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Re: Jersey City announces plan to spend $5.8 million to resurface 57 streets
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
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I hope he paves over the cobble stone on Academy and Mill Streets. It looks like an earthquake hit it.
Posted on: 2012/10/19 18:17
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: Jersey City announces plan to spend $5.8 million to resurface 57 streets
Just can't stay away
I'm thinking properly paved streets will make things safer overall for us bicylists - some of the rough spots on Newark Avenue and Ravine Roads are enough to nearly knock me off my bike, if not swerve into traffic to avoid them. Do we get any input as to which roads get repaved?
Posted on: 2012/10/19 17:44
Re: Jersey City announces plan to spend $5.8 million to resurface 57 streets
Home away from home
How much of the taxpayers $5.8 million will be spent on Healy/HCDO's election campaigns?
Posted on: 2012/10/19 16:19
Re: Jersey City announces plan to spend $5.8 million to resurface 57 streets
Home away from home
Great! Let's smooth out the streets to make it much more convenient for the cars that are speeding through at 40-50MPH.
How about spending some money to make our streets safer for pedestrians and bicyclists?
Posted on: 2012/10/19 14:44
Re: Jersey City announces plan to spend $5.8 million to resurface 57 streets
I know you haven't seen much activity out of the mayor's office these past 3 years. After the Jersey Sting, I thought it best to say and do as little as possible.
But it's election season. You will not believe the number of ribbon-cuttings, ground-breakings, baby-kissings, and photo opp-ings that will be coming your way between now and May. I don't care how much it costs, as long as I get the credit. It's time to look busy! "I'm Jerry FUBAR and I approve this message."
Posted on: 2012/10/19 12:34
Jersey City announces plan to spend $5.8 million to resurface 57 streets
Home away from home
Jersey City announces plan to spend $5.8 million to resurface 57 streets
By Ron Stein/The Jersey Journal October 18, 2012 at 4:15 PM Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy announced today that his administration will present a resolution to the City Council to request $5.8 million to resurface streets throughout Jersey City. The resurfacing project would include 57 streets and nearly 15 miles of roadway. ?With the completion of this project, nearly 100 miles of roadway will have been resurfaced since 2005, including much awaited projects like Newark Avenue and Christopher Columbus Drive,? said Healy. The funds for the project include $275,000 in federal grants, with the remaining $5,599,186.25 coming from the city. Between 2005 and 2011, there were 25,000 potholes filled and more than 80 miles of roadway resurfaced, according to city officials. ... y_announces_resoluti.html
Posted on: 2012/10/19 3:20