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Re: Do we have a dog leash ordinance in JC?
Home away from home
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2007/3/31 20:15
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2017/6/16 2:51
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i think that it is very inconsiderate for people to allow their dogs to not only be off their leash but also running around/ chasing/ playing / growling at each other - about 100 feet from a dog park.....why is it so hard to think that maybe the other people running/ walking etc on the harbor walk might not want your dog jumping all over the place - there is a specific place for your dog to get a chance to run with out a leash please use it!

I know everyone loves their dog and thinks that s/he is the exception but some people actually don't want to play with your "puppy" and find them to be a PITA

Posted on: 2007/5/23 0:05

Re: Do we have a dog leash ordinance in JC?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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2006/2/19 1:36
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2013/9/3 19:04
From Paulus Hook
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Posts: 24
We have a board member in our condo who breaks the law of the land and the law of the condo. He/She does not leash the dog(s) inside too. It is clearly written in the rulebook. Plus he/she is a member of the board of directors. I know of neighbor(s) with small dog(s) who do not like that he/she does not leash his/her large dog(s).

Posted on: 2007/5/22 17:53

Re: Do we have a dog leash ordinance in JC?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2006/7/19 18:11
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2017/9/6 17:42
From Paulus Hook
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Posts: 75
Unfortunately there will always be people who think that the law doesn't apply to them, as evidenced below.

Sen. Who Favors Cell Phone Ban Caught Using Hers
SAN FRANCISCO - A California lawmaker, who favors a penalty for people caught driving while using their cell phone, reportedly caused a car accident this weekend ? while she was on her cell phone.

State Sen. Carole Migden, 58, D-San Francisco, was driving her state-issued SUV near Vallejo on Friday morning when she rear-ended another vehicle, according to the California Highway Patrol.

Officials say the vehicle in front of Migden was slowing down for a red light, when the senator slammed into the back of the car ? which then ran into another van.

One driver complained of minor injuries, and Migden has taken responsibility for the crash.

Last year, Migden voted in favor of a new law that will impose a minimum fine of $20 for drivers caught using a cell phone on the road, without the aid of a hands-free device.

Migden will not be fined, however, because the new law doesn?t take effect until July 2008.

Posted on: 2007/5/22 17:34

Re: Do we have a dog leash ordinance in JC?

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2007/3/5 15:07
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2009/6/8 17:24
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Dog attacks are the number one public health problem of children, with more than half of children bitten by age 12 - Dr. Dan Simpson, spokesperson for the Rhode Island Veterinary Medical Association. Dog bites are not just a normal part of childhood; they are traumatic and largely preventable. Dog bite prevention education can play an important role in increasing child safety around dogs.

The Canada Safety council estimates that 460,000 people are bitten by dogs in Canada each year. The figure is 10 times this in the US.

Posted on: 2007/5/22 15:25

Re: Do we have a dog leash ordinance in JC?
Home away from home
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2006/4/18 0:04
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2021/10/2 19:00
From Jersey Cxxx
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? 90-16. Use of leash in public places.

No person who owns, keeps or harbors any dog shall suffer or permit it to be upon the public streets or in any of the public places of the city unless such dog is accompanied by a responsible person and is securely confined and controlled by one adequate leash not more than six feet long.

Jersey City Municipal Code

In the search field you can type in the type of ordinance (law) fo results.

Posted on: 2007/5/22 11:27

Re: Do we have a dog leash ordinance in JC?
Home away from home
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2006/11/13 18:42
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2022/2/28 7:31
From 280 Grove Street
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dogs off leash, not picking up after your dog, graffiti, a little bit of vandalism, rolling through a STOP sign, dumping a little trash here or there, pot being sold to happy customers, fail to indicate when turning or changing lanes etc etc.
Individuals might do the right thing, but people in JC just don't give a siht until it effects them directly.

Good luck with getting that person to leash their dog, but until they experience a negative reaction like a fine from animal control or police, they will continue not to give a siht!

Posted on: 2007/5/22 10:28
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Do we have a dog leash ordinance in JC?

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2006/12/2 19:14
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2008/4/27 20:34
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I am really annoyed at dog owners walking their dogs without leashes, and I want to know if there is any requirement in JC for dogs to be leashed.

There are a couple of different owners around the Dixon Mills area who cavalierly allow their dogs to walk off the leash, and sometimes the allow their dogs to walk several yards away from them. Nevermind those of us who leash and curb our dogs out of respect for our neighbors, and who understand that being a dog owner comes with specific responsibilities.

One of these "leash-less" dogs, a grey Schnauzer/Terrier mix (I think), rushes at my dog every time it sees her. The owner doesn't seem to think this behavior is a big deal. She always asks if my dog is friendly, which is beside the point, because I can't tell if her dog is or is not friendly. Not once have I seen this dog on a leash. The time her dog rushed at mine, the owner was standing about 50 yards away! It freaked my dog out, and she didn't come over right away to see what was going on. My dog was attacked by another dog once before, and I'm sick of telling this owner to leash her *&^%#@! dog. She gets incredulous with me when I tell her she should leash her dog, and treats me like I'm a jerk for telling her to do so.

So back to my question... Is there an ordinance in JC that I can quote to these negligent dog owners that might get them to leash their pooches? Or is there another way for me to go at this to get the point across without being viewed as the jerk on the block?

Posted on: 2007/5/22 3:26

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