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Re: "JC Official 3" up for re-appointment as city director

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2009/7/29 13:07
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2013/2/24 5:53
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Republican bloggers deny Czaplicki although he is one of 'them.' ... -tells-a-lie-long-enough/

Czaplicki is a Commissioner at the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission.

Czaplicki is the Executive Director of the Hudson County Republican Party.

Czaplicki is a RepubliCRAT for Obama.

Czaplicki is the Jersey City HEDC Director appointed by Hudson County Democratic Organization Mayor Healy.

WHAT???????? Do I smell a 'deal'??????????
Naaaah, the Republicans would never support a Democrat. Or would they?

Posted on: 2009/9/30 2:35

Re: "JC Official 3" up for re-appointment as city director

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2009/7/29 13:07
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2013/2/24 5:53
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Czaplicki former Jersey City Chief of Staff and current HEDC Director uses official influence to get housing approvals for private home. Cashed in a whopping $785,000. See link.

In 2007, Jersey Journal reports that Czaplicki approved the use of Jersey City taxpayer funds to pay the Urban Times News for the tax list it photocopied from the Jersey Journal and ran on own. The Urban Times News publisher was Bobby Jackson, since deceased. The new publisher is federal defendant Joe Cardwell, Jackson's business partner. ... =&topic_id=10755&forum=11

In 2005, Czaplicki, while serving as Chief of Staff to Healy short changes Jersey City and its taxpayer a cool $1 million. Using his position on the Passaic Valley Sewerage Committion, he voted to divert $1 million of Jersey City's water to North Bergen to help his political godfather, Mayor Nick Sacco.

In 2008, one blogger Thurman Hart's take on Czaplicki to head HEDC --UNQUALIFIED ... rth-jersey-political.html

Posted on: 2009/9/30 1:43

Re: "JC Official 3" up for re-appointment as city director
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2008/11/26 19:15
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NorthBergen wrote:Also, another interesting tid-bid. Carl Czaplicki employs Joe Cardwell's wife, Debra Cardwell and today with the announcement of the layoffs and about to fire others....Brian O'reilly goes ahead and a hires the 20 year old daughter of a city employee Sabrina Harrold at 35,000 a year to work in his office when the city is under a hiring freeze.

Things that make you go hmmmmm....

Not to mention that the City continues to employ Bobby Jackson's son Martin in a no show job and tolerates Kabili (the car thief) Tayari as Deputy Mayor.

Posted on: 2009/9/30 1:34

Re: "JC Official 3" up for re-appointment as city director
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2008/11/19 20:23
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2010/1/22 18:21
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This is the only state in the union that allows for this "BS" to go on, anywhere else, they would put you in jail and throw away the key!

Posted on: 2009/9/30 1:19

Re: "JC Official 3" up for re-appointment as city director

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2009/7/29 13:07
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2013/2/24 5:53
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Here's an interesting service provided by the Asbury Park Press. It is a way for regular citizens to look up public employees.

Look up the Czaplicki family.

Here's what you'll find:

Carl Czaplicki has 3 taxpayer funded jobs - HEDC Director $112,000, Hudson County Vo Tech $4,000 and the Passaic Valley Sewerage Authority $10,000. Here's a novel idea....Go on a treasure hunt, see if you can find him AT any of these jobs.

When he got the Republican appointment at Passaic Valley, he used that to get some more tax dollars for the Czaplicki family. For example, his wife Vanessa Dominguez-Czaplicki makes $61,184 and his brother John Czaplicki racks up a nice $83,228.

That's a total of $270,412 of taxpayer funded jobs for one family & these are just the jobs we know about. This, of course, does not take into account the cost to taxpayers for Carl Czaplicki's City Car, Gasoline for that car, City Cell phones, taxpayer funded jaunts to Passaic Valley Sewerage "Conventions" and Hudson County Vo Tech "Student Trips" on taxpayer time. Don't take my word for it, check out the Asbury Park Press public salaries link below.

Czaplicki greed does not end there. When Nidia Lopez was cited by the courts about her tax and residency issues, Carl Czaplicki had another bright idea. If Nidia is forced to step down, we'll run my wife, Vanessa Dominguez-Czaplicki. Because, the five taxpayer funded jobs we have are not enough. We would like one more. Thank you very much. Vanessa's name was reported as a possible replacement not long ago in the Hudson Reporter.

Also, another interesting tid-bid. Carl Czaplicki employs Joe Cardwell's wife, Debra Cardwell and today with the announcement of the layoffs and about to fire others....Brian O'reilly goes ahead and a hires the 20 year old daughter of a city employee Sabrina Harrold at 35,000 a year to work in his office when the city is under a hiring freeze.

Things that make you go hmmmmm....

Posted on: 2009/9/30 1:14

Re: "JC Official 3" up for re-appointment as city director
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2008/11/19 20:23
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2010/1/22 18:21
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I don't see what the dilema is all about?
This guy is a lowlife corrupt politico who needs to be put away with the rest of the D-Bags implicated in this case.

Lets all get something straight here, and that is, these are all self centered people who could care less about JC and the good people who drag their ass out of bed everyday so that they can pay the taxes that line all the D-Bags pockets.

They are motivated by Greed and the illussion of power, nothing more, nothing less.

It amazes me that the drunken slob who runs this city is still in office, but lets leave that discussion for later.


Posted on: 2009/9/25 12:47

Re: "JC Official 3" up for re-appointment as city director
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2004/2/6 23:13
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am I missing something?

Carl Czaplicki is our city's highest ranking building, development and planning official. In the charges against Cardwell, Czaplicki is alleged to have refused the cash bribe and offered an alternative acceptable way of support.

if the charges are proved accurate, this man with his trigger on billions of dollars of building and development failed to report an attempted bribe.

why is this considered acceptable by our mayor and council?

Posted on: 2009/9/25 12:32

Re: "JC Official 3" up for re-appointment as city director
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2008/4/21 1:07
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2012/9/28 17:36
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Craplicki re-appointed!

120K a year!

Read the last paragraph. When I posted, "With Fulop's abstention, I bet this vote goes 8-0 in favor" above, I wasn't far off.

JJ Link...

"JC Official 3," Carl Czaplicki, reappointed as head of Jersey City Agency By Amy Sara Clark/The Jersey Journal September 24, 2009, 8:02PM

Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy has reappointed his former chief-of-staff executive director of the Department of Housing, Economic Development and Commerce.

Carl Czaplicki was first named head of HEDC, the city's largest department, on Sept. 27, 2007. With the mayor's re-election in May, Czaplicki had to be officially reappointed to the 119,543-a-year post.

Czaplicki made news recently when he acknowledged he is "JC Official 3" named in the complaint against Joseph Cardwell, the political operative who was arrested on corruption charges on July 23 along with 43 other people in a massive FBI-sting.

Cardwell, a Municipal Utilities Authority commissioner, allegedly accepted $20,000 from FBI informant Solomon Dwek to introduce him to local officials who would help him with approvals for building projects. The complaint states that $10,000 of that money was for Czaplicki, who requested the funds be donated to the campaign of another Jersey City official. Cardwell assured Dwek that Czaplicki would help him with approvals, according to the complaint.

Czaplicki has not been charged with any crimes. Healy has acknowledged that he is "JC Official 4" who is named in complaints against suspended Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini, former housing authority commissioner Ed Cheatam, and the late Jack Shaw. Healy, who allegedly met with Dwek twice, has also not been charged with any crimes.

Czaplicki's appointment was recommended by Healy and approved Wednesday by the City Council 7-0-1 with Councilman William Gaughan absent and Councilman Steven Fulop abstaining. Fulop said his abstained because of the ongoing nature of the corruption investigation.

Posted on: 2009/9/25 4:02

Re: "JC Official 3" up for re-appointment as city director
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2007/1/2 21:05
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Czaplicki is a weasel. Not only was he in bed with Cardwell he has used influence/patronage to get many of his relatives (including his wife) jobs with the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission.

Posted on: 2009/9/23 19:22

Re: "JC Official 3" up for re-appointment as city director
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2008/4/21 1:07
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2012/9/28 17:36
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With Fulop's abstention, I bet this vote goes 8-0 in favor.

Posted on: 2009/9/23 19:11

"JC Official 3" up for re-appointment as city director
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2005/3/18 18:36
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2011/3/18 22:02
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Czaplicki up for reappointment tonight

[from, September 23, 2009, 11:12 a.m.]

Jersey City Councilman Steve Fulop says he will abstain on the council?s vote to reappoint Carl Czaplicki as the director of the Department of Housing, Economic Development and Commerce.

Czaplicki, who was Mayor Jerramiah Healy?s chief of staff before taking on his current position, appears in the federal corruption complaint against political consultant Joseph Cardwell as ?JC Official 3.?

?I don?t think I can vote yes at this time until the situation is cleared,? said Fulop, who thinks that Czaplicki should be left on in an acting capacity. ?There is a cloud looming here, so I think the mayor/council should leave him as is until the situation is cleared further. There is no reason for the mayor to endorse or reject him today in light of the recent events until there is more info.?

Czaplicki has not been charged, but was a close political ally of Cardwell?s and figures prominently in the corruption complaint against him. In it, Cardwell claims to be the middleman between Czaplicki and the FBI's cooperating witness, Solomon Dwek.

Czaplicki met with Dwek (?CW?), who was posing as a developer, at a Jersey City restaurant. According to the complaint, Dwek asked Czaplicki for help securing approvals for a fictitious development project.

According to the complaint, ?In response, JC Official 3 told the CW that JC Official 3 could offer the CW advice and only wanted what was good for Jersey City. JC Official 3 further added that if he could ?fast track? matters, then he would do so.?

Later, Dwek attempted to hand Czaplicki an envelope stuffed with $10,000 in cash but was rebuffed.

?JC Official 3 then told the CW that he did not do that, and that the CW should deal with defendant Cardwell, who knew both JC Official 3 and the mayor. JC official 3 told the CW that there would be events and tickets and that defendant Cardwell knew the ?playing field.??

Despite Czaplicki?s appearance in the federal complaint, Healy (who appears in a different federal corruption complaint as ?JC Official 4? and who has been visited by the FBI since the July corruption busts), had no second thoughts about reappointing him.

?Based on [Healy?s] reading of the complaint, it appears that JC Official 3 did nothing untoward or illegal,? said city spokeswoman Jennifer Morrill.

Czaplicki?s reappointment is not expected to meet with much resistance in the council. Ward B Councilman Phil Kenny told that he does not have an issue with Czaplicki. At-large Councilman Peter Brennan said that if Czaplicki had done anything wrong the feds would have arrested him.

?I?m not going to put any guilt on someone when there?s nothing there. Fulop will put guilt on someone to get his name in the paper,? he said.

Council President Mariano Vega was arrested in the same sweep that took down Cardwell and many other Jersey City employees and political figures.

Czaplicki is one of seven agency heads who are up for reappointment tonight. The others are Business Administrator Brian O?Reilly, Fire Director Armando Roman, Police Director Samuel Jefferson, Health and Human Services Director Harry Melendez, Corporation Counsel Bill Matsikoudis and Recreation Director Joseph Macchi. Public Works Acting Director John Yurchak is expected to continue in an acting capacity.

-- Matt Friedman

Posted on: 2009/9/23 16:06

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