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Re: 9/11/2001 timelime.....
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2010/8/30 4:10
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2015/3/1 3:20
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Im sure even Giuliani went to bed and passed out from exhaustion. Geez.

Posted on: 2012/9/12 3:53

Re: 9/11/2001 timelime.....
Home away from home
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2007/11/28 3:26
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2014/10/27 13:13
From The fog.
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Why would you doubt it? The most childlike president ever. I'm surprised he lasted beyond 10 PM.

Posted on: 2012/9/11 13:59

Re: 9/11/2001 timelime.....
Home away from home
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2011/9/29 6:09
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2017/9/12 11:53
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I know people handle situations in all sorts of ways....but did he really go to bed? I mean really, is that true????

Posted on: 2012/9/11 13:13

9/11/2001 timelime.....
Home away from home
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2009/10/7 15:46
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7/1 0:32
From jersey city
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This is the entire 9/11 timeline.. it is from the 9/11 Commemorative LIFE magazine. ?IN THE LAND OF THE FREE September 11 ?And After? (Volume 1, No.8 November 12, 2001)

5:45 am: Mohamed Atta and Adbulaziz Alomari pass through a security check in Portland, Me preparing to board a flight that will take them to Boston.

6:00 am: President Bush awakes at the Colony, a tennis resort in Longboat Key, Fla.

6:00 am: Primary Day election polls for mayor and other positions open in New York. Mayor Giuliani cannot run again, owing to term limits.

8:00 am: American Airlines Flight 11 leaves Logan Airport in Boston bound for Los Angeles with 81 passengers and 11 crewmembers.

8:14 am: United Flight 175 to Los Angeles departs Boston with 56 passengers and 9 crewmembers.

8:21 am: American Flight 77 to L.A .departs Washington Dulles International Airport with 58 passengers? and 6 crew on board.

8:35 am: The Federal Aviation Admin. alerts NORAD that American Flight 11 has been hijacked after taking off from Boston.

8:42 am: United Flight 93 to San Francisco takes off from Newark Airport in NJ with 38 passengers and 7 crew on board.

8:43 am: The FAA notifies NORAD that United 175 from Boston to L.A. has also been hijacked.

8:44 am: NORAD scrambles two F-15 fighters from Otis Air National Guard Base in Falmouth, Mass.

8:47 am: AA Flight 11, bearing 200,000 gallons of jet fuel, crashes into tower No.1 of the WTC in NYC, killing the 92 people aboard and ravaging floors 90 through 100.

8:59 am: A television studio lot at Chelsea Piers on the West Side is transformed into an emergency trauma unit.

9:00 am: Two Hundred firefighters, part of an intense rush from all across the city, are at the WTC many of them clambering up stairwells to rescue people.

9:00 am: Bush arrives at a Sarasota, Fla, school to promote his education program. White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card tells him that a plane has crashed into the WTC.

9:02 am: Cameras trained on the burning north tower capture live the horrifying view of another jet United Flight 175 with it?s 65 passengers and crew, blasting into the floors 78 to 87 of the Trade Center?s south tower in a tumultuous explosion.

9:05 am: The President is sitting in with a second-grade class when Card whispers to him that yet another airplane has stuck the Twin Towers.

9:09 am: Mayor Giuliani is racing downtown having received word moments after the first attack. He checks in at a fire command post in the WTC that would later be crushed.

9:12 am: Bush leaves the school and is in touch with NYC officials as well as VP Dick Cheney at the WH.

9:20 am: The FBI announces that reports of planes being hijacked are under investigation.

9:21 am: The Port Authority of NY and NJ orders that all bridges and tunnels in the metropolitan area be closed.

9:24 am: The FAA notifies NORAD that a 3rd jet American Flight 77, Bound from Washington to L.A., has been hijacked. NORAD launches two F-15 fighters from Langley Air Force Base in Virginia to intercept the airliner.

9:25 am: The NY Stock Exchange delays all trading.

9:26 am: For the first time in history the FAA orders all nonmilitary planes grounded and cancels all flights in the U.S.

9:27 am: NYC airports are shut down.

9:29 am: First reports of casualties indicate that at least 6 (SIX) people are dead and 1000 injured.

9:30 am: Rescue workers and fire marshals are massed at the WTC as the upper floors are ablaze. On a typical day, 50,000 people work in the Trade Center and as many as 100,000 visitors.

9:30 am: with students and teachers looking on, Bush, having been briefed by National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, delivers his first official remarks on the catastrophe: ?We have had a national tragedy. Two airplanes have crashed into the WTC in an apparent terrorist attack on our country.? He orders ?a full-scale investigation to hunt down and to find those folks who committed these acts? and says he will immediately return to Washington.

9:30 am: The NY Stock Exchange is evacuated, and trading is suspended.

9:32 am: All financial markets in the United Sates are closed.

9:41 am: American Flight 77, en route from Dulles Airport in DC to L.A. with 64 people aboard, crashes into the Pentagon in Arlington Va. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is in the building but escapes harm. Evacuation commences. The plane was traveling so low that it clipped lampposts on roads around the Pentagon, and eyewitnesses report that it powered up just before impact. The fighter planes from Langley were still 12 minutes or 105 miles away when the Pentagon was hit.

9:43 am: Abu Dhabi TV reports a call from the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine claming responsibility for directing two planes into the WTC, However, officials of that group later deny making the claim.

9:45 am: The White House is evacuated.

9:48 am: US Capitol is evacuated?other federal DC buildings are closed.

9:50 am: The 110-story south tower of the WTC suddenly, and simply collapses, a victim of the steel-melting heat of the inferno. Witnesses report hearing a sucking sound and then an incredible surge of air as the floors pancake downward. A vast cloud of smoke, dirt, and debris forms and slowly spreads from the building. Countless pieces of office paper drift into Brooklyn and out over the Hudson River.

9:55 am: Bush hastily departs on an evasive route for Barksdale Air Force Base, outside Shreveport, La.

9:58 am: An emergency dispatcher in PA receives a call from a passenger on United Flight 93 out of Newark who says, ?We are being hijacked, we are being hijacked!?

10:00 am: Aboard Air Force One en route to La, Bush calls VP Cheney and puts America?s military on high-alert status. The President shifts through updates from his staff, including an erroneous that a car bomb had denoted at the State Dept.

10:00 am: United Flight 93 traveling from Newark to SF with 45 people aboard, crashes in Shanksville, Pa. 80 miles south of Pittsburg, having turned back from its westward heading.

10:08 am: Across from the WH in Lafayette Park, Secret Service agents are deployed with automatic rifles.

10:10 am: a portion of the Pentagon caves in.

10:13 am: In NYC the United Nations building is evacuated.

10:22 am: In DC the State and Justice Depts. are evacuated, along with the World Bank.

10:24 am: The FAA reports that all transatlantic aircraft flying into the U.S are being diverted to Canada.

10:28 am: the north tower of the WTC collapses into itself in a fury of smoke and mayhem, sending vast amounts of debris into the surrounding streets. Hundreds of firefighters are trapped and killed. The huge communications antenna at the summit plummets like a rocket gone wrong..

10:29 am: In apocalyptic scenes, throngs of desperate people flee the chaotic area.

10:30 am: NY Governor declares state of emergency.

10:41 am: The president is aboard Air Force One, which is headed toward Jacksonville to join up with jets providing air cover. On the phone from a protected area of the WH, VP Cheney presses Bush not to return quickly to DC.

10:46 am: US Secretary of State Powell cuts short his trip to Latin America to return to the USA.

10:50 am: Nerves are taut around the Pentagon as rumors spread that a second attack is coming.

10:53 am: NY?s primary elections are postponed.

10:54 am: Israel evacuates all diplomatic missions.

11:00 am: NYC Mayor Giuliani tells people to stay home and orders lower Manhattan evacuated.

11:16 am: The CDC states that emergency response teams are being assembled.

11:45 am: With US military on nuclear alert, the president arrives at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. Reporters are asked to keep their cell phones off, to conceal his location. From a conference room Bush calls, among others, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and NY Senator Charles Schumer.

12:04 pm: LA international airport, the destination of three crashed airplanes, is evacuated.

12:15 pm: The US announces that its borders with Mexico and Canada have been closed.

12:15 pm: San Francisco international Airport the destination of Flight 93 is evacuated and shut down.

12:36 pm: In a taped statement from Barksdale Air Force Base President Bush says that the US armed forces are on worldwide ?high-alert status? and that all appropriate security precautions have been taken. ?Make no mistake, the United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts?.

12:55 pm: Taliban officials, speaking from Afghanistan, deny any responsibility for the attacks. ?What happened in the US was not a job of ordinary people. It could have been the work of governments, ?says Taliban spokesperson Abdul Hai Mutmaen.

1:15 pm: Bush departs for Air Force One in a camouflaged Humvee. While en route to Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, he talks to Cheney again and schedules a 4 pm meeting of his national security staff. He also talks to Giuliani and Pataki ?I know your heart is broken and your city is strained, and anything we can do, let me know? Bush says.

1:27 pm: a state of emergency is declared in Washington, DC.

1:44 pm: The Pentagon says five warships and two aircraft carriers will leave the US Naval Station in Norfolk Va. To protect the East Coast from further attack and to reduce the number of ships in port. The two carriers, the USS George Washington and the USS John F. Kennedy are headed for New York. The other ships are frigates and guided missile destroyers capable of shooting down aircraft.

2:30 pm: The FAA announces there will be no commercial air traffic permitted until noon EDT Wednesday at the earliest.

2:49 pm: At a news conference Giuliani says that subway and bus service are partially restored in NYC. Asked about the number of people killed, Giuliani says, ?I don?t think we want to speculate about that-more than any of us can bear.?

2:50 pm: Bush arrives at Offutt Air Force base in Nebraska, where he descends into a cinderblock bunker. There he teleconferences with the eight-member National Security Council. Cheney who had suggested Bush go to Offutt and National Security Adviser Rice are connected from a secure facility at the WH. Defense Secretary Rumsfeld has remained at the Pentagon.

4:00 pm: US officials say there are ?good indications? based on ?new and specific? information that Saudi militant Osama bin Laden, suspected of coordination the bombings of two US embassies in Africa in 1998 and the October 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, is involved in the latest attacks.

4:10 pm: Building 7 of the WTC complex is reportedly on fire.

4:25 pm: The American Stock Exchange, NASDAQ and NY Stock Exchange say they will remain closed on Wednesday.

4:36 pm: Bush leaves Nebraska aboard Air Force One to return to Washington. While in the air he renews his telephone link with Rice and Cheney. The Chief Executive also makes time to call First Lady Laura Bush and says, ?I?m coming home. See you at the WH? He then works with aides on his speech to be delivered that evening.

5:20 pm: US officials say the plane that crashed in Pa could have been headed for one of 3 possible targets: Camp David, The WH or the US Capitol.

6:00 pm: Explosions are heard in Kabul, Afghanistan, are credited to the Northern Alliance, a group fighting the Taliban in the country?s ongoing civil war. The U.S denies involvement.

6:10 pm: Giuliani urges New Yorkers to stay home Wednesday if at all possible.

6:40 pm: Rumsfeld holds a news conference in the Pentagon and says the building is operational. ?It will be in business tomorrow.?

6:54 pm: Bush arrives at the WH aboard the helicopter Marine One and is scheduled to address the nation at 8:30 pm. The President had landed at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland with a fighter jet escort. Laura Bush greets him, having arrived earlier by motorcade from a ?secure location.?

7:45 pm: The NY Police Dept says that at least 78 officers are missing. The city also states that as many as half of the first 400 firefighters on the scene were killed..

8:30 pm: President Bush speaks to the nation on television, saying ?thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil,? and asks for prayers for the families and friends of Tuesday?s victims. ?These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.? The President says the United States will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed the acts and those who harbor the.

8:35 pm: Bush attends a security meeting.

9:57 pm: Giuliani closes NYC schools for Wednesday and says no more volunteers are needed for evening?s rescue efforts. He says there is hope that people are still alive. He also says that power is out on the West Side of Manhattan and adds that health department tests show no airborne chemical agents.

10:21 pm: Bush calls an end to the security meeting. Secret Service radios carry the news that the President has gone home to bed: ?Trailblazer. Second floor of the residence.?

NEVER FORGET (cnn list of people lost that day)

Posted on: 2012/9/11 11:08

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