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Re: Mechanics of the mayoral election
Home away from home
Oh that's good news. Turnout downtown will be key to a Fulop win, and downtown turnout is probably more a matter of combating apathy than it is in the other wards, and apathy is something that campaigning can actually affect. I haven't seen the Healy video van yet - is Fulop going to use something similar?
Posted on: 2013/3/24 18:29
Re: Mechanics of the mayoral election
Home away from home
It's a city-wide popular vote. I've never heard of a city that has an electoral-college-type system. I doubt it would be constitutional.
Posted on: 2013/3/24 16:39
Mechanics of the mayoral election
Home away from home
How does voting for mayor work? Is it the city-wide popular vote that matters, or is there an electoral college type system where the wards are won individually? If it's the former, it makes a ton of sense for Fulop supporters to focus on turnout downtown, in the latter case he should almost ignore downtown because he's a shoe-in.
Posted on: 2013/3/24 16:03