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Re: Jersey City NJEA chapter accused of complicity in voter fraud in Schundler's 1997 re-election bid
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2004/9/15 19:03
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2023/8/15 18:42
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I agree that I find this hard to believe - let's wait and see what other media sources have to say about it. I am sure there will be more news soon.

Posted on: 2010/10/27 14:55

Re: Jersey City NJEA chapter accused of complicity in voter fraud in Schundler's 1997 re-election bid
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2007/1/2 21:05
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2012/9/22 3:11
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A "celebrated muckraking videographer" ?!

O'Keefe is a right-wing propagandist using the Goebbels method.

Posted on: 2010/10/27 13:41

Re: Jersey City NJEA chapter accused of complicity in voter fraud in Schundler's 1997 re-election bid
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2010/4/5 15:18
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2011/11/27 22:56
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Are you seriously quoting from That is not a news source. Why else would a self described Essex County Elections 2010 Examiner present the following paragraph as fact when none of it has been qualified or proven.


None of this happened. Instead, someone delivered two voting machines to an unlisted polling place, left them in the custody of people who were not permanent or even temporary City or County Elections Board employees, and then retrieved them hours later. Moreover, the machines were locked with simulated vote tallies in place. Thus if anyone actually took a "precinct report" from those two machines, that would be ipso facto fraudulent.

The writer also fails to disclose his beliefs "patriotic resistance to the leftist ideology and agenda". Or the fact that James O'Keefe pretends to be a journalist but has been shown to be be a liar and worst (see CNN reporter, Acorn misrepresentation, New Orleans arrest, etc)

Geez GP, did you have permission to steal this copywrited work too?

Posted on: 2010/10/27 11:30

Jersey City NJEA chapter accused of complicity in voter fraud in Schundler's 1997 re-election bid
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2004/9/15 19:03
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2023/8/15 18:42
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Jersey City NJEA chapter accused of complicity in voter fraud October 26th, 2010 examiner A celebrated muckraking videographer released a video accusing the Jersey City chapter of the New Jersey Education Association of conspiracy to commit election fraud in Bret Schundler's re-election bid as Mayor of Jersey City in 1997. James O'Keefe, head of Project Veritas, in the news today after releasing a two-part video series titled Teachers' Unions Gone Wild, also released a video titled Top Union Official Caught On Tape Discussing Voter Fraud (embedded in left margin). The seven-minute, twelve-second video features an interview with one Wayne Dibofsky, then Associate Director of the NJEA, and with Robert Byrne, who was City Clerk of Jersey City in 1997 when then-Mayor Schundler was running for a second term. Dibrofsky says that he was at the offices of the Jersey City Education Association (JCEA), coordinating get-out-the-vote efforts, when an unidentified man arrived and announced that he had two voting machines to deliver. Dibrofsky protested that the JCEA office (1600 J. F. Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City) was not a listed voting district. The unidentified man said, "I don't care; I was told to deliver these machines." When Dibrofsky pressed the man further, he replied, "It doesn't matter." The two voting machines, Dibrofsky said, "were already locked, loaded, and voted," by which he meant that the voting machines already had simulated vote tallies on them, ready to be printed out at the end of the day. Nobody came through; we weren't a voting location. They came back later on, they took the machines, I called the [City] Clerk's office. They said, "Just leave well enough alone." And I knew that meant, "Keep quiet." That was a tough district for a Democrat to win in, and they carried the district with those voting machines. And nobody came in and voted. That's Hudson County. The machines involved were the century-old Print-O-Matic machines that virtually every county election board has since replaced with modern electronic voting machines. This Examiner once worked as an elections inspector (the second senior poll worker in a district) and remembers how to operate such a machine. Voting machines come only from the city or county clerk's office. Typically a district board, consisting of temporary poll workers, would pick up polling-place materials at their city or town hall. These materials include provisional ballots, sample ballots, signs, an American flag, and the keys to the voting machines. On election day, they would show up, find the machines already delivered, unlock them, crank them open, and set them up for voting. They would record the lifetime vote counter number and make sure that the activity counter read zero. If that was not the case, they were to call the clerk's office to report the problem. At the end of the day, the district board would lock the machines, crank out a printout, announce the totals to any members of the press who wanted to hear them, and return the tallies to the city hall. None of this happened. Instead, someone delivered two voting machines to an unlisted polling place, left them in the custody of people who were not permanent or even temporary City or County Elections Board employees, and then retrieved them hours later. Moreover, the machines were locked with simulated vote tallies in place. Thus if anyone actually took a "precinct report" from those two machines, that would be ipso facto fraudulent. The city clerk denied that anything wrong occurred, said that he would retire if the Dibrofsky and O'Keefe allegations could be proved, and said that that election was one of the most scrutinized elections in recent memory. Byrne dropped the name of Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, formerly of the Superior Court of New Jersey (Essex Vicinage). Napolitano resigned from the bench in 1995, two years before the election in question, and did not, as far as can be determined, ever sit in the Hudson Vicinage. Napolitano signed on with the Fox News Channel in 1998. An e-mail request-for-comment from Napolitano is now pending. O'Keefe is most famous for a series of videos he made by posing as a procurer, with a young woman companion posing as a prostitute, while asking for housing assistance from several offices of the old Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). Yesterday he also released two videos, Teachers' Unions Gone Wild Volumes I and II, containing what he says are embarrassing moments for the NJEA. Jersey City is split among three Congressional Districts: the 9th, the 10th, and the 13th. The address 1600 J. F. Kennedy Blvd. resolves to the 10th District, represented by Democrat Donald M. Payne.

Posted on: 2010/10/27 10:32

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