to the old doctors we liked and all other beautiful things...

Posted on: 2014/1/19 23:00

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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Posted on: 2014/1/19 22:38

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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Matt, I will tell you why council meetings run long, it is not unusual for awards to be given out. The council votes to change to order of the meetings. And various groups or individuals are given awards at the beginning of the meeting. I have made suggestions in the past that there should be a special council meeting for that. Meetings should start at 6:00 PM but you cannot start until there is a quorum, it has been a habit including this council to start at 6:30 PM. So if it starts late and you spent one hour giving awards, plus there are 12 plus second reading ordinances, guess what, the meetings will run late. It is nice to speak to a person with a real name and good manners, I appreciate it.

Posted on: 2013/10/14 15:37

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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Ad hominem attacks and such aside, I'm a real person posting under my real name and this point deserves consideration:

When a few people choose to monopolize the public comment time, there is a cost. Sometimes that cost is the council members' and staffers' and reporters' and audience members' time.

And sometimes that cost is the right of their fellow citizens to express their opinion, as evidenced by the below anecdote.

In this case, where a fellow citizen is denied their right to speak, those who choose to monopolize council time in service of their own "1st Amendment rights", are actually trampling on the rights of others.

And they damage the function of our representative democracy in the process.

There will be about 20 council meetings this year. Let's conservatively assume that there are 5 opportunities for a single individual to speak at each meeting:

5 minutes x 5 opportunities x 20 meetings = over 8 hours of each of our elected representatives' time over the course of a year

Not all of that time is wasted as occasionally this person may have a salient point to make. But any way you shake it, if a person chooses to speak at EVERY SINGLE OPPORTUNITY they can, simply because it is their right to do so, they are wasting too much of a lot of people's time, in my opinion.

And likely denying at least a few people their own right to speak in the process.

Earlier this year, I attended a council meeting because there was an ordinance on the agenda for 2nd Reading on which I had an opinion. I have 3 children under 5yrs old and a finite amount of time to put toward this stuff.

As it turned out, there were six or seven other items on the 2nd Reading agenda before mine and certain persons got up to speak on each and every one of them: sometimes offering reasoned opinions, sometimes soliciting the Council members for information that was easily available by other means, sometimes repeating the same opinion during each of their 5min speaking periods.

Two hours after the start of the meeting, my time ran out and I had to go home, right before the ordinance in which I was interested came up to bat.

If folks spoke only when issues rose to a certain level of their interest - rather than every single ordinance no matter their level of interest - I would have had my chance to speak. My comments might have added value to the discussion and they might have affected the outcome of the legislation.

Posted on: 2013/10/14 14:53

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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I really think Jayson Berg, Yvonne, Fletcher, et als. should start a political bloc in JC. That woman who was kicked out of St Peters that wanted the city to pay her tuition should join too! Would be great to get all the looneys and extremists together.

Posted on: 2013/10/14 14:14

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It is amazing how people chooses names that shows their character, "brat" fits you well.

Posted on: 2013/10/14 13:03

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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Yvonne wrote:
At least Jayson uses his real name, unlike some people here who likes to throw mud and hide behind phony names. No one knows the details of his work life, but I personally witnessed Dave Donnelly screaming at him. How did Jayson react? He did not scream back. He acted like a gentleman. Jayson remained calm.

Jayson used to post on this forum as Dr. J. So much for phony-baloneys.

I wouldn't be talking about throwing mud if I were you. You go on as if Bret was Satan himself. But of course since what you spew is factual that makes it alright. You can't get through a council meeting, or thread, without fitting Bret in somewhere. Give it a rest. Forty years of attending meetings & one failed run at an office proves how much you have accomplished. Thank you for your historical service but it is time to change the script as no one seems to really be listening anymore.

I was there when David had his little fit. Quite frankly, everyone wishes they could do the same. For "Dr. J" to have returned the volley only proves he is capable of lucid, mature behaviour on occasion as most of his trips to the podium have people rolling their eyes or snickering.

Posted on: 2013/10/14 12:57

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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At least Jayson uses his real name, unlike some people here who likes to throw mud and hide behind phony names. No one knows the details of his work life, but I personally witnessed Dave Donnelly screaming at him. How did Jayson react? He did not scream back. He acted like a gentleman. Jayson remained calm.

Posted on: 2013/10/13 22:07

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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Yvonne wrote:
I am not going to comment about another person's experience in the classroom. I will comment on the fact, whether you like Jayson or not, he has the right to speak on all ordinances. If the council did not want the public to speak then they shouldn't add all of those items. Robert Byrne, city clerk and Sean Gallagher, deputy clerk always call out and says, "Is there any member of the public who wishes to speak?" And Jayson walks to the microphone. That is his constitutional right. Personally, I believe he is owed an apology.

That's right, brush off the facts when placed in your face. A pattern of behaviour is placed in your hands and you blow it off. You are always right Yvonne Jayson does have a constitutional right to get up before the council and bore us to death and make an ass of himself. But then again it is also everyone else's right to speak, something he sometimes denies others with his rambling. And if you think anyone should apologize to Jayson think again. In my opinion Jayson owes everyone who wants to address a legitimate concern an apology.

Posted on: 2013/10/13 20:37

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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MattSchapiro wrote:
The fact remains that [this individual] gets up there and...wastes everyones time AND money. This does not happen occasionally, this is EVERY damn council meeting. What's even sadder is that the day he actually says something no one will hear him cause they all will have tuned him out.

This point is well made.

We can all agree that public comments are a means to an end. They are a method by which a person might make a difference in the legislative process and improve our city. That's the purpose as I understand it.

We can further agree that it is wrong if a person is unfairly denied their right to make their opinion heard.

Earlier this year, I attended a council meeting because there was an ordinance on the agenda for 2nd Reading on which I had an opinion. I have 3 children under 5yrs old and a finite amount of time to put toward this stuff.

As it turned out, there were six or seven other items on the 2nd Reading agenda before mine and certain persons got up to speak on each and every one of them: sometimes offering reasoned opinions, sometimes soliciting the Council members for information that was easily available by other means, sometimes repeating the same opinion during each of their 5min speaking periods.

Two hours after the start of the meeting, my time ran out and I had to go home, right before the ordinance in which I was interested came up to bat.

If folks spoke only when issues rose to a certain level of their interest - rather than every single ordinance no matter their level of interest - I would have had my chance to speak. My comments might have added value to the discussion and they might have affected the outcome of the legislation.

So to be clear, every individual absolutely should have their right to speak for the full 5 minutes on each 2nd Reading ordinance, but it might be the wrong thing to do if it denies another individual their right to speak.

Which is to say that while others shouldn't plan their public speaking schedule around my diaper-changing schedule, it might be more courteous of them to hold their comments until an issue arises that is of genuine interest and/or for which pertinent information is not otherwise available.

Representative democracy works best if conditions allow for a substantive discussion of the issues with a diversity of opinions represented.

Well Matt, the pissing match ignored your well made point, so I'LL commend your rationality (except in the 3 kids under 5, but that's another matter). In my experience many social systems simply aren't set up for irrationality, we're certainly seeing that at a national level.

I've seen it even during my time on the board of HPNA, when one person was willing to fight to the death about something, or never shut up about it, it's like sand in the gears. Another way they distort the system is when someone with no life is willing to work at what they want 10x harder than anyone else and dominate the dialog and workings. They're like a paddler steering the boat in the direction they want by paddling so much harder. If you agree with them it's great, but I've seen several orgs brought to near destruction by them.

Posted on: 2013/10/13 19:37

Re: Jayson Berg: Ted Cruz?
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I am not going to comment about another person's experience in the classroom. I will comment on the fact, whether you like Jayson or not, he has the right to speak on all ordinances. If the council did not want the public to speak then they shouldn't add all of those items. Robert Byrne, city clerk and Sean Gallagher, deputy clerk always call out and says, "Is there any member of the public who wishes to speak?" And Jayson walks to the microphone. That is his constitutional right. Personally, I believe he is owed an apology.

Posted on: 2013/10/13 18:25

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