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Re: Someone taking down fliers in Hamilton Park?
Home away from home
2006/5/10 16:36 Last Login : 2023/7/18 1:45 From Hamilton Park
Registered Users
You're not going to get much flyering done sticking to allowed boards.
Posted on: 2012/6/9 1:33
Re: Someone taking down fliers in Hamilton Park?
Home away from home
Not me doing that. The problem is that the people who post fliers should tear them down once the date is past. Some do but most don't. Also people just randomly cover other people's fliers anyway. If someone is keeping on top of the situation then that's a good thing.
Posted on: 2012/6/8 18:30
Re: Someone taking down fliers in Hamilton Park?
Home away from home
2006/5/10 16:36 Last Login : 2023/7/18 1:45 From Hamilton Park
Registered Users
Well the guy pulling down fliers should only pull down out of date and old ones, whereas what I see out there is everything gets pulled down within 2-3 days.
Posted on: 2012/6/8 16:10
Re: Someone taking down fliers in Hamilton Park?
Just can't stay away
There's a guy that goes around with a shopping cart picking up trash and pulling down posters. Is that you, vigilante?
It's good that someone does that, because otherwise our poles and trees would be layered with countless "man with van" and "we buy junk cars" junk flyers. However it would be good to have a large community board somewhere in hamilton park where locals can put up their personal flyers and not have them taken down aside from scheduled cleanings.
Posted on: 2012/6/8 16:03
Re: Someone taking down fliers in Hamilton Park?
Home away from home
I don't know which boards you saw because they used to always be way overloaded with fliers. People used to just cover the other fliers with their own. I'm glad someone is keeping them somewhat organized. Also, after rainstorms the fliers would be all over the ground.
Posted on: 2012/6/8 15:39
Re: Someone taking down fliers in Hamilton Park?
Home away from home
That's a shame. It seems that someone or multiple people are still doing it then. Every other small to major city where I've lived the flyer boards are a great source of neighborhood info, not empty and sad, but I guess it only takes one or two determined people to ruin it for everyone. I know that there are the occasional people who feel strongly that flier boards are unsightly and hate their existence so maybe that's what's up.
Posted on: 2012/6/8 12:07
Re: Someone taking down fliers in Hamilton Park?
Home away from home
2006/5/10 16:36 Last Login : 2023/7/18 1:45 From Hamilton Park
Registered Users
I have done lots of fliering over the past five years, both 'official' Hamilton Park Neighbourhood Association fliers, school event fliers, ad-hoc stoop sale fliers, the lot.
Whatever you put up is covered, destroyed, or taken down within a couple of days at most, you just have to keep replacing them. At one point a few years ago there was a particular semi-deranged person in the neighbourhood who would go round pulling down everyone's fliers. Not sure if this character is still around, but on one occasion he was found to be stalking an HPNA board member who was fliering, walking a block behind them pulling down all the fliers as they were put up. Robin.
Posted on: 2012/6/8 2:01
Someone taking down fliers in Hamilton Park?
Home away from home
Question about the flyer boards in Hamilton Park (there are 4, one on each corner by the entrances). Has anyone else noticed that as soon as flyers go up they seem to disappear within 2-3 days? Does anyone know why (are there some sort of rules for what can be posted - I didn't see any)?
Twice I have posted flyers and gone back 2-3 days later and my flyer, as well as a bunch of others that were there when I put mine up, are gone. In fact most of the boards are pretty sparsely covered most of the time which is odd for such a well traveled park. Even odder, there are a few flyers that I've noticed stay up for weeks, and they are either the official Hamilton Park stuff (like meeting notices) or professionally printed flyers or posters (like the ones for the ballet) and some remain up even after the dates for the events they're advertising have passed. The stuff that seems to disappear are the signs for things like stoop sales, dog walking businesses, etc. If it were just kids vandalizing the boards you'd think they'd take down everything but maybe I'm reading way too much into this. I know you get what you pay for with free advertising but I don't have this issue in Van Vorst so I was wondering what the deal was.
Posted on: 2012/6/7 22:15